Master of Great Calamity Chapter 357: Temporary school now

There are countless epidemics in the world. Once a crime is committed, it is very severe, but as long as the right medicine is prescribed, it is not difficult to solve

   mundane doctors can deal with it, not to mention the immortal family in practice. No matter how Fang Yuan hasn’t studied the alchemy, he still knows a bit about pharmacology. These pharmacopoeias are all back He’s over-ripe, coupled with the higher his cultivation base, the slender and subtle understanding of his body, his aura is very sensitive to changes, such a method, it really doesn’t take much effort to deal with ordinary plagues,

   In terms of medication, he even took out an elixir to improve the efficacy of the medicine. It didn’t make sense that he couldn’t cure the plague. He had persuaded him by reason. Not to mention the plague this time. People will not even get sick within a few years.

   “Bring people in!”

   Fang Yuan was in a deep mood, and he could only tell the difference first. Guan Ao was able to tell him, and he had carried a two-year-old child long ago, followed by a three-year-old girl with blood-red eyes behind him. Two siblings, their parents died of illness as early as the next day when the disease appeared. Only these two siblings were left, but both of them also contracted the disease. The younger brother was especially serious.

   “I hurt my father and mother all over my body”

   The little boy was hugged by Guan Ao and put it on the stone couch. He was just rolling around in pain. He could actually be seen with the naked eye. A piece of good flesh gradually became darker, and then it formed a naked eye size. The sore looks terrible.


   Seeing the little boy struggling and twisting, Fang Yuan’s face became dark and he gave a low voice.

  His mana is boundless, and with this shout, the little boy’s spirit was immediately affected and he fell asleep.

  For mortals, this has some connotations of uttering the law.

   “Master Sanshen, please save this child”

   “Brother, you save my brother”

   The old priest and the little girl knelt by the door, kowtowing and begging.

   “Shut up all for me and get out!”

   Fang Yuan was upset when he heard it, and drank coldly. The scared two people were afraid to speak, and then let Guan Ao close the door, and slowly pressed his palm against his little boy’s forehead. A wisp of spiritual thought slowly entered his body, carefully identified

  ”Changed again?”

  After a while, his face changed slightly, showing a look of surprise.

   He knew where the problem was. Shicai opened the furnace to make alchemy. It was originally aimed at the disease just now, and the prescription was set for the symptom, but he didn’t expect that within a day, the disease would actually have another change. , Making his pill no longer effective. After all, for the epidemic, the most important thing is to prescribe the right medicine. It is no matter how precious the medicine is. As long as it is not right, it will not help.

   According to the legend, there is a pill that is invaded by all diseases when taken, but it belongs to the physical strength of one’s own body, so that people can resist the disease, rather than solve the disease. . Just like Guan Ao, it’s not that he wasn’t infected with the disease, nor was it useless. It’s just that his body was too strong, so he could resist it and wouldn’t get sick.

   Actually, how many people can do it like him?

   If an ordinary foundation-building monk were to come here, chances are they would have been infected by the plague.

   And wanting to heal the people in this tribe, naturally it is not that simple. Fang Yuan still has a lot of magical medicines in his hand, but even if all these precious medicines are used to make a pill, he cannot save the people in this tribe. How many people, on the contrary, may make them unable to withstand the pill and die faster. After all, no matter how great he is, he cannot raise these people to the realm of foundation construction

   “For the current epidemic, it is still very easy to deal with”

   “It’s just that if the disease regenerates some kind of change, what can it be?”

   Fangyuan straightened up, frowning.

  , thinking in his heart, pushed open the stone gate, but unexpectedly, the look was slightly surprised.

   Outside the Shimen at this time, the crowds of kneelings were densely packed with people. Anyone who could run in this tribe ran over and knelt outside his door. Some of them were very sick and could not walk. People, knelt down to his door by others.

   More importantly, so many people kneeled at the door, and there was no sound at all.

   This is because I told them to shut up just now, so are they afraid of disturbing themselves who are treating their children?

   Fang Yuan thought of this, looking at so many people kneeling at the door, he was a little speechless.

   And none of the people dared to speak, just raised his head and looked at Fang Yuan sadly.

  ”Three Three Master”

   was silent for a while, then the old priest who had kneeled in the forefront trembled and said with hesitation.

   “Shut up!”

   Fang Yuan suddenly yelled with a cold face, and the priest who was immediately scared dared not speak.

   Guan Ao hurriedly said to the villagers in those tribes: “Yes, yes, don’t you”

   Fang Yuan said: “You shut up too!”

   Guan Ao immediately closed his mouth, just nodding repeatedly.

