Master of Great Calamity Chapter 243:

There are no terrible beasts and spirits on the altar…

In fact, there is only one fat white cat on the altar, sleeping asleep like no one there.

Next to the white cat, there was a squat beast the size of a small calf, and he was pleased to use his paws to gently help the white cat rub his stomach, which seemed to support so many people. Suddenly appeared, the squat beast was taken aback, and pitted its teeth at Fang Yuan and the others, while the white cat just opened its eyes and glanced at them lazily, seeming to be bored, and Lie back slowly!

Either the little prince or the two formation masters were stunned by this scene.

What the **** is this?

Why is there such a white cat on the altar, what about the beast and spirit?

This is within the scope of the ancestral hall of the royal family of Wuchi Kingdom, with evil beasts and spirits everywhere, how did this cat come from?

Why is it lying here?

Those beast spirits who dare not approach this altar, are they afraid of it?

Compared with the little prince and the two formation divisions, Fang Yuan was only surprised.

Not only because I saw this white cat that shouldn’t have been here, my heart is strange, but also because he and this white cat are still an old acquaintance, even with the stubborn beast. To some extent it is also an old acquaintance!

…In the Demon Breath Lake, he met this white cat, and he had to help him a lot.

But after leaving the Demon Breath Lake, he has never seen it again.

Now that this place is tens of thousands of miles away from the Yue Kingdom Demon Breath Lake, how could this cat appear here?

There is also that 猊猊 beast. It is obviously the battle pet that the Yinshan True Legend Ganlong Sword brought by his side. At that time, when he fought fiercely with the Ganlong Sword, this 猊猊 beast seemed to have run away. Didn’t show up, why are you mingling with this white cat now?

“No wonder there are so few beast spirits around, are they all caused by it…”

Tianshumen’s old formation master said in a low voice, his face was already terrified to the extreme.

Just now they came all the way, and they didn’t encounter as many beast spirits as they had imagined. It stands to reason that if every old emperor of Wuchi Kingdom dies, hundreds of beast spirits will be refined here, thousands more. Over the years, some demon spirits will dissipate due to various reasons, but the remaining number will definitely not be small, otherwise, this second layer of defense prohibition will not have much power!

But when they came along the way, they only met two or three kittens.

Just now I thought that these beast spirits were all gathered near the altar. Now, if you look at it, there is no beast near the altar.

Including the fierce beast and beast spirit that should exist here, there is no trace!

Look at the belly of the white cat that is almost stretched. How can they not have any associations?

It’s just that this Lenovo is too terrifying!

Could it be that most of the beast spirits, including the fierce beast that is comparable to the golden core, were eaten by it?

“Brother, use the four-phase evil spirit formation…”

The sweat from the palms of the two old formation masters at Tianshumen came out. They looked up at Fang Yuan. Seeing that there was no response from him, they nodded to each other, pressed them and took out a set of magical instruments. Up to now, although I haven’t seen the fierce beast and beast spirit, this cat is probably no better to deal with than the beast and beast spirit, and can only take out the baby at the bottom of the box to deal with it…

“Mr. Fang Xiao, our senior brothers show their hands, I’m sorry you help us scavenge and stare at that 狻猊!”

The two of them prepared secretly and walked forward slowly.

But at this moment, Fang Yuan suddenly sighed and said, “I’ll come!”

The two formation masters of the pivotal gate said immediately: “Okay!”

After taking a step back, all the guys in his hands are also put away, faintly relieved.

They don’t want to provoke such horrible existence without having to do anything.

People shouldn’t look like, and so can demons!

The more normal this white cat looks, the less reasonable it is!

It’s just that they were waiting faintly expectantly. When they wanted to see what method Fang Yuan would use to deal with the monster, they suddenly saw that Fang Yuan did nothing, so he sighed and left nothing. With one hand, he walked over to the altar.

“Mr. Fang Xiao, you…”

The two formation masters were taken aback, and hurriedly wanted to stop him.

Fang Yuan had to wave his hand at them and said: “Don’t be so nervous, it… is an acquaintance with me!”


The little prince and the two formation masters were stunned.

Fang principle was to walk directly onto the altar, and then walked towards the white cat. When he saw him coming, the squat fangs immediately appeared, a fierce look on his face, and a threatening expression in his throat. Sounds, but the white cat suddenly turned over, scratching a paw on that 猊猊’s head, and 狻猊 immediately showed a squiggly expression, lying on the ground and dared not move.

Then the white cat turned his head, looked at Fang Yuan lazily, and let out a vague cry.

It seems to be asking Fang Yuan what to do!

“Meet me again… cat…”

Squatting in front of the white cat, Fang Yuan said hello.

Just thinking about how to call this cat, he hesitated for a while, called Senior Cat? Brother Cat? Little cat ancestor?

