Master of Great Calamity Chapter 382: 8 Baodancheng

Although he was bold in his mind, Fang Yuan still didn’t use laxatives on this uncle cat.

I really don’t dare!

But the laxative can’t be used, but I have tried all kinds of ways to make this uncle cat contribute to Guan Ao’s medicinal business, such as picking more plump and juicy spirit fruits, with tender meat. The tribute to this uncle cat, this white cat is very picky, and things of average quality are not seen in the eyes, and it is very strange in itself, it seems that there is no problem not eating, but It can be seen in the eyes, but also some world treasures, such as Fang Yuan’s water vein spirit…

Because of this, Fang was really reluctant to let it misfortune in the past. Many things were hidden tightly for fear of being turned over by it, but now it is different. Some things hidden in secret are also taken Half of it came out and let it eat it!

Of course, these things are too precious to feed it in large quantities, so the effect is not great.

Fortunately, Guan Ao is more serious, and he has almost figured out the law of the cat’s life. As soon as the day is almost there, he holds the earthen jar and carries a shovel behind the white cat’s ass, trying not to let anything There is a little waste of good things!

Fang Yuan can only temporarily dispel the idea of ​​moving out of this place. At least he has to wait until the exotic fruit has matured before making any plans. Besides, the other tender seedlings in the medicine garden are also very precious. Can wait to think about the method of transplanting them before leaving. This can’t be careless. In his heart, he is also very much looking forward to the seeds from these broken worlds…

He was more fortunate that that strange fruit was just right for him.

In order to allow Guan Ao to improve his cultivation to the golden core realm, he planned to refine Guan Ao a pot of Purple Gold Eight Treasure Pills, but he didn’t plan to use the purple gold Eight Treasure Pills directly, but went through a Fan Caoyan decided to add a magical medicine in addition to the eight treasures. Only in this way can he meet the needs of Guan Ao’s terrifying physical body, but the treasures are easy to find, but the magical medicine is hard to find.

But when he saw that the exotic fruit was about to mature, he took some juice with a silver needle. After some tests, he was pleasantly surprised to find that this magical fruit is mild in nature and has a bright and dark essence, which is just right. I use it in this furnace of Purple Gold Eight Treasures…

Fang Yuan did not expect that Guan Ao had solved such a big problem by himself.

So, he waited patiently for a few days, made some preparations, and asked Guan Ao to water it with “precious water”.

Guan Ao doesn’t care much. Compared to the temporarily rescued exotic fruit, he is more concerned about the seedlings that he has cultivated from the seed, but fortunately, he listens more to Fang Yuan’s words. , So I gave this exotic fruit a little more precious water, but the result was dangerous and easy to see, this exotic fruit could not be completely turned around, and it became more and more crystal clear and attractive.

After more than ten days, Fang Yuan discovered that the exotic fruit was already full of gold, and it began to emit a strong fragrance, and the rhizomes gradually began to wither. Only the fruit was abnormally full. Knowing that this exotic fruit has matured.

“Before the six big exams, if you solve this problem, you can prepare for the big exam…”

Fang Yuan picked the exotic fruit in his mind, and went to the upper court to find Deacon Xu to sue him and borrow a pill furnace from him. Deacon Xu only thought that Fang Yuan was going to be before the start of the test. , Haosheng comprehended the Pill Method, prepared for the big exam, naturally did not dare to be half-hearted, and sent him the best Jiulong Stove in Chishui Danxi, and granted him a half-month holiday.

All major events have been decided, Fang Yuan sealed the small courtyard, and the back end was sitting in bed, ready to make alchemy.

“The eight top-tier treasure medicines in the Secret Realm of the Heavens, each of which is also extremely precious to the golden core monks, plus this strange fruit from the broken world. How high is this furnace of pill that came out?”

Fang Yuan sighed, vaguely excited.

He actually has a measure in his heart. If this furnace of Zijin Eight Treasure Pills is refined, it will probably reach the level that even Yuan Ying monks can see, and ordinary foundation-building monks are not qualified to take it. Because I can’t bear this medicine!

But for the talented Guan Ao, it is just right.

“And if I can make this alchemy well, it will also represent my alchemy accomplishments…”

Fang Yuan was also a little proud in his heart, and gave himself a “three patterns” evaluation.

If you have made this furnace pill yourself, then in terms of qualifications, I’m afraid you won’t lose to a master at the level of Master Zixiaodong.

“Open the oven!”

The thoughts were settled, so he concentrated for a while and slapped the pill furnace open with a palm.

Seeing the bluish-red flame rising in the pill furnace, one of his hearts also calmed down completely, ignoring foreign objects.

Soon, the eight precious medicines, one after another, were put into the pill furnace.

