Master of Great Calamity Chapter 323: Bad premonition

“This son is fierce…”

The more Liu Zi noticed the murderous aura surging from behind, he panicked.

People who practice kendo often have little difference in body style. He is a master of kendo, and he naturally understands the principle of walking with the sword. The body style is also a must, but he never thought of Fang Yuan’s body. Fa can be so weird. For a moment, the back sweats like a waterfall, but the reaction is extremely fast. The sword turned around suddenly, and the endless sword intent aroused…


Under his sword intent, the surrounding void was filled with a frightening sword aura, like a thread, endless.

And this is also the embodiment of his sword intent.

The sword rises like a big river, endless, one wave is strong like one wave, never ending.

At this moment, Liu Ziyue’s face also showed a sneer. Although Fang Yuan’s body style was far beyond their imagination, he was suspected of throwing himself into the trap. He didn’t know if the foundation of the heaven was too big. Actually dared to rush directly to his body, it happened to be trapped by his own sword intent, and it would never be possible to get out, until he was strangled by his sword intent to usher in a moment of rest!

“It turns out that there is such a sword intent…”

At this moment, Fang Yuan’s green robe was fluttering, sensing the changes in the sword intent around him, and a touch of surprise flashed across his eyes:

“…Such a weak sword intent!”

At the same time this thought flashed through his mind, he closed the sword in front of his chest and soared into the sky.

In this instant, the light of the sword in his hand showed many blue shadows, but it was contained and not, condensed on the sword, like a moon.

At this moment, he was like a bright moon in the sky, his sword aura heavier and heavier, but he was still.

But he was so still, Liu Ziyue couldn’t help him.

It’s like between mountains and rivers, with big rivers rushing back and forth, twisting mountains and rivers, and the momentum is fierce, but how can the sky be bright?

Liu Ziyue is also a well-known person. The cold sweat on his head suddenly seeped out. He didn’t mean to underestimate Fang Yuan, so he used his strongest sword intent as soon as he came up. It was his retreat ten. Years later, I realized that I was planning to slay Fang Yuan with a sword intent, but I didn’t expect that his kendo cultivation was so profound, so profound that it made him incomprehensible…

At this time, Fang Yuan stood in the void, his sword aura grew stronger, and it was already strong enough to shock him.

However, no matter how his sword intent is urged, it will always be unable to invade this person.

This made him couldn’t help thinking, although his sword intent is endless, his energy and mana are always limited…

When he couldn’t maintain this sword intent, Fang Yuan’s sword aura exploded, but how to resist it?


Under the cold sweat, he suddenly turned around to spread three sword energy, and then hurried away.

Leave the circle first, and then find a way to get back.

“Is this gone?”

Fang Yuan’s voice sounded behind him, and then sword energy surged.

Boom! boom! boom!

The three sword auras that Liu Ziyue laid down were all pierced by the sword aura that Fang Yuan had accumulated.

What’s more terrifying is that the sword aura is still unstoppable, and it rushes to him.

“The kid is deceiving me…”

The more frightened and angry Liu Zi, he hurriedly raised a green flag.


The blue flag was floating in the air, covering the sky and the sun, and he had already escaped dozens of feet away with the cover of this blue flag.

The back is full of cold sweat, very embarrassed, and sternly shouted: “Everyone in the same way, let’s take action together and kill him!”


Following his loud shout, several figures in the oblique stab appeared at the same time, each holding a weapon, and fighting towards Fang Yuan.

Everyone is powerful and has a degree of offense and defense.

These people are those who were deliberately invited by the ancestors of the Jin family to deal with Fang Yuan. They relied not on magical powers or magic weapons, but on martial arts. They had to use martial arts to restrain Fang Yuan. Among them, When it comes to martial arts, Liu Ziyue’s swordsmanship is the respect, but he didn’t expect that Liu Zi would even sacrifice magic weapons to flee for his life under Liu Ziyue’s sword fighting.

So even without Liu Ziyue’s big drink, they won’t hesitate anymore and just shoot.

Counting the black light, like a dragon, wagging its tail, passing over Liu Ziyue’s head and rushing towards Fang Yuan.

“At this level, you call yourself a great swordsman?”

At this moment, Fang Yuan sneered as they watched them join hands, and a hint of ridicule flashed through his eyes: “When it comes to real cultivation, you are one level higher than me, but Ruo Shan On kendo, I think you are more than one level lower than me…”

“You still dare to speak arrogantly, you must have used some kind of magic…”

Liu Ziyue’s complexion has turned purple, and he yells: “Otherwise, you can’t have this kind of kendo at a young age!”

“Swordsmanship also speaks of talent!”

Fang Yuan stared directly at Liu Ziyue, who was dozens of feet away, and his sword flicked.

In that instant, layers of sword energy radiated from his sword, affecting the void, and countless phantoms appeared faintly!

Those phantoms are all Qingyangzong disciples he once saw on the way to escape.

