Master of Great Calamity Chapter 101: Endless good fortune picking anywhere

   The wind whistling, the magic shadows!

   is in the world, but like hell!

In    Demon Breath Lake, it felt like this. After Fang Yuan and the others boarded the teleportation formation, they only felt that the world was spinning, and the spirits seemed to be lost. And when they woke up, they were already in such a magical land.

  In the sky, it is pitch black.

   The sky seems to be covered by thick dark clouds. It is clearly daytime, but it feels like night is coming. The surrounding wind gusts faintly, bringing some screams from a distant unknown place, making people feel cold all over.

   Fang Yuan was silent for a few breaths before exhaling slowly.

   Then he calmed down, got up and looked around, seeing the disciples lying or standing, or holding the giant rock for breath, obviously the first time he experienced teleportation, he was a little uncomfortable, so he waited After a while, I carefully observed the surrounding environment!

   It looks like a wild mountain, with trees and vines, as well as weeds and rocks. But unlike the outside world, all the trees and flowers here seem to have undergone a great change. Although those trees are scarce, one by one, they look like giant trees that have grown for tens of thousands of years. The weeds and wildflowers on the ground are also indescribably luxuriant, green and glaring, and when you look at it, you have a feeling of vitality to the extreme. If you feed pigs with them, they will grow fatter!

   It’s just that, looking farther away, it makes people chill again…

   There seems to be a tall and slow figure in the distance, dragging a heavy body through the darkness.

On the ground around the   , there are still some very clear footprints, and the rocks are all cracked.

  When I arrive here abruptly, it is like entering another world. It really makes people feel helpless…

  ”Brother Fang, what shall we do?”

A soft question came from the side of   , Junior Sister Xiao Qiao did not know when she came to Fang Yuan’s side.

   Seeing that she is calm, but her face is a little pale, it is obviously also strong.

   “Gather all the disciples!”

   Fang Yuan just gave a faint command, and Junior Sister Xiao Qiao nodded and sacrificed a magic charm.

   A ray of aura rushed towards the night, and seeing this ray of aura, the disciples immediately gathered towards Fang Yuan. The aura talisman above their heads made the location of each of them shine with a little light, inverted. It was the meteors who usually huddled towards Fang Yuan. Not long after, they had already surrounded Fang Yuan. They seemed to stand loosely, but they were all concealed in rank, following a certain formation.

  ”Since I have entered the Demon Breath Lake, there is no turning back, so I will proceed according to the previous plan!”

   Fangyuan took out a jade slip, glanced at it lightly, and said: “Our location is the area around the Liushang River. From this Liushang River to the area between Guiya Mountain, we are Where Xiaozhufeng needs to explore, the elixir that grows in an area here is owned by our Xiaozhufeng, but correspondingly, the monsters that grow in this area are also targets that we need to kill. , I know you are all a little scared, but it’s okay, I have already made arrangements!”

   After that, he said to Xiaojiao: “Sister Ling, please give some advice to the brothers!”

   Standing in the crowd, Ling Hongbo also sighed softly.

  , unlike other people, it’s the first time she entered this Demon Breath Lake. Ten years ago, when she was only thirteen years old, she had already visited once. She was experienced, this time with Xiao Zhufeng. , Naturally knows where his role is.

   nodded, and said: “In the Demon Breath Lake, there are many spiritual plants and treasures, which are created by chance, but then again, killing the monsters is the main purpose of our trip. The monsters in the Demon Breath Lake. There are many, both alone and in groups. Those who survive alone are often insidious and invulnerable. They are afraid of sneak attacks. As long as they can be found in advance, there is no need to worry about them. In groups, It’s easy to spot, but once you find them, you can only fight head-on…”

   “Of course!”

   was talking, but Xiao Chili laughed again: “You don’t have to worry too much. According to legends, the Demon Breath Lake is full of various monsters, and it’s overbearing. A fierce and invincible existence… That’s all nonsense!”

   “If there are so many powerful monsters, with the help of our fairy disciples, wouldn’t they be killed if they come in?”

  ”You must know that ten years ago, the monsters in this Demon Breath Lake had been cleaned up once. How could there be time for these monsters to grow up? What we are facing now is only in these ten years Some of those who have grown up again are limited in their power and strength. It is said that there are demons that are too strong to the realm of Qi training, but they are almost impossible to meet!”

