Marvel’s Princess Chapter 989: Power outage

The slowly increasing cosmic energy made Bella so depressed that she would become distracted even when she was sparring with her daughter-in-law.

Just turning off the lights for ten hours is simply not enough. This is not a global action. Currently, the number of people responding to this event is estimated to be less than one percent of the world. The publicity is low, and the voice of environmentalists is too weak.

Bella was still thinking about whether she should take the path of light or continue the path of darkness. Reality gave her a sap, and she thought too much.

If you can’t even replenish the cosmic energy in your body, what’s the future?

The cosmic energy she needs is too huge. Not to mention the ‘Earth Ten Hours’ operation, even if it comes once a month, the converted cosmic energy is not enough. If the bottom line is not still there, she would want to make the earth Go straight back to primitive society.

“How about I cover up and blow up the power station?” Natasha saw how entangled she was and began to give her advice.

Natasha has no mental barriers at all when doing this, she can do it whenever she wants.

Bella shook her head repeatedly: “No, no, once the bottom line is exceeded, I’m afraid I won’t be able to control myself.”

She sighed for a while. It’s hard to be a good person. If this was a villain, why would he have so many worries?

Hiding her face in the pillow, her voice was a little dull: “It would be nice if the power went out now…”

Before he finished speaking, the lights in the room went out instantly, and the fan in the outdoor unit of the air conditioner became slower and slower, and finally stopped completely.

Even though the room was pitch dark, Bella could still see the face of her cheap daughter-in-law. Natasha had a strange expression on her face: “A crow’s mouth! Or are you the one who did this? What’s the bottom line?”

Bella was confused: “I didn’t, it’s not me, don’t talk nonsense!”

Ying Long from the side room rushed in like a gust of wind, with a cry in her voice: “Xiao Bei! Xiao Bei, why is there a power outage? Why is there a power outage? Did you not pay the electricity bill? I haven’t saved it yet! ”

Pushing this guy who was deeply addicted to the game aside, Bella looked out the window and found that most of Washington was dark, with only some lights in the direction of the White House.

The next day, Bella found out what happened.

In the final analysis, it is still about tax collection.

The government’s policy of levying new taxes on energy companies is being implemented in an orderly manner. Ian Quinn, who went to Malta before, is not the first, nor will he be the last.

Energy giant Roxon Petroleum said it would negotiate and dialogue with the government to find conditions satisfactory to both parties.

For various reasons, they chose to give in, but some people didn’t think so. Billionaire Raymond Tasker, who owned several nuclear power plants under his name, thought he could give in to the government.

“The large-scale power outage in Washington last night should be related to Raymond Tasker. His spokesman said that this year due to the poor market environment, reduced labor force, and economic recession, power consumption will be very tight in the spring. Last night was just a temporary failure, and Raymond Industrial is confident of completing this year’s spring power supply work…”

A staff member was reading a speech in his hand. The other person’s words seemed mild, but in fact, this was the capitalist’s declaration of war against the White House. He was threatening the government with a power outage. If he dared to collect his taxes, he would continue to cut off the power.

Bella also participated in this advisory meeting. Her face was solemn and she looked angry, but she was actually happy inside. Blackout? Good thing! Originally she thought that ten hours of activity on this earth was short, but now help is here! If you have the ability, just wait for a hundred years!

She will not take the initiative to break through her own bottom line, but if others provoke her, that is another matter.

Compared with the improvement of its own strength, a recession in the U.S. economy is acceptable. If you can, continue the power outage and see who of us can’t handle it first!

She usually seldom spoke in such meetings, and she was too lazy to care about trivial matters, but today she rarely spoke up and said: “I heard that Secretary of State Francis Underwood and Raymond Tasker know each other? Maybe you can use Personal relationship to test his bottom line? ”

Everyone looked at the former old party whip and now Mr. Secretary of State.

Do I know this person? I do not know how?

The old party whip was also a person who responded quickly. Thinking of the social elites going to the bottom of the Potomac River, even though he didn’t understand Bella’s intention, he still nodded and agreed.

“Yes, we have dealt with each other several times.”

Charlie thinks this is good: “Okay, then you go ask him and see what he wants. If it’s not too much, we can agree to part of it within a certain limit.”

Leaving the White House, the old whip found Bella.

He said frankly: “I don’t know this person at all.”

“I know you don’t know.”

“So what?”

“So I hope you can visit him and ask about his conditions.”

The old party whip was a bit confused: “I can’t guarantee success. Raymond’s reputation is very bad. This person is very domineering. I don’t know him at all. If he comes rashly… …”

Bella smiled and said: “It doesn’t matter, you can go.”

Some people are born with incompatible characters. As a political figure, the old party whip can be said to be all-rounded. Raymond Tasker is a capitalist, and his essence is to make money. He is also good at dancing, but the first meeting between the two There was a tendency to start a fight, and they disliked each other. The old party whip returned to Washington angrily, but Raymond Tasker was even more ruthless. He issued an announcement about the tight electricity consumption in the spring, and then directly sent a message to including Washington, D.C. There were power outages in three states, which lasted all day.

Under Bella’s instigation, the White House did not give in and sent people to collect evidence of tax evasion by Raymond Tasker. The energy tycoon was so angry that he used his connections in several other energy companies to finally Cause a massive blackout on the East Coast!

He even sent a message to the government through an intermediary. If he continued to provoke him, the next time there would be a blackout across the United States.

In a daze, April was spent with frequent blackouts. I could endure it for a day or two, but as time went on, the citizens immediately stopped working. It was fine during the day, but the power went out after eight o’clock at night. Who can bear it?

May this year was extremely hot, and air conditioners in every household had become a decoration. Even if I wanted to go home and make little babies, I was not in the mood because the weather was too hot!

Dance halls, bars, and various entertainment venues were closed due to power outages. A large number of dissatisfied voices, encouraged by thoughtful people, focused on the new government.

“Bella, what’s going on? Do you need help?” Pepper called and asked.

Bella is happily absorbing and transforming the power of the night every day. The cosmic energy is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. After more than a month of power outage, the cosmic energy in her body finally got rid of the dilemma of empty blood and empty blue, and is now almost restored to normal. The total amount is nearly 20%.

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