Every kind of precious medicine will cause many changes. Any mistake in any kind of change will lead to the complete destruction of this furnace, but Fang Yuan himself is a temperament who can concentrate on doing things, once the whole person When he invested in, he ignored everything, and didn’t even think about whether this pill could be successful, but put all his mind into the process of alchemy.

For three whole days, he divided his mind into two uses, controlling the fire of the pill furnace with his right hand, and deducing the change of the medicine with his left hand.

Until the eighth magic medicine, along with 352 kinds of elixir, entered the pill furnace, the flames in the pill furnace had shown colorful colors, constantly changing, flashing like electricity, and shining brightly. Circling around the pill furnace, and Fang Yuan pressed his right hand to the pill furnace and did not move, but the five fingers of his left hand swiftly pinched, almost appearing phantom shadows, unable to see the track.

“It’s time…”

When he got inside the pill furnace, suddenly the various colors were chaotic to the extreme, as if a group of demons were dancing, his mind moved.

The strange fruit sealed in the ice box was taken out by him and flicked into the pill furnace lightly.


In the pill furnace, the flame suddenly changed, and all the colorful colors were suppressed.

In the furnace, the medicinal properties of the eight treasured medicines originally rushed to change, you vie for me, no one can suppress who will come, it is like a melee, the world is in chaos, but this strange fruit has entered the furnace Inside, the medicine was immediately surging, and the chaos was completely suppressed…

“Hehe, this strange fruit is indeed…”

Fang Yuan felt slightly relieved, and smiled as he watched the changes in the furnace.

But the muttering to himself has not yet fallen, his face suddenly changed…

In the pill furnace, various colors are mixed, and they are slowly turning into the same color. This is also a sign of pill success, but at this moment, the fire suddenly rises. There are countless more faint changes in the colors. The colors seem to have doubled and doubled in intensity. A bang emerged in this pill furnace, and countless precious lights rushed into the pill furnace to hum…

This is already a sign of frying…

Fang Yuan was taken aback suddenly: “No, this exotic fruit is too powerful…”

He was very satisfied with the strong medicinal properties of this exotic fruit, but he didn’t expect it to be stronger than he thought. It’s strong medicinal properties, which is a good thing, but things are reversed, and countless changes have taken place out of thin air. About to break free of his control…

With Fang Yuan’s own derivation ability, soon it was not enough to control this change.

So he didn’t hesitate, and immediately used the technique of Tianyan!

Suddenly, his divine mind turned, seemingly a hundred times a thousand times faster, presenting the countless changes in his mind, and then deducing it little by little, and controlling this pill accordingly. The fire in the furnace, try to stabilize this pill furnace…

Gradually, a strange pill incense began to float in the pill furnace!

Fang Yuan has set up a tight array around the small courtyard to seal all auras, but this pill incense is too strong, and there is still a trace of it leaking out. For practitioners, this pill incense is still It is not very obvious, coupled with the various medicinal fragrances and pill fragrances that are always permeating Chishui Danxi, it is extremely difficult to distinguish, but some weird existences have gradually awakened.


The one lying in the yard, smelling the pill, couldn’t help but raised his head, salivating, and looked into the room.

Look at what it looks like, it seems a little uncontrollable crazy, wanting to rush into the room.


But at this moment, the white cat called out in a low voice, and this stunned animal fell on his back immediately.

Besides the Chishui Danxi, about ten miles away on the edge of a deep pool, where the cold fog is endless, and it is deep and unclear. It is a forbidden land drawn by Langya Pavilion under the mountain. Now, that cold pool is deep Suddenly, two lanterns appeared, slowly swimming towards the surface of the water. It seemed that there was an unknown monster inside, attracted by Danxiang, with a greedy expression, and wanted to rush up from the cold pool…


But in the small courtyard, there was another cat cry.

The monster in the cold pool has almost swam to the surface, but is slightly startled, and then slowly sinks…

Nothing seems to have happened!

Only the white cat slowly got up, squatted by the window, and looked inside.

In the alchemy room, Fang Yuanduan was sitting in front of the alchemy furnace, full of blue energy and sweating. Whether it was the technique of heavenly growth or the mana he used to control the alchemy in the furnace, it had already been destroyed to the extreme. , Making him stiff like a woodcarving!

Refining this is almost harder than fighting a master.

I don’t know how long it took. Inside the pill furnace, the fire gradually extinguished, and a crystal clear purple light came out…

Fang Yuan sat in front of this pill furnace for a long time before sighing softly.

“Is this an elixir or a magic pill…”

His expression was a bit complicated, and he considered a question: “Should this pill be given to Guan Ao?”

At this time, even he doesn’t know what will happen if Guan Ao takes this pill…


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