Master of Great Calamity Chapter 134: Dowon Shouxin

“It’s over…”

Even Fang Yuan, after being swept in by the dark magic wave, couldn’t help feeling desperate: “Is it really going to die?”

I was caught in the dark tide, the wind was raging, the turbulence was turbulent, people in it, it was like being caught in a huge wave, unable to move, I could only drift with the wave, I don’t know where I am or where I am going. where. What’s more terrifying is that in this dark tide, the dark demon aura is too rich. Once it is wrapped in this dark demon aura, it will usually be immediately extinguished and turned into a demon. Now Fang Yuan also feels it. That kind of magical intent surging in the heart is like a worm, trying to get into his head.

This is simply a desperate thing…

It’s like an oil lamp, put in the gust of wind, it will go out instantly, without any suspense.

On top of Fang Yuan’s head, the aura of the aura talisman was completely extinguished at the moment when he was involved in the dark magic breath.

Fang Yuan knows what kind of Jedi this is, so there is nothing to do except the last yelling, as if he has seen the executioner’s knife fall on his neck, and he wants to do any remedy. It’s too late…

But he scolded for a long time and suddenly found a problem.

At this time, he was indeed enveloped by the dark demon breath. That kind of demon thought, like a weird bug, penetrated into his body and in his heart, making him want to roar and degenerate from time to time. He was bloodthirsty, but he didn’t actually degenerate until the time of several breaths passed. Although the whole person was on the verge of madness, but the last bit of spiritual consciousness still exists…

Like an oil lamp, it is almost extinguished, but there is one last spark, and it refuses to disperse.

“The husband is the only way to do it. It starts well and accomplishes well.”

After realizing this problem, Fang Yuanli realized that deep in his mind, there was a deep and solemn chanting sound slowly sounding. If there is no such thing, when it is carefully distinguished I can’t hear it, but when I don’t listen carefully, I feel that the sound of chanting is always there, and it hovered in his mind, like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, sinking in his heart…

This kind of feeling was exactly what he felt when he first got “Dao Yuan Zhen Jie”!

It is the appearance of this feeling that makes his mind still maintain the last ray of spiritual consciousness, which has not been wiped out!

But this strand of spiritual consciousness is too delicate.

So weak that it may disappear at any time…

A strand of fragile spiritual consciousness, against the boundless dark magic breath, is like an ant against the sky…

At this time, perhaps confrontation is ridiculous, but it is wise to give up…


“No, I can’t die, how can I die?”

“I have been studying hard for ten years, and seeing that I finally have some hope of rising, how can I just die in the place of trial?”

“It’s like a poem half written, a painting half a volume, how can I just put a pen on it?”

In Fang Yuan’s heart, a sense of unwillingness rose.

“Even if the result is death, I will resist the moment when the soul flies away…”

Holding this thought, he gritted his teeth, and then chanted “Dao Yuan Zhen Jie”.

He was chasing the sound of chanting in the depths of his mind, chanting “Dao Yuan Zhen Jie”, keeping the only remaining spiritual knowledge.

“The sergeant can only do it when he hears the Tao; the sergeant can only survive when he hears the Tao; the sergeant laughs when he hears the Tao.”

“It is not worth noting not to laugh.”

“Therefore, there are some suggestions: if you know the way is ambiguous; if you enter the way, if you retreat; if the way is barred; if you go up to the valley, if you are humiliated, if you have a lack of virtue, if you are stolen, if the quality is true; Great tools avoid becoming; loud sounds are rare; elephants are invisible.”

“Dao Yin has no name.”


The calm and solemn voice echoed in his heart, blending with the faint chanting sound in his mind.

He used to use “Dao Yuan Zhen Jie” to fight against the illusion of the blood sea of ​​demon seals, but now he is using “Dao Yuan Zhen Jie” to fight against this boundless magical thought. This method is only for him. It works, because “Dao Yuan Zhen Jie” itself has no ability to fight against magical thoughts, Fang Yuan can fight it because he has put too much effort into “Dao Yuan Zhen Jie” in the process of growing up!

“Dao Yuan Zhen Jie”, to some extent, is his Dao Xin!


At this moment, the white cat was standing on the blue rock under the dark tide passing by, and the white hair was erected like a steel needle, staring at the endless demon. The wind rolled up, and Fang Yuan, who was floating in the distance, surrounded it with turbulent demonic energy, dimly lit, but it ignored it, just craned its neck and called out hoarsely toward the black cloud. With.

“Therefore, there is always nothing, and I want to see the magic; if I always have, I want to see what is wrong.”

“The two come from the same name but have different names, and the same is called “Xuan”.

“Mystery and mystery, the door of all wonders.”

In the dark tide, Fang Yuan’s chanting voice went further and further, and finally was slowly drowned by the wind.

