Master of Great Calamity Chapter 405: Cracking God Guanao

“Is this still a human?”

Seeing Guan Ao slaughter the Quartet on the sword stand, the people in the audience have only one thought!

Initially, it was so powerful that it was almost inhumane. After a sledgehammer was added to his hand, the power was so hard that people could not look directly at it. As the sky striker turned around, a gust of wind aroused In bursts, one after another vortex appeared out of nowhere in the void, sweeping across the four domains. Anyone who got close to the slightest point was swept away by the violent wind. The sledgehammer rubbed a little, and it was a miserable end. No matter whether it was a weapon or a physical body, it could not withstand a blow.

In this situation, the sword platform, which just became noisy and lively, quickly became deserted again. I don’t know how many people were smashed into the platform, and I don’t know how many were frightened. , Jumped down from the sword stand…

Looking at Guan Ao, who wielded a sledgehammer and smashed into all directions, there was only one thought in his mind, whether on stage or off stage!

“That’s not a person…”

“…That must be the demon **** from hell!”



“Who is a brash man who dares to go wild here?”

Not to mention that when Guan Ao shot, he shocked the four wildernesses. On this Xiantai, he alone drove nearly a hundred cultivators to flee in embarrassment, crying, and the wind swept away, but he had already taken that one. The Xijianchi disciple who hadn’t taken any action was startled. He was almost hit by a monk who had flown over. His straight eyebrows were erected, his eyes were like swords, and he looked at Guan Ao coldly.


Guan Ao was also surprised subconsciously, turning his head and looking at him.

At this moment, the disciple of the Sword Washing Pool raised his eyebrows, and the long sword came out with a sound of “swish”.

He has the pride of a disciple of Xijianchi, even if he wants to attack Guan Ao, he has to draw his sword when he faces himself.


As soon as his long sword came out of its scabbard, there was an ear-piercing roar immediately.

After that, the sky and the earth suddenly became dark, and only a sword light shining like a scorching sun, slowly sent forward.

“Not good…”

Seeing the scene of the sword washing pool disciple throwing the sword, the hearts of the surrounding Xiu all jumped at the same time.

Even Fang Yuan was shocked.

But he still saw the appearance of Guan Ao killing the Quartet just now, and forcibly held it back.


When the Xijianchi disciple was out of the sword, Guan Ao also sensed the killing intent on him.

He screamed, and then hit him with a hammer.

But this hammer, although gusty winds and emptiness, is too slow for the disciples of Sword Washing Pool.

The sword of the sword washing disciple seems to be slow, but it is too fast and too bright, which gives people a “slow” feeling…

Actually, that sword is fast and precise, and it has an indescribable mysterious meaning. As early as when Guan Ao’s Sky Strike Hammer was swung midway, this sword was already clever and sharp. After reaching the joint of Guan Ao’s right arm, and then the power hidden in this sword light, suddenly whizzed out, bursting out a series of crackling noises at the joint of Guan Ao’s right arm…

At this time, Guan Ao’s body was covered with a thin layer of red lotus fire. If this layer of flame is not broken, no one will hurt him, but the sword of the sword washing pool disciple is very powerful. It was so ingenious that he actually stiffened his right arm.


The one that hit the sledgehammer that day broke out and hit the upper right corner of the sword stand.

The entire sword stand seemed to tremble. The prohibition in the upper right corner waved layer after layer, and then abruptly tore apart, and the hammer that day also slowly moved back. It slid down, and then hit the ground of the sword stand, and only heard a loud “bang”, where the hammer fell, the hard white jade bricks shattered directly into a spider web shape, spreading into a huge pit!

“My God, how heavy is the hammer?”

There were countless observations and examinations all around, and they took a breath in unison. This scene was really shocking.

Just now, the sky hammer shattered the arm of the little Yueshan lord, and the cultivation of the audience thought that it was because the force attached to the hammer was too strong. Later, Guan Ao held the hammer in his hand and swept the square, looking like Light and flirty, it also gives birth to a misunderstanding!

Until this moment, when the giant hammer hits the ground, people realize that this hammer is so heavy!

Soon, someone recognized it again: “The four Dao Kui, used this hammer to forge iron at that time, for ten hours?”



“What monster is this?”

The disciple of the sword washing pond originally planned to cut off Guan Ao’s arm with a single sword, but he didn’t expect that he just cut off the giant hammer in his hand with a single sword. The tyrannical body of his body was far beyond his imagination, his eyes were slightly cold, and he stared at the red lotus war gang on Guan Ao’s body, and then kept thinking about it, thinking about how to break his war gang!


And Guan Ao, after he was cut with a sword, he just used the sledgehammer to get rid of. He was also anxious and angry. With a roar, he rushed directly towards him and punched the disciple of the sword pool. The thin body smashed past. However, no matter how powerful his punch was, the speed was still slow. When the punch was smashed, the sword washing disciple wandered, but he was already behind him.


His sword shines like a chain, and once again cut behind Guan Ao.

This time, Guan Ao was still blocked by the red lotus fire, and he didn’t hurt him!

Guan Ao’s mind was still dizzy at this time, but he felt more furious, roared, and grabbed the sword washing disciple. However, his strength is now indescribable, but his degree is obviously worse. Quite a few, only in the size of the place, but never caught the disciple of the sword washing pond, instead, he was wandering through the body, and the sword light kept hitting him everywhere.

This is really maddening Guan Ao, roaring wildly, the war gang on his body has actually risen inch by inch…

All the cultivators under the sword stand were dumbfounded, excited and indescribable.

