Master of Great Calamity Chapter 248: The white cat recognizes the lord?

Bringing the gourd, Fang Yuan returned to the ancestral hall of the Uchi Kingdom, feeling the full pool of thunderstones in the universe bag, and then looked at the spirit of water veins swimming in the gourd, Fang Yuan was very surprised Satisfaction, the combination of the two can completely allow him to cultivate a tyrannical Thunder Spirit, and the power is estimated to be as powerful as he can’t imagine. With these two, this trip is not in vain!

More importantly, although the gain this time was not small, it did not violate my heart.

While these many thoughts flashed in his mind, Fang Yuan returned to the main hall. Now it has been several hours, but the main hall still looks like that, without any change, the two Tianshumen formation masters , Is still under the control of Bronze Mirror, and tried his best to break the restriction behind the Emperor’s Heart Mirror, but because of this, he was shackled by the Emperor’s Heart Mirror, and he couldn’t get away if he wanted to get away…

Now, their body’s mana is already a little weak, a cold sweat on their foreheads, and their faces paler than paper.

Fang Yuan saw it, smiled helplessly, flicked his fingers, and a beam of thunder struck him.

The two formation divisions were hit by thunder light, their bodies shook suddenly, they screamed, and fell to the ground back and forth.

The connection with the emperor’s heart mirror finally disappeared, and the figure was free.

Being locked in the mind by this bronze mirror, it is very difficult for me to break free. Only Fang Yuan’s cultivation level can get rid of with lightning strikes his body.

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”

The two veteran teachers suddenly woke up from their dreams and looked around in shock, not knowing what happened.

“This emperor’s heart is weird!”

Fang Yuan took a look at the emperor’s heart and said: “This is the last restriction of the imperial tomb. Whenever we want to take off this mirror, we will provoke a spiritual counterattack in the mirror and suppress our souls. , If you can’t get rid of it, you will stay here forever!”

The silver-haired veteran of the prince gate that day was shocked: “How could this be?”

Speaking all around: “Where is the little prince? Where did he go?”

Fang Yuan didn’t answer directly. He just looked at a passage on the left side of the hall. There was a shallow footprint on the floating soil over there. It was just like a young man, with the eyes of a person who cultivated in the foundation-building realm. It is difficult to estimate, that is what the little prince left behind.

“Look at it yourself!”

Suddenly, the black-haired gangster’s face changed slightly, he hurried over, and got into the passage.

“Brother, you…”

The silver hair array master was also taken aback, and hurriedly followed.

After a long while, the two people came back, their faces were extremely weird, and even a little scared.

“Brother, why did the little prince run away from there?”

The silver hair array master still didn’t understand, after holding back for a while, he still asked.

The old black-haired former teacher smiled bitterly after hearing the words: “Don’t ask!”

He looked at the silver-haired bandmaster and whispered: “Now that it’s happening, don’t you see it?”

The silver hair array master stayed for a while and said: “Brother, what do you mean…”

The black-haired veteran sighed Shen Shen, and said: “Who can tell about the royal family? The real purpose of the little majesty entering the imperial tomb, none of us knows, the old man really thought he wanted Take this emperor’s heart mirror, but now think about it, we were originally invited by him to serve him, why should he tell us how to use the emperor’s heart mirror?”

After speaking, he sighed deeply, looked into the depths of the hall, and said: “Probably he has other things to do!”

Fang Yuan was slightly startled when he saw that the two of them could also understand this. Although it was only an afterthought, but he was not stupid enough, he chuckled in a low voice and said, “In any case, he finally did not It really drives us to a dead end!”

The two formation masters glanced at each other, and both were a little grateful.

It was the silver-haired old man who suddenly said, “But he promised us two thousand spirits afterwards…”

Fang Yuan can’t speak after hearing this…

He took his reward back, but the two formation teachers did not consider it.

“It’s good to go back safely!”

Fang Yuan stopped talking, and walked outside the hall.

The two formation masters glanced at each other, and said nothing more.

In their opinion, they just came to accompany for a walk, but this young formation master really worked hard to break the formation. If everyone ends up in a void, then this young formation The teacher lost more money than himself, and his mood suddenly became better.

Outside the hall, Guan Ao was squatting outside the hall with a big knife, watching the white cat bullying and playing through the stone bridge. So many things happened in the hall, he didn’t even know and didn’t care. , Because before entering the temple, Fang Yuan had told him that he should stay outside the temple, no matter what happened, he could not enter, he faithfully obeyed Fang Yuan’s words.

“Thank you, Brother Bai…”

After crossing the stone bridge, Fang Yuan walked up to the white cat and gave a gentle salute.


The white cat glanced at Fang Yuan slantingly, as if he was too lazy to speak, but when its gaze fell on the gourd behind Fang Yuan, its eyes suddenly lit up with a “meow” cry Yelling, lightly leaped up and leaped towards the gourd.


