Master of Great Calamity Chapter 258: Fill in life


Since Uchi’s army surrounded Dingdingshan, this attack on the mountain has not stopped.

Especially after Concubine Lu gave a strict order, Wuchi Kingdom Xuan Jiawei attacked the mountain even more desperately.

Whether it is the commander of the army, the yin servant of the palace, or the guards around the emperor of Wuchi, all have done their best at this time, like a tide rushing to Dingding Mountain, the spiritual light is like rain, and the magical tools are like mountains. Rumble came over.

Under the power of so many masters, the Dingshan Mountain is still swaying like a wind.

It seems that the mountain protection formation around Dingdingshan is like paper, and will collapse at any time…

But no one thought that this seemingly paper-and-paper-like protective mountain formation would have been holding on for a full day and night, although the light blue that represented the first layer of formation was incomplete. , Shaky, but still not collapsed.

“It’s only a thread, let the kids work harder!”

The Yin servant beside Concubine Lu came to the commander, looked at the mountain, and said with a sneer.

The commander wiped a cold sweat on his head: “Too many people have been lost!”

The yin servant sneered and said: “If you give up at this time, the people who died before will also die in vain!”

The commander gritted his teeth and passed on the order again. On this day and night, dozens of people finally broke through the wind and snow outside the mountain, and finally set foot on Dingding Mountain, facing the endless restrictions in the mountains. To break through the formation of the first large formation on the periphery of Dingdingshan, for them, because they could not deduce the location of the formation, they simply destroyed everything…

This is such a rude approach, which is useful to some extent.

It’s just that there are more casualties!

After supporting for another three hours, a layer of land outside Na Dingding Mountain was lifted. Not a single piece of the rock was intact, and not a single tree was standing. In this direct and large area Under the strong attack, there was some effect. Finally, a blue ice crystal inserted behind the wild mountain stone was broken by the profound armor guard, and an obvious loophole appeared in the middle of the outer light. The wind and snow also weakened a lot.

“Have you found the front?”

Around Dingdingshan, Xuan Jiawei was overjoyed and shouted loudly.

But before the screaming sounded, a sudden change occurred again.

After the loophole appeared, it suddenly caused a large area of ​​collapse. The sky was full of wind and snow, which obviously shrank to the middle, and then skyrocketed.

Boom! boom! boom!

The burst of light, mixed with countless icy debris, suddenly rushed outward, like a raft of cracked sheepskin.

The endless remnant light, as well as the layers of gravel and flying sand lifted by the terrible explosive force, all shot out like flying swords. Those who surrounded Dingdingshan attacked The soldiers of the Uchi Kingdom in the formation, before they had time to cheer for breaking the first-level formation, were frightened by the doomsday scene in front of them, yelled, and desperately fled back, but the speed was no longer enough.

The aftermath of the explosion of the first layer of formation, like a wave, swept across the square, engulfing countless soldiers in it.

I don’t know how many people screamed, they were torn to pieces by the light.

“This… Damn!”

The commander who was sitting in front of the mountain and commanding his guards to attack the big formation suddenly changed his face when he saw this scene.

The fist was squeezed tightly, and a layer of cold sweat oozes from his forehead.

Now, how many people died…

Forcibly attacking the big formation is such a fate, it’s like having to blunt the blade of a knife with your head!

The first layer of Dingshan’s formation cannot be cracked, so they can only use their hands to forcefully break the formation. Although speaking, this is also a method. After all, there are so many people and so many guards. , So many talisman magic weapons will be played out and accumulated to a certain extent, no matter how strong the formation is, there will always be the moment when they reach their limit and are forcibly broken by them…

But this is tantamount to using human lives to fill it!

His Majesty and Concubine Lu within the Yu Nian may not care how many people died in breaking this big formation, but he does care. Starting from the attack on this big formation yesterday, until just now the first big formation finally finally In the aftermath of being broken, in a day and a half, there were hundreds of ordinary Xuanjia guards, fourteen leaders of the foundation building realm, and three of the shadow servants of the foundation building died under the Dingding Mountain…

These are all human lives, they are the foundation of Wu Chi State!

Wuchi Kingdom is not an immortal gate, but imitated the imperial state and established the road based on the state. But in the final analysis, Wuchi Kingdom is also a cultivator, and naturally it will not be like a small mortal country. Any young and strong labor can be armored. In the battle, each of their Xuan Jia guards is a person who can practice, at least they have to reach the sixth level of Qi training before they can become Xuan Jia guards and serve the royal family!

In this way, the number of Xuan Jiawei naturally cannot be too many, it has always been only about three thousand.

Yesterday, he originally brought three hundred Xuan Jiawei. When he attacked the mountain for the first time, he had suffered heavy casualties. If it weren’t for Concubine Lu’s rushing over, in order to attack the mountain, he borrowed his majesty’s will and took the other The black armor guards that can be mobilized in the locality are mobilized, and he can’t even concentrate enough power to carry out the attack on Dingdingshan that has been maintained for a day and night!

