Master of Great Calamity Chapter 105: People are like chess pieces

   “Three-turn Madness Pill?”

   Fangyuan answered easily. Little Chili almost fell to the ground when he heard it. Even the smart fire python whip in his hand was accidentally caught in his mouth by a black wind skull, almost Was taken away, hurriedly used the mana, and regained it!

   looked up at the back of Guan Ao, who was mad, and he was still a little frightened.

   She really didn’t expect Fang Yuan to be so bold!

   He actually dared to give him this kind of food…

   Crazy Demon Pill has always been a kind of taboo pill in Xianmen. If it is difficult to make, it is not difficult. You can make a few medicinal materials that are not very rare at ordinary times, but the key is the effect of this pill , It’s too violent, almost evil…

   This is originally a kind of pill that practitioners take when they are desperately working with others at a critical time. Once eaten, the mana runs wildly and even burns, allowing the practitioner to possess more than that within a certain period of time. The power and speed of several times at ordinary times is like a madman, hence the name!

   But these pills have obvious effects, but the consequences are also very serious!

  After taking this pill, practitioners will often collapse for a long time, and some serious ones will even overdraw their vitality. When the medicinal effect has passed, they will die directly, even better, and will damage the Daoji , Difficult to recover!

   Therefore, this is not so much a pill, it is better to say it is poison!

In    Immortal Sect, it is rare to interfere with the practice of alchemy among disciples under the gate, but this madness pill is a prohibition!

   In other words, normal elixir disciples will never make this kind of pill, nor will they learn…

   And Fang Yuan, but through that Nie Honggu who is like a lunatic himself, made this kind of forbidden pill. What is even more terrifying is that he is still in this Demon Breath Lake, feeding it in front of everyone After closing Guan Ao, he used his madness to kill the demons…

   Isn’t this really killing someone?

   But at this time, she didn’t even bother to ask so many questions. The black wind skull moved after hearing the wind, and the energetic anger on so many practitioners was inherently seductive for them. At this time, they were already crazy. Come here.

   is not only transformed by human bones, but also various beasts. At this time, it is surging around like a tide, rushing to her like a desperate madness. She is guarding the position of Youding and can only wave fire. The python whip, a fire python that is more than ten feet long, flies up and down, killing all the skeleton monsters!

  The principle of Fang is that the three-foot green front is in hand, and the sword light can be changed. Within three feet of him, no skeleton can survive!

   In the face of this wave after wave, the black wind skeletons who are not afraid of death are most afraid of being surrounded by them. If they are not careful, they will be torn to pieces.

   But now that Guan Ao like a madman stands in the front, many skeleton monsters can’t rush to the back, and naturally they won’t press Xiao Zhufeng’s disciple to fight, while Fang Yuan and Xiao Jiao are both guarding. The right and left Ding’s position also kept the two wings stable. As for the other immortal disciples, they mainly focused on defense. It is rare to directly fight the Black Wind Skeleton…

   In this way, a rare situation has formed.

   Xiaozhufeng’s disciple is as steady as a dam, allowing the Black Wind Skeletons to hit like a tide, but he does not move. At the position of the Sanding God, the three masters shot from time to time, and the black wind skeletons were strangled and turned into The **** was spread on the ground layer by layer…

   After such a fierce battle for about half an hour, the number of black wind skeletons around has been noticeably low and sparse.

   At this time, Fang Yuan suddenly let out a long scream: “The battle is dispersed, each one is fighting!”


   Hidden in the formation, some immortal disciples who could not hold back for a long time, and rushed out in a whistling manner, each offering magic weapons and talisman seals, rushing towards the remaining black wind skulls around, three or five people A group fought around the black wind skeletons, taking advantage…

  ”Is it really just like that?”

   Even the little pepper Ling Hongbo couldn’t help taking a breath at this time.

   She couldn’t take care of the exhaustion of half an hour of continuous fierce fighting, she just looked around at the battlefield around her.

   Now the scene is very good, the small Zhufeng disciples are chasing after the poor skeletons, and there is a lot of cheers in the field.

   She is almost unbelievable!

   Even when she entered this Demon Breath Lake last time, she was accompanied by at least three top 9th-level Qi training masters, and dozens of other disciples, with an average strength of at least 8th-level Qi training. The wind skulls collided together. After a fierce battle, four disciples were killed, and at least ten disciples were injured. But now, this little Zhufeng disciple has survived?

  …No, I just hurt another one!

   The disciple chased the Black Wind Skeleton. He chased him so happily that he fell and fell and lost a front tooth!

   She was speechless and funny again, and looked at Fang Yuan helplessly.

   “Brother Guan Ao, you can rest!”

   At this time, Fang Yuan had already rushed to Guan Ao’s side and whispered to persuade him.

