Master of Great Calamity Chapter 165: 1 sword sets the universe

A sword of light, like electricity, rushed for nine days!

Fang Yuan’s sword power soaring into the sky contains the sword intent of the bright moon hanging high. It also borrows the power of Xiaozhufeng’s disciple. So many forces are gathered together and sent him to the sky, making him In this moment, the speed has reached the extreme, and the sword force has also reached the extreme. ◢Щщш.sUimEnG.lā And with this soaring momentum, whether it is his speed or the power of the sword, it is constantly soaring, like a volcanic eruption, accumulating power for thousands of years. Broken, the magma will be level with the sky and rush to the clouds…

This kind of momentum is naturally high and low!

When you reach the highest point, you will fall, and the power of the sword will be reduced!

But all this has been calculated in advance. When Fang Yuan rushed to the highest point, it was the magic eagle who was chasing and killing Senior Sister Xiao in Hundred Flower Valley, and it was about flying into the sky. Now, seeing the peony flower blooming in front of Senior Sister Xiao, it has been roughly torn to pieces by the magic eagle, and the sharp claws are grabbing towards her…

… So at this moment, Fang Yuan had already accumulated the extreme sword power, and he slammed it out!


It is hard to describe how dazzling the sword light in his palm was at this moment!

I’m afraid that the great monk in the foundation-building realm will produce swords, but it is only so powerful…

And this sword is not only extremely powerful, but also extremely accurate…

In a moment when the magic eagle caught Sister Xiao, Fang Yuan appeared from the left side of the magic eagle, and with a fierce sword, it happened to be where the big wings of the magic eagle were connected with the flesh. The place is like a sharp sword cut into thick paper. With a “poof”, the sword light cuts into the big wings of the magic eagle, and it cuts down three feet long, and continues to draw down. …


The magic eagle obviously didn’t expect such a sword. It was originally grabbing at Senior Sister Xiao, determined to tear this flower-playing woman into meat sauce. It was shocked, but I couldn’t take care of Senior Sister Xiao immediately, and there was a hoarse and unpleasant eagle chirping, and the feathers all over her body trembled, and immediately an astonishing black flame rose up, spreading to the surrounding void in a flash.

The black flame is the essence, and Fang Yuan’s sword that was supposed to be cut down can’t go down.

Furthermore, being struck by the black flame, the sword light broke away from its body, and the aftermath of the black flame directly shook Fang Yuan out of the tens of meters away, feeling a little embarrassed in the void. Somersaults, the figure is no longer to rely on…


The magic eagle made a hoarse roar, which actually sounded like a “kill” word!

At the same time, after getting rid of that sword, it turned around, and its sharp claws grabbed Fang Yuan fiercely, fiercely and terribly.

“Fang Yuan…”

Senior Sister Xiao cried out in shock.

She had thoughts of death in her heart just now, knowing that she could not hide from the claws of the magic eagle, but at this moment Fang Yuan suddenly appeared. The sword he just used, whether it is power or technique, or It was the timing of the sword, and it had reached its peak. It was obviously a sword that had been carefully planned. Looking at that sword, even her heart could not help but feel a moment of surprise.

She felt that she had seen this scene of the demon eagle being beheaded!

But what I didn’t expect is that this magic eagle is still too strong…

In a short time, the form was reversed, Fang Yuan was bounced away by it, and then torn off by its claws!

“It’s the disciple of the Qingyang Sect…”

“Junior Brother Fang Yuan…”

In the void, other true stories are also shouting, staring at the scene blankly.

Some of them are desperate, some want to catch up to rescue, but it’s too late…

Fang Yuan is too close to the magic eagle, and his body shape has lost control. In this case, it is impossible to dodge or escape!

Below, there are countless immortal disciples looking up!

Just now when Fang Yuan and Xiao Zhufeng’s disciples rushed into the monster group together, they had already attracted the attention of countless immortal disciples. They also noticed Fang Yuan’s stunning sword flying straight into the sky, and even more so. The sword cut directly into the big wings of the magic eagle. I thought there was really hope to kill this monster, but I didn’t expect that the result would be unavoidable despair…

But at this moment, Fang Yuan took a deep breath!

