Marvel’s Princess Chapter 994: Artificial intelligence

In the U.S. military, there are 19,000 cases of female soldiers being assaulted every year, and of these, only about 1,000 victims report the crime, and perhaps less than 100 perpetrators are ultimately punished by military courts.

Right now, there are female soldiers who have handed their cases directly to the first lady, Samantha, hoping that the government will seek justice for them.

The case is true and correct. Bella can confirm this with a glance. The whole story is simple. It is the problem of the US military. The military discipline of the US military is really bad.

She winked at the old party whip. The old man could say a lot of things that she was not comfortable saying.

The old party whip immediately said: “We should not touch the military at this stage. What is needed now is stability, not confrontation. Doing a good job in new energy can definitely be regarded as the achievements of the new government.”

Even though Samantha became the first lady, she was still the female police chief who held a shotgun and argued with her ex-husband. She frowned slightly: “It’s okay if we don’t know about this matter. What happened now is very special.” Clear, shouldn’t we do something?”

The old party whip tried his best to make his attitude sound sincere: “Madam, we know that the military has many problems, and the people actually know it, but there is still a lack of an opportunity, just like new energy, a sufficient opportunity for us to intervene. Key points. ”

Samantha angrily threw the investigation report on the assault of female soldiers on the table: “Isn’t this enough?”

“Not enough.”

Seeing that the old whip could no longer hold back Samantha’s anger, Bella spoke at the right time: “We have introduced a bill to learn from some Eastern countries to improve the current situation of mutants and eliminate discrimination, but now the military is still secretly They were conducting experiments on Weapon

Charlie also nodded: “The military has been delaying the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. They have used many excuses. There are many people and forces involved. We really can’t make too much noise now.”

After consulting several people, Charlie made a decision. The government would not make any response and let the private sector ferment the matter first. The military’s tiger **** cannot be touched yet. If any member of the two houses wants to step out of the limelight, the government is secretly supporting him. It doesn’t matter if no one steps forward. The White House has been scolded for inaction for more than a day or two.


The US military’s problems are much more serious than the energy problem, and the network behind it is also larger. Now they can only wait for them to reveal their flaws before the government has reason to intervene.

The antimatter experiment is still Bella’s top priority. This weapon cannot be used in battles between countries. If this continues, the earth will basically be gone. Even if the research is successful, the government and military will use antimatter bombs to The chance of threatening or coercing other countries is also very low. No one is a fool. Taking out such a bomb is not called a threat, it is called shared destruction.

Do you want to die? Then let’s die together.

Politicians will not do this, but it cannot be ruled out that some people are crazy and want to bury 7 billion people with them.

Management measures must be stricter than ever. Bella is worried about relying on a certain person or a certain team to manage. She cannot use magic because she is worried that once the anti-matter bomb is locked with magic, if she is not there, Earth, there is no powerful force here but it cannot be used. At this time, artificial intelligence is put on the agenda.

Let old comrade 006 learn the knowledge of artificial intelligence as a precautionary measure. This weapon must be in the hands of our own people.

Every time the old comrade said on Twitter that he had a lot of research experience, Bella thought he really understood it. She had no idea that the book “Learning Artificial Intelligence from Scratch” that 006 bought had just been opened to the second page. Page.

For more than half a month, she has been attending various conferences related to artificial intelligence, supporting those with promising ideas and rejecting those with no prospects.

She took a quick look at the artificial intelligence in various universities and laboratories. To be honest, none of them reached the level she expected. During this time, she stayed in the Pentagon and watched several artificial intelligence projects being researched by the military. artificial intelligence project.

It is true that the government and the military are secretly confrontational, but confrontation does not mean that cooperation cannot be achieved. The military receives countless grants every year. If the funds of the Army, Navy and Air Force are squeezed out to research artificial intelligence, those generals can promise? In artificial intelligence projects, it is more government-led.

As a special adviser to the president, the meeting will not officially begin until Bella arrives.

A white-haired old man with a wrinkled face stood up slowly. His eyes swept over everyone’s faces one by one: “Generals, Miss Consultant, please allow me to introduce to you the managers of a new era. Clear Terrorists, the latest weapon to ensure social security and protect people’s property, Samaritans! ”

The display screen in the conference room opened in time, and a line of English appeared on a neat interface: “Hello, I am a Samaritan. Nice to meet you.”

Bella exchanged a few words in a low voice with the two generals beside her. This meeting was mainly used to trick the government into paying, so she took a look at the minutes of the meeting and then spoke.

“Mr. John Greer.”

The old man lowered his head gracefully to show that he was listening.

“What is the positioning of the artificial intelligence you developed? To assist our scientific research? To monitor hostile terrorists? Not only do I have doubts, but the chiefs of staff around me also have the same problem. How can we ensure our own Safety, how can you control your Samaritan instead of letting it control us?”

The wrinkled old man seemed to think about it for a moment before speaking: “The core code of the Samaritans is not to violate the law and not to hurt kind people.”

Seeing that a black general was about to speak, he gestured: “Please let me finish. You should be very clear that this involves a core issue, that is, how do Samaritans distinguish who is harmless and who is harmful? . It needs to collect various information from citizens, from education to work experience, from social security numbers to violation records, and then use precise algorithms to grade a person’s threat level. A low level is harmless, and a high level is dangerous. Those who may cause harm to society and the people must be criminals at the highest level.”

The old man spoke very logically, first suppressing and then raising. He was very clear about the needs of the military and described a big pie for everyone.

Judging from Bella’s investigation during this period, the old man’s artificial intelligence research has been very mature. Now there is only one final step left, which is to connect the artificial intelligence and the database. Once the connection is completed, all people’s personal identities will be revealed. Information will be incorporated into artificial intelligence calculations.

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