Not to mention how furious Guan Ao was, the disciple of the sword washing pond was even more embarrassed, thinking angrily: “This fellow is obviously only brute force, not worth mentioning, I want to wash the sword pond black robe. Swordsman, can’t even the defense outside him be broken?”

“If it is sent back to Jianchi, what face do I have to fight for the identity of the white-robed swordsman?”

As soon as his mind moved, he became more angry and steeper. The sword’s power changed from light and quick, but it became heavy as a mountain. At the same time, the sword has begun to entangle with layers. His black sword aura, and even the void around him, became blurred at this time, as if being affected by a certain force, began to add an inexplicable, unclear sense of meaning.

“Is that…sword intent?”

A knowledgeable person recognized the power of the sword and was suddenly taken aback.

At this moment, the sword-washing disciple stabbed out with a “swish”. At this moment, Guan Ao also turned around and grabbed him, but instead of dodge like before, instead Power and spirituality are integrated into this sword…

With a sound of “chi,” this sword pierced Guan Ao’s chest, broke through Zhan Gang, and entered the flesh three inches…


Seeing this scene, all the cultivators who watched the battle stood up suddenly, craned their necks to watch.

Fang Yuan watched this scene, his palms were also full of cold sweat.

He couldn’t help but bullied him a few feet forward, but Guan Shi next to him shook his head. Fang Yuan also knew that he was a little concerned and confused, and his magic power was secretly accumulated, but no Immediately shot, but stared at the stage firmly!


The disciple of the sword washing pond, seeing that Guan Ao was finally injured by a sword, there was a sneer on his face, but soon, his face changed slightly, he attached the sword of the sword, and he broke open in an instant After Guan Ao’s Zhan Gang, he entered the flesh three inches, but the point is that he has always entered the flesh three inches. After piercing the three inches, it seems that he has encountered great resistance, and he can’t get in…

“The body of this servant was not made of pig iron?”

This situation really surprised him, pushing forward, but he didn’t move!

On the contrary, his sword, which was cast with the water from the sword washing pool, was actually turning red under the red lotus sword around Guan Aoshen. The runes engraved on the sword body are here. When it peeled off a little bit, it was almost melting…


As for Guan Ao, who was stung by this sword, a raging anger was born in his eyes, and he roared and grabbed him.

The disciple of the Xijianchi was taken aback, and immediately drew his sword and backed away.

But when he wanted to draw his sword, he realized that his sword could not be drawn.

The sword pierced into Guan Ao’s body, and was actually locked tightly by his body. With his strength, he could not pull it out with a single sword!

This caused his body to freeze in an instant, but in this moment, Guan Ao grabbed him with a big hand, and grabbed his sword holding arm. The sword washing disciple was surprised. , Subconsciously flew up, kicked out with both feet, holding his mana, stepped on Guan Ao’s body for four or five consecutive times, each with the power of violent cracking rocks…

But Guan Ao didn’t respond!

As if he had been kicked a few times by a child, without frowning, the other hand reached over and grabbed one of his feet.

Then with a “hey”, he lifted the sword washing pool disciple over his head, and pulled his hands out…

“Not good…”

When all the practitioners saw this scene, they were frightened and sweated: “Is this to tear the disciple of Xijianchi?”

When I saw Guan Ao’s action, who couldn’t guess his intention?

The scene suddenly became chaotic, and there was a wave of exclamations.

“Hurry up and stop…”

On both sides of the sword stand, in the mid-air, there are also several invigilators. Although the old black robe has simple rules, it seems that he doesn’t care much about the serious injuries or the loss of his life in the kendo exam. They need to be responsible for not letting things get out of control. Now that they saw this scene, everyone was frightened and trembled. How could they sit and watch the sword-washing pool disciples torn apart?

Amid the roar, they flew down at the same time, and the four of them pressed down towards Guan Ao together.

The invigilators who rushed to the sword platform to stop Guan Ao were all Jin Dan intermediate level cultivation bases. They rushed to Guan Ao almost instantly. The two of them were in front of them while holding Guan Ao. With his left arm behind him, the two pressed against Guan Ao’s shoulder.

According to their cultivation, under this pressure, how heavy is the strength.

But what I didn’t expect was that Guan Ao had tempered his temper and didn’t know how to tell whether the other party was good or bad. He only felt that a few more powerful auras rushed towards him, and he gave a violent roar and gave him a strong stop. , But stepped straight on the sword stand, and the surrounding red lotus wars screamed violently. The four invigilators failed to hold him and were shaken back.

Then, he roared like a mad devil, still tore the disciple of the sword washing pool abruptly.

However, due to the influence of these high-level golden cores, they could not be torn in half. Instead, they tore off an arm. The sword washing pool disciple did not even hum~ ~ So he passed out, blood splashed, and Guan Ao was all over…

The surroundings became quiet for an instant, and everyone thought they were in a nightmare.

They rubbed their eyes several times and couldn’t believe the scene before them.

The disciple of the dignified sword washing pond was actually torn?

But the more amazing thing is still behind. Guan Ao tore the sword washing pool disciple in half, and threw most of his body on the ground. He had already passed out, but he was still holding an arm in his hand. He was splashed with blood. It was full of body, it seemed to be attracted by some kind of attraction, and the face became more ferocious and fierce. In the eyes, the blood was full of blood, and he actually lifted that arm and directly sent it to his mouth…

Looking at this scene, Fang Yuan was finally taken aback and yelled, “That can’t be eaten!”


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