That’s an attitude of saving one’s life and doing one thing, regardless of gains or losses, regardless of casualties.

And this attitude stayed in his swordsmanship when he understood the way of sword intent.

Then when this kind of sword intent emerged, he confronted those who had rushed over together, and stabbed out with a sword.


It’s hard to describe how fast this sword is, and it’s hard to describe how wonderful the changes during it are.


The void bursts, a sword is like an illusion!

Liu Ziyue saw that the other four people who had entered the secret realm with him had already rushed towards Fang Yuan, his heart was already slightly loose, and he was looking for opportunities again and wanted to rush forward, but he did not expect this idea After falling, he saw Fang Yuan’s figure disappear in the same place in a flash, and then a tyrannical aura passed through between the four people, and suddenly came to the front.


He opened his mouth and yelled, but before he could finish a word, he felt a chill in his heart and started flying.


He kept hitting a cliff behind before he stopped.

His eyes were a little bit astonished, and he lowered his head, only to realize that a sword pierced through his heart and nailed to the cliff.

At this moment, there is no fear on his face, only doubts.

Because it all came so quickly, it was almost impossible for him to look scared yet.

“Where did you learn the sword?”

He stared blankly at the sword that penetrated his heart, then looked up at Fang Yuan.

“There is no missing sword scripture!”

Fang Yuan replied softly, above the sword body, sword energy has begun to accumulate.

Liu Zi’s eyes became horrified, but his heart became more anxious. He swallowed a mouthful of blood and shouted, “Wuqian Jianjing…what is it?”

Fang Yuan glanced at his eyes and said, “Why should I tell you?”

Then the mana moved, the sword energy overflowed, and instantly penetrated Liu Ziyue’s body.

Until this time, he looked into Liu Ziyue’s eyes and said: “I used the sword to kill you, just to tell you…”

“…You are not worthy of a sword!”



“The dignified kendo master was killed by a single sword?”

Looking at this scene from a distance, everyone took a breath and trembled.

Speaking of, there are many reasons why the first man of Swordsmanship in Heavenly City was beheaded by Fang Yuan in this way.

For example, if he suppressed his own cultivation base, it is inevitable that he is a little uncomfortable. When he is out of the sword, he is not very flexible;

For another example, he underestimated Fang Yuan’s kendo, only that he was a foundation-building monk who had some accomplishments in kendo. After all, he had cultivated the foundation of heaven and built the foundation for a man, and his magical powers had also reached the extreme. For people, it’s almost impossible to spend too much effort on kendo, but I didn’t expect that Fang Yuan’s kendo inheritance would not be lower than the Jin family’s five thunders…

If you really want to divide the two inheritances into one, the full sword scripture in the kendo will even be above the five thunders in the sky!

Of course, he died no matter what, he was nailed to the cliff by Fang Yuan Yijian.


I didn’t have time to think about it, because the other four Jindan cultivators who suppressed the entry of the realm were just a hit by Fang Yuan. Then they waited for the opportunity to slay Liu Ziyue with a sword, and his mind was extremely angry, and he turned around. , The magic treasures rushed up!

Fang Yuan’s sword just now scared everyone.

Their original plan was to use martial arts to control the enemy, but when they saw Fang Yuan’s kendo, what martial arts did they use?

“Use your uncle’s martial arts…”

Thinking of the Jin family’s confession, they couldn’t help but yell.

People’s swordsmanship is better than supernatural powers. Would you let us fight his martial arts?

Therefore, they coincided with each other, and at the same time put their weapons away, and each displayed their special magic weapons and supernatural powers.

At this moment, Fang Yuan also lost the sword in his hand, and once again pinched the seal, thunder violent around his body, turning into a sea of ​​thunder.

Suzaku Lei Ling, Green Carp Lei Ling, and Immortal Liu Lei Ling once again manifested, sweeping across all directions.

And he himself, holding a sword in his right hand and a five-color precious fan in his left hand, stepping on the void, greet the golden cores!

“Not good!”

The few Jindans saw him coming eagerly escaped, only one escaped slowly, before reaching ten feet, they saw the lightning flashing around, but was already entangled by the undead willows. , And was torn in half by Suzakulei…

The remaining three Golden Cores panicked like mourning dogs, and quickly escaped from a hundred feet away.

It’s not just them. All the arrogances, including the Shuiyue Sage Saint, have already retreated to the Baizhang appearance battle.

Fang Yuan turned over and fell down on a mountain peak. He closed the five-color treasure fan with a “swish” and looked around. Seeing that there was no one within one hundred meters of the eight barren mountains, his face also showed a sneer. , Looked straight to the southwest.

“Old lady Jin, you miscalculated again this time, it’s my turn to take action, right?”



At this moment, outside of the secret realm, the old lady Jin, who was closing her eyes slightly, was suddenly shocked. When she opened her eyes, she looked towards the secret realm with some worry, thinking to herself: “Go How many years ago did you have this bad premonition?”

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