Master of Great Calamity Chapter 308: The old lady’s secret order

As soon as the red pill appeared, the sky and the earth were covered with red, and the void was full of cold and murderous intent.

Obviously it is not a common product, it can even be said to be close to the magic weapon level.

People around them were already shocked when they saw that Miss Shuang’er took such a powerful magic weapon.

Except for a few of them who frowned, fearing that things might change and delay the trip, the others didn’t mean to come forward to persuade them, because even for them, they felt that Fang Yuan just now What I said is too much!

After all, that’s the eldest lady from the Jin Family in Heaven, how can you talk to others like this?

With the identity of Miss Shuang’er, I really can’t stand the anger, and it’s understandable…

If you hit you like this, you will have to suffer…

But he didn’t expect that Fang Yuan didn’t suffer, he shot faster than her.

The big sleeves are like a dragon, filled with mana, and drew it fiercely.

The red pill has been put into the sleeve by Fang Yuan before it releases its power.

And the force of the flick did not stop, and she continued to roll towards Miss Shuang’er.

Miss Shuang’er’s face changed drastically, her eyes could not be opened by the strong wind from her sleeve, her face was shocked and angry, but she bit her silver teeth and stared at Fang Yuan screaming fiercely. Said: “I don’t believe you dare to hit me, you are no longer from our Jin family…”

The implication is naturally obvious!

Fang Yuan, who is not protected by his ancestors, is just a walking tour.

And this kind of casual cultivator, even if it is a golden core, faces the anger of Ms. Jin Jiashuang’er from Heavenly City, it is also very dangerous.

“This is why she has been arrogant since she entered the secret realm?”

Fang Yuan sneered inwardly, but he didn’t stop his sleeves, he simply added a bit of strength and hit it!


Under his mana blessing, the big sleeves are like an iron whip, whizzing!

How could Miss Frost’s micromana be able to withstand her, she screamed, she was pulled up like a spinning top, turned around seven or eight times in the air, and then the rag bag fell under the surrounding original cloth. Those few flags of the formation have gone…

“Swish swish…”

Those array flags, and suddenly, the spirit and light converged, forming a big formation, sealing her inside.

“She didn’t protect me because I was not from the Kim family…”

Fang Yuan replied coldly at this time: “And since I am not the Jin family, why should I be used to you?”

“What’s the situation?”

All the people in the Jin family were shocked when they saw this, but unexpectedly.

Ms. Shuang’er is usually ridiculed and ridiculed by the other party. It is not surprising that they have seen a lot. After all, they all know that Ms. Shuang’er has always been poisonous and likes to grab white people. The face is flushed, they can understand, after all, people are the foundation of heaven, and they are indeed qualified to despise Miss Shuang’er, a noble but unsuitable eldest…

But it’s too much to do it…

After all, they are the main line of the Jin family, the future master of Tianlaicheng…

“Bold, dare to be rude to Miss Shuang’er?”

Several people yelled and criticized before a thought.


Fang Yuan suddenly turned his head and looked at them: “You dare to call me rude?”

The group of people suddenly sank, and they saw that Fang Yuan had already rushed in front of them, their sleeves smashed, and the terrifying force as heavy as a mountain squeezed them down, taking the lead and eating Shocked, he tried his best to sacrifice the flying sword, but the flying sword didn’t even reach three feet high. Fang Yuan already smashed it to pieces, and then threw the sword directly into the big formation.

“Swish Swish”

A few people around, but always got the opportunity to shoot, one after another offering magic weapons to fight over.

However, Fang Yuan’s face sank, and his figure stretched out. The rabbits rose and fell, almost like a ghost, wandering among the people.

For a while, those people hesitated because they worried that the magic weapon would hurt their companions.

But in this way, how can you resist Fang Yuan?

To outsiders, it looks like pulling a carrot, one pinch one accurately, one person thrown away.

In an instant, a total of seven or eight people were picked up by Fang Yuan and threw them into the big formation he had laid before without looking back.

“You… Are you crazy?”

Everyone in the Jin family saw Fang Yuan violently shoot, and they were even more startled and terrified.

I don’t understand for a while: “It’s just a quarrel, why bother?”

“You dare to say I am crazy?”

Fang principle moved when he heard the sound, and rushed towards them with a sigh, the green robe hunted, fierce and mighty.


These people are panicked and want to escape. Where can they come?

Seeing that four or five people were thrown into the big formation again, the rest of the people looked at each other, frightened and terrified…

Up to this point, they didn’t even understand what was going on…

“Brother Fang Yuan, even if Shuang’er and the others are rude to you, you don’t have to…”

Jin Hanxue couldn’t help it anymore, her face was pale, and she walked a few steps towards Fang Yuan.

“Hehe, fellow Taoist Fang Yuan, it’s just a child bickering, why take it seriously?”

Before Jin Hanxue finished speaking, she suddenly heard someone shouting behind her, and then several winds passed by.

That is the three Jin family members, including Master Uncle Changle. They are all of the generation with advanced cultivation and high-level cultivation. Perhaps their status is not as good as Jin Hanxue, but their cultivation is not low. They joined forces to face Fang Yuan. Come over, it looks like I want to persuade him.

But when they charged up, Fang Yuan suddenly turned around and glanced at them.

The look is like a smile but a smile, with a touch of coldness: “Do you want to quarrel?”

“Kill him!”

