Master of Great Calamity Chapter 30: Theft of Danfang

   At the strange and shocked eyes of countless people around, Fang Yuan was speechless.

   As a handyman disciple, it is reasonable to carry a rag on my body, right?

   I had a temporary situation while working in Danfang, so I decided to come to Xiaozhufeng. Moreover, I was going to clean Danlu at the beginning of today. The furnace in Nadan was full of **** and tuff. It’s really impossible not to prepare a large and thick rag. Later, when he went to clean the Dan Pavilion, he rushed in after half of his work. Such a good rag must be used in the future. Of course, it cannot be thrown away. I took it on my body, and just now, seeing that the golden villain was about to spit out fire, I also knew in my heart that the spell was strong at the moment it was shot, so what I could think of at the time was to stop it before it shot… …

   But in the eyes of others, it’s not the case at all.

   Especially the fat deacon, his angry face is green…

   His last spell cast was to force a lower element to see if he really had a ghost in his heart, and whether he would reveal his original form, but of course he didn’t really want Fang Yuan’s life, so from At the very beginning, he was ready to stop, but how could he have thought that this handyman disciple had actually resorted to such a strange trick and had broken his magic weapon?

  The magic weapon is a fairy, and I am afraid of filth.

   That rag was dirty and wet, not so different from being soaked in black dog blood.

   Of course, even if it’s really black dog’s blood, it’s not very effective for his meticulously refined magic golden beans. When the rag is stuffed into the villain’s mouth, he can actually secretly The manipulation still makes the villain burst into flames. In that case, even if the Zijin villain’s mouth is blocked, he can also take the opportunity to explode, and the enemy will hurt more…

   But after all, he didn’t want to kill Fang Yuan, and he was even more reluctant to consume the precious golden beans in the trial of the fairy gate!

   So, a scene of dog blood appeared, and the handyman disciple used a rag to break Deacon Chen’s magic weapon?

   “Hahahaha, good job!”

   “Awesome, brother, you can blow this thing for a lifetime…”

   “It looks like we have to wear a rag with our hands, ready to break the enemy’s magic weapon…”

   After being quiet for a while, the group of immortal disciples suddenly burst into laughter. I don’t know how many people were cheering and cheering. There were endless grotesque calls that made the fat deacon’s face blush. I glared fiercely at the first immortal disciple who yelled, thinking: “This kid dares to laugh at me, I can’t take care of you and I will self-cultivation…”



   “Haha, Junior Brother Zhou, how can you thank me for helping you so much?”

   Not long ago, more than ten miles from Xiaozhu Peak, in a pavilion hidden in the mist of Xiaoxiao, Zhou Qingyue was sitting and drinking tea with a red-robed fairy disciple. To avoid suspicion, Zhou Qingyue came here early this morning, and didn’t even approach Xiaozhu Peak for half a step, and the disciple of Danfang, after summoning Fang Yuan into the Dan Pavilion, immediately rushed here.

  Everything has been arranged. They just wait for things to happen, and don’t need to get involved in the plan.

   “Haha, Brother Han, we are all outsiders, should I use more polite remarks?”

   Zhou Qingyue smiled and shook the folding fan, very romantic and suave, smiled and said: “I have a great feud with this person. Among the immortal gates, there is me and no him. Although he is like an ant now, I still don’t I don’t mind crushing him to death, but I asked him to be inhumane, Song Kui in that handyman, who was blowing up to the sky. Who knows that he was a fool, and it wasted a lot of time for me, but it was Junior Brother Han. Lisuo, I stepped this ant on the soles of my feet with a single idea. I won’t say anything extra, I will definitely reward you!”

   “Haha, don’t say anything more politely, you and I are both practicing practitioners, and should take care of each other!”

   Brother Han laughed and said, “Besides, if dealing with an immortal disciple, it is still a bit tricky, but he is a handyman. Isn’t it a handyman? Don’t worry, don’t talk about expelling him this time. It’s immortal, and even my life can’t be saved!”

   Zhou Qingyue laughed loudly, replaced the wine with tea, and toasted Brother Han.

   There is a deep hatred hidden in the eyes.

   He actually didn’t tell this brother Han why he had to deal with Fang Yuan, because he himself didn’t know what to say.

  If you think about it in depth, it’s probably a kind of innocence…

   When he was in Fairy Hall of Taiyue City, he was also hardworking and studious. He was born rich and wealthy. He had countless wealth in his family. He was also naturally smart. When others were in front of him, he was stupid like a pig. I don’t know how many people praised him. He thinks that he will achieve extraordinary achievements in the future, he is also used to this kind of praise, and even thinks that he is the most outstanding, no matter who it is…

   This feeling didn’t disappear until I entered the Fairy Hall!

   He doesn’t understand that his own dignified brother can clearly live a more relaxed life, but in order to seek immortality, he gritted his teeth and desperately studied those things that are not of interest at all, sacrificing countless hours of playing and paying At this age, I was almost moved by my own efforts. Why was the final achievement inferior to the herd of the poor family?

   Why is he better than himself?

   Qi Xiaofeng and Lu Xinyao are also stronger than themselves, but Zhou Qingyue feels that they deserve it, because their family is indeed better than him.

   But the remedy doesn’t work. Why is he a poor boy?

   Because of Mr. Zhu’s protection, Zhou Qingyue’s dissatisfaction in his heart can only be suppressed in his heart, and in Fairy Hall, Fang Yuan’s performance has always been better than him. He also sadly discovered that he has gradually accepted this The facts…

  He was originally a arrogant son, but when he saw the poor disciple, he became a little embarrassed!

