Master of Great Calamity Chapter 351: Take the Xuanhuang Road again

“In any case, this is an idea worth trying!”&1t;/

Although he felt that the idea just born in his heart was crazy, Fang Yuan decided to give it a try! &1t;/

After making this decision, he smashed his Xuanhuang Qi, igniting the fog from all directions, and it was incorporated into the body one by one, which also made his Xuanhuang Qi that he had refined into the fifth thunder spirit. It began to grow slowly, permeating near his foundation, and then slowly growing, like a weak grass, began to shoot shoots, giving birth to more possibilities…&1t;/

And this is exactly the boldest decision Fang Yuan has made since his practice. &1t;/

Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue is an inheritance that even Jiu Gu from the South China Sea appreciates very much. But unfortunately, this inheritance is not complete. It can only be ranked at the top of the Profound Stage. It is barely a god-level meaning. It is said that Xuanhuang Yiqi Art is incomplete, because it is probably only here in the first place. It is like a peerless article. It was only started by someone, and the rest was gone. &1t;/

After Fang Yuan combined the Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue with the Tiangang Five Leiyin, the rank of the Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue had actually been improved a step, at least it had also entered the category of the gods from the Xuanxue. This is also right. The inheritance has been improved once, and it can be said that the Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue solved a hidden danger of the Tiangang Five Lei Yin, but it can also be said that the Xuanhuang Yi Qi Jue was continued by the Tian Gang Wu Lei Yin. &1t;/

But if so, is it over? &1t;/

Fang Yuan didn’t think so, he felt that this was just the beginning! &1t;/

Since I can deduce the Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue to a **** level, can I also deduce it to a higher level? &1t;/

Predecessors have already written this peerless article. Can I write more or even complete it? &1t;/

Speaking of which, this is of course a crazy idea! &1t;/

The creation of every inheritance in the world has countless efforts and failures of predecessors. Many inheritances are made by a practitioner who has reached the top of the path of practice, and then from top to bottom, to survive. Jane, it was passed down…&1t;/

No one has ever dared to clamor to create a heritage when they first embarked on the path of spiritual practice. &1t;/

Fang Yuan doesn’t think that his talent is so high…&1t;/

…But the point is, he has the skill of declining heaven! &1t;/

Hidden in it, it fell on him like the heavenly blessing! &1t;/

Now I have used it to derive the spiritual practice, the formation technique, and the supernatural powers, but he has a feeling that the effect of the heavenly generation technique is far from that simple. Its mysteriousness, Maybe I just used a small part of it…&1t;/

It’s like a golden bowl, but begged to eat. &1t;/

This is called a violent thing! &1t;/

The real role of it is not known, but at least, it is interesting to use it to do more difficult things. &1t;/



Thinking of this idea in his heart, Fang Yuan’s eyes became firm. &1t;/

Of course, there is a more obvious advantage of doing this, that is, Fang Yuan no longer has to ask for others to inherit. &1t;/

Building the realm of foundation, he really spent a lot of effort in order to inherit the five thunders of the heavenly gangster. Fighting with the tactics of the old lady is also a bit annoying, but what is even more frustrating is that he When you reach the realm of Jin Dan, you also have similar needs. Is it possible that when that time comes, you will ask others for the Fa and experience some of the annoying things that you have encountered in the Jin family again? &1t;/

Either so, or it’s based on the all-encompassing characteristic of Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue, and derived it by yourself. &1t;/

Of course. To some extent, this may be a more difficult path than seeking the law from others. It also requires Fang Yuan to find out the various deficiencies of the Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue, and he needs to find some other techniques. To make up for it, but Fang was willing to give it a try! &1t;/

The prerequisite for this is to first derive the next step of the exercise law of Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue. &1t;/

All the thoughts, in fact, only flashed through Fang Yuan’s mind, and now the more important thing is practice. &1t;/


As he swallowed his spiritual breath, the one in his body that had just been made into a thunder spirit by him, but still seemed a little weak and yellow, rose straight up from the top of his head at this time, three feet of blue light, all-encompassing, There are faint electric lights inside! &1t;/


Fang Yuan began to vomit slowly after he adjusted his mood. &1t;/

At this moment, the black mist floating in the air in all directions immediately gathered towards Fang Yuan, like waves, gathered on the three feet of blue light above his head, seemingly impatient To blend together…&1t;/

But Fang Yuan resisted and didn’t refine them immediately! &1t;/

Now he has two choices. The first is to simply incorporate the surrounding aura into his body, nourish the black and yellow thunder spirit and make it stronger, and then the five spirits can gather and condense the golden core. And this is the plain and unremarkable path he can take with Tiangang and Five Thunders as the key link. It will be smooth and straightforward, and easily form a golden core…&1t;/

But in this way, he is just condensing alchemy. In his cultivation, he still uses Tiangang Five Lei Yin as the mainstay, Xuanhuang Yi Qi Jue as a supplement, and after reaching the Golden Core Realm, the Tiangang Five Thunder Yin Yang is unremarkable. We must seek other inheritance and continue our own way! &1t;/

