Master of Great Calamity Chapter 138: As long as we can survive

Faced with the huge wave of black and crushed monsters, if Fang Yuan left directly, it would be the smartest thing to do.

But Fang Yuan did not hesitate to make a decision, to go with Luo Feiling on his back.

Looking at Fang Yuan’s back, Luo Feiling was startled on the spot.

But Fang Yuan didn’t explain much, just waited for him quietly.

After Luo Feiling hesitated for a moment, he was no longer polite, bit his lip lightly, and then fell on Fang Yuan’s back.

Fang Yuan sighed softly when he felt a soft and delicate body on his back.

“Hold tight!”

He only said these two words, then took a big step and rushed over.

Before him, the large swarm of monsters migrating with the flow of the dark demon breath was flooding like a tide, and at a glance, almost any monster could be seen. Naturally, the strength of these monsters is not very strong. In fact, many of them are like Black Wind Skeletons. They are not strong individually and can only pose a threat to the immortal disciples after gathering in groups…

But there are too many!

That’s a quantity that makes people feel chill at the first glance!

No one knows how long it will take to kill this monster, and what hope is there!

Especially now that Fang Yuan is approaching the end of the crossbow, this hope is even more slim!

But after carrying Luo Feiling on his back, Fang Yuan didn’t say anything, just took a deep breath and ran out.

At this moment, his nerves were tense and he tried his best, even the ground was stepped out of a pit.

Then, his figure greeted the large monster directly, without hesitation or hesitation.


The monster who was chasing the dark demon’s breath rushed, and at this time, he also undoubtedly found Fang Yuan who was rushing towards them, and he didn’t even need to feel the spirit aura on him. All the monsters were chasing the dark demon In the case of restlessness, the Fang who rushed towards them was so conspicuous at first, and out of a subconscious reaction of magic, they almost rushed towards Fang Yuan without even thinking about it!

“Well, it seems that you shouldn’t have been so headstrong before…”

Looking at the large black and crushed monster, even Luo Feiling, who has been showing some heartlessness, couldn’t help his face change slightly, some regretted the decision a long time ago, and then she looked down. He glanced at Fang Yuan, who rushed towards the monster with his back on his back, and hugged the left hand around his neck harder, holding it tighter, then squeezed a magic trick with his right hand, ready to shoot at any time.

“At this point, life and death are alive, I will only try my last bit of strength…”

Seeing that the monster was getting closer and closer, Fang Yuan suddenly yelled out in his heart.


The Demon Seal Sword in his hand was also on his chest at this time.

A demon mark on the sword at this time looked extremely clear and extremely strange.


The demon wolf the size of a calf at the forefront, when it rushed to Fang Yuan’s front ten feet or so, it suddenly roared and jumped into the air, with its claws facing Fang Yuan fiercely. Grabbing it, the demon flame on the body seemed to smell the breath of living beings at this time, and became a little excited. It actually ignited the flames of the black canopy from its body, making it look like a dark cloud…

But at this moment, Fang Yuan didn’t move forward, his figure didn’t shake, but he slashed out with a sword.

His nerves are tense to the extreme, and the swordsmanship is also used to the full. It seems that this sword is extremely simple, but it is also approaching the extreme. As soon as the sword light flashes, he has passed by the magic wolf and continues to charge. To the large monster behind…


The sword light seems to be stronger, rolling forward, turning countless monsters into powder, floating in the invisible…

The demon wolf was already stiff, even the demon flame on it was extinguished.


It fell to the ground with a raw end, and it fell in half.

In that moment in the air, its vitality seemed to disappear completely, not even a dying struggle.

At the same time, Fang Yuan’s magic mark instantly lit up with a strange light.

Fang Yuan’s eyes also seemed to have a touch of blood.

“Swish Swish”……

Almost immediately behind the devil wolf, three or four monsters also rushed towards Fang Yuan tightly. There was almost no time for him to breathe in the middle. When the new power was exhausted and the old power was not born, let him Everyone feels a bit of a headache, but Fang Yuan has already changed his appearance at this time. His power seems to be endless, even several times stronger than when he killed the devil wolf…

As soon as the monsters rushed towards him, he turned around with his sword.

In a moment, the sword light is unspeakable, the strength is skyrocketing, and the tyrannical is boundless, but it gives people a feeling of hairy heart!

The three or four monsters did not even utter the roar, they were directly torn to pieces by his sword light.

After that, the light on Fang Yuan’s sword became even more enchanting, and the blood under his eyes became thicker.

He didn’t seem to need any rest or reaction, so he continued to rush straight down, the sword was fierce and unstoppable.