Looking at Fang Yuan’s face with a sneer, the three of them were also surprised in their hearts, and then let out a deep cry.


The three of them had a meal at the same time, and then they drank separately, each stopped their bodies, but beside them, they saw a misty flying sword, a gleaming ghost claw, and There was a fist-sized skull and sacrificed at the same time.

At that moment, the evil spirits were shocking, fierce and terrifying, one after another, enveloped Fang Yuan.

Jin Hanxue just watched this scene blankly, her eyes surprised and suspicious…

What kind of persuasion is this, but life and death!

“I am a little bit impatient, but you can bear it for so long!”

Fang Yuan faced the three of them, his face was only slightly cold, but his eyebrows were relieved.


The green and misty flying sword, straight to the center of Fang Yuan’s eyebrows, its power is like electricity, and it is inexplicable.

And that black flying claw instantly became the size of a house, and it was caught with the dark mist, as if it was enveloped in the sky. The claws shot a sharp light, covering the four areas, making the claws under There is no room for escape…

As for the last skull to be sacrificed, it is even more weird.

Obviously, he flew towards Fang Yuan, but in the middle of the flight, he had already lost his shape. When he reappeared, he suddenly came behind Fang Yuan, opened his mouth and gnawed at Fang Yuan’s back. , The fire in the eye sockets is indescribable and terrible.

This is an inexplicable battle, which seems to be triggered by a quarrel.

But in this inexplicable battle, people on both sides prepared in advance.

As for the Jin clan, most people didn’t know what was going on, they just watched stupidly, but these three people who sacrificed the magic weapon were clearly prepared long ago. Do your best directly, and you can see if you have a killer move.

They had planned for this battle a long time ago, and it can even be said that they have been looking forward to it for a long time…

However, Fang Yuan’s expression didn’t change a bit in response to these three people’s shots, instead he pinched a French seal.


As the piercing thunderbolt rang out and the surrounding lightning surged, a huge Suzaku Thunderling appeared beside him, with wings spread out, three or four feet long, and a strong blow to the sides, the flying sword is good. , No matter the ghost claw or the ghost head, they burst open at the same time!

Fang’s principle is to walk forward slowly, and the Suzaku Thunderling is still the patron saint behind him.

He looked slightly cold, and looked at the Changle Master Uncle: “What is the real command of Mrs. Jin to you?”

The Changle Master Uncle, who was carrying a large basket behind him, saw Fang Yuan’s fierce and mighty expression, and his face changed drastically. He was also a rare master in the foundation building realm, but he didn’t even dare to attack him. , Eagerly killed the two of them rushed forward, but there was smoke under their feet, and in a short time, they had withdrawn several tens of meters, and the corner of the right eye was constantly beating, and his complexion became pale.

Fang’s principle is to keep his feet under his feet, facing the two people who rushed up, and shake his arms.


Following his movements, the Suzaku Thunderling also spread its wings…

Two densely packed thunder seas like large wings appeared directly in front of Fang Yuan and swept to both sides.

Don’t mention the two foundation-building monks who rushed towards him, the other Jin disciples who were blocked on the road were also swept to the sides by this one. I don’t know how far they rolled out, in Fang Yuan. In front of, a magnanimous avenue has been swept out directly…

“Wait a minute…”

At this moment, a white shadow flashed in the sky, and Jin Hanxue jumped into the middle of them. Her wounds were still unhealed, her pale snowy face, with endless anger and surprise, exclaimed: “What are you What are you doing, why do you have to face each other…”

Seeing Jin Hanxue, Fang Yuan stopped slightly, not in a hurry to make a move.

In my heart, I admire Mrs. Jin. I really can bear it. The real purpose is not to tell my two great-granddaughters.

Perhaps, I’m worried that Jin Hanxue is too dull and can’t keep secrets in front of her, and Jin Hanshuang is too stupid to show her feet easily?

“It means the old lady!”

It was the Master Uncle Changle who saw Jin Hanxue’s expression irritated, and all the Jin clan people around them all had doubts and doubts. On the contrary, it was Fang Yuan, as if he had seen all these things. No longer concealing it, my heart squinted, and my palm was spread out. On the palm, there was a magic seal floating in the void, which was mysterious and complex, and an ancient seal gold character was faintly visible floating in it.

“Is it the seal of the ancestors?”

Jin Hanxue’s face changed drastically when she saw this scene.

This is the seal of Mrs. Jin, better than any token…

Since he has sacrificed this seal, does it mean that all of this is privately instructed by the ancestors?


After she stayed for a could not help but yelled: “What does the ancestor want to do, don’t you let him help us win the treasure?”

“The big secret realm, all kinds of treasures…”

And the uncle Changle looked cold, and shouted: “The ancestors can see in the eyes, there is only one…”

Then, his eyes sharpened suddenly, and the seal in his palm was shining brightly, and he shouted sharply: “The Jin clan obeys orders. Seeing the seal is like seeing the old lady. At all costs, no matter what means, you must capture this person. On him…Four Thunder Spirits!”

Following his loud shout, Dou Da Jinzi appeared in the air.

In all directions, I don’t know how many dormant monks, after seeing this seal, were shocked at the same time, left their ambush, and each took control of the magic weapon, hit the smoke, and thundered across the sky. I rushed over…

The yellow sand is rolling like a tiger and wolf.

The aura that swirls and diffuses in the mid-air makes this secret realm suddenly a little more murderous…

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