Master of Great Calamity Chapter 319: Mountain is forbidden

“Fang Yuan, the Jin family treats you like this, with a deep sense of kindness, and even Old Madam Jin once gave you the Jin family’s sacred wood immortal willow by white, so where can you find such kindness? But you are actually a wolf ambition, you will avenge your grievances, see the strange treasures and forget the kindness, and use the magical powers to kill the Jin clan people. It is unforgivable. Today, we will kill the Jin family…”

Around the Bahuang Mountain, more and more people came to practice, and almost half of those who entered the secret realm of the sky rushed over.

The other half is also on the way around this time.

Crowded and hustling, the ground and the sky are full of people, and the more people come, the more irritable and restless the atmosphere becomes.

At the end, someone already jumped into the air, full of outrage, and yelled at Fang Yuan.

“Yes, I’ll punish this son, vent my anger for the Jin family!”

“The Jin family is a monk in the world, and it opens the door to convenience. We are all blessed by it, and we should alleviate our worries!”

“Come on, big guy, take this one, and leave it to the Jin family…”

As the first person to stand up cursed, there was a sound of sympathy around him. Countless people jumped out and yelled, but for a while, there was a momentum of enthusiasm, and the shouts were like waves, wave after wave.

Fang Yuan glanced at the people around him, only sneered, then turned to look at the beggar: “How much did the Jin family grant them?”

The beggar pinched his fingers and counted, shook his head and sighed: “A lot, a lot!”

Fang Yuan nodded and turned around. There was a gust of wind on the top of the mountain, causing him to hunt in a green robe. His eyes slowly swept over the righteous and angry people, and he said indifferently: “If that’s the case, why don’t you make a move?”

His words ran out of mana, vigorously, and spread out from a distance.

On the contrary, there seems to be a kind of invisible energy, slowly descending in the surrounding void in all directions.

When the people around heard this, the shouts suddenly became much lower.

Shijae’s arrogant arrogance seems to be suppressed by this sentence…

I don’t know how many people, although they are eager to try, but looking at the green robe on the top of the Bahuang Mountain, their eyes are a little strange.

Even when Fang Yuan’s gaze swept over, he subconsciously turned his head, not daring to look at him.

“Fang, you have done this kind of injustice, which has become a target. At this stage, you dare to be arrogant?”

But when the momentum around was a little low, suddenly someone drank, and everyone saw it was Cui Yunhai who was sitting on the back of a white rhino. He was also angry at this time. Rushing, looking at the top of the mountain and shouting angrily.

However, the white rhinoceros just rushed forward two steps, and the old man in Mai next to him immediately pulled him back and couldn’t help but persuade him.

“The son calms down his anger, the elders are dead, just let you observe the situation…”

Cui Yunhai was very angry, but he could only suppress it, riding on the back of the white rhino, only glaring at Fang Yuan.

For a while, there was an awkward silence in the surrounding crowd.

Everyone look at me, I look at you, and then everyone looks at the young man in the fluttering green robe on the top of the mountain.

Although I coveted the endless treasures in my heart, and the resources promised by Mrs. Jin, when he yelled, his anger became more intense, but at this time, no one dared to jump out. Give him a sword first…

After all, it is the foundation of heaven…

When I think of this person’s strength, everyone feels heavy.

Even because of Fang Yuan’s words just now, the sound of cursing around was weakened, and it almost disappeared in the end.

Around Bahuang Mountain, there was only a strong west wind, and there was no sound at all.

“Wow, are you all afraid that he won’t make it?”

Finally, in this awkward silence, an angry voice was finally produced.

However, a fierce figure flew out from the crowd with a huge mace in his hand. He stepped over in the air and hit Fang Yuan fiercely, shouting angrily:” In the Tongtian Secret Realm, you are not qualified to be wild…”


Finally, with this loud shout, his aura rose with great strength.

A raging flame has already lit up and down around, like a cloud of fire rushing to the top of the Bahuang Mountain.


The cultivator from all directions, seeing this scene, was full of joy, and someone could not help but yelled out: “That is the elder Xiong Shuo of the Xishan Sect. He has a profound cultivation and a well-known reputation. I don’t know how much I lost under a mace…”

By the time he said this, the ferocious figure had already rushed to Fang Yuan.

The mace came over with a “whoo”, the force was so heavy, the flames scorched the sky, and it almost burned across the fields.

And Fang Yuan just stood there quietly, waiting for him to strike.

Fang Yuan’s figure suddenly moved until he was able to hit the top of his head.

