Marvel’s Princess Chapter 847: Next game, Pac-Man

Gao Tianzun flipped his hand, and the deadlocked space teleportation was unilaterally canceled by him. Bella hurriedly returned from the timeline. She had to do micro-management when she came back, and then she had to deceive an unknown enemy. She was very tired at this time. The opponent stopped, and she also withdrew her psychic power, and she didn’t care about 006 for a while.

“Ah!” 006’s voice sounded extremely loud in Hyde Park at night. By the time Bella wanted to take action, it was already too late, and she saw the old comrade falling directly from an altitude of more than 800 meters, her head rushing down and hit it **** the lawn of the park.

All the soldiers were stunned, but the superheroes were very calm.

The well-prepared medical team immediately appeared on the scene and picked up the unconscious old comrade in a hurry. They were skilled in their movements and professional, and there was no sloppy movement in the whole process, from the person falling to entering the ambulance. , it didn’t take thirty seconds before and after.

It’s a pity that 006 left the game, but everyone didn’t have the extra energy to pay attention to him, because the word “cheating” made up of many big centipedes in the sky was cancelled, and now it became a “draw”.

On the human side, Little Bee lost one game, Bricks won one, and Big Centipede drew. They have to fight Gao Tianzun again.

It may be out of respect for the god, an opponent of the same level, or it may be Gao Tianzun’s bad taste. He feels that it is very satisfying and depraved to bring a **** who is extremely serious and rigid to play games. , he announced in advance where the next game will be and how it will be played.

The next game is playing Pac-Man in New York!

“Pac-Man?” Tony Stark has been studying hard since he was a child. After graduating from MIT at the age of seventeen, he started playing with women. He has never played games at all. For him, real people are better than games. Much more fun.

However, he knew about this famous game, so he asked Jarvis to pull up the game video and take a closer look at it.

Arkanoid sacrificed Captain America, and Centipede sacrificed 006. Fortunately, it had no impact on the overall strength.

The group returned to the Avengers Tower in New York. Hawkeye took a group of soldiers and the game expert sent by Benjamin Asher to visit the bottom floor. Bella and the other leaders were discussing the next battle arrangements.

“Is there any room for manipulation in this thing? Let’s play Pac-Man, and then the alien pervert sets up some ghosts to chase us?” Stark analyzed according to the original game flow.

Natasha has a different view: “This may not be the mode this time. It is possible that the enemy is Pac-Man, who comes to destroy New York City, and we play the role of ghosts.”

She looked at Bella out of the corner of her eye. Unfortunately, Bella didn’t have any good suggestions this time. Her invincible time stone didn’t even see the other party’s next plan. This shows that the other party also has the ability to control time. She doesn’t have any good suggestions. Now the only thing she can do is to use the soldiers to cover up the water and the earth.

They analyzed it for a long time and decided to make two preparations.

If you are playing Pac-Man, let Natasha play. Her reaction speed, understanding of the game, and judgment of the situation are all top-notch. Her overall quality is better than that of the White House game expert. How many times stronger.

If you are playing as a ghost, you will need a few racers who are very familiar with urban roads and have a tacit cooperation!

The United States has just helped Britain defeat aliens, and the relationship between Britain and the United States has improved. After considering the Avengers’ request, Downing Street agreed. It was just a loan of a few people, which really didn’t count. Big things happen.

Dike Shaw, who looks exactly like a certain Da, Airborne Lieutenant Owen Shaw, Heidi Shaw, nicknamed the White Widow from MI6, and Samn Shaw, who is here in New York, are four members of the famous racing family. The cousins ​​gathered together.

“White Widow, tsk tsk, she looks so beautiful!” After hearing Heidi Xiao’s nickname, Natasha’s face immediately lit up, her brows were beaming, and she seemed very happy.

Bella knew that she was like this and was used to it, so she said casually: “What? You don’t love me anymore? You actually like Heidi? When the black and white widows come together, God… You won’t want our family anymore, right? Oh, oh, oh, little Aisha is going to have no mother.”

Samn Xiao was the most familiar with them. At this time, he interrupted the flirting between the two of them: “Hey, you two, pay attention to the influence. Although I have some blood relationship with them, I am not related to them. I’m really not familiar with them, these guys are thorny, you’d better explain things clearly to them.”

The roles of Bella and Natasha change frequently. When Bella first pretended to be a good girl, Natasha was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. By the time Bella founded Weyland, she became more and more famous and became more and more dazzling. At that time, Natasha quit her job, switched to a civilian job, and went home to take care of her children. Now Natasha is quiet and restless and has established the Men in Black organization. In contrast, Bella has also begun to reduce her presence in the eyes of all parties. .

Their tacit understanding is unparalleled. When one retreats, the other will immediately come to the front. Now Bella adheres to the principle of keeping a low profile and is ready to act like a fool. It is up to Bella to introduce the details of the mission to the four Comrade Xiao. Natasha.

“Ha, it turns out to be the famous Black Widow.” Heidi Shaw is herself an agent of the British MI6. She is very interested in Natasha, a colleague who has made a big name in the industry after only two years of hard work. As far as I know, after all, their nicknames are so similar that it’s hard not to know.

But now Natasha’s development situation is obviously better than hers, and she can only whisper in a low voice and say a few sour words about why her father doesn’t run for President of the United States.

Dike Xiao has the appearance of a tough guy, but he is not that rough on the inside. He knows very well who he can offend and who he should not offend.

Using a stern look, he stopped his sister’s intention of saying weird things, and focused on discussing the difficulties of this mission with Natasha.

Owen Xiao is his biological brother, and Heidi Xiao is his biological sister. Once he, the eldest brother, makes up his mind, even if the other two are powerful outside, he can only choose to cooperate at this time.

Bella and their old friend Samn Xiao naturally had no objection.

Natasha talked about the difficulty of the current task. If the Earth side plays Pac-Man, it would be okay. Natasha has confidence in her own abilities. If it doesn’t work, just let Bella cheat. She can win no matter what. If The earth plays the role of a ghost this time, so the difficulty is high. How to find Pac-Man in the complicated New York City and then eliminate him without causing too much damage. These are all difficult.

Bella has considered calling Bumblebee and Jazz, four comrades Xiao, and four Autobots. Can they lose? But she didn’t know the truth about the other party, and she was worried about offending him by cheating again, so she hesitated for a long time, but still didn’t do it.

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