Master of Great Calamity Chapter 151: Blind man hitting the dog

“Senior Brother Xiao Yuan is angry, this horrible frustration fell the frieze…”

At the moment when he saw Senior Brother Xiao Yuan’s action, Lu Xinyao was also secretly surprised.

She originally wanted to persuade Brother Xiao Yuan to use the infinite green lotus formation. This formation is a magical power in the pity flower divine practice practiced by Brother Xiao Yuan. It is the most difficult to entangle. After casting this formation, Fang Yuan can definitely be entangled. , Waiting for other immortal chasers to rush over, but what I didn’t expect is that Senior Brother Xiao Yuan didn’t know what to think, and didn’t listen to her. As soon as he shot it, it was the Red Lotus Sword Formation with the strongest attack power.

As soon as the Red Lotus Sword Formation came out, under the foundation, I’m afraid that few people can get it right!

Although she knows that Fang Yuan is not weak, she also does not believe that he is the opponent of the Red Lotus Sword Formation…

At this moment, a thought flashed across her, and she secretly took out a jade charm.

This jade talisman can reflect the void and leave a shadow.

Senior Brother Xiao Yuan used the Red Lotus Sword Array, and Fang Yuan was probably going to be unlucky. Taking a step back, even if he was so strong, he would not be beheaded by the Red Lotus Sword Array, he would definitely display the life-saving Qingyang. Zong Jue learned that it was possible to save his life, and as long as he showed it, he could use the jade charm to leave this scene, and then he could give it to Senior Sister Xiao as evidence to force Fang Yuan to confess his guilt…

A phantom light quietly reflected to the void, capturing Fang Yuan’s figure.

Seeing that Fang Yuan has been enveloped by patches of red lotus at this time, it is difficult to escape. Lu Xinyao is already waiting for Fang Yuan to use Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue, or other secrets that Qingyang Sect does not pass on, but he did not expect that Ying Looking at the endless red lotus, Fang Yuan didn’t actually panic at all, didn’t even try to cast a spell, but his body suddenly changed, suddenly left and right, flashing hard, and rushed out.

“What kind of body is this?”

Senior Brother Xiao Yuan was also surprised when Fang Yuan saw a sword light like a meteor from the sky, stabbing him straight.

As soon as he shot this Gulian, it was overwhelming, and the opponent had almost no other way except to escape or resist.

He has also fought against people several times since he cultivated into the Pity Flower Divine Canon, and he has never seen such a weird body method!

At this time, Fang Yuan’s figure was almost wrapped in sword light, like a meteor. After moving several times in a flash, he actually got out of the red lotus in the sky very strangely. Passing among hundreds of flowers, the artistic conception of leaves not touching the body…

“This is called a widow over the wall!”

Fang Yuan replied in a low voice, the figure was already in front of Senior Brother Xiao Yuan, and the sword light suddenly pierced him like a horse.

“Dare you humiliate me?”

Where did Senior Brother Xiao Yuan believe that Fang Yuan’s weird body skills would have such vulgar names? He thought that Fang Yuan was deliberately ridiculing himself, suddenly became furious, and continued to change his techniques with both hands, and shouted: “You really Think I can escape the Red Lotus Sword Formation so easily?”


Following these two words, he suddenly pinched the seal!


Those red lotuses that were scattered between the sky and the earth, like dead leaves, were drawn by Senior Brother Xiao Yuan’s spirit and suddenly rolled towards Fang Yuan’s figure, and then followed Brother Xiao Yuan’s seals change all at once, but only the sound of breaking through the air can be heard endlessly. Each piece of red lotus has turned into a red spike, like a sword not a sword, like a spear or a spear, densely packed, intertwined in an instant. In the void, Fang Yuan couldn’t escape even more, and was directly trapped in the middle by these spikes…

No matter how strong your body is, you still need some place to turn around!

But the strongest point of the Red Lotus Sword Formation is to directly kill a piece of void and destroy all the creatures in the sword formation!

“He lost?”

At this moment, all the disciples of Baihuagu were taken aback, craned their necks and looked over.

The red lotus sword formation made people tingle their scalp. They couldn’t figure out how Fang Yuan could survive in this sword formation.

At this time, Lu Xinyao was also slightly moved, and subconsciously thought: “The poor family, won’t you really die like this?”

It is Luo Feiling behind Fang Yuan, looking excited at this time: “This Red Lotus Sword Formation is so powerful…”

“Copper wall and iron wall…”

At this moment, Fang Yuan still had a calm face, and there was no other movement or expression. It was just that suddenly, the long sword crossed his chest, and a sword force suddenly appeared, surrounding him. , Sensen Jianqi is like a whirlpool, spinning endlessly!

This move is a sword technique that contains the defensive force in the sword scripture!

The endless red lotus sword light struck, and they all hit the sword enclosure, there was a “ding and ding” noise, and no one broke into the sword!

“Your Red Lotus Sword Formation is indeed weird and difficult to guard against, there are few flaws…”

Fang Yuan stopped the endless lotus light, suddenly, his figure soared into the sky, like a divine residence, straight into the nine nights.

“…but I cross my chest with a sword, and I am also invincible, no sword can break!”

