Master of Great Calamity Chapter 155: In a flash, 1 dream and 0 years

   In the muddle, he has reached an ancient fairy gate, Fang Yuan, or the person in the dream, where he started his real practice. He knows the importance of power, and his effort far exceeds the others. People, among the immortal gates, naturally have some unhappiness, but they are nothing compared to his previous encounters. He became silent and more fierce. He was smiling at everyone, but the opponent was defensive. When it interferes with himself, he doesn’t mind stabs the opponent. As long as he can get more resources and get more powerful techniques and magic weapons, he will use all means to fight for it. As long as he can become stronger, he will have no fear. …

Hundreds of years have passed. He has become a famous monk in the Golden Core Realm, and he has a gentle Taoist priest. He has become the envy of everyone, but God is always so unfair. There was a problem with his cultivation base, he became confused, and then all his circumstances changed. He was withered in the stone room, unable to go anywhere, unable to move…

Everyone is waiting for him to die, but he just doesn’t die.

He lived in this state for a hundred years, using this tone of existence to show his unwillingness.

But he refused to die, but others couldn’t wait any longer. When Tong’er pushed him to bask in the sun, it seemed like a hand slippery. He was pushed into the bottom of the cliff. It was Sumoya with countless Monster beast, no matter who falls, there will be no good end!

What’s more, he is such an old and weak body who cannot move?

But he happened to survive. He was really lucky. It seemed that between life and death, his body had undergone certain changes, and he could move, so he bite like a beast and killed those monsters. He wanted to eat his monsters and survived by eating their flesh and blood. More importantly, he actually got an inheritance from the ancient immortal family here, which solved his problem of madness, he not only restored his cultivation base. , And formed a Nascent Soul in one fell swoop, so he jumped out of the magic cliff and returned to the fairy gate…

Then he figured it out that his Taoist companion is all the masters behind this scene.

The reason is very simple, she just doesn’t want to be with herself for a hundred years of such a disabled space…

She and her big disciple…

So, he hung up his Taoist companion and his big disciple…

Xianmen was shocked, and everyone came to persuade him that he shouldn’t do this, because he lost the spirit of the fairy family……

He looked at the hypocritical faces and asked: Before I became a useless person, where did you go when I was victimized?

The anger was hard to stop. He split from the fairy gate, and then, in a rage, moved his hands with those fairy gate elders, and then he realized that they were so weak too. He used the power of Yuan Ying , Directly ruined the entire fairy gate, all killed!

Some masters of immortality started chasing him, accusing him of being the devil!

He killed all those people!

During this process, he suddenly discovered that I was so strong, so why don’t I fight the world?

So he began to conquer the strong from all walks of life, build his own orthodoxy, fight against the great immortal gates, and fight against all the powerful enemies. He found that the more he fought, the stronger he became, the more he hated the fight. The people in front of me killed them all, the orthodoxy was also destroyed, and those who dared to be enemies with themselves, their wreckage was refined, their souls were sealed, turned into puppets, and they would kneel in front of them forever…

He killed five masters, he killed ten demon generals…

He conquered ten gods and demons, he assassinated Dao Master Hun Ling and stole Dao fruit from the other side…

He finally reached the apex of the world step by step, and became one of the most powerful beings in the world. No one in the world can threaten him casually, and his cultivation level has reached unprecedented levels. He touched the ethereal immortal Dao, and his own Dao gushed out in his heart. Since then, he has changed his name to Dao Chengkong, because in his opinion, the final ending of all Dao is empty. Only when the avenue becomes empty, all this will have a peaceful ending…

He felt that when his road came to an end, what he had asked for in his entire life could finally have a result.

Then the catastrophe arrived…

This catastrophe, which comes once every three thousand years, has finally come again…

He rushed up to meet the dark magic breath that fell from the sky, and he filled the sky with the power of immortality…

“Who are you?”

He faintly heard the endless nine heavens, and there was a will asking.

He yelled: “I am the Supreme Being…”

The voice rang again: “Who are you?”

He yelled: “I am in the air, everything is immortal and immortal, the Supreme Immortal King Dao Chengkong…”

But the voice is still asking: “Who are you?”

Fang Yuan suddenly woke up, that voice was asking himself, he was asking who he was…

In my heart, there are countless voices following the will yelling: “I am the way to become empty…”

“I am Dao Chengkong…”

“I am the desolate young master of the Lu family, I am the Dao Chengkong who has destroyed everything…”

Fang Yuan faintly felt that as long as he shouted out this sentence, the catastrophe would no longer be so terrible. He can defeat the catastrophe, he can get everything, and get the accumulated accumulated over thousands of years. Everything, from then on, he can be free from the world, above all beings, he will have no opponents, no constraints, only the endless free and easy waiting for him…

He wanted to shout that sentence very much…

But the whole person seems to have been swallowed by that voice.

