Master of Great Calamity Chapter 386: The battle for the leader

   Two shadows, one green and one red, entered the valley the latest but the fastest.

   The Nine-curved Yellow River Formation was originally known for its complex formations and countless prohibitions. In this large formation, not only it’s difficult to move an inch, it’s also difficult to walk, but the two of them fly by and have a cool posture, not like breaking the formation, but like playing in the clouds on the mountain. Just take this Jiuqu Yellow River Array as a street to stroll around!

   is not just the cultivators who observe the exam outside, even the masters of the Great Formation who are invigilating the exam in this valley are shocked.

   Very quickly, in about a stick of incense, the two shadows of green and red have approached the end of the valley, and at this moment, behind them, the fastest person was just passing through After about twenty miles, there is still one third of the journey!

  ”My dear, these two people have a lot more skills than the monks of the same rank…”

   At the end of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, on top of a Sendai, there are a few great formation teachers sitting on the test. A few of them, seeing this scene, were shocked in their hearts, but this test is different from others. , Which is strong and weak, it is very clear, even the strength gap between the reference people can almost be seen at a glance, so it is unavoidable to be shocked by the amazing performance of these two people.

  ”The formation skills of these two people, I am afraid they are already above the three-stripe formation master…”

   The center of Sendai is an Array Master Test. He only watched it for a while, then he laughed and said, “This time we have a Array Test, there will be such a master. It’s not a bad thing. Go Send the information of the two of them and have a look with me!”

   Soon, someone took the jade slips they applied for according to the number plates on the two people, one green and one red, but the old man was a little surprised and doubtful after looking into it. He glanced at that Hong Ying and muttered to herself: “If she came from that place, it wouldn’t be enough to have such attainments, it’s just that the young man in the green robe, which big family cultivated it?”

  ”This level of attainment, I am afraid that I am already qualified to directly enter the devil’s edge…”

  , a formation master beside    couldn’t help but laughed, clapped his hands, and asked the person next to him: “Who do you think is the leader?”

   At this time, all the formation masters were guessing, but no one dared to make any assertions. They could only smile and say: “Looking at the speed of the two of them, it is difficult to distinguish between the top and the bottom. Just wait for them to pass the level, and see who sets up the array faster…”



  ”I didn’t expect you to have a good skill together!”

   At this time, Fang Yuan and Li Hongxiao have also reached the end of this nine-curved Yellow River formation.

   stopped in front of them, but it was already the last level of this great formation. As long as the two of them can break through this formation and rush into the deepest part of the valley, they will be considered as passing the formation test and get The title of Great Formation Master, of course, if you want to get better results in this Great Formation Examination, you still need to trap the ten fierce beasts in the deepest part of the valley with formation skills.

   rushed to the front from this valley, the test was the method of breaking the formation, but the method behind it was the method of arranging the formation.

   But they came along this way. Although the speed is not slow, but the last level is not so easy to get through. The 108 jade chips around Li Hongxiao have already been dancing, smashing. It’s dazzling and unreal.

   And under the circumstances of such delicate calculations, she turned her head around and said to Fang Yuan.

   Fang Yuan didn’t answer her, but just opened his hands, thirty-six bamboo chips appeared in the air, and they turned quickly.

   coming this way, it was the first time that he used a counting chip. Before, he just left-handed counting and got the result. But at this moment, he saw that he had not been able to get rid of Li Hongxiao, and he was a little surprised. He didn’t expect that this red-robed woman looked much younger than him, but she could keep up with him in the formation. He gave the woman a high glance.

   But even so, he didn’t use the technique of Tianyan, he just derived it on his own ability.

   After all, he is also arrogant and awe-inspiring in his heart. Since it is a big test, he should rely on his own skills to participate in it, not fake.

   “Hmph, you were one step faster than me in the Dandao assessment, but this time, I am better than you…”

   The girl who called Li Hongxiao suddenly sneered and waved her sleeves to put away the 108 jade chips around her, her face seemed a bit arrogant, and she wanted to raise her foot to the last pass. Go, there is a sense of excitement in my eyes.

   She seems to have a feeling of exulting in front of Fang Yuan!


   But what she didn’t expect was that Fang Yuan suddenly took the countermeasures before she finished her sentence and rushed over.

   When Li Hongxiao looked over, Fang Yuan had already passed the last pass directly.

   “You… shameless!”

   Li Hongxiao was furious, his eyes were about to burst into flames…

   is really hard to accept, he is actually half a step faster than himself?

   This even made her feel that she is actually faster than the other person, but she is somewhat distracted when she speaks, and the other person has a cold face, silent, but I snatched it into my head. This is simply too lacklustre and shameless. Sure enough, they all say that dumb dogs bite people are cruel, and the dumb guy in front of me is very cruel…

   while thinking, he rushed into the last pass, and then his eyes lit up.

