Master of Great Calamity Chapter 245: 7 Treasure Thunder Tree

After the little prince got into the passage on the left side of the hall, it was like a different person.

He turned his head and looked, and saw that the two formation masters of Tianshumen and Fang Yuan were all concentrating on breaking the restriction behind the Emperor’s Heart Mirror, but what they did not expect was that the Emperor’s Heart Mirror. But it was not so easy to take off. When the prohibition around the imperial tomb had disappeared, the emperor’s heart mirror automatically activated the magical powers. The three radiances became the introduction to the emperor’s heart mirror, making that side of the emperor’s heart mirror, Unconsciously, the magical power appeared, shining into the spirits of the three formation masters!

Eligible to hang on the beams of the tomb of Emperor Wuchi, this emperor’s heart is not just a warning to the emperor!

It is still the last prohibition of the tomb of the Uchi Kingdom!

It’s just that it is different from other prohibitions. It will not directly eliminate the incoming enemy, but will be subtle and self-explanatory…

He could see that the three formation masters had been deterred by the Emperor’s Heart Jian. At least within three days, he easily got out, and he also relaxed a little, showing a touch of his face. With resolute color, a purple talisman seal was sacrificed…

The material of the talisman is neither silk nor silk, with runes on it, and it is full of spirituality. After he recited the mantra for a while, he took the initiative to fly, folded in the air, but became a paper crane and flew in the air. Among them, fluttering left and right, full of spirituality, flew straight toward the depths of the passage. The little prince sighed softly when he saw him, unfolded his body skills, and rushed toward the depths of the passage!

In the depths of the imperial tomb, the passages are vertical and horizontal, complicated and strange, and dangerous, but he is not afraid of it.

Among the imperial tombs, the great formation has already converged, but there are some secret restrictions, but he walked around easily.

Obviously, he had done enough preparations before coming.

I don’t know how long he has been walking, he has already come to a heavy and dark bronze gate, the gate is closed tightly, giving people a feeling of extremely heavy and extremely dangerous, not to mention whether there are restrictions on the door , Only this weight can be opened by people.

But the little prince obviously knew the existence of this bronze gate a long time ago.

When he got here, he knelt down, prayed silently for a while, then took out a blue knife, lightly swiped the tip of his right index finger, squeezed out a drop of vivid blood, and then started , Fed in the mouth of the beast head in the bronze gate.

The bronze beast head that looked like a dead thing suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the little prince sorrowfully.

The little prince was not afraid, and looked up at the bronze beast head.

After a long while, the bronze beast head seemed to be certain, and suddenly he slowly closed his eyes.


The heavy bronze gate suddenly opened slowly, revealing a gap.

In the crack of the door, a dazzling light came out.

The little prince breathed a sigh of relief and slowly walked into the bronze gate with the paper crane flying beside him.

As soon as he entered here, he immediately took a breath.

Behind this bronze gate, there is a huge cave with a radius of more than one hundred feet. On the stone wall around the cave, one after another dense caves have been cut. In each cave, there are There is a purple copper coffin with delicate patterns on it, which is the unique pattern of the royal family of the Uchi Kingdom, and the people in the copper coffin are the first emperors of the Uchi Kingdom!

Surrounded by all the coffins of the first emperor, in the middle of the cave is a pool of electric fire.

The pond also has a radius of more than ten meters, and the thunder and lightning in it are constantly breeding and disillusioning. It shines the cave like a white light. From a distance, it seems to be full of thunder and lightning. And it will overflow at any time…

But that was just an illusion. The little prince could see the bottom of the pool through the dazzling lightning on the surface.

At the bottom of the pond, there was a small sapling more than three feet high. The leaves were like pine needles, and the stems were bronze, vigorous and vigorous. All the lightning flowed from the lightning that grew on the sapling. The ones that came out, collided and entangled with each other, and connected into pieces. Under the nourishment of this lightning, even the soil under the young saplings condensed into the description of rock, full of thunder and lightning.

And what is even more surprising is the color of this young sapling.

It changes from time to time, red, orange, blue, blue, purple and golden, constantly changing.

And when the color of the young tree sapling changed, the color of the thunder and lightning changed continuously.

Electric light shines, making this cave constantly changing with various colors.

“Seven Treasure Thunder Tree…”

The little prince looked at the little sapling, took a deep breath, and vomited it out slowly after a long while.

“The mother said, there is only this way…”

He whispered to himself, and then took out an iron box from Qiankun’s bag.

The iron box is four feet square, with an iron gossip inlaid on it.

The little prince squeezed the finger that was just cut off, and squeezed a drop of blood on the iron gossip, and saw the eight formations slowly changed. After a while, a white light projected from the gossip. The little prince hurriedly raised his hand and threw the gossip out. The iron box seemed to have its own spirituality, and immediately flew over the thunder pond, slowly turning over.

