Master of Great Calamity Chapter 177: Drunk for 3 days

   sent away Nie Honggu, the rest of the arrangement regarding Guan Ao and Hou Guier was much simpler.

Guan Ao has been very busy recently. In this trial of the Demon Breath Lake, he refined a garan grass. It can be said that his cultivation base has skyrocketed. Coupled with his natural supernatural power, his cultivation base has already It broke through the 6th to 7th qi training threshold. It can be said that he, who had already become the abandoned son of the Xianmen, has now returned to the eyes of the elders of the Xianmen. The four peaks and five courtyards of the Qingyang Zong have all expressed their desire to put him in the door again and train him well. Meaning, but Guan Ao just insisted on staying in Xiaozhufeng to practice.

And when he said this, without Fang Yuan nodding, Elder Yun agreed with a smile.

It is conceivable that he will no longer be short of resources when he goes back this time, which is very different from before.

Of course, besides that, Fang Yuan also prepared a generous resource for him.

Of course, he will use this resource for himself, or continue to consume it on his sister, but it is his own business.

Hou Guier is even more different. Among the few reinforcements Fang Yuan found, others generally negotiated terms, only this one did not.

He was directly pulled over by Fang Yuan, so Fang Yuan didn’t have to make any promises to him. The most was to give him some resources or let him stay in Xiaozhufeng to practice. Of course, he also has it now. What he has to be busy with, it is said that since he left Moxihu, he hasn’t stared at the seniors and sisters very much. Every day he is stuck on the road where Luo Feiling is infested, waiting for her to do something…

Someone once accidentally saw that this skinny monkey had a portrait on his hand, and looked at the portrait in a daze every day!

According to people who saw it, the portrait was of a woman… ugly!

“Brother Lu, I promised to give you this opportunity to build foundations, and now I should honor it!”

The last person Fang Yuan invited over was Lu Qingguan.

This blind disciple from Fudao Academy is actually deducing a very high attainment.

This time in the Demon Breath Lake, it also helped him a lot. Before, people generally didn’t know what conditions Fang Yuan used to impress him. It was actually very simple. Base opportunity.

Lu Qingguan’s eyes are blind. If he wants to heal his eyes, he can only build a foundation.

But after his eyes are blinded, his strength is greatly affected. On his own, it may not be possible for him to earn enough in exchange for the merits needed to build a foundation stone in the immortal gate! Therefore, Fang Yuan told him at the time that if he could accompany him to the Demon Breath Lake, he would give him his opportunity to build a foundation.

Of course, the premise is that Fang Yuan needs to successfully lead the Xiao Zhufeng disciple through this trial…

“This is not necessary anymore!”

Lu Qingguan was very indifferent to this, waved his hand gently, and smiled Wen Yan: “In this Demon Breath Lake, I also did a little bit, but my fellow sects saw it. This time The immortal gate will choose more than ten people from the ordinary disciples of the five great immortal gates and give them the opportunity to build foundations. The elders have come and told me that among these more than ten people, there is me, but there is no need to waste this brother Fang Yuan. It’s a chance. Judging from my current sense, your cultivation has reached the peak of Qi training. Maybe you need to use it too!”

“That’s it, then congratulations…”

Fang Yuan heard this, but he was a little surprised, and he thanked Lu Qingguan.

The two talked about a few words again, and they were both warm and soft, and only when they clicked, but the friendship ended after all.

“Up to now, the promises made before this trial have been paid, right?”

After sending off Lu Qingguan, Fang Yuan sighed for a long time, and made some calculations.

The disciples of Xiaozhufeng all passed the trial. Not only did they harvest a lot of resources, but the number of people who survived was even more than that of the other peaks. They also proved their strength and proved themselves in this trial. Having the qualifications to stand alone, it is equivalent to Fang Yuan fulfilling his original promise to them, while Nie Honggu, Lu Qingguan and others also took what they needed and realized their wishes.

That’s the end of the matter, Fang Yuan only needs to consider one thing.

“I don’t need the opportunity to build a foundation, but now I have one left. Who can give it to?”

For any disciple in practice, foundation building is a major event!

This is the first threshold they have faced since they embarked on the path of spiritual practice.

It’s not only on cultivation, but also on identity and status.

As long as you can build a foundation, no matter what method you use, your life will be different from now on.

If you are younger and build a foundation, then all of them are Tianjiao talents cultivated by Xianmen.

Even if you are older and not enough for the immortal gate to focus on training, you can leave the immortal gate and set up a family, become a superior fairy master, and then continue to think of ways to accompany your younger generations, although not necessarily What kind of Tianjiao Daozi has been cultivated, but at least my family’s blessings extend, and I can enjoy hundreds of years of happiness, there is still no problem…

For example, the old lady in Wu Qing’s house, Xiao Zhufeng’s disciple, is actually such a one.