   “Kill, kill, kill, kill, it’s chaotic…”

   At this time, Guan Ao is still a crazy face, and even his mouth has bloodshot blood. It seems that the internal organs have been injured, but he completely ignores it, still brandishing a big knife. Slashing, even if there is no black wind skull around, he will continue to shoot the sword towards the surrounding void, the surrounding fairy disciples have not dared to stop him anymore, and escaped in fear!


   Fang Yuan arrived in front of him, and just said a word, Guan Ao took the opportunity to slash down.

  He is really like a madman, he has a crazy attitude of killing everyone!

  ”Brother Fang Yuan, be careful…”

   Countless disciples around screamed, eagerly rushing to help.

   Guan Ao’s knife is too strong, it disturbs the situation, it almost splits the world, it is fierce and unparalleled…

   “You all get out!”

   But in response to the knife, Fang Yuan hurriedly drank, suddenly spread his five fingers, and went straight up.


   His palm was accurately grasped on the hilt under the big knife. Under the impact of huge power, even the ground under his feet suddenly dusted and stepped out of a big pit, but he Steadily caught the knife, without shaking his arm, Guan Ao screamed, trying to lift the knife and cut it again, but the handle of the knife was held by him, and the knife could not be taken back…

  ”Brother Guan, it’s time to rest!”

   Fangyuan took a deep breath, slowed down again, and said softly.


   Guan Ao panted heavily, his eyes were a little confused, after a while, he seemed to see Fang Yuan’s face clearly: “Are you Junior Brother Fang?”

   “It’s me!”

   Fang Yuan nodded, took the knife out of his hand, and threw it on the ground.


  As the knife let go, Guan Ao suddenly lost his spine and collapsed to the ground.

   And Fang hurriedly supported him in principle, squatted down, and took out a few pills, stuffed all his brains into his mouth, and then turned his magic power to help him turn it on, turning off the blood on Ao’s face. It was fading madly, replaced by a strange pale color, and the whole person seemed to be a little confused. It wasn’t until the pill that he had eaten melted away that it seemed slightly better.

  ”Brother Fang, Guan Sha…How about Guan Ao?”

The immortal disciples around    didn’t get up until this time, and asked one by one in fear and horror.

   When Guan Ao was invited by Fang Yuan, they all looked down on them faintly.

   This stupid big man really doesn’t look like a real fairy disciple.

  Especially, although he has brute force, he is not good at magic and martial arts. Anyone who can find someone can defeat him in the fight, but after seeing his crazy scene just now However, the attitude of all the immortal disciples changed drastically. Looking at Guan Ao again, thinking about his ferocious scene just now, they even faintly developed a sense of awe…

   After all, the appearance of this big man holding a big knife just now slashing all directions is really scary!

  ”After this battle, he has a bad foundation and needs a good life and recuperation!”

   Fangyuan lightly explained and said to the others: “You don’t need to be around here, go and clean the battlefield!”

  The disciples heard the words, and then they dispersed and went to work on their own.

  ”Is it just that the foundation is at a loss?”

   Just then, a faint voice rang, but it was Little Pepper Ling Hongbo. Her eyes were a little complicated and she looked at Fang Yuan: “After taking the Three-Ranking Crazy Demon Pill, he was in a mess, and his body was seriously overdrawn. If you hadn’t forcibly taken his he could even fight to death with invisible enemies. Even so, he would consume too much…”

  ”His body is different from ordinary people, he is born with supernatural power, and is unparalleled. These costs are still within his capacity!”

   Fang Yuan didn’t raise his head, he just answered faintly while helping Guan Ao heal his injuries.

   “But even so, it’s unfair to him. You shouldn’t feed him Crazy Pill…”

   Little Chili couldn’t help but speak, a little angry between his brows.

  ”He was born an extraordinary person. It is even more unfair for him to stay in the courtyard and move stones!”

   Fangyuan replied casually, his expression unmoved.

   “Then if he wants to stay there and move the stones safely?”

   Little Chili couldn’t help replying.

  ”Then he is wasting his talents, so why don’t you let me call the shots for him!”

   Fang Yuan turned his head and took a serious look at Xiao Chili, but she suddenly became speechless.

  ”We have known each other for several years, I think I know you a little now…”

   After a while, Little Chili sighed and walked away, but his voice was a bit lonely: “People who can do the true teachings of the fairy gate, not many are ordinary people. When they lead the same door into the Demon Breath Lake I can see his character. Some people treat the same door as a burden and can’t wait to put it aside completely, some use the same door as a bargaining chip and can sacrifice at any time, and some take the same door as a vassal, whizzing around…”

   “And you!”

   She turned her head and glanced at Fang Yuan: “You treat the same door as a chess piece…”

   said this, even Fang Yuan couldn’t help but raised his head and glanced at Xiao Chili.

   But in the end he still didn’t say anything!

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