Endless white light flowed out of the box, covering the entire mine pond.

After a long while, the thunder tree was pulled up and slowly flew into the small box.

Then, the gossip pattern on the small box changed again and returned to its previous appearance. The Seven Treasure Thunder Tree was also sealed in by this iron box, and this iron box was like that. Suddenly lost his spirituality and fell to the ground.

The little prince hurriedly jumped over, holding his arms in his arms.

The box is light, but he is as heavy as holding the whole world.

With a low sigh, he will follow the paper crane and leave the room through another passage.

“You really didn’t tell the truth!”

But at this moment, a flat voice suddenly rang.

The little prince was taken aback and almost fell down. He turned around and saw Fang Yuan in a green robe.

He didn’t know when he also entered this cave, and looked at himself quietly at the door.

Two people are so close, he doesn’t even know when Fang Yuan came, let alone how long he has been here.


The little prince spoke in a panic, but couldn’t say a whole word.

He didn’t understand. At this time, Fang should have been suppressed by the Emperor’s Heart Jian.

Even if he and the two formation masters can get out of trouble, it will be less than three days, and by that time, he will be flying far away.

“I shouldn’t be here, right?”

Fang Yuan said lightly: “The emperor’s heart mirror is a psychic mirror, and he was born to know that he would guard your Wuchi Emperor’s tomb. He hangs above the tomb beam, which is actually the last restriction of the tomb. , Whenever an outsider comes in, even if it gives birth to a trace of the mind that wants to take away anything from the imperial tomb, it will lock the mind, ranging from confusion, to suppression forever!”

Speaking, he looked at the little prince faintly: “Do you think I should be locked now?”

The little prince stared at Fang Yuan fiercely, took a few deep breaths, and calmed himself down, holding the box tightly in his arms, trying to maintain the stability of his voice, and said: “You…you How…how did you get out of trouble?”

“My soul is protected by a secret method, and ordinary magic weapons can’t help me!”

Fang Yuan replied indifferently, and then said: “What’s more, I have never believed in you, so how can I really break the bronze mirror restriction?”

“You… why don’t you believe me?”

The little prince’s face became more and more alarmed, he took a step back and said: “Where did I lead you to doubt?”

“Looking on a mirror for you to relieve your father’s demon method is a joke. If you really bring that mirror back, let alone whether you can succeed, I am afraid that even your father’s face I can’t see you, you are very smart, there is no reason to not understand this!”

Fang Yuan said calmly, walked forward slowly, and said: “The more critical issue is that when you told me that the Qibao Thunder Tree was, I didn’t believe you anymore, although I did Lei Shu doesn’t know much, but he has read a lot of the pharmacopoeias of all kinds of spiritual medicines and trees in the world, and even understands some principles of cultivating spiritual plants. I know that these types of sacred trees can not be cultivated anywhere. Either it is a unique magical treasure, or it must be the opposite…”

He said slowly, very confident: “So you said that the Seven Treasure Thunder Tree was raised in your Wuchi State Altar. I never believed this sentence from the beginning. After all, Wuchi State It is a small country, and there is no precious place to cultivate the Seven Treasure Thunder Tree. Then, if you can cultivate this thunder tree, it must be a place of evil and darkness, and it must not be a mortal thing that nourishes it…”

Looking at the surrounding coffins, he continued: “Thunder Dao’s fetish, extraordinary things can nourish, but only human hearts can nourish the heavens. Therefore, I thought for a long time that it can nourish these gods. Only the emperor of the Uchi Kingdom ruled over a country, and thinking about it this way, besides the remnants of the emperors of the Uchi Kingdom, what else is more suitable to raise this thunder tree?”

The little prince heard these his face has become extremely weird: “Did you know that Qibao Thunder Tree is here?”

Fang Yuan said: “Just guess what you want, it looks like you got it!”

The little prince really didn’t know what to say, he gritted his teeth in secret, and clenched a purple jade slip in his hand.

Fang Yuan looked at him and said, “It looks like you still have a back hand, but you also know that your strength is far from mine. What will this back hand be?” His eyes looked around. , Said lightly: “Yes, here are all the remains of your first emperor Uchi, and there must be some remnants there. You probably want to arouse them and induce their power to suppress me?”

Then he shook his head: “Don’t do this, I don’t want to kill you!”

The little prince was said to have broken his mind. He was flustered and desperate. He almost fell. After all, the jade slip did not dare to crush it. He held the iron box tightly in his arms, and said with despair in his eyes: “Don’t come here. , I destroyed the Thunder Tree, and I won’t give it to you…”

Fang Yuan walked over without stopping, and said lightly: “Then you destroy it!”

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