Marvel’s Princess Chapter 918: Exiling Stardust

  Galactus is one of the five creation gods along with eternity, infinity, death and annihilation.

 In terms of the nature of life, he is inferior to those four. Those four are all abstract entities. They often represent certain concepts in the universe and exist conceptually. Galactus has flesh and blood, has its own joys and sorrows, can be seen and touched, and has a health bar. This is As a result, he was often beaten up by heroes from all walks of life.

 It seems that Galactus is not worthy to be compared with the other four. Actually looking at his personal experience, we know that this guy is completely a protagonist, at least the protagonist of the previous generation.

 He is a survivor of the previous universe. On the eve of the destruction of the universe, he used technological equipment to survive the collapse of the universe. Then he came to the new universe and experienced the fierceness of the Big Bang.

  He is older than the current universe, this is Galactus.

While dealing with the onslaught of Stardust, Bella took a moment to take a look at Galactus. Merlin’s clone was invisible and could not tell the depth. Not to mention, Qin had never exploded to full strength and could not estimate it. If she got up, the current Galactus would be the strongest person she had ever seen.

 She looked at Odin and knew how Odin was stronger than her. Looking at Otto, the big-headed observer, she could also see that the other person was taking a completely different path from her own. But now looking at Galactus, she could only see that Strong, it’s hard to tell where exactly it is strong.

 ”Is the gap so big?” she murmured.

 Stardust’s tone was extremely rare with a hint of fanaticism: “Don’t use my strength to measure my master, surrender. I can’t say too much, but destroying the earth is a problem for the entire multiverse. Good thing.”

 Bella sneered: “What a great mind, but in the final analysis, what you do is still destruction. I never knew that destruction can bring hope to people. What you do is simply disgusting!”

 ”That’s different. We are not killers, never have been. The master’s lifespan is longer than the current universe. Does it do him any good to attract so much infamy? No, he is for the entire universe. He The selfless and great tyrant is dead. In fact, I have never liked him. Will you join us? You can take the tyrant’s place and we will become good friends.”

 Stardust began to recruit Bella for his master.

  “Huh? Surrender on the battlefield? You underestimate my pride! You say your master won? I think it’s too early.”

 Stardust has slowed down its attack frequency, and now focuses on holding Bella back to prevent her from supporting the Earth.

 She looked at the direction of the earth: “Do you have anything else to rely on? I don’t see any chance of winning.”

 Bella was unsure, but she still made a confident expression: “You will see it soon!”

 She explained her attitude with practical actions.

 A gap opened in her heart sea, and the very few golden psychic threads, with a little bit of psychic lightning properties, swept across the stardust at extremely fast speeds.

 Five hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, those cosmic particles that are the essence of stardust are rendered by spiritual energy and turned into emotions such as anger, regret, sadness and fear. Stardust quickly cuts off the connection between these cosmic particles and the ontology. As soon as she was distracted, she was completely surrounded by darkness.

 ”Your tricks are useless to me, you should know that.” Stardust said slowly.

Bella was busy building a very large psychic space and didn’t care to talk nonsense with her.

 Stardust is indeed very restrained against her. This enemy is completely different from the enemy in the conventional sense.

 She is a combination of consciousness, composed of countless extremely tiny cosmic particles.

To use an analogy, Stardust is like a group of fans who are passionate about Galactus. If you dare to say bad things about her idol, she will beat the **** out of you. This group of fans is very united. They usually recommend Stardust as the main consciousness to be a fan, responsible for organizing support and speaking out for everyone externally.

Bella is not going to fight one person, but a group of people.

Stardust is almost immune to all spells related to the mind, more than half of space spells, and more than half of time spells. If she has a power gem, she can still break the situation with force. She does not have such a strong attack power in the material world now. , can only use the stupid method of sealing.

 Stardust was surrounded by darkness. She noticed the problem and began to attack, trying to disrupt Bella’s rhythm.

 The intensity of the battle between the two of them escalated rapidly. Stardust used various methods one after another. The crystal stardust was like an endless galaxy, constantly impacting the surrounding night. Bella also came out with three gems, relying on equipment to crush them. other side.

 Karma Taj’s mirror spell was cast again, but her mirror spell required extremely profound knowledge of time and space. She was creating a space out of thin air.

 Using golden psychic energy to briefly influence the opponent’s mind, she then blurred her face. Finally, with a flick of her wrist, she put all the stardust and cosmic particles scattered everywhere into the mirror space. , and then seal the entire space.

 Stardust has strong resistance, and its speed exceeds the speed of light, but it still has some shortcomings. Similar to Bella, she also lacks the ability to attack difficulties. In critical moments, she sways stardust to find weak points in the space, trying to break through the space. seal.

Bella continued to use the Cosmic Cube to reinforce it, and then used the Time Stone to accelerate the entire mirror space. She threw this space into the future.

 ”Good sister, goodbye! Stay away from the earth, the further away the better!” She gave an order to the mirror space and watched the blue light ball sealed with stardust leave the current point in time, and then she breathed a sigh of relief. Turn around and return to Earth

 The battle in New York has been going on for a while.

 The first person to be defeated was Professor Charles.

 ”No, I can’t read his mind, he’s too, too big for me!” Professor Charles tried to communicate with the other party telepathically. If possible, it would be better to persuade the other party to retreat, but telepathy The first step failed. The difference in life levels between the two sides was too great, and Professor Charles’s brain could not correctly interpret the thoughts of Galactus.

 ”Let’s go together!” Captain America had the courage to lead the charge, but unfortunately he did not have the ability to fly. He had to board Barbara’s Quinjet first and take the fighter plane to challenge this 600-meter-tall giant. Perhaps there are plans to parachute, punch enemies in the face, and more.

Captain America’s symbolic significance in this kind of battle is far greater than its actual significance. Among the several superheroes with the ability to fly, the first one to rush to Galactus was the Human Torch, a young man who was suspected to be a distant relative of Captain America. He was the most impulsive, and regardless of whether there was a strength gap between the two sides, he rushed over immediately. The planet devourer flicked him away like a flying insect.

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