Marvel’s Princess Chapter 925: Immigration

Charlie will live in the White House permanently for the next four years, and Samantha cannot run away as the first lady. She has her own office, her own secretary and staff.

Bella and Natasha are both very busy at work. They are both adults and there is no need to live with their parents. They plan to continue living in their own small homes, which is more convenient, but now they have just won It was very fresh, so they didn’t mind staying in the White House for a few days.

Walking into the White House, the family couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy.

“There won’t be any more gangsters coming to bomb the White House this time, right?” Charlie asked mysteriously.

The two daughters looked at each other, it was impossible to tell with the presence of the disaster star beside them!

This is not the first time they have come to the White House. Benjamin Asher has taken away his personal belongings, but left a note on his desk hoping that Charlie would eliminate domestic conflicts and lead the American people out of the predicament. Charlie Read the note carefully and then hand it to the staff for filing. This is also a procedure.

Little Katie and little Elsa also came to the White House. Considering Charlie’s busy work in the future, the two little guys also stayed here temporarily, and they will continue to live with Bella and the others in the future.

Little Aisha is a little uneasy about the unfamiliar environment, and because she is young, she has not yet understood what this change means. Little Katie is very excited. After attending kindergarten for two months, she has seen how much the adults value her. Now, she probably knew what was going on with respect. At this time, she was running around like crazy, opening the door from time to time to take a look at the indoor layout.

The night at the White House was ordinary. No terrorists came to kill, nor did Thanos lead the Dark Order to launch a raid. Bella and Natasha did not continue to study the free spirit of France and slept in the White House for one night. After dawn, , continue their respective lives.

Are there any differences between Charlie after he won the election and before? In fact, there is no difference. That position is more about coordination and mobilizing all parties, which is considered successful.

Bella and the others will go to the White House for two days on weekends, and spend the rest of the time living in their own little nest.

After Charlie’s new government came to power, the first priority was diplomacy. The old party whip Francis Underwood officially took office as the new government’s Secretary of State. He continued to communicate and negotiate, and finally made the new president’s first overseas visit target after taking office. After settling in France, Bella also went with her. Her Chanel was still in France. In theory, France and she had a very close relationship.

If there were no victors in the First World War, then the Second World War was equivalent to flattening Europe. The only survivor may be France, which laid down its corpse relatively quickly.

When Charlie announced his candidacy a year ago, Bella and the forces she secretly controlled began to plan in France. What plan was planned? Export immigrants, this immigrant mainly refers to the black brothers in the United States.

American black brothers are really bad, lazy and bad, have a lot of bad habits, and like to cause trouble.

In order to reduce the resistance to her father’s rule, Bella constantly sent people to promote the paradise on land, the beauty of France, in the community of black brothers in the United States.

That’s a famous loan sharking empire. Do you think it’s a joke? Industry, agriculture, manufacturing, and communications have nothing but money. As long as the black brothers immigrate there, they can get money immediately! The French are always rich!

Go to the community to promote today, take out your mobile phone, log in to the French Immigration Bureau, and get money with just a few clicks of your fingers.

Tomorrow I will say that France has good social welfare. You can go to work in the spring, go on vacation in the summer, go on strike in the autumn, and celebrate Christmas in the winter. You don’t have to work much all year round.

The day after tomorrow, I also mentioned the white wife of French star Sagna. Sagna is a proper black brother with dreadlocks, but what about his wife? So beautiful! Bella was moved looking at it.

When you come here, you get money, you don’t have to work, you have a white wife, and you’re very free! This is the kind of propaganda that Bella sent people to promote among the black brothers in the United States.

Look at France, the land paradise, and compare it with the United States. What does the United States have? There is racial discrimination, there are few jobs, the only jobs are very tiring, and the benefits are low. American women are like French when they talk, and when they are silent, they are like Bitches. They are not on the same level as French women. In addition, there are alien invasions. Why do you still stay in the United States? Go to France!

Don’t tell me, Brother Black is easy to fool.

There were once 38 million black brothers, but by the time Charlie came to power there were only 29 million.

The 9 million black brothers who left basically went to France, causing the total population of France to exceed 70 million to 80 million, and the number of French black brothers also jumped from 6.3 million to 15 million.

At this time, some dark-skinned French congressmen shouted that Europe does not belong to white people, and Paris should not belong to white people either.

Considering that France’s carrying capacity is ultimately limited, Bella’s second step is to ‘send’ people to Albania. Ever since the human trafficking incident, she has not had a good impression of this small Balkan country. Don’t you like human trafficking? Brother Black will send it to you, you’re welcome!

Her third goal is Poland. The welfare benefits in Poland are also good. You can meet many Belarusian and Ukrainian beauties there, which is suitable for black brothers to enjoy. In addition, Bella is a person who has no Polish heart. There is no psychological pressure at all to do such a thing.

A large number of black brother immigrants left the United States for France, which is why Charles visited France as his first stop after taking office.

The United States is a country of immigrants. Immigrants can come in and of course they can immigrate out. We must emphasize freedom.

The French government is really sad and happy about the large number of black brothers immigrating to their country. Domestic capital is very happy. The black brothers who can immigrate to France are not destitute. They have been raised in the United States for so many years. , somewhat oily, this is an opportunity for French capitalists!

Capitalists dominate the government, so the government will naturally not speak ill of the Black Brothers. They greatly welcomed Charlie’s visit and asked, “How many Black Brothers are there?” We want them all!

The French football team is all black, and all sports have reached the top level in the world. They are fully worthy of the status of the five permanent members. French soldiers and Nigerian soldiers stand together and look like two African armies.

The French like to parade, and the black brothers also like to parade, so the French are approximately equal to the black brothers. There is nothing wrong with this logic.

The black brothers like France very much. They left the bullet-ridden New York, the white police, and the red necks. They went out to parades every day when they had nothing to do, and they met all kinds of romantic beauties. They thought France was really great. , the air here is so fresh, I will never go back to the United States again.

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