Master of Great Calamity Chapter 249: Don’t help or grab it

Fang Yuan walked in front, and the white cat was lying on his shoulder honestly, peeking at the fish in Fang Yuan’s gourd from time to time. Guan Ao carried a big sword and followed him. Both the silver-haired and black-haired formation masters followed, and walked toward the outside of the imperial mausoleum in such strides. And behind them, the stubborn dog followed pathetically, with a stubbornly abandoned look.

This time I came out, but it was different from when I came forward.

The beast spirit restrictions distributed on the second floor of the imperial tomb were originally very difficult to deal with. When Fang Yuan and the others came in, they did not do much to kill them all the way, but now, the white cat is squatting on his shoulders. Above, the beast spirits actually showed great fear one by one, and they scattered away from a distance. They didn’t even dare to approach within a hundred meters, but let them walk out safely all the way.

When it came to the first level of restriction, Fang Yuan was just deriving the magic circle again and finding his way out again.

Walking in this dangerous place full of prohibitions, even if Fang Yuan has successfully entered once, he was extremely cautious when deducing, let alone the two formation masters and Guan Ao, that 猊猊 was also in fear. He only dared to walk along the path Fang Yuan and the others had walked. It was the white cat with a big heart. It was just snoring lazily and seemed not worried about the dangers surrounding it.

Fang Yuan suddenly had this idea in his heart. I don’t know what will happen if this white cat is thrown into the prohibition pile…

As an array master, the curiosity for knowledge is naturally indispensable.

Now, he really wants to know what the truth is that the white cat can pass the stone bridge safely…

…Is it born with a magical power that can counteract the power of restraint, or is there some other way?

But he still dispelled the idea. This old man helped himself a lot, and he was not very kind.

Do it later!

A few hours later, they had already left the scope of the ancestral hall and entered the hundred thousand wild mountains again, and then they found a place to take a temporary rest. These two old formation masters naturally kept thinking He took Fang Yuan back to the Tianshu Gate, racked his brains and sweat, and said a bunch of good conditions to coax Fang Yuan, but Fang Yuan did not agree, and seemed to be really not interested in their affairs.

In desperation, then they worked **** the white cat again, and ran to a wild lake to catch a dozen big fat fishes. But the white cat turned around next to the fat fish, then let out a cold cry and left slowly.

The 狻猊, who followed, stayed for a while, but came over with a bitter face and swallowed the fish in his stomach.

The two array masters understood the meaning of the white cat strangely: “You have good intentions, but things are really bad…”

But in any case, the white cat did not ignore their kindness.

This kind of fairy beast, even if you can’t bring it home, it’s a good thing to pat it on the old man’s flattery, and to have a good relationship with it.

Maybe I can help myself soon!

At this point, Fang Yuan also slowly sorted out his spiritual needs.

With the thunderstone of this universe bag, and the gods like the spirit of the water vein, Fang Yuan’s cultivation is not a problem. On the day the thunder spirit of the water is refined, his cultivation and strength will be The substantial increase, but how to make this Thunder Spirit, has become the most important thing for Fang Yuan today!

“The time must not be delayed anymore…”

Fang Yuan thought to himself, if he drags on, he might be eaten by the white cat.

It has been taking advantage of Fang Yuan’s carelessness to come over and pull the gourd several times, but this gourd is not a mortal thing after all, it has not been scratched by it, and every time Fang Yuan finds it, it turns its head. , Pretending to be nonchalant……

“But if you want to practice, it can’t be that simple…”

Fang Yuan frowned, and in order to refine this Thunder Spirit, he used the technique of Tianyan.

The final result made him a little embarrassed.

Now, after all, his cultivation base is still shallow. He only has to build the second floor. If he wants to successfully refine this Thunder Spirit, he is not sure about it. He must use some other power to do it. First of all, he needs a deep foundation. Dao Yun’s treasure land guarantees the smoothness of one’s cultivation, and the second point, if you want to be more secure, you need a master, or even a number of masters, to help yourself refine the water spirit!

The spirit of the water veins is a divine object after all, and it will not be so easily refined by himself.

Don’t look at it being honest in the gourd now, but as soon as it is released, it may have to run away immediately.

With Fang Yuan’s current ability, I’m afraid I can’t keep it.

It’s just that Fang Yuan sighed at the thought of needing expert help.

There are a lot of masters in the world, but the ones that are credible are hard to find. Where can he find them?

The masters I need, at least three golden cores are enough, but such people are all big people who dominate the party, and the heart is separated from the belly, and I ventured to find it. People don’t want to grab their own. How can you help yourself easily?

This is the problem of being a casual practitioner.

In the past, in the fairy gate, it would be easy for Fang Yuan to find such three elders to help him.

“Anyway, leave first and talk…”

Fang Yuan thought to himself: “Even if it seems difficult, there will be a solution!”

