Master of Great Calamity Chapter 112: It really is you

“Brother Fang Yuan…”

“Senior Brother Fang Yuan took action, these people will undoubtedly die…”

The surrounding Xiaozhufeng disciples have just gone through the experience of being overwhelmed by the tyrannical strength of those black shadows, their hearts are already extremely depressed, and there is a look of uncertainty on their faces. It was as if he had lost his soul, but when he saw Fang Yuan’s move, he was immediately excited, and some even shouted loudly, as if he had seen him set the world with his sword!

With this shout, Fang Yuan walked faster and faster, and directly swung his sleeves to meet the leader in black.

“I’m just a newcomer, the hair hasn’t grown up yet, what’s so arrogant?”

Seeing Fang Yuan’s appearance, all the young Zhufeng disciples showed joy and joy, as if the overall situation had already been set, the dark shadow leader also raised an unspeakable hatred in his heart, which he disliked very much. The expressions of those Xiaozhufeng disciples did not like Fang Yuan’s murderous air, especially when he was struck with a sword on his arm just now, which made his heart raging, exhausted all the spells, and displayed one. The tyrannical spell, with a raging and boundless force, hit Fang Yuan straight!

Looking at Fang Yuan’s empty hands, his eyes are already cold!

At this time, Fang Yuan was expressionless, as if his mind had been settled. Instead, the expressions on his face became a burden. There was no anger, no scolding, just so silent, his robe sleeves fluttering, and the whole person was like A group of blue shadows rushed straight forward…

But it was just such a simple action that made the dark shadow leader’s heart sink slightly.

“How can you bluff others like this?”

At this time, he had the thought of challenge in his heart. Although he shot fiercely, he knew everything clearly in his heart.

“I want to see, do you really have such a great ability?”

Thinking about it like this, his speed increased again, and the magical power spread to Yiyu, and it covered a radius of ten feet.

He intentionally blocked the surrounding road at this moment, just to prevent Fang Yuan from getting his sword again!

He has seen Fang Yuan’s swordsmanship, and knows that his kendo attainments are not vulgar, so he must stop him at a distance and force him to fight!

He wants to prove that his magic skills are not lower than Fang Yuan!

“Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

Seeing that the black shadow rushed in front of him, the magical power was overwhelming, but Fang Yuan didn’t mean to cast any spells!

He was so empty-handed that he greeted him.

“You are so entrusted, you are looking for death!”

The shadow was overjoyed, and the magical power rose again and suppressed Fang Yuan head-on.

He has never underestimated Fang Yuan, but in his opinion, Fang Yuan, who doesn’t have a sword in his hand and hasn’t held up the magic formula, is definitely not his opponent!

This battle is decided by myself!

“Come back!”

But what he didn’t expect was that when Fang Yuankankan rushed in front of him, he suddenly uttered a low drink and flicked the sleeves of his robes. The large sleeves of the green robes were already filled with Xuanhuangzhi Qi made the two big sleeves like two blue clouds, just swaying in the air, the wind and fire that overwhelmed the sky has been swayed by his sleeve, as if disappeared out of thin air…

“How is this… possible?”

The dark shadow leader was taken aback, and eagerly turned around, turned around, and pinched the seal again.

His changes are not unpleasant, his response is not insensitive, and his response is not inaccurate.

However, Fang Yuan ignored his movements at all, so he propelled his right hand into the air and spread his fingers apart. The sword that was inserted into the huge wood in the distance suddenly lit up on the sword. The magic seal of the monster, as if it had spirituality, suddenly flew back, extremely fast, and flew into Fang Yuan’s hands in a flash, and then Yuan Yuan turned around and cut it down with a sword!


Sword Mun Sensen, cut directly in front of him!

What kind of wind and fire, what kind of spells, are not good at all, this sword will cut off his head.

“Dare you…”

The dark shadow was taken aback, and his heart felt cold.

It wasn’t until this time that he expected that Fang Yuan was really murderous…

What kind of fighting method is this, it is simply fighting for life!

More importantly, this sword is abrupt, and he doesn’t even know how Fang Yuan did it, because the sword in his hand is clearly an ordinary long sword, and it was definitely not a sacrificed sword. Feijian, how can it be able to call each other away like an arm?

Of course, there is no time to ask for an answer.

The most important thing is that the sword has already arrived in front of him, his life is at stake, and he can’t care about anything.

“Nine Dragons Mace, come out!”

Facing the sword light, he yelled desperately, or rather, he was so desperate!

Following his loud shout, a golden shadow suddenly rushed out from his waist pocket, and suddenly there was a dazzling golden light. In the golden light, nine dragon shadows could even be seen flying, layer by layer , Floating in the sword light approaching in front of you…


Fang Yuan passed the black shadow with a clear dragon chant.

He is holding a long sword, his blue robe is hunting, and when he turns around, he is full of murderous intent.