When he was speaking, he was already condescending, and a sword fell.

“You are just a bad guy who failed the rankings. What is rampant in front of me?”

Senior Brother Xiao Yuan was shocked and angry, his eyes were blood red, he roared suddenly, and his arms shook. At once, I didn’t know how many red lotus petals were flying around him, and then the sword light broke through the air, which looked like It turned into thousands of flying swords, held by his countless arms, and slashed towards Fang Yuan like a madman. The sharp and terrifying place was like thousands of people using swords at the same time!

With only one person, he displayed the fierce power that more than one hundred talents would have!

This is the real secret of the Red Lotus Sword Formation!

Don’t be a person who is good at magical powers, who don’t like to go hand-to-hand with people. Brother Xiao Yuan is just the opposite.

He wished that others would come near him so that he would be chopped into meat sauce by his crazy sword power.

“The blind man hits the dog…”

But at this time, Fang Yuan greeted Senior Brother Xiao Yuan’s sword formation at this time, but he only said silently in his heart.

Then, he faced the red lotus rushing towards him frantically, and did not defend again, because at this time he also noticed that the closer to Senior Brother Xiao Yuan, the more red lotus, the more red lotus he could bear. The greater the pressure, if it is to defend, he will immediately be forced into the wind and cannot hurt the enemy, so he just flashed a thought in his mind and thought of another sword move…

The name of this style of swordsmanship is called the blind man hitting the dog, which refers to the speed, so much, and strength of this sword.

The blind man smelled the dog barking and panicked in his heart. He didn’t know how to avoid him, so he could only wave his stick and knock him!

That’s why the name of this style of swordsmanship comes from.

In the past, Fang Yuan didn’t want to use this trick because it was too untechnical. It seemed to be included to make up the numbers. To put it bluntly, it was just suffocating one’s breath and moving towards the other party. Slashing thorns doesn’t talk about the constitution or the force technique. Anyway, just keep stabbing out indiscriminately without stopping. Can it hurt people? That’s another matter!

But when Fang Yuan was carrying Luo Feiling on his back and killing him out of the tide of monsters, he had another understanding of this trick.

At that time, he inadvertently entered a state of whatever he wanted.

As long as the sword is out, the sword must be in line with the heart, wherever the thought is, and where the sword is!

And this is also a sign that the first volume of his Wuxia Sword Scripture is about to be completed, so he chose this trick again, using it as a prototype, incorporating his own understanding of kendo, and making this useless One move turned into the strongest one in his kendo!


He came down with the sword light in his palm, suddenly, one divided into two, two divided into four, four divided into one hundred…

As his figure rushes down, no one can count how many swords he has produced!

At this time, he was facing the thousands of red lotus sword lights beside Senior Brother Xiao Yuan, directly attacking and breaking the law with his sword!

You have a thousand swords of Red Lotus, and I can break your thousand swords with just one sword!

The countless red lotus petals turned into terrible sword lights and attacked him, but they were all repelled and chopped by his sword lights. There was no sword light leaking through the net, and no red petals. Lian failed, and during this process, Fang Principle rushed straight down towards Senior Brother Xiao Yuan, and the two figures were almost intertwined with each other, and then burst out with monstrous spiritual energy and mana!

At this moment, both of them have done their best!

Senior Brother Xiao Yuan’s mana was swollen, and he smashed the red lotus sword light around him with all his strength.

Fang’s principle is that his eyes are cold, he swallows a sigh of relief, and the magic seal sword in his hand slashes forward frantically, with a wave of momentum!


Between the two of them, they didn’t know how many times they collided, how many times they slashed each other.

That kind of sword light intertwined, wantonly vertical and horizontal, it is dazzling and awe-inspiring…

The two people actually seem to be equally divided.

But the difference is that Senior Brother Xiao Yuan’s mana is always at an end. He took a sigh of relief, and in the end, it was a bit difficult to help, but Fang Yuan was different. He had various kinds of power. The weird mana was surging and surging. At this time, I wished to have such a chance, and desperately vented out, cut it with one sword and one sword. The mana became stronger and stronger, and the sword was faster and faster…

“Boom…” Brother Xiaoyuan finally had a sword to catch up, he was immediately seized by Fang Yuan, the sword surged so that he was under the wind, and then he took a quick step. , Step by step, the magic seal sword flying in his palm, he broke the red lotus sword formation next to Senior Brother Xiao Yuan, and then the magic seal sword whistled horizontally, the dazzling light of the sword fell straight towards Senior Brother Xiao Yuan’s forehead…

“This is… Is this the power of Xuanhuang Yiqi Jue?”

Senior Brother Xiao Yuan’s sword power was broken, as if a fish was waiting to be slaughtered, and he could only watch the sword fall. But on his face, there was obviously a look of madness and unwillingness, he didn’t care about his life, but he screamed desperately…

“Of course not…”

Fang Yuan’s sword slashed down fiercely, but when it came to him, it suddenly closed, the sword light stagnated.

“…This is the Thunderbolt Nine Heaven Sword!”

After saying this, the blade turned fiercely, and sturdily shot Senior Brother Xiao Yuan away.

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