Now, although fortunately, the first large formation of Dingdingshan was broken, the loss of Xuan Jiawei has been extremely large.

It gave him the feeling that there was an evil beast in front of him, but they didn’t want to kill the evil beast. Instead, they sent it over and let the evil beast eat it. So you can rely on so many lives to hold that beast to death!

Is there a more stupid way to force fill and break the formation with human lives?

“Haha, well done, the first layer of the big formation is broken, the tortoise will not be able to hide for long, continue to attack the mountain!”

The yin servant who passed the message for Concubine Lu passed through again and smiled at the commander.

“Will you continue to attack?”

The commander listened, and his heart was faintly angry, and he looked at the Yin servant.

Is it true that all three thousand mysterious guards should be buried here?

They are all human lives too…

“Hmph, Niang Niang has a purpose, no matter how you want to break Dingdingshan and take down the division, you are not willing?”

The yin servant saw the dissatisfaction in the leader’s heart and gave him a cold glance.

When the commander heard this, a layer of cold sweat oozes from his back, and he whispered: “But if you continue to attack, the damaged hands are too…”

“It is the loss of manpower, that is also your majesty’s manpower, the manpower of the empress, what is it to you?”

The yin attendant smiled sullenly, and looked at the commander with a sullen look.


The commander was taken aback and hurriedly agreed, and then the flag waved: “Continue to attack!”

Boom! boom! boom!

Finally attacked all the mysterious guards on Dingdingshan. Hearing this, he immediately shouted again, and continued to attack the mountainside, but just rushed forward without a hundred feet, but only heard in the middle of the air. With the sound of the sound, a piece of sharp rock protruding from the ground, divided like a sharp blade, on the ground, the black armor guards could not be guarded, and they were directly divided into pieces.

Some people saw that the situation was not good, and hurried into the air.

But before rushing out much, a cloud of fire was already in the air, covering all directions.


The foundation-building cultivators who rushed up the mountain were burnt with their skins and flesh, and screamed back.

When I returned to the foot of the mountain, most of them were seriously injured by the fire on the mountain.

“Niang Niang, such an attack, it’s really a bit…”

While watching this tragic situation, the Yin Servant seemed to be a little unbearable, hesitated slightly, and whispered to Yu Nian.

“…It’s really slow!”

Among the jade, the coquettish voice rang, seemingly displeased: “It’s just a small immortal gate guarding the mountain formation. It actually attacked for two days, but it didn’t even hit the mountainside, Wu Chi The country has raised so many Xuan Jiawei, is it for fun?”

The yin servant heard a cold sweat and said hurriedly: “Yes, yes, these people are too useless, the slaves and maids will urge them!”


The coquettish voice said: “Your Majesty hasn’t come yet?”

Yin Shi heard the words and hurriedly said: “Your Majesty started driving yesterday, and one day, it will be here!”

The voice in Yu Nianzhi said: “Where are the four major vassals?”

Yin servant said: “This…My servant handed them a letter, but the four domain towns did not reply to the servant servant… I thought, Xu is the four golden core masters, who are very temperamental, maybe Only when your Majesty personally makes an order, can you call them over!”

Yu Nian’s voice didn’t speak for a while, but was obviously cold.

Naturally, she will not fail to understand that there is no deep meaning in this Yin servant’s words…

In this country of Wuchi, the emperor covered the sky with one hand, and she was favored by the emperor. Naturally, she could mobilize countless masters and countless powers, but these powers did not include the four major vassals, because those four were all A master of the Jin Dan level is the strongest strength of Wu Chi State, that is, the emperor is polite to them, mainly to win over them, let alone a concubine like her?

“Does that mean that you really let the hide in there so proudly?”

After a long time, within Yu Nian, the coquettish voice sounded a little impatiently, already a little angry.

The Yin servant didn’t dare to answer casually, but just at this moment, a spiritual light flew over here.

The yin servant waved his hand to catch the aura, carefully inspected it, and he was instantly happy, and he hurriedly got close to Yu Nian and smiled: “Manny, you don’t have to ask your majesty to call the golden core master over here. We sent someone to ask for the battle. The teacher came to help, but I did not expect to invite a powerful…”

Yu Nian’s voice was slightly startled: “Who is it?”

Nayin waiter hurriedly said: “Sanwen Grand Formation Master, Mr. Ling Guang, he was originally the No. 1 Grand Formation Master of Tianji Academy. It is rare to see him in normal times. We sent people to Jade Lake to invite people to break the formation. Mr. Ling Guang was also a guest there, so we invited over…”

“Sanwen Grand Formation Master?”

Within Yu Nian, he was slightly startled, and said lightly: “Then let him try!”

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