Master of Great Calamity Chapter 20: Phantom Sword Practice

  ”Fang Yuan started learning swords!”

   Among the jade bee cliffs, this saying began to spread.

   I don’t know how many people there are. When they saw Fang Yuan sweeping and spraying, they would suddenly hold a broom as a fencing. I don’t know how many people saw Fang Yuan hiding in the bamboo forest at night and practicing hard. There are also some people who say that they have seen Fairy Ling Hong Boling, the general manager of the Superintendent of Spiritual Medicines, coming over from time to time and instructing Fang Yuan’s swordsmanship. It is said to be very harsh, and he often scolds Fang Yuan’s dog blood!

   As a result, the jealousy of the other side of the handymen is even greater, and they are all polite when they meet.

   Now when they see Fang Yuan’s red eyes practicing swords and his murderous look, they feel their backs are chilly. No one knows if this lunatic will suddenly rise up and use himself as a target. For a moment, I deliberately avoided him while working!

   Song Kui, who was once madly chased by Fang Yuan carrying a kitchen knife and lost his face, has no intention of revenge anymore!

   In the first few days, in order to save face, he also secretly told people that he must make Fang Yuan look good, but one evening, he brought two doglegs and touched them quietly. The bamboo forest where Fang Yuan was practicing sword suddenly saw Fang Yuan who was practicing sword. His eyes were blood-red and blood-red, and his face was murderous. He didn’t dare to do anything unexpectedly, and quietly returned!

   Since then, I have never mentioned it!

   “Hey, I didn’t expect Junior Brother Fang to practice the sword so terribly, it’s not a way to go on like this…”

   Even Guan Shi, feeling sighed in his heart, he was even more uncertain, but it was the relationship between Fang Yuan and Ling Hongbo. While drinking a little wine, he pondered: “This little pepper didn’t treat others It’s so good. Did Junior Brother Fang put her to sleep?”

   After such serious thinking, he found Fang Yuan: “Junior Brother Fang, you shouldn’t practice swords in the Hall of Miscellaneous Affairs in the future. After all, it’s not good to be crowded with people. There is a deserted palace in the back mountain. The fairy gate has been abandoned for hundreds of years. You will take care of it in the future. I will not arrange other things for you. Just clean up these places. You can arrange the time at will!”

   Fangyuan followed Guanshi Sun for a while, and he saw that the deserted palace he said was on the back mountain of Jade Bee Cliff. It is usually off the beaten track and the grass is lush. It is indeed a good place to practice swords. So he knew Guanshi Sun. In fact, I intended to help myself, and smiled: “Thank you, Brother Sun, this place is spacious and the terrain is complicated. It is a good place for swordsmanship. Besides, there are few people, so I don’t worry about being bumped by someone!”

   Guan Shi smiled and said: “Yes, yes, the most important thing is that there are few people, so don’t worry about being hit by someone!”

   patted Fang Yuan on the shoulder as he said, and gave a thumbs up: “Brother, great, even the little pepper can do it…”

   “Sister Ling is still very good, very enthusiastic, but the skills are a bit bad…”

   Fang thought that Guan Shi was saying that he had won Little Pepper at chess, so he nodded in agreement.


   Sun Guanshi took a breath, and arched his hands vigorously at Fang Yuan, with a look of worship.

   “Brother, you don’t have to worry about anything in the future, just concentrate on practicing swords here and take care of the little pepper…”

   said with a look of concern: “I will make the soul beast meat to help you make up for you another day. You see, it’s only a few days, people are thin!”

   Fang Yuan was very grateful to Guanshi Sun. He didn’t know Guanshi Sun’s nasty thoughts, but he understood why Guanshi Sun asked him to come here to clean up this deserted palace. To put it bluntly, he just gave himself a swordsman dedicated to swordsmanship. The environment is nothing more than the environment. After all, I am the Hall of Miscellaneous Affairs. I usually practice swords too diligently. If I was seen by the Deacon of the Immortal Gate, I would definitely blame myself for not doing business properly!

   can be here, but don’t worry.

   It is said that this was the place where the disciples who had been imprisoned by the Qingyang Sect in the past were born with a sense of depression. Now it has been abandoned for hundreds of years. The grass grows higher than people. Even in the daytime, there is little sunshine. At night , And it is even more windy, like a ghost domain, the handymen in the fairy gate dare not come here, for fear of bumping into something…

   But Fang Yuan is fearless. He lacks such a secluded place to practice swords.

   What’s more, as Guanshi Sun said, he cleans this place in name, but in fact, he is to give him a quiet place to practice swords. For him, this is already a great favor, and there is no room for suspicion. West’s annoying, ask for more?