The second option is Fang Yuan’s plan now. &1t;/

He wants Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue to oppose the guest as the mainstay, supplemented by the five thunders of Tiangang, and derive a path of exercise. In this way, he can not only condense the purple pill, but also continue to follow this when he is in the golden pill realm. Go down a road to a higher place…&1t;/

Now, there is infinite spiritual aura around him, it is the best time to try to deduce the practice rules! &1t;/



“Different from the growth of the other four thunder spirits, Xuan Huang Yi Qi thunder spirit replaced me. In the original Tiangang Five Thunder Spirits, the last thunder spirit was my own soul. I replaced it with Xuan Huang Yi Qi. Although it is a lot safer, the principle is the same. It requires cultivation and growth. In the end, Xuanhuang will become the foundation of my pill formation…”&1t;/

As the surrounding breath was introduced into his body, Fang Yuan’s thoughts flashed quickly. &1t;/

A variety of ever-changing exercise routes, various cultivation methods and corresponding results flashed through his mind, as if standing at a crossing, he saw thousands of different paths leading to Thousands of different results. &1t;/

What he is looking for is the most potential and most reasonable path! &1t;/


During this process, Fang Yuan’s figure seemed a little blurred. &1t;/

Since he got the technique of Tianyan, he has never operated this technique to this level. &1t;/

Many times, the answers he wanted to get were just a little bit of operation before he could get the answer, but now it’s different. His cultivation level is higher, and the exercise route he needs to derive is more complicated. Xuan’ao, more importantly, the previous deductions were only transformed on a certain basis, but now, according to their own understanding, they have forcibly found a new route! &1t;/

Take the same article as an example. Modifying an article is easy, but writing an article is not easy. &1t;/

Not to mention, write a good article? &1t;/

Fang Yuan’s spiritual thoughts were quickly exhausted under the condition of the fast-moving day-to-day technique, but he was prepared, and in the Universe Bag, a purple spirit flew out immediately. It was like a hill piled up in front of him, he directly pressed his palm on the pile of spirit spirits, and then he saw the abundant aura inside, and the flowing water was generally incorporated into his body…&1t;/

Soon, a pile of spirits, about hundreds of taels, all turned into gray stones. &1t;/

While swiping his sleeves from the back, he pushed the stone away and took out a bunch of spirits…&1t;/

Time breathes a minute, a day and a night passed. &1t;/

Fang Yuan sat in this broken world, letting time pass, but he remained motionless. &1t;/

Guanshi Sun and Guan Ao both came over to take a look. Seeing that he was working hard, they didn’t bother them, just watched elsewhere. &1t;/

Three full days! &1t;/

After three days passed, when Fang Yuan was already piled up with gray stones, his heart suddenly moved slightly. There was already a very good exercise law that took shape in his mind, but he I didn’t rush to make sure, and I continued to deduced this exercise rule countless times, revised countless times, and finally stopped slowly! &1t;/

“This direction should be right…”&1t;/

“…Although this road seems extremely difficult!”&1t;/

He opened his eyes slowly, without joy or sorrow on his face, just silently pondering for a moment, analyzing the pros and cons. &1t;/

“This path can also help me build a pill, but if I really go like this, then after the golden pill, my path of practice will be different from others. It will no longer be hard to find something that allows me to walk. The more distant inheritance, but the continuous improvement of my own inheritance, no one like the Jin family will use the inheritance to threaten me, but the things I want to learn are countless times more…”&1t;/

“I will need more things to make up for and perfect the path of practice of this Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue!”&1t;/

He just sat quietly, and countless questions flashed through his mind. &1t;/

Then he made a decision in less than a flick: “This is exactly what I want!”&1t;/


He stretched out the palm of his right hand and pressed it lightly into the void ahead. &1t;/

At this moment, the expression in his eyes seemed a bit resolute: “Anti-visitor, then go to mystery!”&1t;/

At this moment, the black mist that filled his body was suddenly attracted by him, and the wisps of it merged into the cyan breath above his head, and then he was introduced into the body, in the meridians He wandered incessantly, every time he walked around a small area, the energy on his body would be forceful, and the cyan light above his head became condensed and vigorous. &1t;/


At this moment, Suzaku Lei Ling, Immortal Liu Lei Ling, Green Carp Lei Ling, all appeared beside Fang Yuan, plus the toad that had not been taken back by Fang Yuan, four Thunder Spirits circled That blue qi turns, and there is a qi machine on the body, and it combines with the blue qi, and exchanges the qi machine of each and then becomes more and more integrated, and the cycle is endless…&1t;/

“From today onwards, the Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue has become my main inheritance, and Tiangang Five Thunder Yin only exists as a magical power!”&1t;/

“Although this road is difficult, it is just what I want!”&1t;/

“After all, I have the skill of heaven…”&1t;/

“If I use this kind of thaumaturgy, but I only walk out the same path as others…”&1t;/

He smiled faintly, showing his arrogance: “Will someone say that I only rely on foreign objects to achieve immortality, instead of relying on my own ability?”&1t;/


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