Marvel’s Princess Chapter 927: Wonderful Night

“Whoops! Run, run! Can’t stop, can’t stop!” Larry Daley, wearing a security uniform, was running through the corridors of the museum.

As the symbol of the Natural History Museum, the fossil specimen is usually placed in the middle of the hall. A huge Tyrannosaurus rex is chasing after him.

Tyrannosaurus rex has no flesh and blood, no skin, and only some bone fossils are left. Even these fossils are deceptive and all fake. But today, this T. rex specimen not only came to life, but also seemed to be chasing prey. , chasing Larry Daley through three exhibition halls.

The night shift security guard, who had just turned 30, felt like his lungs were about to burst out. He cleverly hid behind a cabinet, gasping for air, and then covered his mouth with force, fearing that the slightest sound would blow the person away. A Tyrannosaurus rex came over.

The Tyrannosaurus rex looked left and right, looking around, and then seemed to feel a little regretful that it did not find Larry Daley. It shook its head and disappeared on the first floor.

“God, God, please help me!” The panicked Larry Daly braved the door and left the cabinet door. He quietly came to the front hall and wanted to escape through the front door, but the door was locked. No matter how hard I pushed, I couldn’t open the door.

“Go to the second floor!” He was so anxious that he immediately thought of a way to go to the locker room on the second floor and jump out of the window from there.

The second floor is not too high, so if you jump off it, you won’t have any trouble.

Climbing the stairs and rushing all the way to the second floor, at the corner of the stairs, he saw the Easter Island stone statue that was placed in the corner because it was too large and was talking to a snake-like animal.

Yinglong quickly turned her head, just in time to meet Larry Daly’s panicked eyes. She muttered: “What are you looking at? I’ve never seen a dragon before!”

The big stone statues of Easter Island also greeted him: “Hello, Benben.”

“Hello, hello, goodbye, goodbye…”

Seeing that these two strange guys didn’t seem to have any intention of rushing up and biting him to death, Larry Dailey pressed his back against the wall and carefully walked around the corner, then sped all the way to the locker room.

On the way, he saw a lot of ancient Roman soldiers who were fighting. They were all little people with big fingers. In a panic, he almost hit the extremely heavy bronze statue of Columbus. When he passed the manager’s office, he also encountered a group of lions and giant lions. elephant.

While passing by the exhibition cabinet of primitive people, he saw three primitive people drilling wood to make fire. Outside the exhibition cabinet lay a little girl with picturesque features and a cold temperament. The little girl looked to be about three or four years old. Wearing a sapphire blue coat and floral skirt, when a spark appeared on the firewood on the primitive man’s side, she would blow a breath through the glass, and then happily watch the three primitive men scratching their heads and scratching their heads. Yell.

When the little girl heard the footsteps behind her, she immediately put away the joking expression on her face and put on an obedient look. She was stunned when she saw Larry Daly, as if wondering who this person was, but for a second Finally, the little girl said hello politely: “Uncle, good evening.”

Larry Daly said subconsciously: “It’s very dangerous here, go home quickly!”

Then he thought of something and looked at the little girl as if he had seen a ghost. Using his hands and feet, he rushed into the dressing room on the second floor.

Little Elsa curled her lips and continued to tease the three primitive people who were trying to make a fire.

“Ahem, it’s not hidden at all.” Bella’s cough sounded, and little Elsa looked around, then with a happy face, she trotted away and threw herself into Bella’s arms.

Rubbing her baby daughter’s head and feeling her attachment to her, Bella sighed. She was really busy during this period. Her previous experience of being a mama to her daughter seemed to be still in front of her. She was busy talking about it every day. I really missed out on a lot of good things. In the blink of an eye, my daughter is almost four years old.

She said guiltily: “Is hide-and-seek fun?”


“Then let’s play for two more days. Let’s go find little Katie and Sakura.” She put her daughter on her neck and happily went to the third floor.

Not long after Bella and little Elsa left, Larry Daly’s voice of annoyance sounded in the locker room. The door was also broken today. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t open the window on the second floor. This made him Almost desperate.

Racking his brains, he thought of the little girl who greeted him before, but when he returned to the primitive display cabinet, not to mention little Elsa, even the three primitive people ran away.

Larry Daley wandered around the museum like a headless chicken. Soon he encountered a group of Huns with bows, arrows and scimitars. At least they were the Huns in the imagination of Americans. He was chased like Like a dog.

When he sees a lion, he wants to run. When he sees an elephant, he wants to run. When he sees a knight in full armor, he also wants to run.

He was running all night, from east to west, from the first floor to the third floor.

When he ran to the utility room on the third floor, he saw a five or six-year-old girl in an emerald green coat waving to him: “Uncle, be quiet, come here quickly.”

The night shift security guard came over in a daze, and saw little Katie put her index finger to her mouth, signaling him not to speak.

Faintly, he could still hear footsteps on the second floor.

“Come with me!” Little Katie grabbed Larry Daly’s hand and bumped it against the wall. After that, the two of them came to the next door, and the footsteps became blurry in an instant.

“You…are you?” Larry Daly felt that what happened tonight had completely destroyed his worldview. What kind of mess was this now? Was he still on Earth?

Before he could figure it out, he heard a woman’s voice ringing in his ears.

“Katie, no cheating!” This voice sounds so nice! Even in such a place where he was on the verge of collapse, an extremely beautiful figure still appeared in Larry Daley’s mind.

I was in a daze for a moment, and when I lowered my head again, I found that the little girl who led me through the wall was gone again.

Larry Daly hid in the locker for a whole night.

After dawn, the chaos in the museum also disappeared.

The primitive man returned to the exhibition cabinet. The knight in full armor stood beside the wall. The Tyrannosaurus fossil seemed to have been standing in the hall without moving a step. He was playing hide-and-seek with two or three little girls. The woman also disappeared without a trace, and the entire night shift was like a gorgeous and dangerous nightmare.

Quit! Larry Daley had no idea of ​​reporting the vision to the government. This shows how bad the impression the U.S. government has on ordinary citizens. Without reporting it or publicizing it, he did not dare to tell anyone about it. He only knew One night on your own is your limit. Another night on duty will kill you.

This job can no longer be done. Whoever wants to do it can do it! Resign!

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