Marvel’s Princess Chapter 908: Winning

Natasha is wearing a long black dress and sunglasses, standing on the edge. It is difficult to connect this image with the quiet girl before. The excuse to the outside world is that she is sick and allergic to pollen. People think it is a pity. But seeing Charlie’s more beautiful eldest daughter will soon forget Natasha.

Two months passed in a flash. On November 4, 2008, the day after the first Monday in November, voting for the 2008 general election began.

Charlie, Samantha and Bella also voted at polling places in Los Angeles.

As usual, Charlie said a few words that he was confident of winning the election, but said nothing more.

That night, the votes in each state were quickly tallied.

Even if Benjamin Asher has been canvassing non-stop in the past two months, even if mankind enters the interstellar age and mankind walks out of the solar system for the first time, these great achievements are counted during his term, it still cannot cover up his internal affairs, diplomacy and military affairs. shortcomings.

The people were very disappointed with this former war hero. They were tired of the explosions that would happen around them at any time. After Benjamin Asher came to power, the number of people making wills increased 600 times compared with four years ago. From the age of eight to eighty, everyone is making a will because you don’t know when you will die.

Many company employees give numerous instructions to their families before going to work, fearing that leaving them will mean goodbye forever.

People urgently need a safe environment. Even New Yorkers, who are like dragons, do not want a super gorilla to suddenly fall from the world while they are sleeping at home, and then trample themselves and their families into meat patties. , living in the United States now is really insecure.

Charlie’s nearly two decades of police career seems to be more able to give everyone confidence. When it comes to voting, this urgent mentality naturally prevails.

At 19 o’clock that night, according to the counting results, Charlie should get more than 270 electoral votes, sealing the victory in advance.

In the early morning of the next day, Benjamin Asher graciously congratulated his opponent on his victory in front of the White House lawn, and expressed his hope that Charlie would form a government team as soon as possible so that the two sides could hand over the work.


“Merry Christmas!”

“Merry Christmas!”

A group of well-dressed men and women gathered in the hall, celebrating Christmas on the one hand and expressing their joy on the occasion at the other.

The team represented by Charlie defeated the opponent. The vote on November 4th was a voter vote. This result is almost impossible to reverse, but there will still be some unknown factors that will have an impact afterwards. Only after the real president The election is the electoral vote held on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December. The result of that vote is the final result.

Bella studied for a long time in advance. It was Wednesday and Monday again. It was a bit funny for her to go back and forth. It is estimated that many Americans do not know the specific day to vote. Anyway, the electoral vote is different from the ordinary vote. It doesn’t matter to the voters, and they don’t need to care, but anyway, the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December 2008 is December 15, and the electoral vote on this day is considered to completely seal the victory.

The results of the electoral vote were no surprise. Charlie was successfully elected. As long as he is sworn in on January 20 next year, he can go to work in the White House.

After hearing the news about the victory, immediately organize everyone to have fun together? This was not in line with the ‘decency’ of many elites, so everyone was quite reserved and tolerated it for another ten days until Christmas. Then, as usual, they organized a Christmas dance with a merit-based reward system.

Bella and her family were all present. They originally wanted to keep their two children at home, but now their family has become the focus of the country. What if some terrorists want to take risks? It’s easy for children to get into trouble if they stay at home. Even if nothing happens, it’s hard to explain the scene of Sakura Dragon Hornet beating the **** out of a terrorist if the outside world sees it. Just keep them all with you.

The on-site security was implemented to the extreme. Agents from the Federal Secret Service came out in full force. John Reese, who was responsible for Charlie’s safety, constantly mobilized manpower to deploy layers of security at all entrances to the building.

This kind of protection is still necessary. Bella has so many abilities that she can write three pages at once. She is indeed strong. The problem is that the enemy doesn’t know it! Rather than letting her take action afterward, it’s better to prevent it in advance.

Bella wore a sequined suspender dress and held a Saint Laurent handbag in her hand. From time to time, she chatted with the male and female guests she knew.

The old party whip, Francis Underwood, who made a huge contribution to Charlie’s campaign, walked over with his wife and chatted casually. His wife soon went to talk to another congressman’s wife, and the old party whip lowered his voice. The voice asked with some anxiety.

“I heard that Mr. President is going to let me stay in Congress? Who are you going to let me be Secretary of State?”

Bella was stunned for a moment, and then she burst into laughter.

The old whip knew about Bella throwing a bunch of ‘social elites’ into the Potomac River, at least a small part of it, and now he dares to question him. He is obviously angry, or He said that in his heart, the position of Secretary of State is more important than life.

“I don’t know about this. Where did you get the news?” she asked.

The old party whip looked to the other side of the banquet, where stood a middle-aged Latina woman with stars in her arms.

“Linda Vasquez, I recommended this woman to you when she came to be the chief of staff of the campaign team. Do you still remember it? Now there are rumors that the president is preparing to appoint her as secretary of state. This seems inappropriate. Is it appropriate? ”

Bella glanced at the Latina woman. This woman fit in with some of Charlie’s campaign platforms. She was an unwed mother and Latina. Simply speaking, based on the label, she was more in line with voters than an ordinary white politician like the old whip. Will.

This woman named Linda Vasquez is actually very powerful. She has a degree from a prestigious school and political experience. She also has the BUFFs of being a woman, a Latina, and a single mother. While she is strong, she also has political experience. Her experience is very sympathetic, and she can be regarded as a strong and soft person in the political circle. She is not satisfied with being a chief of staff, and it is not surprising that she has set her sights on the position of secretary of state.

Bella doesn’t want any women around Charlie to affect her family harmony, and she doesn’t think Charlie needs to rely on politically correct methods to please voters. There are so many things in the future, so it’s better to find a few who can do things and have IQs. Assistant.

Instead of being secretive, she directly gave the old party whip a positive reply: “Rumors are just rumors. The position of Secretary of State is still yours. I suggest you make preparations immediately. The Secretary of State has a very heavy task.” , The relationship with the allies was extremely bad before, and you need to make up for it.”

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