  People are destined to be disciples of the immortals, so what if they are taller?

   Until the poor boy was knocked out of the world when he was about to become the top of the Jiazi list, Zhou Qingyue immediately felt at ease. He felt that it should have been this way. How could the baby from the mud-legged family be bigger than his own giant? Young Master’s future is better?

   became a disciple of the fairy door himself, he became a handyman, all this is reasonable!

   The key point is that the handyman can’t recognize his identity. When he was in Xiaozhufeng, he was already a disciple of the dignified immortal door. When he saw him, he still looked contemptuous. How can you blame Young Master Zhou for laughing at him?

   Just laugh at you, you don’t know how to lose a piece of meat, don’t you just endure it?

   But who would have thought that this boy was so vicious, he used those tricks to deceive the spirit stone in his hand, not to mention it, and also caused himself to lose face in front of the little sister Xiao Qiao who has always admired, and it is even more tiring. Several of my fellow spirit stones lost, almost so tired that I offended others, so I had to ask for a huge sum of money from the family, and then gave up all the spirit stones that my fellow fellow lost…

   From then on, Zhou Qingyue looked at Fang Yuan with a bit of hatred.

   In the days that followed, probably the cowherd hadn’t thought of it, and he kept watching him secretly, right?

   This servant actually befriended the mysterious little pepper, the chief of the Evil Medicine Supervisor, earning so many resources every month?

   Does he really want to stand up again and become a disciple of the fairy door?


  Since you are a handyman, be a good handyman, want to climb up?

   People who have fallen into the mud, want to climb up to join me, Zhou Qingyue, even higher than me?

  Don’t think about it!

   Never think about it!

   “Senior Brother Zhou, what are you thinking about?”

   called Zhou Qingyue back to reality, he was slightly startled, and hurriedly smiled: “Nothing!”

   “It looks like you are in a good mood!”

   The brother Han also laughed, and after counting the time, he smiled: “It’s almost time. The handyman you arranged just now has already reported a letter, saying that the surname Fang has left Danfang. , And there will be disciples on duty to count Danfang at that time, and then you will find Danfang stolen. We don’t even need to say a word, and then we can’t clean up if we jump into the Yellow River!”

   He calculated his time well, even a little earlier than he expected, when suddenly news came.

   A wooden kite flew over anxiously, and even almost hit the tree. The wooden kite was on by another Qinglu Peak disciple. He saw Brother Han in the pavilion and was anxious. He fell down, with a nervous look on his face, and shouted: “Brother Han, you are really here. Go and go. Something has happened. I was waiting to count the Danfang and found that several elixirs were stolen…”


   Brother Han nodded to Zhou Qingyue imperceptibly, somewhat contented, but stood up nervously on the face, and shouted: “Who is so bold and dared to do such things? Stealing Danfang is a serious crime. Tell the Discipline Hall. Are you a disciple?”

   “I’ve been notified, Deacon Qian asked me to come to you…”

   “Go, go!”

   Brother Na Han jumped on Mu Yuan, and said: “In the morning, there was a handyman who entered Danfang…”

   At this time, Zhou Qingyue suddenly stood up and smiled: “In the heavy land of Danfang, there are people who dare to steal. Two brothers, I will also follow you, but I want to see if it is Who is so bold, can even do such things…”

   Soon, they flew to Qinglu Peak with a wooden kite.

   Here, there are already four or five disciples of the black-clad discipline hall with strong auras waiting here. The Danfang below has also placed various restrictions. This is the rules of the fairy gate. Before the Danzhiren, others were not allowed to enter and leave at As soon as Brother Han fell down, he frowned and asked, “Is the handyman still there?”

   “What kind of handyman?”

  All the immortal disciples were shocked when they heard this, frowning and looking at him.

   Senior Brother Han said: “This morning, I called a handyman to come and clean Danfang and ask him!”

   “Go, go find him!”

   When all the disciples heard the words, they all turned their heads and hurried to Yufeng Cliff.

   At this time, the jade bee cliff’s handymen have cleaned the pill furnace, and returned to the dining hall of the Hall of Miscellaneous Affairs to eat, chatting, laughing, and laughing, but suddenly saw countless majestic fairy disciples above their heads coming. When I landed, I was shocked. Before I could ask any questions, a black-faced disciple of the Discipline Hall asked coldly: “Who went to Danfang to clean this morning? Come out quickly, I have something to ask!”

All the handymen below    looked at each other, they were all a little frightened, and no one dared to speak.

   “What happened?”

   Guan Shi walked out of the dining hall, a little confused.

   “I ask you, who went to Danfang to clean this morning?”

   The disciples of the Discipline Hall didn’t even look at Guanshi Sun at all, just shouted coldly.

   “It seems to be… It is… Junior Brother Fang Yuanfang…”

   Among the many handymen, one of them was silly, raised his hand and said something.

  The disciple of the Discipline Hall immediately asked: “Where is he?”

  The handymen looked at each other when they heard the words. It took a while before someone said: “It seems that I haven’t seen him for a long time, I don’t know where I went!”

   The disciple of the Discipline Hall immediately showed a deep color on his face, and he shouted in a low voice: “Where does he live, say it!”

   “The big thing is set!” Zhou Qingyue heard this, calmly on his face, and cried inwardly.

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