Master of Great Calamity Chapter 246: Don’t grab it

“You…Don’t come…”

The little prince didn’t expect Fang Yuan to have such a tough attitude, and some Liushen Wuzhu rose up, horrified.

Fang Yuan just said with a cold face: “If you are scared at this time, what hurt you before?”

“Heaven and earth conscience, how can I think of harming you…”

The little prince was shocked and scared. He almost jumped up, crying and said with a sad face: “I just want to take away the national treasure of Uchi Kingdom. The treasure mirror is not as scary as you said before, at most three hours. , The prohibition in this imperial tomb will be restored. At that time, the treasure mirror will also lose its spirituality. You only need to break the formation again and you can leave. You only need to go to the hall to see that I am telling the truth. I still want to let the enchanting concubine know that she miscalculated through your mouth, so how can it hurt you?”

Fang Yuan heard this, he had his own measure in his heart, frowned slightly and said: “What about you?”

“I have to take advantage of these three Lichen to leave…”

The little prince was frightened and horrified, and said: “I’m leaving Wuchi State and going to Huangzhou. The Prophet told me that the enchantress is a demon seed, and that is not something we can deal with. My father accepts What she was confused was that she had followed the emperor’s heart lesson, and she didn’t necessarily wake up. He told me that I had no skills to return to the sky. All I could do was to preserve the Seven Treasure Thunder Tree of Uchi Kingdom, which belonged to Uchi Kingdom. National treasure…The enchanting concubine entered the palace and exhausted all his tactics. The plot was only this thunder tree. I can’t let her get it!”

“Then the prophet told you how to enter the imperial tomb and take away this thunder tree?”

Fang Yuan glanced at him and asked lightly.


The little prince swallowed his saliva, with a pleading expression on his face: “The prophet said that this is the end of the matter, and he can only find a way to keep this national treasure first. With this national treasure in hand, the enchantress will destroy me. There is always a day when Uchi country can be restored…”

Fang Yuan gave the little prince a noncommittal glance and said lightly: “If this is the case, why make it so complicated?”

The little prince gaped his tongue. At the end of the day, his heart sullen and said loudly: “What can I do, the prophet dare not care about this matter, the father has fallen into the demon trick again, the generals of the country, no one dares to intervene, can it? Will I let the enchanting concubine take away the Seven Treasure Thunder Tree? I will not give this Thunder Tree to her, nor will I let you take it away. I know that if you see Thunder Tree, you will definitely… “

Fang Yuan sneered as he watched the iron box he held tightly in his arms and looked like he was not letting go.

“So you are worried that if we know the truth, we will rob you?”

The little prince just bit his lip and made no secret of his guard.

This Seven Treasure Thunder Tree, after all, is one of the top ten gods.

Although it is not the mysterious mother tree, it is also a branch separated from the mother tree after all.

Not to mention other miraculous effects that only exist in legends. It is just that the soil within the value range of its root system can be turned into a valuable resource such as thunderstone, which shows its value. I don’t know how many great immortals. If you see it, you will break your head and grab it.

The royal family of Uchi has always strictly guarded the secrets of the Qibao Thunder Tree, and did not teach outsiders to know it.

Even some of the thunderstones they sold, they all speculate that they came from outside the sky, for this reason!

The little prince was deliberately relaxed before, saying that this thunderstone was stolen and sold by himself, but it was only to relax Fang Yuan. In fact, those thunderstones were originally from Wu Chiguo. After a rebellion, it was lost to the outside world.

Under this situation, how can he feel relieved to be seen by a few outsiders?

While looking at the little prince who was like a scared puppy, Fang Yuan sighed in a low voice, and then slowly walked over to the little prince: “What you said may make sense. It makes sense, but I still have to ask you for something…”

“You…you you you you…”

The little prince trembles a bit when he hears this.

Seeing that Fang Yuan had already walked to his side, he almost fainted in fright.

I hugged the iron box tightly in my arms, and his face was completely bloodless…

Then he saw that Fang Yuan stretched out his hand, his armor was neatly trimmed, his fingers were thin and slender.

But when the horror and fear in his heart reached its extreme, that hand did not reach the iron box in his arms.

Instead, he gently pointed to the thunder pond behind him.

“You still owe me three thunderstones!”

Fang Yuan pointed to the thunder pond, and said lightly: “I said before, after the matter is done, give me five thunder stones!”

The little prince’s eyes widened: “You?”

“People cannot stand without credibility. If you owe me, you must give it to me!”

Fang Yuan said lightly: “This time I followed you over. I wanted to see what the **** you were doing. By the way, take back the thunderstone you owe me. Of course, I said five yuan before. I’ve had some trouble, so I have to…”

The little prince became more dumbfounded as he listened, he swallowed his saliva after a while, and tentatively said: “You…you won’t steal me?”

Fang Yuan frowned slightly, and said lightly: “I can earn by my skills, why should I grab it?”

