Master of Great Calamity Chapter 279: Brother always has a way

   “You all get back, go and work on your own, you come in for me!”

   A group of servants and maids in the yard looked at Fang Yuan stupidly, and saw that he stretched out a finger and pointed at one of them, wondering what he meant, but seeing his face serious, I had to salute and prepare to retreat. It was the servant who was pointed at by Fang Yuan. His expression was complicated and awkward, and he said silently: “That’s not good, or I will change with someone else…”

   “No need, you come in!”

   Fangyuan said unceremoniously, then turned around and walked into the house.

   “A good student serves this fairy teacher, don’t irritate him…”

   The other servants and maid-in-waiting all exhorted to the servant nervously, and looked scared for a while.

   Among the hosts who served in the past, there are indeed many who like that tune, but now this one is in a hurry, right?

   And don’t all the fairy teachers like pink and white, why did this one pick a thin, black one?

   The servant had no choice but to enter the room, and then saw Fang Yuan sitting on the armchair, looking at him with a smile, until all the servants outside left the yard, the servant squatted on the ground. He sighed helplessly: “What is this called?”

   Fang Yuan smiled and stood up: “Senior Brother Sun, I never thought I would meet you here!”

  The servant said helplessly: “I didn’t expect this distinguished guest from heaven to be you…”

   The two looked at each other and then laughed at the same time.

   Fang Yuan never expected that the servant who came to the city to transfer him this day would actually be him…

  I became the first person I knew in Xianmen, Sun Shijin who prefers to drink and eat meat and talk gossip…

   At the beginning, he helped Fang Yuan resolve the assassins of Jiuyou Palace, and after he accompany Fang Yuan through that crisis, he said goodbye to Fang Yuan at the border of Yunzhou. Both people had their own ambitions. Fang Yuan was then I want to go to Wuchi country to find the inheritance, but Guanshi Sun has not changed his original intention. He is ready to find another big fairy gate to hide, honestly be a handyman, and live his comfortable life…

   is just two people, how could they think that now they will meet again in the city this day?

   “Didn’t you go north then?”

   Fang Yuan hugged Guan Shi, took him to sit down, and smiled: “Why are you in this southern land?”

   Guan Sun was not polite, he sat down reluctantly, lighted a tea cup to signal Fang Yuan to pour tea for himself, and sighed: “Isn’t my identity exposed at that time, I was discovered by Jiuyou Palace, okay, I sent it out. Four impermanent emissaries came to chase me, and there was a judge sitting in town. I had no choice but to flee. I didn’t find it for a long time, thinking that Tianlaicheng had an enmity with Jiuyou Palace, so I hid here…”

   talked and looked at Fang Yuan with an angry look: “How can I think that I avoided Jiuyou Palace, but I met you again?”

   Fangyuan couldn’t help but laughed: “This is probably fate, right?”

   I can’t help but feel a little emotional in my heart…

  Sun Guanshi was really a **** in the Qingyang Sect, but later it was to help himself, so he had to expose his identity, like him, a defected assassin, that is the taboo of Jiuyou Palace, and he will definitely not pursue it. He refused to give up when he went back. Now, although it is easy to listen to him, it must be extremely dangerous when the four impermanent envoys and a judge are looking at him. You can only get out of it after a hard fight?

   After all, it’s all for yourself!

   “Hey, you don’t need to say all of this. Quickly talk to me. How did you become a distinguished guest this day?”

  Sun Guanshi saw that Fang Yuan’s face was dark, and he knew that Fang Yuan was a smart man, and he could guess the truth about how he escaped the assassins of Jiuyou Palace. He must have some self-blame in his heart, so he hurriedly changed the subject and laughed: “I found out that you are not small in this ability. You suddenly became the descendant of the Golden Core of Wu Chi Kingdom. What did you do when you came to the city on this day…”


   Fang Yuan gave a wry smile and said: “I’m here to collect debts!”

  Sun Guanshi was in a daze, and his gossiping heart rose: “Quickly talk about it, I am so cute to listen to this!”

   Facing Guan Shi, there was nothing to hide. Fang Yuan explained how he got to Yuluo Mountain in the first place and got the inheritance of the golden core of the real Taihua man, and how he got involved in the royal family of Uchi Kingdom. The battle helped the little prince win the throne, and then saw the last words of the real man Taihua, in order to get the last volume of the five thunder quotes from the Gang, I had to come to this day to come to the city…

   Guan Shi listened with gusto and applauded from time to time, but after hearing Fang Yuan’s intentions, his brows wrinkled slightly, and his expression was a bit solemn, he said: “The day you said it, I had heard of it. Yes, it can make people form the Purple Thunder Pill of Heaven’s Dao. Five hundred years ago, someone in Tianlai City had cultivated it. It was very beautiful, but it was later killed by an assassin in Jiuyou Palace…”

  ”killed by an assassin in Jiuyou Palace?”

   Fang Yuan was slightly startled when he heard that, only then did he understand why Guanshi Sun said that Jiuyou Palace had an enmity with Tianlaicheng.

   between the two, and these old grudges, no wonder he would hide here.

   However, from Guanshi Sun’s words, he also heard some different meanings, frowned slightly, and said: “You said that someone came to the city five hundred years ago by cultivating a Purple Thunder Pill of Heaven, then Could it be said that in the past five hundred years, no one has cultivated again?”

   When the cultivating cultivator reaches the pinnacle level, he has to refine it into a golden pill and step into a new realm.

