Master of Great Calamity Chapter 121: Severe troubles first

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In the fairy gate, background, network, and status are of course very important. The reason why Yan Ji desperately wants to protect Liu Mozhen is because of these reasons. And he threatened Fang Yuan before. Having said this kind of words, it was not until Fang Yuan said those words that Yan Ji suddenly realized that not only did he have the advantage in this respect, but he also had the disadvantaged door in front of him!

He also knows that what Fang Yuan said just now is true. When Liu Mozhen was nailed to the stone wall of merit by Fang Yuan’s sword, he didn’t think of revenge. He even thought about how Liu Mozhen could swallow. With this nasty temper, he did not know how many ways he wanted to avenge Fang Yuan, but all his thoughts, and even all the means he was preparing, were forcibly suppressed by the elders of the immortal door, and he even told Liu Mo to be really not foolish. And this is exactly why Liu Mo really hates Fang Yuan’s hatred more and more…

This time Liu Mozhen will come to steal Kalan grass privately, and naturally there is the temptation to build a foundation…

But to a certain extent, the other party’s hatred is also one of the reasons!

It’s not that Liu Mozhen’s elders did not allow him to avenge Fang Yuan. The main reason was their fear!

Fang Yuan is indeed a poor family with no background, but when he was promoted from a handyman to a disciple of the immortal door, he had already received the attention of the elder of the immortal door. Later, he was successful in practicing Xuan Huang Yi Qi, and he became After the Tianjiao, which the immortal door focuses on, otherwise, the position of Xiaozhufeng’s true master disciple, would Elder Yun casually set it down with a word, even the Sect Master would not even bother?

At this time, who dares to retaliate against Fang Yuan is to be an enemy of Elder Yun, or even an enemy of Xianmen!

If Xianmen is really angry, Liu Mozhen’s family simply can’t afford it!

It’s precisely this that made Yan Ji realize Fang Yuan’s horror. It’s not terrible because Fang Yuan is looked after by so many people, but when he also realizes his own weight and uses this amount to threaten something At that time, it seemed too scary…

He was right. Even if he did something big wrong, as long as his Xuanhuang Yiqi Art still had hope to succeed in his cultivation, Xianmen wouldn’t do anything to him. Even after he succeeded in cultivation, Xianmen I will pay more attention to him and help him suppress this incident. At this time, all the forces that look at Fang Yuan’s dislikes can only endure themselves and watch him grow up every day…

These thoughts made the strict machine uncontrollably feel cold…

If Fang Yuan was so crazy and did so, wouldn’t it be…

“You… let go, I surrender, you release my disciple of God Xiaofeng, we will retreat…”

Yan Ji’s eyes were blood red, and he couldn’t wait for a moment when he looked at the black smoke-filled array.

He really can’t afford to gamble, so he can only choose to admit defeat.

At this time, Fang Yuan still had a cold face. Seeing that he had retracted his gun, Fang Yuan didn’t press the sword, but he didn’t mean to let go, he looked coldly. He said sensibly: “Who said you can quit by surrendering?”

Yan Ji was already a little confused, he suddenly realized that he couldn’t see Fang Yuan at all.

He yelled almost hysterically: “What do you want? What do you want?”

“I just said, you want to save their lives, write a confession, and kneel down to beg for mercy!”

Fang Yuan’s face was indifferent: “This is what I want!”


Fang Yuan’s rude words and indifferent attitude caused Yan Ji to become angry for a while, and his eyes looked at Fang Yuan fiercely, even with a little bit of hatred and incomprehension: “What are you What nonsense, this incident has nothing to do with me, why are you embarrassing me? I have explained to you before, and you believe that I don’t know about it…”

“If you don’t know, it means you have nothing to do with this matter?”

Fang Yuan interrupted him directly, and said coldly: “You are not strict in your command. It is your fault that caused such a catastrophe!”

Strict Ji was stunned immediately, looking at Fang Yuan with some confusion.

“You said that I was naive, but you were actually naive…”

Fang Yuan said coldly: “Do you think I am asking for fairness?”

“Joke, when I eavesdropped on Mr. Zhu’s lecture outside the Fairy Hall, I knew that fairness does not exist!”

Speaking of this sentence, Fang Yuan’s sword was sharp, and he cut across, staggering back several feet straight to the severe machine.

The rigorous opportunity at this time, even some of the fighting will that Fang Yuan said was gone.

He discovered that Fang Yuan really wanted to write a confession letter. His face had become extremely pale, and his lips were trembling: “But I… I didn’t know they would do this before. Now I just want to keep things quiet, why do you… why do you have to let me bear this sin? I think I have never offended you, how can you… how can you hate me so much?”

“When I went to the Demon Breath Lake, I had reminded you that Liu Mo really didn’t accept you in his heart. I hope you will pay more attention so as not to cause a catastrophe. At that time, you were deaf to your ears. Now a big mistake has been made. Do you still feel that you have no responsibility?”