In fact, there are many such small families, they are all vassals of the great immortal gates, or extended forces!

Of course, after the foundation is built, there are so many benefits, but it is not easy to build the foundation.

There are many ways to build a foundation, the easiest of which is to take the foundation pill, which is a kind of treasure pill made from various treasures and countless kinds of elixir. After taking it, People can refine a mana and finally form a foundation!

This is the simplest Dao Foundation. It is called “Alchemy Foundation”. It is the most unstable and has low potential.

However, most of the immortal disciples have no choice but to accumulate merits desperately in exchange for such a foundation pill in the immortal door. As for whether the foundation can be successfully built, how much will it have after the foundation is built? Potential, that’s the problem for the future…

On top of the foundation-building pill, there is also the method of building a foundation with the help of the air of the earth veins. The earth veins have the air of the five elements, which can make people refine a mana and form a foundation. This is called “the foundation of the five elements” , The quality is determined by the strength of the five elements of the earth. The true teachings of the five immortal gates participate in the trial, and they seek such an opportunity to build a foundation. This is also the method for most practitioners to build a foundation.

This kind of foundation construction method, the quality of the road foundation, depends on the strength of the earth, and the difference is huge!

In addition to the foundation of the five elements, there is another kind called “the foundation of heaven”!

If you want to form such a foundation, it is not the possessions of the world, but the power of God…

The most common one is…Tian Lei!

Through the heavenly thunderbolt body, refining a body of mana, forming a foundation of Dao, this is the foundation of Heaven!

Of course, no matter whether it’s the foundation of the alchemy or the five elements, there is no guarantee that a fairy disciple will complete the foundation.

After all, building a foundation is a major event, and it is a certain chance.

So, whether it’s a fairy door or a fairy door disciple, when it comes to speaking, it’s just a chance to build a foundation.

In this opportunity, the foundation was successfully built, and of course everyone was happy.

If it fails, that’s my own misfortune!

During this trial of Demon Breath Lake, Fang Yuan got such a chance to build the foundation of the five elements. When he thinks he is ready, he can enter Yunfu Mountain, which is jointly controlled by the five immortal gates. Borrow the five elements to build a foundation once!

This opportunity is naturally very rare, but the other party originally said it was really unnecessary.

Since he embarked on the path of spiritual practice, he has never worried about building a foundation.

He knew that as long as he cultivated the Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue, the immortal door would find a way to successfully build the foundation, so at the beginning, he planned to give the opportunity to build the foundation to Lu Qingguan, but Lu Qingguan himself Zheng Qi, through the contribution made in the Demon Breath Lake, got a chance to build a foundation, then Fang Yuan’s precious spot in his hand was smashed into his own hands.

“Then keep it for now!”

Fang Yuan didn’t think much about You can save as much as you can. It’s really impossible to take the money and sell it!

Everything was properly prepared, and this ascension meeting was naturally very lively. The disciples who had just escaped from the Demon Breath Lake were all drunk for three days, celebrating their catastrophe. And among all the immortal disciples, those who have fought side by side in this Demon Breath Lake, who have had nasty entanglements, have also taken this opportunity to take revenge. Of course, they have to drink pain to old friends. Who is the first to get down? …

For those who are not pleasing to the eye, don’t stop drinking him as a dog!

Fang Yuan also loves to drink. When he was a child, he often lied to Mr. Zhu’s pear blossoms, but he didn’t like to drink as drunk in a crowded place. He would rather drink alone under the moon, but this is the case. I drank a lot in three days. In the first game, of course, I was sitting and drinking with the disciple Xiaozhufeng, thinking of the sorrow and pessimism when I first entered the Moxi Lake, everyone was embarrassed…

The second scene was the surviving truth-drinking with the five immortal gates. No matter what the friendship with Fang Yuan, these truth-herited disciples value him very much. Not to mention deliberate friendship, they also have a good relationship with each other. , Can be regarded as a few friendships formed by Fang Yuan!

The third wine is important. Fang Yuan asked Luo Feiling to accompany him, so he invited her to have a drink.

Luo Fei had a dark heart, so he poured Fang Yuan’s three jars fiercely, and then got herself drunk.

Fang Yuan forgot to tell her that although he didn’t drink much, he actually had a good amount of alcohol. Now looking at Luo Feiling who is holding the big stone and refuses to get up, he feels helpless in his heart: “Just you This amount of alcohol can also bully Brother Sun…”

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