   However, just as the foundation is built with the alchemy, the five elements build the foundation, and the heaven builds the foundation, so is the golden pill.

   Under normal circumstances, Danguang is divided into five grades, namely purple, gold, white, red, and blue.

  The closer the Danguang is to purple, the stronger the potential and the stronger the foundation.

   And this Heavenly Dao Purple Thunder Pill, with the word “purple” in it, shows that this is indeed the highest golden pill.

   However, Fang Yuan has also cultivated to a certain level of fire on this day. Although profound and profound, it is not difficult to comprehend. Although the resources of Thunder Road are scarce, he is afraid that he is not looking for such a behemoth like Tianlaicheng. If not, then why hasn’t anyone successfully practiced in the past five hundred years?

  As soon as he said this, Guan Shi’s eyes lighted up, and Fang Yuan knew that he was happy.

   It used to be this expression whenever he inquired about some great secrets and wanted to tell him.

  ”It’s not that the purple thunder pill of heaven is difficult to achieve, but it’s hard to find people who practice the five thunders of heaven…”

   Guan Shi patted his thigh, and looked at Fang Yuan with excitement: “Do you think you formed the foundation of Heavenly Dao, this is so common? Heavenly Dao Foundation is a wizard in the world, I don’t know how many years there will be one. , Come to the city this day, there are still many masters, and there are many talents among the juniors, but they can form the heavenly way and build the foundation, get the heavenly gang five thunders, and then form the heavenly way purple thunder pill, and embark on the road to immortality. There are not many. Let’s put it this way. For thousands of years, there are probably only two or three in total…”

  ”Thousands of years ago, there was one city lord of Heavenly City, and it was the top overhaul in the world at that time. At that time, Heavenly City was really beautiful, and it was truly capable of being as famous as the Zhongzhou family, but ah, that person The old city owner took several proud disciples at that time to the top of Kunlun Mountain, and worked with the masters of all parties to deduced the method of fighting the catastrophe, and then never came back…”

  ”Then five hundred years ago, he was the most beloved son of the old grandma today. He was also a fascinating genius. He formed the foundation of Heaven and later cultivated into the Purple Thunder Pill of Heaven, but he didn’t know. Who was the enemy, bought the assassin of Jiuyou Palace, set up an ambush to besiege him, in that battle, Ten Temple Yama made three shots, and finally killed this little genius…”

   “Later… 20 years ago, right?”

   Guan Shi said, he frowned and thought for a while before he remembered, and said, “Yes, twenty years ago, Tianlaicheng also had a genius who built the foundation of heaven. He seemed to have accepted it. After the inheritance of Tiangang Five Thunders, but within a few years, he disappeared. No one has seen him again, but I accidentally heard people say that this genius should be in a madness…”

   Fangyuan was suddenly surprised when he heard it: “Could it be that this huge sky came to the city, and then there is no one to succeed?”

   Guan Shi shook his head, and said: “Heavenly City masters are like clouds. There are as many as ten of the master’s golden core. Naturally, it cannot be said that there are no successors, but those who can embark on the road to becoming immortal. But there are very few things, and there is no other way…”

   sighed, looking at Fang Yuan’s gaze with a little approval, and said: “The first step on the road to immortality is the foundation of heaven. This is not a Chinese cabbage. I want to get to this point. Qualifications, efforts and resources are also indispensable!”

  ”Today, the city is one of the best, and the resources are naturally not bad; and there are many juniors, and there are certainly many good roots; more importantly, they also know the wishes of the old lady, and naturally they are all fighting I want to form a foundation to build a foundation, so that I can accept the inheritance of the five thunders of the sky. Naturally, I will not slacken in my practice, but who knows, but there is no fairy seedling that builds the foundation of the sky…”

   “If you don’t find a reason, it’s just the background of coming to the city this day, or is it a bit worse than Zhongzhou Daxianmen?”

   Fang Yuan was a little surprised after hearing such words, he could only follow: “Perhaps so…”

   Until now, he finally understood where the enviable eyes of the seventh ancestor of the Jin family came from when he looked at him!

   It turns out that the foundation of Heavenly Dao is really what they lack in Heavenly City…

   But Fang Yuan has also heard that in the major immortal gates and families in Zhongzhou, although the foundation of heaven is not much, it is still every few or decades There are so many, why are there so many people who come to the city this day?

   Is it bad luck?

   “Well, Mrs. Jin thought about this kind of thing for more than a thousand years, but didn’t even think about it. Let’s not think too much…”

  Sun Guan had a good talk, and he was satisfied.

   After leaving the Qingyang Sect, he rarely encountered someone like Fang Yuan who could listen to him honestly, and now he has finally had an addiction.

   After talking about a secret thing about coming to the city this day, he suddenly remembered it, and said: “Now that the people who came to the city are still alive today, they have cultivated into the sky and five thunders, and once formed the sky purple Leidan’s, there should be only Mrs. Jin…”

   “Junior Brother Fang Yuan, how can you get this inheritance from her after you have figured it out?”

   “I haven’t thought about it yet, let’s take one step and count one step…”

   When he mentioned this, Fang Yuan felt helpless, shook his head and sighed.

   Guan Shi saw his face a little disappointed, he couldn’t help but get serious, thinking that just such a junior, he can’t ignore his difficulties, frowning and pondering, after a long while, his eyes brightened and thought. An idea.

  His face looked a bit solemn at this time, and he whispered: “There is still a way…”


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