“Golden Nine Dragon Mace, Liu Mozhen, it really is you…”

He uttered these words word by word, and there was blood floating in his eyes.

“Oh my God, the golden dragon mace, that is the blood refining magic weapon of Shen Xiaofeng Senior Brother Liu Mozhen…”

“They… really are Shenxiaofeng disciples…”

The Xiaozhufeng disciples around, even if they had already guessed something, when they saw this magic weapon, they were still agitated.

“It’s over, Brother Liu Mozhen was forced to show his Nine Dragons Mace, this identity…”

As for the other shadows, when they saw this scene, their hearts were deep and hopeless.

“Sure enough, she is a disciple of Shenxiaofeng…”

“Why are you… why did you do such things…”

“Everyone is the same, why do you want to make this heavy hand?”

For a while, the swamp was in chaos, everyone stopped, and the Xiaozhufeng disciples had different expressions, some didn’t want to believe the scene before them, some just sighed in a low voice, and some had a face. Angry, some questioned loudly…

The shadows fell silent, feeling extremely embarrassed.

At this time, they did not try to explain anything. In the spiritual world, sometimes the magic weapon is a person’s signboard. This cannot be faked. The golden dragon mace is originally a special magic weapon, and it is also a god’s peak. It is true that Liu Mozhen’s blood refinement is in the Qingyang Sect, and there is only one such thing. Others do not have such a magic weapon, let alone use Liu Mozhen’s magic weapon!

When they first came over, they had agreed to use Qingyangzong’s spells as little as possible, and their own magic weapons could not be displayed casually, but now, no one thought that Fang Yuan’s sword might be so powerful. It forced Liu Mozhen to reveal his destiny!

In the previous news, didn’t it clearly say that the original evil demon bear was already injured?

How can you still have such a strong strength?

Now that the golden dragon mace has come out, it will not be easy for Shenxiaofeng to completely wash it away…

“Senior Brother Fang Yuan, Senior Sister Ling was only poisoned and it was not a serious problem, but Senior Brother Guan Ao was injured…”

Sister Xiao Qiao rushed over at this time. After seeing the golden dragon mace next to the black shadow, she was slightly startled, but her expression was even more sad, and she trembled a few words to Fang Yuan. Then turned his head and looked at those dark shadows bitterly!

Listening to her, Fang Yuan’s eyes gradually cooled, and all the expressions on his face disappeared!

“Brother Zhou, Brother Hong…”

The disciple Xiao Zhufeng next to him also trembled: “A dozen people were injured by them just now. Junior Brother Zhou and Senior Brother Hong were the most injured. Just now, they rushed too hard to stop them. Close to the front, Junior Brother Zhou was scorched all over his body, and several large holes were burned out of his internal organs, and Senior Brother Hong…he was directly…killed by his wind blade…”

When disciple Xiao Zhufeng heard these words, his heart trembled.

Even the demons didn’t let them die or injured one, but now they were killed by two of the Qingyang Sect’s fellows?

Hearing the report from Xiao Zhufeng’s disciple, even the few dark shadows were a little shocked at this moment, all of them bowed their heads and said nothing, their eyes a little sad. Even if they were, they obviously didn’t expect life to be killed. They underestimated the resilience of Xiao Zhufeng’s disciple. They thought they could escape easily, but they didn’t expect that Xiao Zhufeng’s defenses were strong. In order to leave, they had to put down heavy hands. They are no longer able to control it. Who remembers what he did just now?

In that situation, even if they didn’t make the move, they didn’t care about it for a while.

Until now, I realized the seriousness of the matter.

What can I do?

It would be fine if it left just now, but now, how can it end?

“Things have become so big, what else do you want?”

A voice rang coldly next to him, but it was Little Pepper Ling Hongbo. She gritted her teeth and walked out from the depths of the swamp. A trace of red blood ran down the corner of her mouth, her expression extremely angry: “I Even in a dream, I never thought that you would dare to do such things. Now that the evil results have been achieved, you are not happy to show your true face and confess your sins. Are you really going to make trouble?”

“Ling…Sister Ling…”

Those people Some of them were shocked by the incident of the person who had just died, some were in awe of Little Chili, and some were defensive by watching the surrounding Xiaozhufeng disciples. Strictly, there is not necessarily any hope of escape, all heart is heavy, hearing Xiao Jiao’s words, a little timid, even directly sighed, slowly stretched out his hand to the black scarf on his face.

“When you show your face, you see everything, and everything is over…”

But soon, someone beside him hurriedly reached out and grabbed him, shouting anxiously.

“But…but what can I do?”

These black shadows are obviously panicked.

“What else, do it all, then do it to the end…”

But at this moment, there was a sullen cold drink.

The dark shadows were taken aback, and at the same time they turned their heads and looked at where the sound came from.

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