Marvel’s Princess Chapter 877: Contradiction

 Beast Hank quickly explained: “Bella, you know, I am not anyone’s subordinate, and no one can order me. Whether it is Charles or Scott, I have conflicts with them, but the extent is different. My visit today does not represent anyone else”

Bella raised a hand to stop what he was about to say: “I know what you want to say, no need to say it. I have known you for almost ten years. Not to mention the past few years, the last two years , anti-discrimination bill, and tax subsidies for mutant families. I have been using my influence to do something. Are the families you mentioned worrying about mutant children really worried about their children or their own wallets? Let’s not worry about it for now. Discuss, just talk about the current matter.

 Those mutants entered the game world voluntarily. They are all adults and can be responsible for their own actions. Do they still need approval from Xavier Youth Gifted School for what they want to do? ”

Hunt Hank did not get any guarantee from Bella, so he turned around and left with mixed emotions.

 Back at Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, he and Cyclops had a big argument, and the two sides almost came to blows.

 ”You go ahead and build your army. I’m a man of no ability, so I won’t get in the way here!” Beast Hank slammed the door and left Xavier Youth Gifted School angrily. I don’t want to serve him anymore! Are you willing to kill me?

Beast Hank’s status in the X-Men has always been a bit awkward. He is not a student of Professor Charles, but he is not a peer either. He is considered a half-teacher and half-friend when we are together. He was the first person to break away from the X-Men in the original time and space. Police officers are no exception now.

 ”Hank doesn’t have much identity as a mutant at all!” Cyclops said with some dissatisfaction as he watched the beast Hank drive away from the school with all his experimental data.

 In the past two or three years, Beast Hank has been secretly injecting himself with drugs that suppress mutant genes. This is also one of the main reasons why he and Cyclops finally quarreled.

Cyclops is proud of mutants and wants to bring this group to a higher and more glorious position. Although Hank the Beast doesn’t say it, he already feels a little ashamed of mutants in his heart.

 Old bald Professor Charles still maintained the illusion of being in a wheelchair even in his own territory. He sighed heavily, feeling very tired.

 Cyclops is 90% responsible for becoming what he is today. If he hadn’t hoped to prepare a way out for mutants in addition to compromise, Cyclops would not have been indulged in this way.

 Facing his protégé, he did not use telepathy, let alone mind control, but the two sides lacked necessary communication. As a result, Cyclops seriously deviated from the old man’s original intention of creating the X-Men.

 The reason why it can still be maintained now is that the external pressure is not enough, and the other is that Cyclops’ own prestige is insufficient.

 Professor Charles considered his words and tried to put it as tactfully as possible: “Hank’s words are not wrong in the general direction. We are not a concentration camp. Those mutants who come to the school for help are not selling us their personal freedom. They You can go your own way, and we should respect their choice.”

Cyclops was very depressed. The reason why he was so impatient that he lost control of his words and forced Hank to leave was mainly because a student he valued very much was ‘seduce’ away by the game. He treated the mutant He had high hopes, but now that they were gone and never came back, he felt that his heart was filled with frustration.

 Fortunately, he is still sober and knows that his reputation is not enough. Let alone replace Professor Charles as the new leader of the mutants. Even old friends such as Beast, Wolverine and Storm are not convinced by him. Qin’s support for him is limited to As for the relationship between the two parties, once he wants to lead the mutants to rise up, it is necessary to say whether he will support him or not.

  He was dissatisfied in his heart and could only give in: “Professor, that’s not what I meant. I just think that we should be more united, instead of just playing a game and running away with most of the people. What’s the point? Are our efforts and our mission meaningful?”

 The dialogue between master and apprentice reached a deadlock again, and no one could convince anyone.

 Professor Charles’s experience is nothing to say. He was a billionaire fifty years ago, and his powers are extremely powerful. He is a sure winner in life.

 Qin’s parents are both university professors, and they are not considered poor by any means. Storm lives like a princess in Kenya, and her family worships her like a saint. Wolverine has lived for more than a hundred years and has a very stable mentality. , even if the end of the world comes, you can still look at everything calmly.

Cyclops is different from these companions. When he was a child, his brothers were separated, his parents were captured by evil aliens, and he lost his memory due to a head injury and grew up in an orphanage.

 His childhood was basically joyless, and he did not enjoy the so-called privileged lifestyle in the United States at all.

 If Professor Charles and others are a very idealistic group of heroes, then Cyclops is a very realistic hero. He wants to obtain status through his own efforts rather than relying on the guarantees and charity of politicians.

 From the perspective of mutants, Cyclops is a hero, and from the perspective of humans, Professor Charles is a good leader, nothing more.

 Word of mouth spreads, and the students are attracted by the game of Oasis. Before, it was mainly because they had nothing to do, but now they naturally don’t want to take classes here. They don’t even have a nationally recognized diploma. nothing! Damn it!

 Without the students, as a teacher, the task of teaching will naturally become much easier.

Cyclops is also a ruthless person. He thinks very well. Aren’t you reluctant to come back? Okay, I will go to the game world to find you, I will talk to you one by one, and then bring you back!

 He blatantly purchased game login equipment. Oasis Games did not refuse his purchase request. If you want to buy it, we will sell it. If you want to go, go ahead.

Cyclops lay on the armchair, took off his quartz glasses, put on the immersion lander, relaxed his mind and body, and connected his brain waves to the lander and reached resonance.

 When Bella ‘borrowed’ the Cosmic Cube and prepared to ‘borrow’ it for a hundred years before returning it, she added a transmission path to the cosmic cube in the login device. When the player’s brain waves connect to the login device Finally, the energy of the Rubik’s Cube will transmit the player’s consciousness over a long distance, and the target is the world of Yumanji.

 The previous setting of three lives per person in Yumanji World was too buggy. Now Oasis Games will create a brand new clone body for each player.

 Gamers can make various settings, which is commonly known as pinching faces. Once the settings are completed, the clone body will be in place while the brain waves are transmitted, and then the player’s consciousness will be instilled and that’s it. .

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