Master of Great Calamity Chapter 385: Two of them are so fast

   In a few moments, seeing that the hour has come, all the people around to observe the ceremony have also gathered here, and suddenly there is a sound of gongs and drums, and the messy environment around immediately becomes quiet. Everyone was solemn and solemn, and looked forward.

  ”The world is like a furnace, forge the heart of our generation!”

   In the mountainside of Wendao Mountain, before the altar, the three old men with long robes and slow sleeves sacrificed to the world and shouted: “The road to practice should be guarded against arrogance, waiting, vanity and illusion. Our generation practice Those who only hope that the Taoist heart is not bad, the reputation is praised, and it is not hung on the bosom. However, it is to resist the catastrophe, protect my seed, without the dirt, and also self-stained by the dust. The world is not thin and thick, and the best is the first. Don’t you dare to fight for the road first? Since ten thousand years, there are six exams once every ten years. It is not a false name, but only to inspire our people, to protect the luck of the world, and to prevent the catastrophe forever!”

   After a few words, the three old men put on incense, and three more cannons sounded from the left and right.


   The clouds in the sky disappeared without a trace, the sky was clear, the bright sun was hanging in the sky, and there was no haze.

   “Is it finally going to start?”

   in all directions, some people are already a little excited when they see this scene.

   At this time, before asking about the valley below the mountain, an old formation master wearing a red robe with five patterns came out, holding a long cyan fragrance in his hand, hehe smiled, his eyes Before sweeping through the valley, the thousands of array divisions who were already waiting in line said: “Six big exams, my array is ranked first, my juniors, I look forward to your blockbuster!”

   After all, with a flick of the big sleeve, a set of scrolls flew in the air, slowly unfolding.

   The golden handwriting is written with magical powers on it, and the spiritual sense is swaying. Even if you are farther away, you can’t see the writing on it. As long as you look at it, you will naturally understand the content on the scroll. It is the rule of the Great Exam.

   This scroll floated in the air about tea time, and the monks in the formations could see clearly.

   And the old man, with a soft sound, retracted the scroll, then inserted the long green fragrance into the incense burner.

   At the same time, he flicked the sleeves of his robe and said: “Enter the battle!”


   With the flick of his robe sleeve, the purple mist that filled the sky above the valley, and even the entrance was sealed, slowly dispersed, revealing the entrance of the valley, but in the valley, Purple mist was still pervading, and the aura was faintly flickering.

  , the monk who was guarding the edge of the valley was already unable to restrain himself, yelled, and rushed into the large formation.

  ”This valley is thirty li long, and there is a nine-curved yellow river formation inside. It is an army formation that can stop thousands of troops and horses. It is very dangerous, and the rules for the assessment of this formation are not bad. The assessment is much simpler than Dandao. As long as you can use your own skills to break through the formation and reach the other end of the valley before the green incense is burned out, you will be considered qualified and you can get the name of the Great Formation Master…”

   People around rushed into the valley like a flood, but Fang Yuan’s green robe was fluttering, not in a hurry.

   He just carried his hands on his back, secretly trying to figure out the Array Dao assessment rules revealed in the scroll just now.

  ”Passed the Nine Songs of the Yellow River Formation, only to get the name of the Great Formation Master, but this time in the six major exams, the top ten, the top three, and even the leader of the formation are required, so an extra is added. Question, at the end of the Jiuqu Yellow River formation, there are still ten fierce beasts. No matter who it is, as long as you can trap one of the ten fierce beasts with your own formation, it will be counted as the top ten!”

   “Whoever traps the fastest is the leader…”

   He figured it out for a while, but couldn’t help but chuckled: “Good guy, it’s just a blast test, and even the beast is pulled out. Isn’t it afraid that someone will be killed? The big test, Xianmeng really expected quite high…”

  After studying all this, seeing that everyone around him has almost rushed into the valley, Fang Yuan is also ready to enter the valley.

  ”Are you also here to participate in the battle test?”

   At this moment, a surprised voice suddenly heard not far from him.

   turned his head, Fang Yuan saw a woman in a red robe, eighteen or nine years old, with an unexpected look on her face, but she was not someone else. It was exactly what she had encountered during the Jindan Dao assessment. Li Hongxiao didn’t expect that she would also come to participate in the Jade Test.

   Li Hongxiao clearly had the same idea as him, but after a slight start, a touch of arrogance appeared on his face.

   lifted his chin slightly, looked at Fang Yuan, and said: “Pill Dao was robbed of the limelight by you, you never want to beat me again…”

   Fang Yuan heard this, and smiled helplessly, saying: “What you said…”

  A flash of anger flashed in Li Hongxiao’s eyes, and he screamed: “Don’t say I am right!”

   Fang Yuan paused, nodded, and said: “You are right…”


   Li Hongxiao immediately became angry again.

   But Fang Yuan ignored her, chuckled in a low voice, and flew by. A green shadow broke into the valley, and Li Hongxiao gritted his teeth, and the speed was not slower than him, turning into a straight line. Hong Guang broke into the valley almost at the same time as Fang Yuan.