Walking out of the stone cave that had been cut out, Fang Yuan said to Guan Ao that he was going to leave. The two old masters respectfully surrounded the flattering white cat and saw him come out. So naturally, he jumped onto Fang Yuan’s shoulder, glanced at the gourd seemingly inadvertently, and then lay down contentedly, the Suan Suan who was far away complained immediately.

The two old masters were also very speechless. What did this fairy cat keep following him?

But I don’t know that Fang Yuan is also very puzzled, thinking this white cat really wants to follow him?

If you change other people, you will probably think about how to contain this white cat, but Fang Yuan has never thought about it.

Not to mention the strangeness of this white cat, let him know that this cat is by no means simple, and the more critical problem is…

…Who has such a great ability to conquer a cat?

“Two elders, I am going to leave Uchi, don’t live here, see you soon!”

Fang Yuan hugged fists to the two old formation masters and then raised Yin Shuo.

The two veterans were very sorry, but they couldn’t say anything to save Fang Yuan, so they waved helplessly.

But when Fang Yuan just stepped on the silver shuttle and was about to soar into the sky, the white cat on his shoulder suddenly straightened up with a “swish”, and his two pointed ears pointed to the sky. Then the long tail flicked and knocked Fang Yuan’s head.

“What’s wrong?”

Fang Yuan was slightly startled, and asked in a low voice.


The white cat gave a cry, and its snake-like tail slowly pointed towards the sky ahead.

“Swish swish”

After a few breaths of time, a black cloud suddenly floated over in that sky.

Inside there are many monks wearing profound clothes, one by one, with vigorous auras, and obviously a very high level of cultivation. They drove the magic weapon, flying by like electricity, and flew straight from the sky. Fleeting.

If Fang Yuanji had picked up Silver Shuttle just now, he would have ran into them directly.

“Look at the clothes of those people, like those from the royal family of Uchi?”

The two old formation masters were also slightly taken aback and whispered.

Fang Yuan frowned, naturally he couldn’t fly out at this time.

Not to mention that he just came out of the ancestral hall of the Uchi Kingdom and took a lot of treasures, just because he had cut the night guard before and killed Zhao Nuer, the half-step golden pill’s Yin attendant. Now, he has already forged a big feud with the royal family of the Uchi Kingdom…


Fang Yuan and the two veteran divisions were both suppressed, wanting to wait for them to leave before leaving.

But I didn’t expect that after less than a cup of tea, another group of monks flew over in another direction in the air.

In half an hour before and after, four or five cultivators passed.

“They seem to be looking for something…”

Fang Yuan and the two old formation masters both saw it, their hearts sinking slightly.

Under this situation, if he escapes in the air, he will definitely be interrogated. So Fang Yuan directly used the Ziqiqiyun tactic to cover up his body shape and Qi Qi of Guan Ao, and he was slow in the mountains. Walking forward slowly, the two veteran masters were also terrified, and they leaned forward proactively. Fang Yuan frowned, but still covered them, and walked forward together in the mountains.


The cat also felt the surroundings, raising its tail from time to time to show them the way.

Under its guidance, you can always avoid the monks in the air, which makes Fang Yuan feel at ease.

Walking so slowly, gradually moving away from the area where the cultivator was vertical and horizontal, and when Fang Yuan was about to find a place to settle down, suddenly the white cat gave a soft cry. Once it was not a guide, but a long tail, pointed at the bushes just in front of Fang Yuan and others, and then glanced at Fang Yuan, seemingly proud to show off to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan was stunned slightly, and looked over attentively.


Before they could see what they could understand, the bushes suddenly separated. A small, gray figure, like a lost soul, rushed over, and one panicked, fell to the ground and rolled all the way to the ground. In front of Yuan et al.

“Is it you?”

Everyone was shocked. When they looked down, they saw that the man was wrapped in a dirty yellow robe, but who was not the little prince?

Ben Dao had already escaped, and he didn’t expect to see him again at this time.

When I saw Fang Yuan immediately understood that he knew who the monks were looking for…

“Fang…Mr. Fang?”

The little prince looked up and saw Fang Yuan. He was also shocked. He turned to panic and desperate face. He suddenly showed a touch of joy. He hurriedly climbed over and cried: “Mr. Fang save me, I didn’t Being able to escape, that enchanting concubine is too capable, and even knows the most secret passage in the ancestral hall of the Uchi Kingdom. He has sent countless masters to take me, and ask Mr. to help me…”

Hearing what the little prince said, the veteran prince looked at Fang Yuan with endless doubts.

Fang Yuan gradually frowned when he heard what he said.

He shook his head slowly: “I won’t help you!”

“Sir, you…”

The little prince stayed, almost crying: “Why?”

Fang Yuan said seriously: “It’s the same reason I didn’t grab you at the beginning!”

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