   Then Fang Yuan frowned and glanced at the group of people, and said coldly, “Is it useful to kneel here? All those who are sick are sent to rest, and those who can run, all go out to collect medicine. Herbs are needed, no matter how much, and then arrange a few people to wait with me. If I have any needs, they must be delivered to me as soon as possible!”

   The tribe people who were kneeling at his door stayed for a while, Xuanji jumped up with a crash, and chaos rushed everywhere.

   In the chaos, Fang Yuan saw that the 狻猊 was quietly picking a ganoderma lucidum into the tribe.


   took a long sigh, Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed with arrogance, and he thought to himself: “My grandfather of the purple pill, swords, spells, chess, and formations are not lost to others. Will you be stumped by the epidemic in the sub-tribe?”

   thinking so, he left the stone house and sat in front of the little boy on his stone couch, thinking slightly.


   Suddenly he pressed his palm falsely, and it hit the boy’s chest, and then he pulled out a puff of disease.

   Then he didn’t hesitate to put the epidemic energy into his body, and sat cross-legged in front of the stone couch, slowly sensing the changes of the epidemic energy, with his tyrannical body, surging mana, this When the plague gas reached his body, he had to flee in a hurry, but Fang Yuan forcibly locked his mana, even weakened his qi and blood, letting this plague gas produce changes in his body.

   Soon, the epidemic has spread and is unstoppable.

   The change in the epidemic atmosphere at this time is the same as what Fang Yuan saw from the people in this tribe at the beginning.

   is also at this time, Fang Yuan raised a wisp of blood, suppressing the sub-epidemic aura, and the peptic aura, after a long silence, suddenly produced a change, and then spread again. Come, this is the second change he saw.

   Fangyuan frowned slightly, suppressed again!

   The disease was suppressed again, but at this time, a third change suddenly occurred.


   Fang Yuan already knows that this disease is exactly the same as he thought. It can be constantly changing. If this continues, no matter what medicine it is, it will not be able to completely treat the symptom. He can cure it for a while, but wait until As the epidemic changes, the patient’s condition will still get worse. If it changes like this four or five times, the patient has run out of vitality, and it is himself that cannot be saved.

   To a certain extent, this is not like an epidemic, but a master combat method, with endless changes.

   “Then I want to see how much you can change”

   Fang Yuan sneered in his heart, and continued to urge a ray of his own blood to suppress it.

  If it were on someone else, this change in the epidemic would take almost a day to appear. Fang Yuan couldn’t keep spending it with him, and ordinary people in the tribe couldn’t bear it, but Fang Yuan would A wisp of disease is sealed in his body, but it can accelerate its changes. In the shortest time, you can see all the possibilities of its changes, and then look for the right medicine.

   Facts have proved that his method is correct.

In the    tea kung fu, this ray of epidemic energy, under his constant destruction and suppression, actually produced more than 30 kinds of changes. At the end, it changed its original appearance. Then again and again, continue to abuse the body.

   At this time, Fang Yuan had a count in his heart, and his mana moved gently to force it out of his body.

  ”There are thirty-five kinds of changes. If you treat them little by little, you will not be able to save the people in these tribes~ There is only one way to do it all at once. All these changes must be restrained so that these people can be cured by medicine.”

   pondered slowly, his brows frowned slightly.

   Ordinary decoctions are impossible to achieve the effect of restraining more than 30 kinds of changes in the epidemic gas at one time, but for practitioners, this is simple, some spiritual pills and Baodan, let alone more than 30 kinds of changes, There are hundreds of changes, and there are even some divine pills. There are more than a dozen kinds of main medicines, and thousands of auxiliary medicines. The pharmacological changes among them are countless.

  The key is that Fang Yuan nowadays does not know how to make alchemy

   The simplest pill is not too difficult for him, but if it is more demanding, he is not sure.

   At his current level, it is okay to practice some one-revolution, two-revolution spirit pills, but no matter how high it is, it will be a little difficult.

   But if you want to deal with this kind of epidemic, I am afraid that it will take at least eight turns or even nine turns to achieve the effect!

   “In this case”

   Fang Yuan groaned slightly, he had an idea in his mind, first went out, immediately opened the furnace to refine the alchemy, refined seven or eight pills for the second change of the disease, and then let Guan Ao take it. Staying in this tribe, let the people in the tribe take it by decoction, while the others let him ride the 狻猊, and rush to the other tribes to give them the fastest time.

   suppressed this changing epidemic, and changed again. It will take a day and a half to say nothing. If the body is stronger and stronger, it may last for two or three days, but taking advantage of this time, it is easy Do the last thing with peace of mind

   He took out an elementary pill alchemy from the Qiankun bag and began to learn alchemy.

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