Master of Great Calamity Chapter 411: True dragon flying in the sky

Guan Ao really can’t teach him anymore, and he wants to eat people when he is crazy?

This really makes Fang Yuan dare not let it go. This servant used to be an honest and honest man. Although he was born with great strength, he has never bullied others. He can’t follow himself now, and his strength has kept up. , As a result, his character has also deteriorated, so after seeing his performance in the kendo exam, Fang Yuan decided that he should not be allowed to go astray like this. The cultivation level is naturally to be taught, various resources, It can’t be broken, but the more important thing is to teach him some truth!

And this is why Fang Yuan wants to teach him to study from scratch…

…Although teaching Guan Ao to study, it’s really not a light job!

As for the results of Guan Ao’s retreat this time, Fang Yuan has already carefully investigated once, and is very satisfied overall, but he is also a little surprised. When he brought Guan Ao back, inside and outside the courtyard, There are still a few tragic corpses of monsters that have died. He has been cleaned up. Anyway, he already knows who is behind the scenes, so I don’t worry…

However, these monsters are really aggrieved. It is estimated that at first they were just thinking about taking a foundation-building monk who is not good at magical powers with the power of the five of them. It’s really nothing, but they didn’t expect it. In the end, it was a fierce **** who happened to leave the customs, and it happened that he actually stepped on the medicine seedlings in the backyard, and then, for them, there would be no more!

For Guan Ao’s current cultivation base, Fang Yuan was really surprised. When he first gave that pill to Guan Aozhi, he knew that Guan Ao would definitely advance his cultivation base, but he did not expect that he It will actually rise to the level of frightening people now…

The pill formation was successful, it was a red pill.

After Fang Yuan observed it, there was some confusion in his heart. Guan Ao’s cultivation level is indeed a golden pill now, but this red pill, logically speaking, is actually not high. The five-color pill of white, red, and blue can only be regarded as inferior, but the key is that Guan Ao’s blood and flesh are too strong, how can this be what the red pill can have?

The blood is like a dragon, and the body is like iron. I’m afraid that my own purple pill will be slightly inferior to him!

Moreover, his red pill was different from the ordinary red pill. The color was like a monster red, and the surface was covered with some weird red flames. When the red pill turned, these flames poured into Guan Ao’s Hundreds of limbs make him more terrible…

…What kind of cultivation is this?

Fang Yuan really doesn’t understand, but seeing Guan Ao jumping around, it doesn’t seem to be a problem.

Later, Fang Yuan thought about it for a long time and asked Guan Ao a question: “How did you feel when you were fighting against people in Sendai?”

He asked this question very seriously. Before that, Guan Ao had always had great power. This is nothing unusual, but Fang Yuan found that Guan Ao was not only powerful when he fought on the sword stand before. It’s infinite, he is like a different person, whether it is fighting consciousness, brutality, or even quick response, it is not comparable to the previous Guan Ao…

Guan Ao’s reaction at the time was very confused: “I had a fight with someone before?”

Fang Yuan nodded slowly.

Guan Aoli became a little nervous: “Did you win or lose?”

Fang Yuan couldn’t help frowning, and after a while, he said: “It doesn’t really matter whether you win or lose…”

After a pause, he said: “Well, it’s still very important, you won…”

Guan Ao suddenly sighed, the expression on his face was a little proud, but suddenly, he also seemed to think of something, and said: “Brother Fang, after you let me take the pill, I had a dream. In that dream, I seemed to be in a cave. I saw a statue of a **** with long blue-faced fangs, and a voice kept me kneeling there…”

“Stone cave?”

Fang Yuan moved slightly in his heart and hurriedly said: “How did you do it?”

Guan Ao shook his head and said: “I didn’t listen to that voice, because someone was already there!”

“Is anyone there?”

Fang Yuan’s expression was suddenly astonished, and he was a little puzzled.

Guan Ao nodded and said: “There is a long and beautiful little girl, she is already kneeling in front of the idol!”

As he said this, his brows wrinkled, his face seemed a little heavy.

After a while, he looked up at Fang Yuan and said, “I feel she is so familiar, Brother Fang, do you know such a girl?”



For this question, Fang Yuan didn’t answer, but vaguely felt that the one who should come will come.

He didn’t understand what secret Guan Ao had in his siblings, but he could detect it. This secret was terrifying, and he also knew that Guan Ao’s body was strong, but his mind was just as powerful as his body. Having become an inverse comparison, I don’t know what unpredictable consequences will happen in the future, but now he can only teach Guan Ao and let him understand more truth!

If you don’t understand, you have to write it down!

For some unknown fears, there is only one thing that can be alleviated, and that is the truth!

Fang Yuan’s understanding is like this. People have to do things according to certain principles in order to be profitable…

“Little friend Fang…Ah no, is Friends Dao Fang here?”