“This is…”

Even Luo Feiling, who was lying on Fang Yuan’s back, was taken aback at this time.

She felt a tyrannical and turbulent power surging in Fang Yuan’s body at this time.

It is this kind of power that makes Fang Yuan, who was already close to the end of the crossbow, at this time, his strength is soaring, and it seems to be endless. The old power is not exhausted, the new power has been born, and there is a cycle of repetition. , Endless feeling…

“That sword…is it…”

Her eyes immediately looked at the Demon Seal Sword in Fang Yuan’s hand, her expression a little frightened.

But no matter what she thought in her heart, she still didn’t say anything, just leaned tightly on Fang Yuan’s back.

“The magic way means, after using it, there will be troubles, but this time I can’t take care of it…”

Fang Yuan knew very well in his heart. He rushed into the group of monsters in an instant, started killing, and rushed out step by step. In an instant, seven or eight monsters died under his hands, and in front of him , A giant white bone elephant with a stature of three feet has stepped down towards him fiercely. If he usually encounters this golem, Fang Yuan will have to take it very seriously, but at this time, he has already killed himself. Eyes, there was no intention to dodge, he directly pinched the seal with his left hand, and slapped the elephant foot on the ground!


His legs were plunged into the mud, but he was resisted by the step of the giant elephant.

Then he rushed to the sky, using the flying sword power, the sword light soared, and it pierced the giant elephant’s brain fiercely.


The giant elephant fell to the ground, dust and smoke were everywhere, crushing many monsters that were too late to escape.

Fang Principle carried the sword and rushed forward fiercely, the magic seal sword light in his hand, at this time, shined to the extreme…

The power in his body has also been tyrannical at this time!

Even his cultivation level has changed significantly, his energy is getting stronger and stronger…

“Kill kill kill kill kill…”

“Kill a mess…”

“The blood flow is like the sea…”

“The head seems to blossom…”

Even in his mouth, he whispered the words that Guan Ao roared when he was mad.

Step by step, rush through the monster swarm.

One sword and one sword, killing unknown monsters…

At this time, every time a sword is cut out, a raging and terrifying force will flow into Fang Yuan’s body.

This kind of power was accepted by Fang Yuan without thinking about it, turned into his own, and then used this power again, and continued to fight back and forth, even his own cultivation base, Has also been unable to restrain the rapid improvement!

Entered the Demon Breath Lake and experienced a series of things. Fang Yuan’s cultivation base had already gone from a low-level Qi training level to a high-level Qi training level. At this time With the addition of so much power, it directly broke through the limit, and actually rose directly to the eighth level of Qi training, and it was still rising, with an almost crazy speed increase…

The eighth level of qi training…the upper level of the eighth level of qi training…the peak of the eighth level of qi training…

When Fang Yuan finally broke through the eighth peak of Qi training, there was a sudden change in his mana!


Fang Yuan cut forward with a sword, and countless monsters were directly torn apart.

At this moment, Luo Feiling, who was leaning on Fang Yuan’s back, saw that Fang Yuan’s pure cyan mana as the color of the sky, as the monsters under his sword became more and more numerous. A faint blood, as bright as human blood…

“Are you… are you crazy?”

Even Luo Feiling’s eyes were a little red when he sensed the terrifying mana changes in Fang Yuan’s body at this time.

At this time, Fang Yuan just looked calm, and slashed forward with one sword and one sword!

Magic Seal Sword, the power of blood sacrifice!

At this time, he has no choice but to accept the blood sacrifice power of the Demon Seal Sword!

After discovering the weirdness of the Demon Seal Sword, he has always deliberately avoided using the Demon Seal Sword to kill people~ Whether it is a monster or a creature, he does not use the Demon Seal Sword as much as possible. Take the other person’s life, because once you take it, you will have the power of blood sacrifice. From the Demon Seal Sword, it will flow into your body. Although it will bring you tyrannical power, it will also have many future problems…

But at this time, he took the initiative to accept the power of this blood sacrifice!

Because he has no other way!

At this time, he is at the end of his force, and the mana he condenses is almost exhausted. Apart from accepting the power of the blood sacrifice, he has the power to keep fighting, he has no way to kill. Wear this piece of monster…

Accepting the power of the blood sacrifice, there may be trouble in the future!

If you don’t accept it, you will die in front of you!

In the past, I didn’t accept this kind of blood sacrifice power because Fang Yuan wanted to go the right way and he didn’t want to accept the evil secret method!

At this time…

Fang Yuan drank coldly in his heart: “Fuck, as long as you can survive, any way is the right way!”

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