   After passing through this pass, her eyes lit up and she saw a large area of ​​the valley. Outside of this, there was no purple mist, but the sun was shining, but it was very fast, and she felt a wave A terrible and fierce wind surged from the front…

  ”Ferocious beast?”

   Li Hongxiao looked intently, and immediately saw a fierce ape, holding a large stone weighing almost ten thousand kilograms in both hands, and slammed it at him, who had just rushed out of the big array. Suddenly startled, he subconsciously aroused his mana and beheaded this fierce ape, but at the last moment, he still resisted the impulse.

   because she suddenly realized that this is an assessment…

  I flew past this huge boulder, glanced away, and I saw a large formation master standing in the southwest corner in the middle of the sky, smiling and looking at Li Hongxiao, only then did he remind me with a smile Said: “Don’t forget, this is the Array Dao Examination. It’s not the magical power cultivation base. You can only trap them with the Array Method. If you use magical powers or magic weapons, you will be immediately disqualified from the assessment…”

   “Didn’t you tell me just now?”

   Li Hongxiao glanced at the great formation master dissatisfied, and was secretly angry.

   This big formation teacher is obviously watching a joke, just to see if he would forget the rules of the big test at the first glance when he saw this beast, and subconsciously used magical powers Or a magic weapon, no good intentions!

   The great formation master didn’t get angry after hearing this, but just smiled and said: “As a formation master, in the face of danger, the first reaction should naturally be resolved by formation!”

   Li Hongxiao was even more angry when he heard it, and said: “Looking back, I will knock you a few sap on the road and see what you use to resolve it!”

   The Great Formation Master listened and said with a smile: “It’s a future thing to knock me sap, but now you don’t do it…”

   said and pointed in another direction: “…I am going to win the first place!”


   Li Hongxiao turned his eyes, and saw Fang Yuan fighting with a black bull who was about three feet tall and covered in a thick mud shell at this time. The black bull was so powerful that he had passed After that, the soil cracked and the stone arrows flew, but his figure wandered around the black bull, with flags in his hand projected from time to time, and now he has sealed off most of the area where the black bull is…

   “No, you really want to get the top spot by him?”

   Li Hongxiao looked surprised and angry, but he didn’t expect to step slowly, and his eyes were going to be gone.

   The guy in the green robe has trapped most of the fierce beast he is staring at, and he is still arguing with people here…

   This gap can’t be caught up anyway!

   But she is not so easy to recognize. As soon as she rolled her eyes, she had an idea. With a wave of her hand, she pinched the seal.


   between her fingers, a flash of inspiration, four formation flags flew out at the same time, and inserted in front of her.

   The fierce beast who was staring at her was rushing viciously, but it happened to be blocked by the four array flags. It was so dizzy and dizzy that it didn’t wait for it to react, and it saw the flag surrounding it. , Forbidden formations, one after another, fell one after another, so scared that this fierce beast was startled, and rushed back without thinking, just in front of Fang Yuan who was dealing with another fierce beast.

   “Hee hee…”

   Li Hongxiao was very proud, and looked at Fang Yuan: “Aren’t you quick to set up? I will give you another beast!”


   looked at the black rock monster that was about to be trapped in front of him, but suddenly heard the strong wind behind his ears, Fang Yuan swept his eyes, and saw the fierce ape rushing towards him and the smirk behind the fierce ape Li Hongxiao, who was watching, immediately understood what was wrong in his heart, and simply flashed away, avoiding the impact of the fierce ape, and then the flag of his hand changed, but the fierce ape was also trapped in the big formation.

  ”This battle is changing so fast…”

   Li Hongxiao saw him and was shocked. Seeing Fang Yuan’s formation was ready to encircle again, she also gritted her teeth.

   is steep, with the toe as the axis, the body shape is turning around ~ and then dozens of flags flew out.

  ”唰” “唰” “唰”

   These dozens of array flags all flew in different directions in the valley, and in this valley, there were originally various restrictions, which were to restrict the ten fierce trapped in this valley. Beasts, so that they wouldn’t rush up all at once when they saw people, but this Li Hongxiao at this time, in order to disrupt Fang Yuan’s formation speed, actually directly disrupted all these restrictions!


   The remaining eight fierce beasts roared, raised their hoofs and sprayed their noses, and rushed towards Fang Yuan.

   Facing such a formation, Fang Yuan was also slightly startled, and turned to look at Li Hongxiao: “You really want to do this?”

   Li Hongxiao was a little proud: “How could I give you this leader so easily?”

   Fang Yuan nodded and said: “What you said makes sense!”

   Then, he stopped answering, his figure soared into the sky, dozens of array flags flew around him at the same time, and then one after another nailed to the ground one after another, looking at the big array that he had just begun to change. , An astonishing change took place in an instant, the formation flag was widened, and the area several times larger, directly shrouded these fierce beasts rushing around him into the formation.

While    was doing it, he looked at Li Hongxiao and said lightly: “But if you don’t let me take the leader, you won’t even have the top ten…”


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