Someone outside the courtyard screamed awkwardly, sounding a little disturbed.

“Senior Ruan, please come in!”

Fang Yuan put down the scripture in his hand, asked Guan Ao to recite it aside, and then opened the big formation. The master of Zixiao Dong walked in a little embarrassedly, and saw the fierce and evil head of the sword. At this time, he was knocked on his head, and he was holding a scroll in his hand with a miserable endorsement. An unspeakable absurdity grew in his heart, and he sat on a small bench in the courtyard with a nervous expression.

As Fang Yuan showed his greatness a little bit, especially the cultivation of Zidan, he became less and less comfortable in front of Fang Yuan. He used to dare to play with the white cat with the root feather feathers. , Now he has to accompany a smiling face when he walks past him…

In the Longmian Mountains, what kind of person did I pick up and come back…

This question has been asked by too many people, and he is now confused. From the beginning, he was not worth mentioning, but a kind-hearted monk, and later he didn’t know the current affairs. , A stubborn junior who is difficult to promote, and then the four Dao Kui who was so amazing and amazing, and now this unfathomable and mysterious genius, Brother Zidan…

In just a few months, he was like a dream!

In fact, this time, Chishui Danxi wanted to visit Fang Yuan, and there were quite a few people who asked about some things, but the real human being Qiulong, Deacon Xu, and the alchemists in this Chishui Danxi, etc., but when I think of what Fang Yuan has now Change, thinking about some unpleasant things before, I didn’t dare to come. Fortunately, in the heart of Zixiaodong Master, I always feel that I am an elder of Fang Yuan after all…or a friend…so what we should care about is still care. Yes, so he mustered up the courage and came to Fang Yuan’s small courtyard.

“Senior is here to hang out, or do you have any instructions?”

Fang Yuan made a cup of tea for the owner of Zixiao Cave, then sat opposite him and asked with a smile.

The owner of the Zixiao Cave took the tea in his hand and sighed. There are a lot of things he wanted to ask, about where Fang Yuan came from, what his identity was, and about the original dragon sleep. What happened to the fate of the plagues in the mountains, but in the end he didn’t ask, he just sighed, and said: “You should already know the rules of this time, right?”

Fang Yuan nodded. Since he wants to participate in the Taoist war, of course he must understand clearly.

He has already asked to understand that Dao Zhan will start after the three, and the fairy league will open a secret realm, imitating the cruel environment of the devil’s edge, and everyone participating in the Dao war will fight in this secret, and finally rely on everyone The performance, finally selected this final ranking……

Whether it is the scale or the degree of attention, Dao Zhan is unmatched by other tests.

And not only this time of Dao wars, even the previous Dao wars have killed people. This time, the Dao wars can only be more cruel than before. The masters who come to participate in the Dao wars are better than There have been several times more in the past. I don’t know how many purple pills, freaks, and arrogances have come. They can be regarded as a grand ceremony in the spiritual world that the world pays attention to. Correspondingly, the pressure has naturally increased.

“Well, in fact, this time the old man came here, he wanted to come and persuade you!”

The owner of Zixiao Cave put down the teacup in his hand, sighed lightly, and said: “You are a worldly arrogant, naturally thinking that you want to be a blockbuster above the Taoist war, but this time the Taoist war is different from the past. The little princess of the Nine-layer Heaven, the white-robed sword master from the sword washing pond, and the monster from the Southern Desolate City, they all have a bit of ill intentions. More importantly, you now have four champions, and the swordsmen are almost the same. It’s yours. It’s too much attention. If you participate in a Taoist war, I’m afraid there will be a lot of extra pressure…”

He didn’t say the rest, but the meaning was already obvious.

Fang Yuan is now well-known, but Mu Xiu Yulin, the wind will urge it, not to mention that the Jiuzhongtian little princess, the white-robed sword master of the washing sword pool, and the southern wild city demon who have already been set out to target Fang Yuan The little prince of the clan Xinze, even among the other people who participated in the Taoist wars, I don’t know how many people would regard him as a target and be proud of knocking him down. This will make Fang Yuan’s pressure far more intense than others. Big!

More importantly, Fang Yuan doesn’t have to participate in the Taoist war anymore…

He already has the name of has attracted much attention, showing his prowess, and the meaning of Taoism is not big anymore.

From this point of view, the owner of Zixiao Cave did indeed consider Fang Yuan.

“I thought about it!”

Fang Yuan heard the meaning in the heart of the Zixiao Cave Master, and said calmly: “I once read a classic in a book. There is a dragon in the world. When the cultivation base comes, it needs to soar into the sky. After experiencing various baptisms in the sky, such as sky thunder, dark fire, weak water, and wind, if it can survive it, it will turn into a real dragon, soaring above the nine heavens, if it can’t survive it, it will become ashes… “

After he said this, he paused slightly and said: “It is the same for me. If I can’t make it through, what else can I practice?”


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