   So, he stayed here at ease, went back to eat some food at night, and only practiced swords here for the whole day.

   Sometimes I get obsessed with practice, even at night, I stay here until I’m exhausted.

   Now in the jade bee cliffs, there are rumors that he has obtained the brilliant swordsmanship taught by Xiao Jiao, and he is respected and feared, but only Fang Yuan knows that he has only an empty shell. I just feel that the moves on this sword book are simple and simple, but the more he trains, the more he feels that his temperament is shallow. Now he can make every sword that is not different from what is written on the sword book. Feng, but I understand in my heart that this kind of sword move cannot be opposed to others, and it will reveal the stuff when it fights…

   Little Chili said that this was the reason why he was not hot enough, and he didn’t have a thorough understanding. This made him mad. The more he did not practice, the more he wanted to practice, and his mind gradually sank. Sometimes I can’t read the book anymore, I just want to practice sword!

  ”The breeze is blowing the willow…”

  ”The mirror hangs high…”

   One day more than ten days later, Fang Yuan was practicing his sword skills in this remote and gloomy place. He hadn’t noticed that the days were sinking, just repeating those almost completely imprinted on his soul. Sword moves in the depths, take the trouble!

   The deserted temple in the back mountain is extremely desolate and terrifying during the day. At night, the night breeze makes it even more gloomy.

   The wind is blowing, the trees are swaying, and in the cracks of the rocks, there is a faint cry of ghosts, and even the bolder people will be scared to death.

   Ke Fang Yuan didn’t care. He was born to not believe in these ghosts and illusions, and he was very courageous.


   After practicing countless simple sword moves, he was finally exhausted and found a bluestone and sat down.

  ”It’s still not good. How do you look at these swordsmanships are ostentatious, so they look good, how can they be against others?”

  ”But when Little Pepper was displayed, his sword moves made him the same as himself, but it had a little more clever meaning…”

   “How did she do it?”

  ”Where am I?”

   lowered his head to think hard, but Fang Yuan was puzzled, only feeling slightly annoyed in his heart.


   As he was thinking, there was a violent gust of yin wind, which rolled up a field of grass, blowing Fang Yuan’s hair into disarray.

   “What mess to add?”

   Fang’s original train of thought was interrupted, and he was suddenly out of anger. Thinking of the ghosts and gods spread by others, he cursed in the direction where the wind was blowing: “There are ghosts and gods. Get away, don’t bother me! “

   finished cursing, most of his anger disappeared, and he also felt funny, shook his head, ready to get up and continue practicing the sword.

   But at this moment, he suddenly felt a little shock. He raised his head and looked forward, and he saw a shadow in front of the gloomy deserted hall in front of him, holding a long sword in his hand, actually practicing Jian, now it’s in the moonless night, everything is dark, but Fang Yuan can clearly see the shadow, he suddenly became a little curious, and walked forward on tiptoe!

   got closer, and gradually saw it clearly, there really is a shadow practicing sword.

   looks like a but he can’t see his face clearly. In fact, his whole person is vague, as if translucent. At this moment, he is holding a sword and waving his body. The law is elegant, but there is no sound of blade breaking through the air, it seems true and illusion…

   “Are there really ghosts?”

   Fang Yuan was very surprised, turning and curiosity: “Mr. Zhu said that unless it is a ghost who specializes in cultivating spirits, there are no ghosts in the world, so there are some people who have died with great obsession and stay Wandering in the world, it’s just a grievance. It’s not a big deal. I’ve always wanted to see what ghosts look like. I have such luck today, so take a good look…”

   thinking like this, I was about to touch it quietly, scaring the ghost, but as soon as he moved, he was suddenly taken aback, and found that the ghost had made the sword exactly the same as the one he had practiced. It was also a thunderbolt. The sword moves in the Nine Heavens Sword were used one after another!

   It’s just that although the sword moves are the same, he uses it in his hands, but there is an unspeakable mystery.

   is different from the little pepper. The sword moves performed by the ghosts are completely useless, but in Fang Yuan’s eyes, there is an indescribable magic, as if there is more to say The meaning of unclear way is more brilliant than Xiaojiao!

   Fang Yuan looked at it for a while, only to feel dazzled and yearning for it.

   couldn’t help standing up, walking in that direction, and said, “Senior kendo is really brilliant, junior…”

  ’s words still haven’t settled, and suddenly there is a flower in front of me, and the front of the hall is empty. How can there be any ghosts practicing swords?

   hurriedly walked to the deserted hall, he looked around, there was no sign of anyone practicing swords here, and his brows frowned.

   Could it be that I really dazzled myself?

   But soon, he shook his head. What he saw just now was real, not an illusion.

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