Somehow the cat didn’t care about it, but gave Fang Yuan a cold look.

From the look in his eyes, Fang Yuan clearly saw a kind of impatience of “say, if you have a fart, quickly”.

“After the parting of the Demon’s Breath Lake, I haven’t seen you, but I didn’t expect to meet you here…”

Fang Yuan frowned and whispered: “Did you follow me from the Demon Breath Lake, or did you just meet here by accident?”

The white cat turned his head and glanced at Suan, thinking that this guy didn’t know anything in his heart…

Fang Yuan also took a look at that 狻猊, he also saw this 猊猊, and then faintly guessed that this white cat should have been following him, but it would not show up in front of him from time to time. This also caused some doubts in his heart. This white cat was obviously from an extraordinary origin, and his skills were not small, but it has been following itself, but what is it for?

“Do you… do you want me to help?”

Fang Yuan asked tentatively.

There seemed to be a sneer on the white cat’s face, thinking that you really value yourself!

“Either that, what are you here for?”

Fang Yuan asked tentatively again.

But the white cat didn’t look up, and the snake-like tail lazily pointed towards the back of the altar.

Fang Yuan suddenly understood in his heart: What are you supposed to do?…


He had no choice but to stand up, glanced at the cat again, made a gesture to it, then turned and went down to the altar, facing the doubtful eyes of the little prince and others, he could only casually The answer is “The problem is solved”.

However, this made the little prince and the two formation masters awe…

Being able to get involved with that mysterious white cat, Fang Yuan was obviously more unfathomable in their eyes.

“Let’s go ahead, it shouldn’t affect us!”

Fang Yuan whispered, and the group walked around the altar and continued on.

Now, this second level of prohibition can be regarded as the end, and they have really approached the position of the ancestral hall of the Uchi Kingdom, but they see behind the altar, it is a bottomless cliff, and I don’t know how deep it is. At a glance, there was only an endless green mist, a section of stone bridge paved with black jade, which crossed the cliff directly from the altar and reached the gate of the black ancient temple on the other side, very steep.

In the surrounding void, you can see the brilliance flashing from time to time, obviously full of powerful prohibitions.

“This should be the last way to enter the ancestral hall. I know that if you want to enter the ancestral hall, you can only worship your ancestors at the altar, and get the blessings of the ancestors of the past, and then pass this stone At the end of the bridge, the stone bridge, there is a formation that can temporarily put all the surrounding restrictions to sleep, and then people can transport the remains of the emperor into the ancestral hall for burial…”

The little prince also obviously did his homework. He whispered to Fang Yuan, then spread his hands, saying: “But we can’t get the blessings of the ancestors of the past. Go over the stone, and then operate the front of the bridge…”

“Passing the stone bridge…”

The two formation masters of the Tianshu Gate were a little surprised, even Fang Yuan’s expression was a little heavy.

A little bit of tricks were used, and after a little trial, their expressions worsened.

This stone bridge should be regarded as the last level of prohibition leading to the imperial tomb. It is almost more terrifying than the two outside restrictions combined. The various secret methods and restrictions on the stone bridge are simply inside. The three outside the three floors are densely packed, unimaginable, let alone their cultivation base, even if it is the cultivation base of the Golden Core Realm, I am afraid that it is impossible to break to the other end of the stone bridge so easily, right?

Now if we want to break the restrictions on this one bit by bit…

The silver-haired old man said: “Brother, it will take me at least a year to make it possible, how about you?”

The black-haired old man groaned: “I am a little faster than you, and it will take more than half a year…”

Then they looked at Fang Yuan subconsciously!

At this time, Fang Yuan was also looking at the stone bridge, gently pinching his fingers. After a while, he said: “Half a month!”

“Half a month?”

The two old masters of the Tianshu Sect were both dumbfounded.

Although this is much faster than them, it has been a while. What if someone from the Uchi Kingdom knows that they come to stop them?

“If this is not the case, you can only find one person, bring all the defensive tools, rush directly, carefully avoid all the restrictions, if you really can’t avoid it, then you can hold it down, maybe you can support it. At the end of the stone bridge, I touched the formation…”

Fang Yuan slowly put forward another But after listening to this suggestion, everyone was even more dumbfounded…

How is this different from looking for death?

However, when they hesitated before and after, and still couldn’t decide on a suitable method, on the altar behind, the lazy white cat seemed a little impatient and yawned lazily. , Suddenly jumped up, and slowly jumped onto the stone bridge, and then with a long tail like a snake, walked towards the other end of the stone bridge like shopping.


Everyone was stunned, and their eyes were about to fall off.

Just watched the white cat walk to the other side of the stone bridge, and scratched its paw toward the position of the formation!


A wave of aura that is visible to the naked eye flows through, and all the restrictions around it slowly disappear.

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