Marvel’s Princess Chapter 883: Menghai

Mephisto dispatched his own elite troops, and Nightmare dispatched even more troops. He deployed troops from his home base seven times in a row, just to completely eliminate Bella here.

 For this goal, he is willing to sacrifice no matter how many men he has.

 The three of them stood on a volcano far away from the black mist, and they all had similar thoughts.

 The opponent can kill a thousand demons, but can he kill ten thousand? Can you kill 10,000 demons? Can you kill 100,000 demons? There isn’t much else in hell, there are demons everywhere, you can’t just kill them all, right? That is the goddess of the night, not God.

 After thinking about several key issues, I really didn’t expect Bella to have a chance of overcoming the situation. The smile of sure victory reappeared on Mephisto’s face: “Let her kill and see how much power she has.”

Nightmare saw that the cunning Mephisto was optimistic, and he put his worries back in his stomach. The three leaders have similar ideas. They will never rush up, they will just wait at the outermost edge!

 The actual situation is that Bella ran away early!

 The space anchor is indeed powerful and relatively unsolvable, but it is nothing in front of the cosmic demon.

 Mephisto and Nightmare are both very ancient life forms, but they have never come into contact with the Infinity Stones, let alone know that Bella has three of the six powerful Infinity Stones in her hands! Leaving aside the Mind Stone, the rules and power involved in the Time Stone and Space Stone are the best in any universe.

 When the two abilities of time and space come together, no one in the single universe can trap Bella.

  She was able to run away in a dead situation where the world of Yumanji absorbed all the energy before, let alone now? She can leave anytime she wants.

 Mephisto came to use the space anchor in person, but it was useless.

 However, in order to delay time, Bella still talked nonsense with these people for a long time, and then she even spared no effort to release the black mist, just to cover up the light after the use of the infinite stones.

 In order to continue to delay time, she also called Thor to help.

Bella always regards improving her strength as the first criterion. Use favors if you can. I helped you before, now it’s time for you to help me!

When Thor was exiled, Bella helped him a lot. At this time, she agreed to help without saying a word. Instead of using the Rainbow Bridge, she walked out of the space passage of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, and then swung the hammer. Dealing with a group of demons and dream creatures in the dark fog.

 In a dark place, Thor can’t see the surrounding environment clearly, which has a slight impact on combat effectiveness, but everyone can’t see it. This is still fair, and there are enemies all around, so just fight and that’s it.

Thor wielded his hammer, hitting whatever he saw. Mephisto and Nightmare, because of their cautious personalities, stood on the outer edge of the black mist and watched. The two strong men did not take action. They dealt with a group of soldiers. This tough guy like you is not afraid at all. Just like Hela slaughtering Asgardian soldiers, the strong have an overwhelming advantage over the soldiers. Thor has great strength. He can fight this intensity of battle for a month. You won’t feel tired!

 After learning that the nightmare fragment of the priesthood was not carried with her, Bella hurriedly returned to her sleeping city in the dream dimension. Aren’t you going to ambush me? Okay, I’ll take people to search your home! Take the last piece of priesthood by the way.

 Many illithids were summoned by her in an emergency. The enemy’s boss and main force were not at home. In order to deal with Thor, who had great individual combat capabilities, the Nightmare side opened seven teleportation channels to mobilize troops. Now she is still at home. How many people can be left? This is simply a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It’s too late to arrange a full array this time, so take the people with you!

 Opening a teleportation channel to heaven, she handed Dean Winchester’s soul to Michael, and then sent a message to him, I helped you do something, save the host’s soul. Yes, right? It’s time for you to help me! Right now!

Nightmare has ruled the dream dimension for countless years. His territory must be well-defended. Even though he has a small number of troops now, he cannot underestimate the enemy. Bella was worried that her group of men who were telling jokes by the river every day lacked the ability to attack fortresses, so she immediately pulled her up to heaven. The angels went with her to attack the nightmare territory.

  Today’s battle will determine who the overlord of the dream dimension is!

 Michael wears an extremely gorgeous golden armor and holds a cross sword. Without a host, he is a pure energy body. The golden armor is full of sacred energy, and there are vaguely some hymns lingering around the body. As an archangel who is ‘similar to God’, he is considered the most powerful demigod in the world today.

 Michael came with a large number of angels of strength, might, and authority to aid in the battle.

 Cassidio and Zacharias, whom Bella had met, were not among the team.

 ”Heaven still needs someone to guard it.” Michael explained calmly.

 ”Okay, let’s set out quickly. After destroying the nightmare territory, we might be able to ambush Mephisto and Lilith!”

 This is not such a clever strategy, the core is just one element, quick!

 Before Mephisto and Nightmare saw through Bella’s golden cicada, they broke through Nightmare’s territory, and then waited for the army to come back for reinforcements.

 The characters of demons are usually insidious and cunning, but their chaotic characters also give them fatal flaws. This flaw is specially given by the will of hell. All demons have a huge gambling character, gambling on their lives and the future. , I bet you don’t have bullets in your gun or anything.

 Once they know that they have been tricked, Nightmare will definitely come back to rescue them, and the demons will probably follow, because they want to bet that Bella and the angel’s coalition did not quickly take over Nightmare’s territory, or they are gambling They have few troops.

Bella left the ghost nuns and some demons who had taken refuge in her to guard the Everlasting City. Angels can’t fight side by side with demons. That’s nonsense. The demons who belong to her are left to look after the house, and all the remaining troops are drawn out. She doesn’t care anymore if these demons rebel and abandon the Everlasting City.

 Bela took all 1,800 illithids and more than 60,000 servants, joined the 2,500 angels from Michael’s side, and rushed towards the territory of the nightmare. The dream sea that no one knows about in the entire dream dimension.

The Dream Sea is an ocean composed entirely of pure dreams. It is said that nightmares were first born here.

 It is actually not accurate to say that the Dream Sea is an ocean. It is more like a physical continent. The reason why it is called an ocean is just because there are too many dreams here.

 Many dreams, large and small, like soap bubbles, blocked the way of the army.

 A soap bubble is a dream, and it is an extremely ancient and unexplainable ancient dream. For older dreams, the owner of the dream may have died tens of billions of years ago, and their last consciousness relied on a strong survival instinct. , deliberately setting many unnecessary conditions, and then taking the opportunity to stay in a certain scene in the dream to loop endlessly. To solve these dreams, it is equivalent to fighting with these dead people in the air, which is very troublesome.

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