   The two of them are now almost the two who entered the valley at the latest in this big test.

   Fang Yuan didn’t support the big, but entered this valley. The test was not about body stamina and speed, but the ability to break the formation. If he rushed in with others, the people around him would be noisy. , Inevitably, some people will affect their own deduction, so it is better to wait for these people to enter first, after a distance, and then calmly enter the battle to defer. It seems that it is slow at first, but in fact it is fast.

   But Li Hongxiao seemed to have this idea too, so he stayed at the end, and the two ran into each other.


   The two of them entered the valley almost at the same time, and then they stopped slightly and did not touch the ground, because on the ground, there are many people who have not passed the first pass, but they are crowded, so they both chose Suspended in the air, a black copper ring lit between Li Hongxiao’s fingers, and a hundred and eight jade chips with purple and gold patterns appeared beside him, quickly spinning in the air.

  Fang Yuan didn’t even use the jade chips, only his left hand moved quickly.

   Within barely a breath, the two of them swept forward and rushed through the first level at the same time…

   Judging from this deduction speed, the two of them didn’t seem to stay at all. They just got a little pause, and they worked out…

   Then, they reached the second level again, without stopping at the same time, they rushed over directly…

   and then the third level…

   Fourth Level…



   “My God, who are those two figures, so fast…”

   Around the valley at this time, in mid-air, on the mountainside cliff, I don’t know how many people are watching this big test nervously.

   looked condescendingly, only to see that the valley was filled with purple mist, and there was a flash of spiritual light from the depths of the purple mist from time to time. Those were all restrictions hidden in the purple mist. The advanced and profound people feel that if they enter this valley by themselves, they are afraid that it will be difficult to move. Only by forcibly opening the way with magical powers can it be possible to walk all the way from the valley to the end.

   But this is a big test, according to the rules, but you can’t use magical powers.

   Therefore, those who enter the valley can only rely on their own ability to derive, break through the formation step by step, and move forward step by step.

   And now those formation monks who have entered the valley do the same, all of them have been painstakingly deduced, every formation pass carefully, racking their brains, it is like walking on thin ice, every time it breaks. , Are all overjoyed and rushed through.

   However, in this sluggish figure, two very conspicuous shadows appeared.

   The two are blue and red. In this valley, they are swimming quickly, like two fishes upstream!

   The time for the two of them to enter the battle was a bit late, and they were rushed to the front by a large group of people, but when they entered the battle, they found that the two of them had hardly stayed in every battle. They all rushed through in an instant, and then rushed straight ahead. Compared with them, the others seemed to stay in place, one by one they were surpassed.

  ”This…this is a big test, but the big team is not allowed to participate, how come there are such masters?”

   There are people staring at the two of them no matter if they are in the sky or in the valley. If the two of them have either used magical powers or used some magic weapon, they are all cheating and will be immediately disqualified. Even though all these people’s eyes widened, they didn’t find any traces of the help of magical powers or magic weapons, and they really came forward all the way.

   This has to make everyone feel astonished.

   I don’t know, I thought it was two three or four pattern level masters who came here to play with the kids…

   “Have you ever heard that he has such a level of formation?”

   Among the countless onlookers, the strangest mood is naturally a group of monks from Chishui Danxi.

   Just now, they heard that Fang Yuan was going down to take the Array Dao Examination, and they were a little shocked. What kind of Array Exam was taken by the alchemist, and they saw Fang Yuan’s blue robe rushing forward, like a broken bamboo After that, it was more than just shock…

   They all fell silent!

   After passing the alchemy quiz, they really didn’t look down on Fang Yuan too much, but they didn’t look down on Fang Yuan, but they didn’t look down on his alchemy. Who would have thought that he would secretly report for the dandao exam Known as, what’s more important is that he is actually so amazing. Judging from the speed of him and the red-robed woman, isn’t this the rhythm of entering the top ten?

   “I have never heard of…”

   Deacon Xu was the first to take the word, and smiled bitterly: “I don’t even know when he applied for the test!”

Mr. Qing Jia next to    also helplessly said: “The old man was still thinking about how sure he was to get the leader of the Dan Dao exam. Now it seems…it’s impossible that he has to take it before the Dan Dao exam begins. Did the leader of the last big exam pass the fun?”

   “If it is known in the future, the leader of the Array Dao Test is our Chishui Danxi who went out. This incident is really…”

  Mr. Unable to think of another interesting thing, he couldn’t help laughing.

   “Alchemy is extremely fast, and the formation is so amazing, and I am familiar with the Xianmeng inspector…”

The real man   虬龙 could not help but shook his head, and asked in surprise: “Who is he?”

   Upon hearing this, everyone subconsciously looked at the Lord of Zixiao Cave.

   People are the ones you picked up. You can always know more, right?

   “Look at what I do?”

  The owner of the Zixiao Cavern smiled helplessly: “I picked the man back, but now I am the most confused…”


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