Master of Great Calamity Chapter 448: Less nonsense, full of it

“You don’t want me to use swords anymore, is that for this reason?”

The question of Li Baihu made Fang Yuan’s heart sink slightly: “Is it because I am worried that I will follow the path of the evil sword?”

“Not bad!”

Li Baihu looked at Fang Yuan’s eyes and was silent for a while before he said: “Where did your swordsmanship come from? I didn’t know before. I can only guess. I also wondered if you might have something to do with the Northern Demon Xiu. , But now that you have disclosed your identity and you are a disciple of the Qingyang Sect in Yunzhou, then this matter can be sorted out. The name Qingyang Jianchi is familiar to you, right?”

Hearing the words “Qingyang Jianchi”, Fang Yuan’s heart suddenly moved slightly.

He is naturally no stranger to this name. He has already known this name since he obtained the Wuque Sword Sutra. He also knew that this person has escaped into the Demon Sect. At the same time, he naturally thought of it. The grudge between this person and Xijianchi!

“Can’t he learn his kendo?”

Fang Yuan spoke, a little coldness in his words.

“Don’t get me wrong, this person is actually a senior whom I respect very much…”

Li Baihu opened his mouth leisurely and said lightly: “I respect him even more than my master!”

Hearing this, Fang Yuan was slightly startled, seeing that Li Baihu was not lying, the hostility in his heart also faded slightly.

“Is he still alive now?”

After a moment of silence, he asked the question.

And this is exactly one of the issues he cares most about after practicing the Wuxia Sword Sutra.

In fact, it is more than Li Baihu. There are not many people who admire him in this life, but the ancestor of Wuxia Sword Classic is definitely one of them, and as his attainments in kendo get deeper and deeper, he understands Wuxia Sword Classic. The more people, the deeper this admiration…

He couldn’t understand, what kind of people can comprehend such exquisite kendo?

As long as I have the technique of Tianyan, I feel that this kendo is very mysterious…

“That senior is dead or alive, I don’t know. Our records of him in the Sword Washing Pool only ended after he escaped into the Demon Sect. But one thing is certain, that is, he Inside the Demon Sect, there is a legacy…”

Li Baihu was also slightly fascinated. After a while, he said: “This kendo has been spread among the evil factions hundreds of years ago, but because the number of people is small, there are not many people who know it. This kendo is very terrifying and powerful. They are strong and fast, but the most frightening thing about them is not how strong they are, but that these people have turned into evil spirits in the end…”


Fang Yuan was taken aback and looked up at Li Baihu: “What do you mean?”

Li Baihu’s voice was low and cold, and said coldly: “Sword soul, sword bones, refine one’s sword intent and sword heart, so evil and terrifying, more than a monster!”

Fang Yuan frowned tightly: “Why?”

Li Baihu said: “Perhaps just like you, because the sword intent has been stagnant?”

Speaking of this, he paused slightly, looked at Fang Yuan seriously, and said: “I told you before that in this world, you can cultivate sword hearts within the Golden Core Realm. We There are four sword-washing ponds, but in fact, just a hundred years ago, there were more than a dozen such people in the sword-washing pond, but in this century, they have all fallen one by one…”

After a while, Fang Yuan hesitated to speak: “They…”

Li Baihu nodded and said: “Yes, they have all been taken away by those evil cultivators and turned into bodies!”

When Fang Yuan heard this, his back suddenly felt a little chilly.

“It is precisely because we recognized your swordsmanship that we don’t want you to continue using the sword…”

Li Baihu whispered: “At the beginning, in the Secret Realm of Tongtian, Junior Brother Li recognized you as an evil cultivator because he recognized your kendo and was along with the evil sword monk, but now you are His swordsmanship is indeed upright and upright. Before he reached that road, he hit you with a painful assassin, but his fault was wrong. After returning to the sword pool, he was also imprisoned in the sword prison and was punished. This time I came out, but the master also ordered me, if you can find you, then you must take a good look at your kendo……”

After he said that, he paused slightly and said: “Now I have determined that your sword inheritance is the Qingyang Sect. It must be the swordsmanship left by the sword idiot when he was still in the Qingyang Sect. It will belong to the line of evil cultivation, but your kendo is also full of great circle, without flaws and regrets, with the ultimate in mind, and the way of returning the law to nothing, no different from the group of evil sword cultivators…”

Fang Yuan waved his hand. For the rest, he didn’t need Li Baihu to continue.

It was just in his heart, but he felt a little heavy for a while.

Wuqian Jianjing, is it really bound to reach this level?

If Fang Yuan hadn’t even believed it before, his Dao heart hadn’t been shaken so easily.

But the key point is that Li Baihu’s words that broke the reason why he has not yet become a sword intent so far made Fang Yuan feel a little heavy in his heart. Yes, he has practiced diligently since he obtained the Wuxia Sword Scripture. Even the second volume of this sword scripture was deduced by the technique of heavenly growth, and the path must be right. Then why did his sword intent not make much progress?

Is it really because you didn’t go on the evil road?

Is it true that if you want to cultivate to become a master of sword intent, you really have to learn evil cultivation and seize the sword soul of others?

How is this different from the blood demon that robs people in the secret realm?

He didn’t know this before, so he never had any pressure. Although his sword intent has not improved much, he hasn’t been too anxious. He has no clue and can only wait slowly. But now, Li Baihu suddenly When he broke this point in time, he immediately couldn’t help thinking about the possibility of doing this in his heart, but after thinking about it, Fang Yuan was a little horrified to discover that this method…

…maybe it works!