The magic eagle is really powerful, and the power of the black flame is not what he can resist. When he is impacted by the black flame, he even feels that his whole body is agitated and uncontrollable, and the claw of the magic eagle that follows closely, he It’s really hard to resist. In this case, he can only do his best to condense the remaining mana, gritted his teeth and stepped on the void…

This foot is very fast, stepping on the void, as well as on the ground.

And with this stepping force, his figure flew forward again!

Under the terrifying claws of the magic eagle, this distance of several meters is really nothing, it’s just a matter of moving its claws!

But with this stepping force, Fang Yuan has successfully rushed behind the mountain.

This is the mountain he chose before. It is red and covered with moss. It is about a hundred meters high and more than ten meters wide. It is like a sharp sword. Fang had originally risen from the foot of this peak to the sky. When Ying Hei Yan bounced back, he rammed into this peak. Now that he has a few feet of strength, his whole figure is extremely cleverly hiding behind this mountain…


The claw that was supposed to tear him into the flesh, but it happened to be caught on this mountain peak.


The claw of the magic eagle is really terrifying. With a grasp, even the mountain peaks shattered and collapsed in an instant. The endless rocks fell and fell into the group of monsters below, billowing smoke. Soaring to the sky, it filled most of the sky…

This peak is full of rocks and mud, and this scene is expected.

The large swaths of monsters below, under the falling rocks, were all smashed into meat sauce, and the rest fled in panic. On the contrary, the Xiaozhufeng disciples who lined up against the mountain to meet the enemy were safer. Mudstone Falling more than ten feet away from them, there is no threat.

Fang Yuan’s figure has been covered by the smoke.

It was the magic eagle, and he couldn’t find Fang Yuan’s trace through the smoke and dust.

With this opportunity, Fang Principle quickly stabilized his figure, and then took a deep breath, swallowing a black pill that Nie Honggu specially made for him. This is a three-turn mad magic pill. Just like Guan Aofu’s, the entrance was willing, and it melted into the belly, almost instantly, Fang Yuan only felt that there was a turbulent and weird power in his body that rose up crazy…

This made his eyes become blood red almost instantly!

Feeling this unstoppable power, he sighed in his heart: “Sure enough, I put sugar…”

The power is hard to stop, and Fang Yuan does not stop it. Following this turbulent momentum, he has destroyed all of his mana. Now the already messy mysterious yellow energy, the amount is extremely surging, usually Fang Yuan has rarely used all of the black and yellow energy, because it is messy and difficult to control, but at this time, he has all improved…

All the mana, there is no trace of it, all have been upgraded and poured into the magic seal sword!

This made the body of the Demon Seal Sword suddenly cast a gray brilliance, inconspicuous, but terrifying.

And a demon mark on the sword body is even more clear, like an eye opened.

At the same time, Fang Yuan only felt that countless cracks appeared on the body…

It’s like a porcelain with many obscured lines. When Chengai is under great pressure, the obscured lines become more obvious!

Fang Yuan knew that he only had this sword!

With all his strength, he can only use this sword at most, and he can’t support it!

Just now, I used the magic power of Xiaozhufeng’s disciples to rise to the sky. That sword borrowed the power of Xiaozhufeng’s disciples, not his own magic power. Now, this is what he really is and ready to use. Let’s bet on the sword of the universe…

Although there was endless smoke and dust in front of him, Fang Yuan couldn’t really see the shadow of the magic eagle for a while.

But he still has a sword!

He knew that the magic eagle had just torn the mountain peak by its claws, and at this moment it was facing him directly. ..

He also knew that with this demon eagle’s temperament, it would tear the mountain apart, and it would certainly not be able to defuse its hatred. It hated itself to death, and would take its own life at all costs, so it must have not left yet, just Behind the smoke, waiting to shoot myself again…

So, there is no better time to make a sword than now!

This timing is not based on intuition or experience, it is based on deduction!