The little prince looked unbelievable: “You…really unmoved?”

“Will be tempted, but not necessarily hands-on!”

Fang Yuan replied indifferently, and then suddenly a palm down.

In the thunder pond, there was a piece of soil about three feet wide, but now it has been nourished by the Qibao thunder tree and turned into a piece of stone, but it is full of thunder and lightning. When the little prince pulled out the Seven Treasure Thunder Tree, these thunderstones were also shattered, turning into a ox-head-sized stone, full of a pool, afraid that there would be no less than a dozen pieces.

Fang Yuan grabbed this one, but only took three of them and put them in Qiankun’s bag.

Then he looked up again, looked at the little prince, and said nothing.

The little prince got a cold heart, and said quietly: “You…do you have something to say?”

Fang Yuan nodded and said: “We signed a contract before, and you promised to give me five thunderstones, and then I helped you enter the imperial tomb, but there was a rage in the middle. Not only did I need to help you break the battle, but also I helped you to get rid of a half-step golden pill’s yin attendant. The more important thing is that you have already said some things, but you have been biased by other thoughts and have to compensate…”

The little prince said stupidly: “So?”

Fang Yuan said: “You have to add money!”

The little prince suddenly couldn’t laugh or cry: “Are you bargaining sir?”

Fang Yuan glanced at him and said: “I don’t like making others suffer, and I don’t like making myself suffer!”

The little prince stayed for a while, and hurriedly said: “Then add, as long as you don’t steal my thunder tree, these thunder stones are all yours!”

When Fang Yuan heard this, he was slightly startled: “I didn’t force you!”

The little prince repeatedly said: “It’s not you who are forcing me, I’m begging you, please take it soon…”

“Now I feel less ill towards you!”

Fang Yuan nodded and was not polite. With a big wave of his hand, all the thunder stones were put into the universe bag.

His practice in the realm of foundation construction requires a lot of thunderstones, but now this full pool of thunderstones has been put away. In any case, this is enough for his practice, and even a part of it is extra. This is a surprise…

“This time the contract is over!”

Fang Yuan took out the previously signed contract with the little prince from Qiankun’s bag and gently crushed it.

This also means that his cooperation with the little prince has officially ended.

The little prince saw that he had actually taken the thunderstone, and he was about to leave. He didn’t even look at the Qibao Thunder Tree he was holding in his arms. He was completely stunned. Fang Yuanruo was just for Taking his thunder tree and doing anything, he would not be surprised or surprised, but he was so abiding by the rules, it made him feel uncomfortable like never before.

“Hey…Mr. Fang…”

He couldn’t help but called Fang Yuan again: “You really don’t grab my Qibao Thunder Tree?”

Fang Yuan frowned and glanced at him, and said, “Do you want me to grab it?”

The little prince: “…”

Want to smoke my mouth!

Quickly smiled and said: “Hehe, I just wanted to say, sir, you are really a good person…”

Fang Yuan said lightly: “It’s not your turn to say these things!”

The little prince was immediately embarrassed again, scratching his head and said: “I mean, the demon concubine’s purpose has been to get this Qibao Thunder Tree, and sooner or later she will know where the imperial tomb is, although I took the Qibao Thunder Tree, but there are still many good things in the imperial mausoleum. Instead of leaving it to the enchanting concubine, it is better for the husband to take it for himself, and I will pay the husband for compensation!”

Fang Yuan just nodded and said lightly: “If there is something I need, I will take it!”

The little prince sighed. If Fang Yuan got his own promise, he was still a fake Mr. Daoxue, he would definitely refuse to take things from the imperial tomb. He was not at ease, now Fang Yuan has not refused. It makes him feel more credible!

I didn’t say much at the moment, Chao Fangyuan hugged his fists, then turned around and left.

Fang Yuan watched his back disappear into a secret passage, knowing that this little prince is a big ghost, he must have found a way out before he came, and he has a way to leave, so he just shook his head~ Turned around and walked back to the hall. As he walked, his calm face slowly became more relaxed. At the end, a smile appeared on his lips.

“This little prince is really smart…”

In my heart, I can’t help but sigh slightly: “It’s just a pity that I don’t read too much!”

While thinking, he slowly looked around, silently observing the surrounding thunder pond. After secretly deducing for a while, he gradually gained enlightenment and made sure that he had just risen in his heart. The idea is correct…

“Since he has already said this, what else am I polite?”

The little prince knew the importance of the Seven Treasure Thunder Tree, and knew that there were some valuable burial objects in this ancestral hall, but he didn’t understand that since the Seven Treasure Thunder Tree is here, there must be There is another treasure…

No matter how good the thunder tree is, it is not very useful for Fang Yuan today. He wants to practice, and thunderstone is enough.

And the treasure that this party should have in Fang Yuan’s deduction is what he really needs!

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