Fang Yuan took out his sword and shouted at the same time: “More importantly, the enmity between Shenxiaofeng and Xiaozhufeng has been settled. You can guarantee that in this demon breath lake, in the fierce and dangerous trials, Shenxiaofeng Can you swallow this breath and stop coming to make trouble afterwards?”

“Even though you can make countless guarantees at this time, can you ensure that Xiaozhufeng and Shenxiaofeng are really in peace?”


This series of questions made Yan Ji pale. He opened his mouth, but was speechless, and his palms trembled.

“I…I can…”

He almost said these two sentences with some guilty conscience.

But Fang Yuan just cut it with a sword, and said coldly: “I don’t believe it!”

“唰” “唰” “唰”

His sword power is endless, and he slashed towards Yan Ji one after another.

At this time, the rigorous machine even only had the power to retreat. After Fang Yuan asked, even his heart was shaken…

A certain thought came up, and even he felt that this confession should be written.

I can’t control Liu Mozhen, and this is what happened, so I am indeed responsible!

Furthermore, Xiaozhufeng and Shenxiaofeng had a grievance, can it really be all right?

No, he didn’t even believe him, because even he had taken Liu Mozhen and others back, and the idea of ​​taking the rest of the accounts back slowly was not because he was narrow-minded, but because he was The leader of Shenxiaofeng, what must be done…

Shen Xiaofeng has killed three elite disciples. If he does not do this, he will not be worthy to be the brother of Shen Xiaofeng’s disciples!

All of this has now been exposed **** by Fang Yuan…

But he also had a guilty conscience for a while, but soon, he was angry again!

His Dao Xin is not so fragile, and he doesn’t want to give up so soon…

After all, this confession is too serious. This is something that can ruin your own future…

“I…I killed you…”

The endless unwillingness in my heart finally made Yan Ji roar, his mana surging like a volcano.

As an existence who had been promoted to True Legend six years ago, his strength is naturally not weak, but Fang Yuan is not inferior to him. Two people have fought the law like this, and they are evenly matched. It is impossible to tell the winner or loser, especially when Fang Yuan is not seeking meritorious merit at this time, only seeking no demerits, slowly and cautiously pestering him, it makes him feel extremely difficult, like being caught in a mire!

When they were fighting the law, they could already see the dense black mist gathering towards the big formation. The darkness of the demon breath was so strong that it made him feel shocking. He really didn’t know what happened to the disciples in the formation. With the gathering of so many dark demon breaths, it has nothing to do with strength. No matter who it is, it is impossible to sustain it for too long, either die or become a dark creature!

Now he really does not want to delay, he just wants to save people in the past!

Those disciples trapped in the Shadow Wind Prisoner Array are all masters of Shen Xiaofeng, and they are all people who have a close relationship with him, otherwise he would not be able to bring them, let alone let these people mix with them. With this incident, but now, they are trapped in a big array, but every minute and every breath, they are facing the risk of death, which makes his heart seem to be torn…

If these people are really killed, not to mention the catastrophe that they are about to usher in, they can’t accept it in this heart!

Furthermore, at the beginning, he really didn’t dare to believe Fang Yuan’s cruel heart. He thought he was just talking and he didn’t dare to do it this way, but at this time, he had to believe it. , Because that Fang Yuan seems to have no emotion at all!

How cold-blooded such a person is…

“You lunatic…you…do you really want to kill the disciples of Shenxiaofeng?”

As time goes by, Yan Ji’s whole person is about to collapse, and he roars: “How can you be so vicious?”

“Kneel down and write a confession!”

Faced with the questioning of the strict machine, Fang Yuan’s voice seemed calm and not emotional: “Shenxiaofeng is too strong, Xiaozhufeng is too weak, if you want to retaliate, it will be too terrible, I can’t resist it, so I can stop these troubles first…”

“That…that’s impossible…”

The seven orifices of the strict and anxious will burst into flames, roared, and desperately attacked Fang Yuan, all kinds of spells were released, and all kinds of magic weapons were also Zhi Ruo Jiang Fang Yuan regarded him as a major enemy of life and death, and wished to frustrate him at this time, but under his crazy offensive, Fang Yuan was unwavering, as steady as a mountain, little by little, turning his offensive into invisible… …

“Brother Yanji, are you still not reconciled?”

As he desperately attacked, Fang Yuan’s voice still seemed unusually stable: “You want to pass my level at least half an hour, but I think in half an hour, you guys Shenxiaofeng disciples, I’m afraid there are not a few left…”

Such a sentence made Yan Ji feel an indescribable rage, and his voice became hoarse…

“You are such a ruthless method. You are treating the life of Shenxiaofeng’s disciple as a trifle. Even if Xianmen is the weak and strong food, I have never seen such a vicious method as you, your two disciples Xiaozhufeng. Fate, I want more than 30 people in my **** Xiaofeng to pay for it? You lunatic, in your eyes, what is the result of other people’s lives, I want to make you…I…”

Strict Ji kept yelling like crazy, yelling, and then he suddenly knelt on the ground.

The blood-red eyes are closed, and the whole person seems to be discouraged: “I… I write!”

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