He slashed straight out with this sword, and the dazzling sword light tore through a large swath of smoke and dust in the void, as if tore a dark sky, and then he saw the smoke and dust, very close to him. The eagle also saw the magic eagle. It was facing him, his claws protruding forward, his wings spread out, and his chest and abdomen were wide open, and he was slaughtered…

This made Fang Yuan laugh: “In terms of brains, monsters are still far worse than people…”

It’s just between the lightning and the fire, his sword slashed straight to the front of the magic eagle.

Even his whole person rushed into the arms of the magic eagle.

The brighter sword light went straight to the third point of the demon eagle’s neck and slashed down.

That was calculated by Hou Guier before, one of its biggest weaknesses!

There are many people who can see this weakness, but not many people can really rush to the magic eagle.

At this time, Fang Yuan seemed to have done it without any effort.

I can only say that everything seems to be a coincidence to the extreme…

It’s just that after this coincidence, it’s an outrageous calculation!


The magic eagle was also shocked at this time. This little prey doesn’t seem to be much stronger than the other prey, so it didn’t take it too seriously. It was hurt by him just now because of the sneak attack. That’s it, now, it has reacted, and the prey does not want to escape, but what it did not expect is that it was too careless and let the prey rush to the front…

It also felt the energy on the prey, which was a little scary at this moment!

That is definitely a sword that can hurt myself…

So while it uttered a hoarse and horrified cry, it turned back vigorously, trying to fly away with its wings.

At this moment, it’s too late to return the claws, and it’s even more difficult to lower your head when it comes to pecking. And its protective body, Black Flame, has just been used once, and it’s hard to use it again in a hurry. More importantly, , Its body-protecting black flame is attached to its feathers, the stronger the feathers, the stronger the black flames, but now the prey has rushed into his arms, the feathers of the chest and abdomen are slightly weaker After a while, Heiyan’s display is also affected, which is very inconvenient…

So, it also subconsciously waved its wings, wanting to shoot the prey directly away!

This in itself is a commonly used trick, and I don’t know how many prey has been shot…

But it wasn’t until it waved its big wings that it suddenly realized that its wings were a bit stagnant and not flexible enough.

Because the prey was coming towards the side that was leaning to the left, he naturally waved his left wing subconsciously!

But when it came to this time, it only remembered that its left wing had just been slashed by this prey…

Although the injury is not a big deal to its huge body, it still has an impact. The speed is a bit slow, and it is so slow, so that it has no time to shoot the prey in the air. Watching him rush over…

The horror of the power above the sword light has been felt in the throat!

This made it feel an indescribable sense of panic for the first time!

It flutters its wings, eager to fly backwards!

Kehou Gui’er’s guess is correct. Its body is too large. Even if its wings are powerful, it will definitely be inconvenient to move!

In a hurry, it can’t escape too far…

So Fang Yuan caught up with it closely, and didn’t let it escape the range of this sword…


Fang Yuan severely slashed out with this sword toward the position three inches below the demon eagle’s neck.

In this moment, in the eyes of all those who were frightened and frightened in the air, Fang Yuan’s sword was so bright and indescribably bright as the countless immortal disciples below stared, like a bolt of lightning being torn down from the air. Then he swung it out with all his strength, extremely fierce and extremely accurate, and sturdily put it on the third part of the magic eagle’s neck…

It’s like wiping the neck of a chicken…

Then it was a moment of astonishment, it was just a moment!

Fang Yuan and the magic eagle interlaced, forward and backward, the figure flew far figure of the magic eagle stagnated in the air for a while, and then fell heavily. , Eyes widened, as if wanting to scream, but no sound came out, it was still moving, rolling around indiscriminately, but it was just a futile struggle before dying, it was the monster around it. After being tossed by it, I don’t know how much it crushed to death, and how many torn apart……

At this time, Fang Yuan crossed with the magic eagle, and after the sword light calmed his breath, his figure also rushed forward.

This is not intentional, but the inertia of that sword…

In fact, he could no longer control his body shape at this time, so he could only take advantage of the trend and fell forward.

After falling for tens of feet, he fell like a meteor.

In him, dozens of openings have cracked at the same time, and large patches of blood have stained his green robe.

But there was a smile on his face!

He knew that the sword he had just now had already settled the universe!

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