Master of Great Calamity Chapter 343: The last 1 volume of Lei Fa

“This bitch…”

   Outside of the secret realm at this time, after seeing the middle-aged woman also appear in the secret realm, the old lady suddenly changed her face, with an expression of unspeakable hatred on her face, but still Barely suppressing the anger, but for some reason, after hearing this woman say this, she suddenly became furious, and in this anger, there was even panic…


   She couldn’t sit still, and suddenly stood up, and rushed straight to the three Jin family ancestors at the entrance of the secret realm, as if she wanted to stop anything in the past, relying on her cultivation. , This rushed over, no one around could resist it?

   “Old lady, stay calm and restless!”

   But at this time, there was a loud wind in the void, and it was the Mr. Tai Xu who had been sitting around and unmoving suddenly appeared in front of her, and Old Taijun Jin’s eyes were slightly startled and stopped. In the shape of the body, the wind blows too much, Mr. robe horns are hunting.

   “Mr. Tai Xu, do you want to get involved in my Jin family’s housework?”

   Old Taijun Jin looked furious, staring at Mr. Tai Xu’s eyes.

  ”Xianmeng does not care about family affairs!”

Mr.    Tai Xu faintly spoke, and laughed softly: “Xianmeng is in charge of the world!”

  The old lady Jin was furious, and shouted sharply: “But this is our Jin family’s own business…”

Mr.    Tai Xu turned his head and glanced at her, his eyes flowed brightly: “Is it right? Why don’t you listen to it?”

  Under Mr. Taixu’s eyes, Old Taijun Jin slowly changed her face…

   There seems to be a little more fright in that face…

   When the people around saw this scene, they all stood up in shock, full of surprise.



   At this time, in the secret realm, Fang Yuan was also staring at the middle-aged woman.

   Hearing what the woman said, he only felt that endless suspicion arose in his heart. If it was really like what she said, it was true that the five thunders of the Gang Wu Lei Yin had been true that day, how could True Person Taihua end up like that? Does she want to say that the real Taihua is insane? It’s impossible. If so, why did Mrs. Jin never tell him the truth, but instead use this thunder method to squeeze himself?

   Besides, real Taihua is not a fool, how could he not be able to tell the problem of Lei Fa or his own?

   But at this time, the woman slightly raised her head and looked at Fang Yuan: “How many Thunder Spirits have you cultivated?”

   Fang Yuan looked up at her and said: “Four ways!”

   The woman said: “Have you ever practiced the last volume of Thunder Magic?”

   Fang Yuan shook his head. This last volume of Lei Fa is fake, so how do you practice?

  , it was this woman who sighed softly and said: “Then Taihua told you about the problem of practicing the last volume of Thunder Law?”

   Fang Yuan’s eyes became more suspicious, and he shook his head slowly.

   Now he is skeptical, he has to see what this woman would say…

  , the woman didn’t sell Guanzi, so she went on straightforwardly: “The Jin family’s Tiangang Five Thunder Leads can indeed form a purple thunder gold pill, with unpredictable powers and forcible cultivation. Unable to control, the final result is to bite oneself back, reduce lifespan, not to say that it is not like the ordinary golden pill, the lifespan is increased, but on a dead end, after all, it is just no luck…”

   Fang Yuan’s expression changed after hearing these words: “If so, do you still say that Lei Fa is like this?”

   At this time, the suspicion in his heart for this woman has reached the limit.

   Although the experience of real Taihua is consistent with what this woman said, how can he believe that Jin Jialei is like this?

  If this is the case, wouldn’t it mean that one person who comes to practice will die?

   Jin Family Ancestor, how did you move around by this thunder method?

   What’s more, the current old lady Jin has practiced this thunder method. If it is false, why is she fine?

  ”The reason for this situation is that the problem lies in the fifth Thunder…”

   The woman was silent for a while, then went on, then looked at Fang Yuan, and said: “Although you haven’t started practicing the fifth thunder method, you should have already understood it. Five Thunder Spirits, you should be familiar with…”

   Fang Yuan nodded. He naturally understood this process.

  The fifth thunder spirit in    Tiangang Five Thunder Spirits is actually itself. The four great thunder spirit protectors of gold, wood, water and fire occupy the four directions, and the middle one is actually itself, in other words, The last thunder spirit is its own spirit!

   Use your own spirit to stay at the source, and then use the power of the four thunder spirits to refine your mana, you can become a golden core!

   Therefore, this last volume of thunder method is actually the pill formation method!

  ” After achieving the four great thunder spirits, according to what Lei Fa said above, it is time to draw the thunder into the body, refine a soul, become the fifth thunder spirit, and form a purple thunder pill. Unfortunately, this thunder method is not sufficient. Therefore, Taihua only seems to have formed a purple thunder gold pill, but in fact it has gone into a dead end, its own heritage is gradually exhausted, and eventually the barren mountain is withered…”

   The woman sighed in a low voice: “The old ancestor believed that he would not go to death because he believed that he would come back!”

  ”That means, if he comes back, does the Jin family have a way to help him solve this problem?”

   Fang Yuan raised his head and looked at the woman with serious eyes.

   If the Jin family can solve this problem, then it means that the Jin family does have a real thunder method.

  Perhaps, this thunder method is only a part of the residual method, but in any case, the problem can be solved…

  ”If he comes back, the Jin family will indeed have one more purple pill monk!”

   The woman raised her head gently, and suddenly said softly: “But it’s not him, but me!”


  The people around me have listened to are all in an uproar, a little hard to understand.

   They all heard these words clearly and clearly, but they didn’t understand them.

   Even Fang Yuan frowned tightly. He looked at the woman, only to find that her cultivation was really weird. She must have been cultivation of the Golden Core Realm, otherwise it would not be possible to become a gold One of the tenth ancestors of the family, but what is surprising is that the pill light on her body is so dim, if there is nothing, it seems that she is just barely touching the side of the golden pill, and it is not much different from the foundation.

  , because of this, she can’t see much trace of suppressing her cultivation.

   Because she hardly has to suppress her cultivation level, so she can stay away from the restrictions in this secret realm.

  Such a golden pill is almost the lowest elixir. How can she form a purple thunder golden pill?

   And this woman, also seeing the doubts in Fang Yuan’s heart, simply spoke out, and said: “When Taihua just left, I have been looking forward to his return. I didn’t understand until later that he If you don’t come back, you will die outside, but if you come back, maybe it’s more painful than death… because he didn’t know that the Tiangang Five Thunder Spirits he cultivated was originally destined to not belong to him!”

  ” He stayed outside and refused to come back to be controlled by the Jin family. The result was death, but if he married me according to the words of his ancestors, it would take three years as long as ten years. All the cultivation bases of that body will go to me and help me form the Purple Thunder Golden Pill…”

  ”In other words, from the time he started practicing Tiangang Five Thunders, he was destined to have only one way…”

  ”…The true inheritance of the five thunders of Tiangang and Five Thunders originally belonged to the Jin family only and could not be given to outsiders!”

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