   After all, he said with some ease: “So, most of the monsters in this Demon Breath Lake are our strength enough to deal with. In fact, in previous trials, most of the injuries suffered by the immortal disciples were due to I was careless before I was taken advantage of by the monster!”

   Fangyuan heard it, but he was very satisfied with what Little Pepper said.

   He had already understood the various things in the Demon Breath Lake. At this time, letting Little Pepper talk about it in public was to calm the hearts of the same people.

   After all, as long as someone has ever gone out from here alive, the impression left in people’s subconscious mind is that this is not particularly difficult, especially since he also asked Pepper in advance to let her deliberately talk about the difficulty of this trial. Relax. Sure enough, the disciples of the immortals were relieved a lot when they heard Xiaojiao talk about the monsters in the Demon Breath Lake, and most of them only matched their fifth or sixth level of Qi training.

  ”So, in our trial this time, we should focus on being cautious, not seeking merit, but seeking no fault!”

   Little Chili finished speaking, Fang Yuan took the words and said in a deep voice: “Before entering the Demon Breath Lake, I have already seen the custom of entering the Demon Breath Lake before the peaks. Most of the disciples are scattered in a certain place. In the area, if you look for the elixir, the elixir you find is yours. When you encounter a monster, you either kill yourself or ask the same door for help… But we are different. In this magic breath lake, all the elixir found , Will be kept by me for the time being. After the trial is over, we will distribute them according to the merits of each person. Can you write it down?”

   “This way…”

  All the disciples listened, and there was a lot of discussion.

   But now it’s just the beginning after all, no one knows whether the elixir can be collected, and the other party’s words cannot be disputed.

  ”Then you remember my words!”

   Fangyuan saw this and said loudly: “When exploring, a group of six will only explore within a radius of 300 feet!”

   “I see the elixir, don’t collect it by yourself!”

   “When you encounter a monster, even if it is a weak monster, you should not be alarmed!”

  ”If you are in danger, if you can escape, you will escape. If you can’t escape, you should sacrifice the golden armor talisman first, and the people around you are not allowed to rescue without authorization!”

   Several orders were given, and all the disciples nodded secretly and remembered them.

   Actually, Fang Yuan had already told them these words long before he entered the Demon Breath Lake. At this time, he was just ordering again. The disciples were no fools. Knowing that Fang Yuan gave these orders, they were actually trying The progress of the practice has slowed down, which is not good for his true biography, but for everyone, it has a great guarantee, so they all agreed happily!

   This is also the advantage of Xiaozhufeng’s weakness.

  Because of their weakness, no one dares to make fun of their own lives, one by one is very good!

   “In that case, let’s start too!”

   Fang Yuan nodded, and said to Nie Honggu, a disciple of the alchemy who was wrapped in white linen on his face: “Sister Nie, I know that your alchemy is extraordinary~ Youshan’s refining medicine, deduced There are a few places in the Demon Breath Lake suitable for the growth of elixir, isn’t it difficult?”

   Nie Honggu nodded, and said hoarsely: “The elixir here is born to grow, naturally there are corresponding laws, if I can’t even do this, can I still be considered a pill disciple? “Speaking, I got up and jumped onto a high cliff, looked around, pointed to a mountain col in the southwest, and said in a deep voice, “There is wind and gas, let’s go and see!”

   “Let’s go, the first one, the four and the last five, don’t have to be too fast!”

   Fang Yuan made the final instructions, and rushed forward with the disciples.

   The people who walked only 10% in front, walked 40% in the middle, and the last 50% stayed behind. Fang Principle came to the forefront and walked towards the mountain col pointed by Nie Honggu with all the disciples. The atmosphere in the room was depressing and a little excited.

   “Oh my god, there is… that big piece of…”

The    col was nearby, and after going around the foot of the mountain, I saw the scene inside. The disciples suddenly took a breath. Someone could not help but whisper, but they saw it in the depths of the col. , Glowing red, growing very vigorously, all the disciples have a bit of insight, and they saw it at a glance, it is a large piece of good-quality elixir of blood…

   “Quickly, go by!”

  The disciples couldn’t hold back their excitement for a while, and they hurried forward, but Fang Yuan was walking in the forefront. They didn’t dare to cross Fang Yuan’s position, so they held back a little bit, and Fang Yuan also He walked a few steps forward, stopped gently, and took a look at a blood coral with the tip of his sword, sniffed the smell, observed the rhizome, and nodded with satisfaction.

   “There are endless opportunities in the Demon Breath Lake…”

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