Fang Yuan felt unexpected, and hurriedly flashed to the side, hiding the gourd behind him.


The white cat squatted on the ground, looked up at Fang Yuan, and let out a dissatisfied cry.

The old master of the silver-haired team saw him and immediately laughed: “Mr. Fang, this is your fish. Feed it!”

Fang Yuan was startled slightly, glanced at the gourd behind his waist, and immediately understood.

He had always kept this gourd in the Qiankun bag before, but now he can no longer put it in the Qiankun bag.

The Qiankun bag can only hold things under a certain weight. The previous gourd is empty and can be placed in it, but after being filled with water from a whole spirit spring, its weight has reached a very acceptable level. To the extent of fear, if it were poured into a puddle, it would be possible to form a small lake directly. In this case, the gourd Fangyuan had to be tied to his waist.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is nothing but a translucent gourd with a fish in it. Although it looks like a new thing, you won’t find it any great thing, just like these two arrays. The teacher is average.

But this white cat can clearly see it. Look at its greedy face. Isn’t it just staring at the elf in the gourd?

This immediately caused Fang Yuan to take a breath.

This water spirit is the key to cultivating the water phase Thunder Spirit. How could this white cat eat it, but this white cat did a lot of help, and was a little embarrassed, so I had no choice but to rush it He clasped his fists and smiled bitterly: “Brother Bai, this thing is very useful for my practice, but it can’t be given to you. If you want to eat fish, I will go back to the lake to catch more fat and give you…”

The white cat looked at Fang Yuan indifferently, hating him for being stingy.


The stubborn yelled from the side, eager to try.

It was already an enemy of Fang Yuan, and the white cat saw the fish and wanted to rush to grab it.

But the white cat suddenly turned his head and let out a low cry, giving it a threatening look.

This stubborn jumped a lot, and lay down honestly, not daring to play sideways anymore, while the white cat looked back at the gourd on Fang Yuan’s waist, and suddenly “swish” , Jumped on Fang Yuan’s shoulder, and lay down comfortably.


Fang Yuan was also taken aback and stretched out his hand to protect his gourd.

But seeing the cat actually lay on his shoulders honestly, as if it were comfortable there, and didn’t grab the fish.


The stubborn dog couldn’t understand it, and gave a pitiful growl at the white cat.


The white cat yelled impatiently at it, as if to make it shut up.

Then his paw patted Fang Yuan’s shoulder, and his long tail slowly pointed forward.

“You want to go out with me?”

Fang Yuan was surprised and asked a little surprised.

The white cat is too lazy to reason, wondering if his performance is not obvious yet?

“Mr. Fang Xiao, this kind of beast is so strange, it is really a strange thing to follow you…”

The black-haired veteran also saw what the white cat meant, but he didn’t think that the white cat really fell in love with that fish. He wanted to come to this feast, but he couldn’t catch any fish he wanted to eat. I will be attracted by a green carp in that gourd. Now this look naturally recognizes Fang Yuan as the master. I want to leave here with Fang Yuan. I immediately envy and sigh sourly…

“Is this acknowledging the Lord?”

Fang Yuan saw that the white cat seemed to be dozing off lazily on his shoulders, but in his squinted eyes, he always glanced at the gourd on his waist unconsciously. Suspiciously said: “It looks like I still want to eat my fish…”

Although I’m still a little worried, it’s hard to tell when the white cat has fallen asleep.

After all, this white cat has helped itself a lot before and after. It has to follow itself, so it’s not easy to refuse people thousands of miles away, right?

“Then…just go out first…”

Carefully guarding the gourd, Fang Yuan sighed and looked away from the ancestral hall.

“Mr. Fang, leaving this mountain, what are your plans?”

The black-haired old formation teacher hesitated for a while and asked Fang Yuan with a smile on his face.

The old master of the silver-haired formation also said: “It’s better to go to Tianshumen with or ask each other for some formation!”

“Go out first!”

Fang Yuan was noncommittal and shook his head gently.

The two veteran strategists looked at each other, thinking about how to trick Fang Yuan into going up the mountain.

Actually, this time they followed the little prince, their purpose has changed.

Previously, it was just to earn the little prince a few thousand taels of spirits, but later it was to get close to the original.

After all, this formation master is not old, but his formation skills are not superficial. Nowadays, there are gods like white cats to follow. This skill is probably better than the ordinary one-stripe formation master. If you can ask him to come back. If the Shumen is an elder to worship or something, and with his help, the Tianshumen, which has always been infamous, can have a foothold in the formations of Wuchi Kingdom and even Baxiazhou…

The most important thing is that the two of them feel that Fang Yuan is better at talking.

If you want to coax him back to the Tianshu Sect to be an elder, it shouldn’t be difficult…

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