Master of Great Calamity Chapter 339: The supernatural powers are not working

“Do you understand now?”

Outside the secret realm at this time, the countless elders of the immortal gates and others saw the scene in the void and stood up one after another.

They faintly guessed something, but didn’t dare to confirm it for a while. The elder of the Cui family seemed to cry and smile at this time, looking at the ancestors of the Jin family, and said with a sad expression. On his face, there are expressions of regret and relief, but more with some helplessness: “I want to go in, not only because I am worried that my family will be injured, but also because… All killed!”

At this time, all the ancestors of the Jin family were all gloomy and uncertain: “This…what about this…”

They think they already know the Daozi of the Cui family well. After all, the relationship between the two families has always been good. The Daozi of the Cui family, who is considered their junior, is equivalent to watching him grow up. The secret techniques and even the experience of the foundation-building Tianjiao were almost clear to his chest, but he still didn’t expect that he actually had such magical powers!

When did he participate in the research and develop such a secret method?

If all the monsters and spirits in the Secret Realm of Tongtian confuse together, who knows what kind of chaos it will be?

How many people will die in this chaos?

But now, even if they are in a hurry, they can’t help it…

In fact, even if they let the elder of the Cui family in just now, it didn’t help, because whether or not the elder of the Cui family suppressed the cultivation base and entered the secret realm, he would not be able to arrive in such a short time. Bahuang Mountain to stop this battle…

“No…it’s not right…”

But when they were frightened, they suddenly heard a stuttering sound.

It was an elder from Xiaoxianmen who stupidly pointed at the scene in the secret realm and said in a daze: “It seems that there is a problem…”

“What’s the problem?”

The ancestors of the Jin family and the elders of Cui all stayed for a while and turned to look over.

Then they were dumbfounded at the same time.




In the secret realm at this time, beside the Golden Pillar, beast roars sounded in all directions, and fierce auras approached quickly, gathering like a tide. The roar of beasts is almost directly shocking. The power of the gods and souls makes people feel terrified subconsciously, and they can’t wait to dig a pit and bury themselves in it immediately, so as to avoid the overwhelming threats…

But with that cat cry, the situation suddenly changed…

In the void in all directions, the thick **** meaning that can’t be removed suddenly disappeared…


There are still fierce winds, moving around.

But unlike just now, it was gathered just now, but now it is scattered…

“What’s the matter?”

The Cui Family Daozi stupidly raised his head and looked at the Quartet: “Why can’t the monster be controlled?”

“It seems that your supernatural powers are not working…”

Just then, a voice rang.

The Cui Family Daozi turned his head and saw Fang Yuan was flying towards him, very close to him.

“Impossible…it is impossible…”

The Cui family Daozi looked embarrassed, flushed with red ears, and was extremely angry. He hurriedly incorporated the black wind into his body, and then stirred the wind to Fang Yuan again, but he was seriously injured. The injury has not healed, plus the desperate attempt to summon all the demon spirits in this secret realm to besiege Fang Yuan, but he did not expect that his magical powers were not working, and he made a big oolong…

At this time, how can it be possible to use magical powers temporarily?


Fang Yuan’s big sleeves swept across, and Suzaku Lei Ling rushed forward, crushing the violent sky and grabbing the Cui family.


Cui Family Daozi finally changed his face in the sight of the fierce thunder light.

Even if he was severely injured by the toad thunder spirit just now, he had no fear, only endless anger, because he felt that it was because of his carelessness that he was injured, and he felt that he still had a secret method. In hand, there is no worries about future troubles. In any case, I can always kill this Ye Luzi’s casual repair. The difference is only to see how much I want to do…

At this moment, he really felt a kind of panic from the bottom of his heart…

He can clearly feel the murderous intent on Fang Yuan…

“How is it possible…”

“I am the Dao Zi of the Cui family. How can I be the one who won the leader in the Zhongzhou Road War…”

While thinking like this, he yelled, turned and fled!

He was originally built by the ancient black wind to build the foundation of the heavens. He is a row and a bedroom, and there is a gust of wind. He is born with a terrible speed. Such an escape is fast as lightning, and the number is reached in an instant. Ten feet away, I actually escaped and escaped majestic…

“This is a secret, where can you escape?”

However, Fang Yuan’s eyes were also cold, how could he let this opportunity pass and rushed over.

“The Black Dragon Binding Chain…”

Suddenly, he set up a black iron chain, and he flew more than a hundred meters away, like an oolong rushing behind Cui family Daozi, the direction where Cui family Daozi fled. , It was the direction of the black-robed monk and Sun Guanshi. At this time, he had already seen the figure of the black-robed swordsman, and he was eagerly yelling: “This fellow Taoist, please help me…”

But before the words were over, they were already entangled by the black spirit chain, and then they were pulled back by Fang Yuan!