He drew back and took a step, then his right hand became a claw, and he grabbed it like lightning. It stuck firmly on his neck, pulled him down from the air, and knocked him to the ground. With a sound, a big hole was shaken out of the ground.


The mace in the man’s hand dropped, flew high, and fell into the valley.

“In front of me, you are not qualified to be wild!”

Fang Yuan spoke softly, then grabbed his neck and lifted it up, and threw it into the large formation below.


The monk who had just introduced the identity of the person who shot him with a little excitement just choked, and the following words swallowed into his stomach.

At the same time, he swallowed a mouthful of water.

It’s not just him. At this time, around the Bahuang Mountain, many people swallowed their saliva.

This is too shameless, someone is an elder anyway…

Fang Principle seemed to have done nothing before, turning his head calmly and glanced around.

Invisible, the crowd crowded around quietly shrank back.

Countless people are looking around: “Why is there no one on it?”

“A few more stunned greens…”

“Even if we can’t weaken the strength of the foundation of Heavenly Dao, let us find out first…”



At this time, in the large formation under the Bahuang Mountain, the Jin family members have been trapped in this formation for three or four days. They are already exhausted, and their hearts are frightened and angry. At this time, they saw the brigade coming over. How can you still not understand that it was sent by the old lady?

I planned to see all the practitioners rushing up, taking down the crazy guy, and then sending him to kneel in front of him. Who can think of such a result, but at first it was a terrible curse. There was actually only one person who did it, and this one was not even qualified to do it with others. It didn’t last a round, so it was taken directly by someone and thrown into the big formation.

He is not too big, almost hitting several Jin family members…

Seeing that there is a shrinking look around, the heart of the Jin family is also constantly ups and downs.

“Brother Yunhai, you will kill him soon…what are you polite with him, let’s go together…”

Ms. Shuang’er jumped up anxiously at this time, screaming constantly.


Cui Yunhai was in front of the crowd. Hearing this, his face was uncertain, and he had to shout, “Don’t worry, I…”

Fang Yuan frowned before he finished speaking.

“After waiting for so long, since no one of you has taken action yet, then I will come first!”

He said in a cold voice, drank in a deep voice, and said: “From this moment on, the Bahuang Mountain is a forbidden area for a hundred meters, and the idlers are waiting to retreat!”

With a loud shout, the clouds scattered, and the hearts of the monks sank.

They all looked at their feet anxiously, for fear that they were standing within a hundred meters at this time, but they came and squeezed around. The distance to the front of this eight barren mountain was only thirty or forty meters, but half of it. People are within a hundred meters, and they are in a panic and want to retreat, but they feel that they have retreated like this. They are really dull, not to mention that there are people behind them. Where can they retreat?

Ke Fang Yuan glanced around, seeing the crowd just swayed, but did not withdraw, and his eyes became cold.

With a “swish”, he rushed down from the top of the mountain: “Then let me do the operation first…”

This figure swept away, but it was like lightning, and rushed towards the Cui family in Zhongzhou, several dozen feet away from the south of the mountain.

The son of the Cui family, Cui Yunhai, was riding on the back of the white rhinoceros, and he was the first to bear the brunt of this, not to mention, when he met Fang Yuan’s gaze, he already knew that Fang Yuan was coming towards him. Yes, he immediately got into a cold sweat, his face pale.


Before he decides whether to retreat or bite the bullet to take this move, the white rhinoceros under his crotch was first afraid of himself, and suddenly jumped up, turned his head and fled, and fled in an instant It’s more than ten feet away, and the cow’s tail is tightly clamped…

This makes Fang Yuan feel a little embarrassed~ He runs so neatly, chasing him or not?

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a slight chill in his back.

That is a dangerous air machine…

With a sound of “crash”, at this moment, the soil behind him suddenly fell apart, and a terrifying monitor lizard drilled out of the soil, with dense fangs, biting it straight at him, Fang Yuan frowned, and his figure swept back. The monitor lizard took a bite but rushed directly into the crowd, knocking out how many practitioners who could not dodge it!

And the monitor lizard missed, and immediately rushed up, opening his mouth to spray a black poisonous mist.

When the people around me saw it, they were shocked and fled.

“Haha, what are you arrogant about?”

On the back of the monitor lizard, I saw a little girl in exquisite armor with a sneer, holding a short halberd in her right hand, condescendingly looking at Fang Yuan, yelling: “What heaven does Ji, haven’t I been scared to detour?”

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