This is like an idea, and the road to the future is much smoother in an instant!

But soon Fang Yuan shook his head, expelled the thought from his mind, and cut it off instantly.

Fang Yuan didn’t want to believe it!

He started to practice swordsmanship. He knew that the inheritance of swordsmanship originated from the former Qingyang sword idiot. Every sword in it was upright, plain and clear, with subtle intentions and profound profoundness. The Qingyang sword idiot later turned into an evil sword demon, but this does not mean that his kendo can be underestimated because of this. This kendo is still upright!

Why does this kind of kendo say that it will definitely enter the evil way?

Is it because of this worry that I have to abandon the sword?

Fang Yuan leaned on the railing and looked far away, slowly drank the wine in the glass, and his thoughts became firm.

He looked at Li Baihu’s eyes seriously, and said: “You think too much, I will never go down that evil road!”

“I believe your attitude at this time…”

Li Baihu paused, nodded, and said: “But those wicked sword repairers, they may not want to go on such a path at first, but the end result is the same. I think you should be able to understand this. , When you have reached a certain height, you always want to break through him. It is not your own will anymore, but your sword is forcing you to break through…”

“At this time…”

Li Baihu turned his head and said softly: “Brother Fang Dao, do you think you still have to choose?”

Fang Yuan understood what he meant, so he was silent.

“These evil cultivators, we have a unified title, so we call them sword slaves…”

Li Baihu said: “The reason is very simple. They have lost the heart of the sword, but they are willing to be slaves to the sword drive. To a certain extent, this is actually the reason why we do not want to make this matter public. First, there are too many people in this world who are unscrupulous in order to gain powerful strength. If they know that there are such swordsmanships, I don’t know how many swordsmen will go to the snowy field to find this sword scripture. Righteous and evil are in their eyes. What is the problem, under the catastrophe, what is more important than your own strength?”

“Sword slave?”

Fang Yuan recalled these two words, but thought it was really appropriate.

“It’s just that they haven’t thought about it. Once the evil road goes up, they can’t look back…”

Li Baihu sighed and patted Fang Yuan on the shoulder: “My master once said that this kind of great swordsmanship is not tolerable in the world. There are fifty great roads, and one of them is to escape. It can be seen that there is no perfection and perfection in the world, and correspondingly, there will naturally be no perfect swordsmanship. The sword idiot back then was passionate about the sword, and the pursuit of perfection was in itself a wrong direction!”

“Because oneself can never achieve Consummation, so in the end, they will rob others’ sword heart and sword spirit to make up for their own incompleteness. But what they don’t understand, this false Consummation is just a kind of falsehood. The elephant, the more plundered, the more incomplete it is, like a flower in the realm, a moon in the water, if you can’t ask for it, you can only continue plundering, so back and forth, never ending, until the endless abyss!”

When I said this, Li Baihu’s palm slowly covered the hip flask.

A drink flew out of the pot, like a sword, and poured it into Fang Yuan’s wine glass with an unspeakable taste!

“Fang Daoyou, drink this cup…”

Li Baihu does not move, but a sword aura is faintly wrapped around his body, and his voice is like a sword crowing.

This glass of wine, like a sword, pierced Fang Yuan’s heart.

Even his voice sounded like a sword crowing at this time, which contained some indescribable sword intent. He slowly spoke to Fang Yuan and said: “Since I have teamed up to kill demons, I no longer think about swords. Facing each other, Fellow Daoist Fang, your God has a boundless future through people. If you don’t go on this way, it is a great road to the sky, so why bother to go down that road that is destined to be a dead end?”

“Listen to my advice, it is best to give up the sword…”

Fang Yuan’s figure froze, his hand holding the wine glass seemed to be heavy, and his wrists seemed to be stiff.

He knew that this was Li Baihu’s sword at himself.

The two people did not compete in the secret realm of Taoism, and finally came at this time!

Words are swords, and general forces are offensive!

Li Baihu has clearly stated the facts. When he did not want to go down the wrong path, he seemed to have only listened to his persuasion and drank this glass of wine, which also means that from then on, I really need to abandon Kendo…

So is this glass of wine to drink or not to drink?

Fang Yuan seemed to think for a long time, and it seemed that he was only thinking for a moment.

Then he smiled suddenly and looked at Li Baihu and said, “I will not go down the evil road, but I will not abandon the sword!”

Li Baihu’s sword spirit is stronger, and he coldly said: “Even if it is a dead end?”

“Not necessarily a dead end!”

Fang Yuan looked at the glass of wine with a calm expression, and said: “I haven’t encountered a similar situation before. It turns out that That is not a dead end, and it does not necessarily have to go. Evil road, it’s just because there are still things that others didn’t expect, so I will go on this road, even if the senior didn’t follow this road, I will try to make it through…”

Li Baihu couldn’t help frowning: “The Fifty Great Avenue, go to one of them, there can be no real consummation in this world…”

“Yes, fifty avenues, go to one…”

Fang Yuan replied slowly: “So, if there is no true Consummation in this world, who can guarantee that there will be true incompleteness?”

After saying this, he picked up the wine glass and drank it in one go.

The sword energy around Li Baihu disappeared, and the look in his eyes became very strange.

After a while, he poured the wine as Fang Yuan said, and said: “Your kendo may not work…”

“But I won this fight after all, didn’t I?”

Fang Yuan smiled, put the wine glass heavily on the railing, and said proudly: “Less nonsense, full!”

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