Marvel’s Princess Chapter 941: Accepting a disciple

It was a rare opportunity for the Phoenix host to cooperate with her in researching this power. Bella hurriedly stretched out a finger and pressed it against Qin’s. After seeing the flames starting to burn on her fingers, she immediately Sink all your mind into the sea of ​​​​heart, take out the soul gem at the same time, and rely on the endless spiritual energy to carefully understand the legendary power of the Phoenix.

As soon as the two parties came into contact, her mind was almost dissolved. Fortunately, her spiritual attainments were indeed not low. With the blessing of golden psychic energy and the soul gem, she could withstand the power of the Phoenix. The erosion of force on oneself.

Flame, high temperature, burning! These things were quickly forgotten by Bella. They were just accessories, and she continued to explore deeper.

She saw the inner essence of the Phoenix Power, the soul, in the deepest part of the flame! This thing is also a spiritual power, but it is more primitive and more powerful. It is so powerful that Bella cannot see one thousandth or one ten thousandth of it from her own perspective.

This thing is the incarnation of the spiritual power of the original universe, the most essential and core part of the spiritual power.

Bella has a clear understanding. If there is no Phoenix in the current multiverse, then if she continues to walk along the path of the soul, to the original, to the starting point of everything, then maybe she will become a Phoenix at that time. .

It’s a pity… This road has already been taken. If she continues to walk on the spiritual road and reaches the original state, she will only see the phoenix and nothing else at all.

The Phoenix Power feeds on her spiritual energy and is rapidly devouring and transforming her spiritual energy. After seeing the true nature of the Phoenix Power, Bella decisively withdrew.

The two of them separated their fingers, Qin gasped for air, while Bella closed her eyes and thought.

If Qin’s injury is to be cured, outsiders can’t help, she has to work **** her own. Just like Linghu Chong must practice the Yi Jin Jing to resolve the external and internal forces in her body, Qin also needs to strengthen herself.

Phoenix subjectively said that he had no intention of harming her.

As long as Qin’s own methods are enriched, she can control the Phoenix Power without the Dark Phoenix personality. The essence of that thing is the power of the mind. Regarding the control of the power of the mind, Bella said it is second, but no one I dare say she is number one, at least in the category of people, no one understands the power of the soul better than her!

She said seriously: “Qin, the way Black Phoenix used supernatural powers to control the Phoenix Power was only at the cellular level. If you want to control the Phoenix Power, I can teach you psychic magic. Magic can effectively help you. To control the Phoenix Power in the body, in my opinion, the essence of the Phoenix Power is the mind. You have to use your mind to control the power of your mind.”

“Ahem, interrupt me.” Storm, who has a little knowledge of magic and the rules of the magical world, coughed twice: “If I understand correctly, you, are you planning to accept Qin as your disciple?”

Bella and Qin looked at each other and saw the embarrassment in each other’s eyes.

The other person is older than her. He has always been a peer before, and now he suddenly becomes a master and disciple. It is really awkward.

Bella thought for a moment. She didn’t care about the status of master and apprentice. She wanted to take the opportunity to continue to study the power of the Phoenix. At the same time, she also wanted to see how powerful her psychic spells would be in the hands of Qin, the Phoenix host. With strong strength, she has no problem insisting on her status.

“Let’s do this. I will take over as my teacher. My teacher is Kama Taj’s former supreme mage, whose name is Ancient One. She was over 700 years old when she passed away. She was a very kind and friendly old lady. …What do you think?”

Qin was modest for a long time and thought that there was no problem with the master-student relationship. In her opinion, it was the same as the relationship between teachers and students in the West. The younger ones could be professors and the older ones could be students.

In the face of knowledge, age has no limit.

The two of them did not break up the relationship in the end. It was not clear at all whether they were accepting apprentices on behalf of their masters or directly. Qin was too weak and she had to learn psychic spells immediately. The matter of master and apprentice was so vaguely mentioned. .

With the Phoenix Power as a big hook, Qin’s process of opening up her inner lake was extremely easy.

Bella solidified a psychic shield after opening the Heart Lake, and counted this spell-like ability as her own innate ability, mainly to prevent being read, and to protect the many secrets in her heart. It was born naturally. Ability.

Qin solidified an astral projection this time, which is what mages call the ability of the soul to escape the body.

This is also the ability that she thinks she needs most in her inner consciousness. Bella studied it with her and found that this ability is indeed very useful for Qin. She can leave her body from time to time and temporarily get rid of the power of the Phoenix. erosion and restore inner peace.

In one day, Qin climbed all the way from the first ring to the fifth ring. You must know that the talented disciple Modo, who Bella has taught for four years, is also at the fifth ring level.

However, unlike the large number of water and ice spells that Bella learned at the beginning, Qin mastered all fire spells.

At the level of the fifth ring, controlling the huge Phoenix Force is still a small horse pulling a big cart, but this is already a huge improvement. Before, I could only grit my teeth and grit my teeth. Every time I use the Phoenix Force, I will After racking her own cells, she can now use the power of spells to use a small part of the Phoenix Power more easily, which is already very good for Qin.

“Thank you, Master, for saving my life.” Qin still put herself in the perspective of a disciple, and Bella let her go.

She told Qin not to spread the word about magic without her permission. She quickly wrote more than ten pages about psychic training methods and experiences, and then left Xavier School for Gifted Youth and went home.

There will be opportunities to study the Phoenix Force in the future. She now needs to study the three pieces of death flame she harvested this time. The clown Pennywise is not worth mentioning. His abilities basically rely on these three pieces of death flame. With light flames and no death light, Pennywise is an evil spirit at best.

The Death Light is full of the power of chaos. Chaos and darkness are not the same thing, but it is also a force that is very close to the origin of the world. She has just received the enlightenment of the Phoenix Power from Qin, and now she is striking while the iron is hot, from the Death Light Understanding a little bit of the nature of chaos should also be a gain.

Compared with the power of the Phoenix, she constantly used the power of night to consume the emotions in the death flames. Regardless of whether it was love or hatred, she threw them all away. What she could wear away was basically garbage, and what she couldn’t wear away. , it should be the essence.

“Is this the power of chaos?” Seeing the three death flames finally turning into a small ball of dark red energy, Bella was not sure whether this was the power of chaos used by the Scarlet Witch. She could only say that this thing The essence is very high, how high exactly? have no idea!

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