At this moment, his heart was shocked, and he turned his head and shouted: “You casual cultivator, you dare to hurt…”

The last “I” word has not yet been spoken, Fang Yuan suddenly slapped it again. With a “bang”, Cui Jia Daozi was slapped on the chest by this palm, only to shatter his chest, blood frenzy. Yong, the rest of the words are blocked by blood…



“Master Shan…”

Outside the secret realm, the Cui family saw this scene and was dumbfounded and yelled.

The other immortal people also looked at them with a dull expression. They just heard the terrible things they said. They thought that there was a real chaos about to happen, but they didn’t expect that it was not the case at all, it was that. Qingpao’s Heavenly Dao’s base-building shot was too fast and interrupted the Cui Family’s supernatural powers, or was the Cui Family’s Daozi’s supernatural powers not so powerful at all, just the Cui family boasted?

Just to meet the surprised gazes of the people around him, the elder Cui didn’t care about it at this time. He saw that his Daozi’s supernatural powers were interrupted and turned to escape. He was already frightened and angry when he saw Fang Yuan. That palm hit his Daozi firmly, and it was even more distressed. His eyes seemed to be on fire, and he screamed: “Crazy kid, you are so bold…”

It’s just that he saw another unimaginable scene before he finished saying this sentence.

Fang Yuan’s palm is just the beginning!

After one palm, he continued to hit the Cui family Daozi one by one, adding his fists one after another.


“My God…”

Outside the secret, the elders of the other immortal gates all took a breath.

What is this?

Is he trying to beat this Cui family Daozi to death?

If you want to kill you, a sword will do it, so why bother?

Is it because I feel that Yijian killed his anger and humiliated the Cui family?

For Mr. Cui, this scene is even more unimaginable…

He was still scolding fiercely before, but now he can’t scold him!

It’s hard to express with anger, more of a kind of absurdity: “How dare you…”


Even the Xianmeng inspection envoy can’t stand it anymore.

However, Mr. Tai Xu remained calm and seemed to be waiting for something.


Finally, Fang Yuan had completely shattered all the bones that had been beaten by Daozi Cui family, and his mana was shattered. He was dying before he threw him out. Then, with a flick of his finger, a yellow sword light flew out and passed straight through. He took the pipa bone of Daozi Cui family, and nailed him to a golden pillar not far away. At this time, the Taoist son of the Cui family was like a rag, hanging on the golden pillar so life and death were unpredictable.


The old man Cui almost fainted, his palms were shaking constantly, and he didn’t know if it was angry or scared.


Only then did he stand up straight and look around.


The monks within a few hundred meters around met his gaze, suddenly turned around and ran away, not daring to stay at all.


Just over a hundred feet away, the black-robed swordsman had already turned around. He happened to see this scene and his face suddenly changed.

He has been entangled by Guanshi Sun. He wanted to kill Fang Yuan, but he couldn’t make it. He didn’t expect that he rushed over now, and he still drove the Cui family Daozi over. More importantly, with The strength of the Cui Family Daozi, how could there be such a weird scene at this time, he was dying of three punches, and then nailed to the golden pillar like a wood?

“It’s you now…”

At this moment, Fang Yuan’s gaze stared at him for an instant, his five fingers suddenly pointed towards the ground.

I don’t know how many weapons were scattered on the ground. One of the long swords immediately flew upside down to the sky and fell into Fang Yuan’s hands.


Fang Yuan made a sword across the air, full of sword energy, and pierced straight towards the black-robed swordsman.

“Just let me try with you, what kind of kendo is better…”

The black-robed swordsman saw Fang Yuan deliberately use the sword to fight against him, but a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he also drank it swiftly. The sword intent around his body was everywhere, transforming into a snowy and then straightened. ‘S pierced towards Fang Yuan, and the cold light tore through the void.

Now in his sword, he clearly has the meaning of fighting Fang Yuan.

The sword intent is endless, and it is clever and mysterious…

At this moment, Fang Yuan showed a faint sneer, and suddenly shouted: “Brother Guan Ao!”

“I am coming!”

There was a loud roar not far away, and then the black swordsman saw a strong man rushing towards him, holding a big knife in both hands, and slashing towards the top of his head fiercely, with a fiery cloud on the knife. , It seems that he will be submerged in it straight away……

“How can there be such power?”

The black pupils of the swordsman in black shrank slightly, but before he could react, he heard a long laugh.

Guanshi Sun, who had been avoiding him just now to avoid direct confrontation with him, also showed up, pulling a piece of night over to him. In that night, there was still a little cheerful voice between him. : “Go together, beat this kid…”

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