But when he almost lost all of his will and shouted that sentence, his eyebrows suddenly became hot…

There, Elder Yun once touched the seal of his forehead. It seems to sense something!

It was this talisman that evoked Fang Yuan’s last spiritual sense.

He finally held back, did not shout out this sentence, and then desperately wanted to break free from this big dream…

The scene in front of him gradually changed. Fang Yuan found that there was no dark magical aura in front of him. He only saw that he was in an immortal hall, with one foot over the threshold, and not yet on the ground. Right across from him, in the temple, there is a black throne. On the throne sits a man wearing a purple robe. He is looking towards him…

Seeing that there is no vitality in him, he has been dead for many years, but his hollow eyes are still looking straight at him.

“Is he caught in a big dream just now?”

Fang Yuan fell on his foot, and only felt a moment of confusion. In that dream, he had gone through a thousand years of life, watched the changes in the clouds, and experienced all kinds of changes in life, but in fact, this was actually just lifting himself. The moment your foot crosses the threshold, a dream?

Looking at the purple-robed man, he suddenly thought of who he is…

That is Dao Chengkong, that is the self in the dream…

The dream he had just now was Dao Chengkong’s dream…

Looking around the throne again, there are black shadows kneeling in a circle, one by one with their hands tied back, bowing their heads towards the throne. There are more than ten of these people, each of them is simple and simple, with extraordinary momentum. It looks like a big man on the sidelines!

Fang Yuan suddenly remembered, these are not fake, these are opponents who were made into puppets by Dao Chengkong in his dream…

He thought it was illusion, but he didn’t expect that these puppets are still…

They are still kneeling beside Dao Chengkong…

Thousands of years have passed, Dao Chengkong still left them by his side…

What is even more shocking is that Fang Yuan clearly felt that those who kneeled around seemed unwilling to continue to suffer humiliation after death, and there was always a rush of injustice, and every injustice was already here. In ten thousand years, they have accumulated a shocking state, but the man on the throne also has a strong force released, suppressing them firmly!

The avenue becomes empty, and the hatred is forever!

He refuses to let go of their grievances, and still wants them to continue to surrender to himself…

“It seems that my host is very satisfied with you…”

Beside Fang Yuan, a voice sounded, and the black-clothed waiter was looking at him faintly.

“Your master is him…”

Fang Yuan raised his head and looked at the man in the purple robe, a chill in his heart.

The black-clothed waiter said lightly: “His old man died during the fight against the catastrophe ten thousand years ago, but his breath is immortal, and he is still waiting here for someone who is destined to come and pass on his Mantle, then replace his old man and fight for nine days!”

“What did you call us here for?”

At this moment, Luo Feiling behind Fang Yuan raised his head and asked intently, his face seemed a little ignorant.

“I have already said that my master is here to wait for his heirs and pass on his immortal way, so that in the future, I will be able to fight for another nine days. I am here waiting for you, naturally also to find him A suitable heir is here…”

The waiter in black was talking slowly, his expression seemed a little unusual.

“The descendant you mentioned is…”

Fang Yuan took a deep breath and asked slowly.

“Of course it is you…”

The black waiter turned around and looked at Fang Yuan faintly. His voice seemed a little fuzzy, but it clearly stirred Fang Yuan’s consciousness: “My master has already waited here. It’s been a long time since I have visited many people, but unfortunately they are not suitable. I even start to feel that maybe the younger generations are incompetent and no one is qualified to inherit my master Xiandao. I did not expect Gong That kind of arrogant temper will actually point you two to come here and look for my master’s good fortune…”

“Fang Yuan, you can be recognized for nothing, it shows that the foundation is good…”

“Being able to enter here means destiny!”

“Seeing the treasures of the spirit plant but not being moved by the heart, seeing all the magic weapons but still restraining it, shows that the Dao heart is firm…”

“More importantly, being able to enter my host’s dream means that he has been approved by my host…”

The black waiter seemed to be talking, and it seemed that he didn’t speak at all. It was just that the divine thoughts were transmitted to Fang Yuan’s sea of ​​knowledge: “Fang Yuan, you are a very suitable heir, as long as you If you agree, you can inherit my master’s immortal path and inherit everything here. Since then, the resources of spiritual veins, but dirt, strong enemies and fierce enemies, just like tile dogs, are all the bumps on the road of practice, which are supported by my master’s atmosphere Down, you should be as powerful as possible, so you are destined to become…the one above all!”

“Since then, Daozi, the holy land in the world, has just stood up against you!”

“Thousand-year old monsters, you also have to look at your face to act…”

The divine thoughts, one after another, penetrated into Fang Yuan’s sea of ​​knowledge, shaking his heartstrings.

And this divine mind strongly urges Fang Yuan’s mind, wanting him to agree and inherit everything that is invincible…

“Is this the great fortune that the white cat is bringing me to find?”

Fang Yuan was silent for a long time after listening to all this, then he shook his head: “It’s a pity…I don’t need it!”

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