Marvel’s Princess Chapter 964: The Death of Malekith

“Hehehe, you were very proud before, and you still want to be the Lord of the Nine Realms? You can’t even defeat me, so why do you have the face to call yourself the Lord of the Nine Realms? Where are your ether particles? Where are your power gems? ? Take it out and let me see it! ”

Bella taunted for a moment, and then her figure was obscured by time, and another Bor appeared in front of Malekith.

Two Boers surrounded him, one on the left and one on the right.

He raised the long sword, a third of which was broken, to block left and right. In terms of pure martial arts, Malekith’s swordsmanship was actually not as good as Frigga’s. He hurriedly dealt with two moves, and he was beaten in an extremely embarrassed manner. , Fortunately, he was not hacked to death by Bol.

“This is wrong! Boer can’t be here! This is all an illusion!” He no longer defended, but grabbed an ether particle with each hand in his left and right hands, like two long whips, shattering the Bo that entangled him in front of him. you.

For Malekith, compared to some overbearing power gems, ether particles are more skillful to use.

But before he could think about it, a total of three Bors from the left, center and right came to kill him again.

Dark red cyclone, dark red transmission channel, dark red shield, relying on ether particles, he resisted the onslaught of three Bors at the same time.

The more he fought, the more surprised he became. He felt that these three Bos seemed to be real…

When he thought that these Bors were real, three more Bors carrying big axes ran over from a distance.

Seeing the scene in front of him, he suddenly woke up: “Is this the fear in my heart?! Despicable! You don’t have the courage of an Asgardian at all! You are just a witch who plays with people’s hearts! I despise you!”

Bella was not ashamed, but proud. She said happily: “Thank you for the compliment, I will continue to work hard, haha.”

At a shallow level, the more infinite gems the better, but at a certain level, if the energy of one gem is fully developed and utilized, the effect may not be worse than that of six gems.

For example, Malekith is good at using ether particles. This thing may only exert 20% of its power in Bella’s hands, but in Malekith’s hands, he can make full use of the ability of ether particles. Five percent.

Similarly, the Mind Stone is the same for Bella.

Use the fear in the enemy’s heart and turn the fear into reality. When you are panicking, that’s the point where the mind gem takes advantage of it.

The scene Bella envisioned was for Smith to fight Neo. The more he hits the enemy, the more enemies there are, the more afraid he becomes, and then the vicious cycle reaches a state of collapse.

Malekis is also aware of her method, and is trying his best to empty his mind at this time, not to think about Bor. As an old monster who has lived for countless thousands of years, even if he has not specially trained his mind, he still has some abilities. Malekith’s ability to deal with similar situations was hundreds of times better than that lunatic Pennywise’s.

He forcibly restrained his thoughts and filled his inner world with a lot of thoughts such as “Dark elves rule Asgard” and “Nine stars connected to rule the world by myself”.

The scene Bella imagined of hundreds of Bors beating Malekith did not appear.

“What a pity. I originally wanted you to die peacefully.”

As soon as she finished speaking, dark red tentacles composed of more than ten ether particles struck where she stood.

Malekis even tried his best to be hit by a certain Bol with an axe. Taking advantage of his thin body, he squeezed out from a group of muscular men. He gritted his teeth and showed the power gem in his right palm. Shooting a huge fan-shaped energy shock wave in Bella’s direction.

The shock wave contained huge energy of disintegration, destruction and devastation. With a quick glance, Bella saw many characteristics of the power gem. This gem was indeed powerful, but it could not be used in Malekith’s hands. How much effect.

Bella studied Doctor Strange from the original time and space. She placed a round Seraphim Shield in front of her, with an inside like fish scales and layers of closely fitting Seraphim. The shock wave emitted by the Power Stone hit the shield. on, making an impact sound of “chichi”.

Malekis’s own strength is not good, his control of the Power Stone is too poor, and Kama Taj’s defensive spell is indeed powerful. The Seraphim Shield easily blocked the shock wave of the Power Stone. Come down.

“It’s my turn! Nigger!” Bella flipped her wrist, and all the Bors generated by the fear in her heart turned into pure spiritual power, surrounding Malekith from all sides, and then squeezed in together. pressure.

The power of the soul is eroding his inner world. Once the inner world is breached by external forces, the defenseless soul will be completely exposed to Bella. Then with only two fingers, she can kill Maleki Si’s soul was crushed. This guy lived for a long time, but his essence was still an elf, and his resistance in all aspects was far worse than that of gods.

“You don’t need to fight to know that you can’t beat me. Surrender and I can spare your life.” Bella was still exerting psychological pressure on the other party.

She quietly released five Death Cloud Techniques composed entirely of dark green poisonous mist.

The heart poison that can drive gods crazy and crazy is hidden in the power of the mind with the help of the mind gem, and then uses the chaotic scene to pour into Malekith’s inner world.

Some are discovered, some are not.

Bella sneered, she could sense that Malekith was slowly losing his cool.

A calm mind is the key to a mage’s victory. Of course, the berserker mage is not within the scope of this discussion.

Bella’s contempt finally stirred Malekith’s pride.

“How ridiculous! You have only learned magic for a few days? Karma Taj? What is that? When I became the master of magic in the nine realms, Odin was still nursing!”

For three full minutes, in order to prove his identity as a magic master, Malekith did not use ether particles at all, but relied on his own magic skills to dismantle the power of the mind that surrounded him.

His spells are very powerful, many of which Bella has never seen before. They are completely different from the current magic system, older and more destructive.

Relying on powerful spells, he repelled the siege of spiritual power several times, and even cast two curses on Bella. This curse was like tarsal gangrene, and she had no way to get rid of it, so she could only bear it. .

Compared to Bella’s embarrassment, Malekith’s situation can be described as dangerous.

He knew his situation well, and he knew he was about to lose.

If he loses to a warrior, he can still run. If he loses to a mage who holds the Cosmic Cube and anchors the space, he may not be able to run.

He did not lose to Bella or the Mind Stone, but to Bor. The countless wars Bor launched against the dark elves were the biggest shadow in his heart.

The power of the soul comes from his own soul. As long as he still has hesitation and fear in his heart, the power of the soul is endless and cannot be driven away.

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