The white cat also stopped crying suddenly, and tears came in his eyes…

In this moment, the dark magic wind between heaven and earth seems to be much smaller in an instant!

When the dark demonic wave hits, the world is chaotic, manic, and demonic energy surges to the extreme.

But after the dark tide passed, everything subsided a lot.

Even the dark magic wind that has been raging before, suddenly seems to be much less and much weaker.

This kind of dark magic wave is linked by countless powerful dark magic winds, sweeping across the earth like the sky and the earth. In this magic breath lake, its power is invincible, but it is also fragile. It can Destroy everything, but it doesn’t exist for a long time…

It is too powerful on its own, so it will quickly collapse…

Fang Yuan doesn’t know how long he has been drifting with the crowd in this magical breath.

But it seems to be very lucky, he has not been torn apart, the strange dark demon breath, nor has he fallen into his mind!

So, he just wobbled like this until he landed!

The surrounding turbulence was violent, and the wind that almost caused him to lose his hearing gradually disappeared.

The power that made him fly around involuntarily also disappeared.

He lay on a solid ground, calmly as if returning to the origin of this world!

After lying on the ground for a long time, Fang Yuan gradually felt that his perception and hearing were slowly returning. The continuous chanting in his heart gradually subsided, and his mind gradually became sober, but his body was stiff. , But I feel that I don’t have a trace of strength. I can only lie on the ground so stiffly for a long time without moving. All my eyes can see are the sky in front of me…

“I was involved in the dark demons, and I was not dead or degenerated…”

“Not even seriously injured…”

Fang Yuan himself muttered in surprise: “If you go out and tell others about this, you will think I’m bragging?”

He was a little fortunate for a while, and he didn’t even dare to imagine that he would be so lucky, but when he tried to stand up for a few times, he felt that he was not so lucky anymore. He smiled bitterly and said, “I was in the dark tide. For too long, although the demon aura failed to corrode my mind, it impregnated my physical body so that I can’t lift my mana now, and I don’t have any strength in my body…”

He knows too well how dangerous it is for a person who cannot move in this extremely dangerous Demon Breath Lake…

In case a monster comes, how to deal with it?

Before this thought flashed through, there was a sound of smashing sound around him.

Fang Yuan suddenly felt helpless: “It looks like he is still going to die, but it will be sooner or later…”


A black tail flicked in front of Fang Yuan’s eyes, because Fang Yuan was just lying blankly at this time, with no way to tilt his head, so he couldn’t see the whole picture of the monster at all, so he could only pass The appearance of the tail, judging that it seemed to be a monster like a lizard, must have been attracted by the breath of life on his body, “sizzling” his tongue.

“Hey, dying in the belly of a monster, it’s better to die in the dark tide, it’s easier…”

Fang Yuan plunged into despair with a heart, really dumbfounding.

He has just been in the dark tide, Daoxin has been refined, it can be described as transparent to the extreme, and he is still thinking that he can hear the Dao and die at night, but who would have thought that God actually took it seriously , Really let yourself be sent to death just as soon as you understand Daoxin?

“This joke is a bit big…”

A decayed demon breath came next to his face, and the monster was actually sniffing his face.

It seems that Fang Yuan at this time has a weaker breath of life, and he is also judging whether this piece of meat is delicious…

This suddenly gave Fang Yuan a thought, hoping that this monster will treat itself as a dead thing, and let it go…

But soon the idea was also desperate.

There was a clamour around, I don’t know how many monsters crawled over from all directions, seeming to grab a piece of their own flesh, and the monster closest to him was worried that others would steal his own, and finally stopped being picky. Now, “Ah woo” opened his mouth wide and bit directly at Fang Yuan’s head. From Fang Yuan’s perspective, you can see his throat…


Fang Yuan sighed, he could only die so calmly…

At this He doesn’t even want to show that there is no room for resistance…

But it was blood red in front of Fang Yuan, and when he was about to be swallowed by the monster, he suddenly heard a “shoo”, and the surrounding area was in chaos. The sound of muscle tearing was endless, and the back of Yuan Yuan’s eyes Suddenly disappeared, only to see a red light hovering in the air. Inside that red light was a delicate knife that was spinning fast. From time to time, red light shot out from the blade, and the surrounding monsters were covered by this red light. During the sweep, they fell to the ground one by one, instantly clean.

“This is…”

Fang Yuan was taken aback, and then he saw the knife fly back.

Then in front of him, a delicate little face appeared, and two black eyes were looking at him curiously.

“She is still alive?”

Fang Yuan stayed for a while, and couldn’t help but feel ecstasy.

Then he heard the girl sigh regretfully: “This fellow, the one who died is quite peaceful…”

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