Marvel’s Princess Chapter 829: The night is coming

 Sif could only express her opinion in a roundabout way: “Bella, it is difficult for an army of 300,000 to communicate accurately. If the meaning cannot be conveyed to every soldier, your formation will not be able to exert its power in the end. It is easy to …It is easy to cause some unnecessary doubts.”

 She wanted to describe it as chaos, but she still didn’t want to refute the opinions of the two gods alone. Although their opinions seemed very absurd, she still wanted to speak as tactfully as possible.

 Bella had expected this: “It’s okay, I’ve thought about this problem. As long as I’m still on the planet, I can use psychic energy to communicate with every soldier and tell them exactly where they should stand. For example, on the east side The soldier in the third row of the fourth column of the No. 2 square is in a very good position. From the hologram, it is a high ground. I can arrange for him to charge at any time, or to defend his comrades on the flank. For example… ..”

 As if for the first time, Loki agreed with her words for the first time. The God of Lies gestured like he was a famous general and nodded while stroking his chin: “This is a good method. Many times it is difficult for soldiers to understand it accurately. If the commander’s intentions can be pointed out one by one, it will be impossible to fail!”

 Bella said nonchalantly: “You finally told the truth.”

 “I’ve been telling the truth.”

 Sif’s admonition was forced back, and it was very uncomfortable, but what could she do? She is not a legal god, so she does not have the realistic conditions for micro-management.

 She looked at Odin with her peripheral vision, hoping that Odin would reject all the plans of the two of them. Let’s not get into those complicated things, and the army would be done in one go.

Odin quietly listened to the two ‘excellent’ commanders describing their battle plans. He saw the problem from a completely different perspective from Sif and the Three Warriors. He was very happy!

 Because of such a comparison, he finally discovered the advantages of his own son Thor!

 Let’s not talk about anything else, but to lead troops to fight, he is undoubtedly much better than the two in front of him!

 There is no successor to Vanaheim, and Loki does not have the talent to lead an army. Is this a good thing? This is of course a good thing!

 The smile at the corner of his mouth encouraged Bella and Loki, but Sif and others were a little in disbelief, right? The God King would not agree to this battle plan.

 Odin spoke slowly: “Your methods are all good, but your vision is limited to the mortal level. Who are we? We are Asgard gods, and gods have their own way of fighting, Bella. ”

 “Your Majesty.”

 ”It will take another week for our army to set off. I need you to cover the planet Gris and let darkness fall completely. I want to see their fear and pain.”

 “As you wish, Your Majesty.”

 ”Loki, I want you to complete the reorganization of the vanguard before the sun goes down today.”

 “Yes, Father.”

 ”Sif, the earth can nourish all things, and it can also swallow all things. I want you to unite the central army.”

 “Yes, Your Majesty.”

Odin issued orders in an orderly manner. He not only considered the enemy’s response, but also took into account the abilities of several of his own gods.

  He seemed to appreciate the formation plan, asking questions and nodding from time to time. The final battle plan seemed to take into account Bella and Loki’s ideas. However, upon closer inspection, he found that not much was taken into account, and the core meaning was completely different. Same…

 It seemed about the same, so Bella didn’t insist on it.

 To make Goris feel the pain of the night, she must first leave the palace.

 She found Heimdall. She didn’t need to open the Rainbow Bridge to go there alone. She could survive in the universe anyway and didn’t need precise teleportation. With Heimdall’s help in positioning, she teleported directly. Arriving outside the atmosphere of the planet Gris.

 There is a reason why NASA scientists send signals here. This place is indeed very similar to the Earth, about the same size. There is also liquid water on the surface of the planet, and the same mountains and rivers. However, you can see many large and small concavities on the surface of the planet. The pit is not naturally formed. The Gris are an extremely barbaric and warlike race.

Bella’s eyesight is only average, far from the level of super vision. The Great Wall cannot be seen outside the atmosphere. The huge pits on the ground blasted by high-energy weapons can barely be recognized, but smaller things can be seen. Can’t see clearly.

 Following her sudden appearance, several things that looked like satellites immediately pointed several detection devices at her, seeming to observe the specific race of this suddenly appeared life form.

 ”Feel the pain of the world!” Bella stretched out her right hand, and the dark power enveloped the world at an extremely fast speed.

 It is relatively difficult to create the kind of black mist that blocks the perception of divine power and magic power when Nyx fights Moon Dragon, and it consumes more divine power. If it only blocks vision, it will be simple, even if the scope is expanded to A whole planet is not difficult for Bella.

 The star outside the atmosphere is still glowing and heating, but her night power is like ink, quickly spreading across the planet’s surface.

 It was initially a dot, and then the black dots stretched to the left and right along the planet’s circumference. After completely surrounding the planet, the black lines spread to the north and south poles. In less than three minutes, the entire planet was completely covered in darkness. Surrounded.

The technological level of the Gelis people is higher than that of the earth, but the level is limited. They have left their home planet less than a hundred years ago, and the administrative structure on the planet is far from being able to unify the world. There is only one Gelis in name. The king of the Les people, the situation below is very chaotic. There is a government directly under the monarch, an alliance composed of free people, and some independent forces that are not sure whether they are warlords. There seem to be 20 or 30 large and small political systems. indivual.

 The environment of the Gris people is a bit harsher than that of the Earth. Their home planet is a bit close to the star, which results in their long days and short nights. They are exposed to the sun more than 500 days a year. They are very Afraid of light. When technology was backward, the average lifespan of the tribe was more than thirty years old and less than forty years old. Now that technology has developed, it is often necessary to wear a full set of protective clothing in outdoor activities.

 The arrival of dark night did not arouse their alertness. On the contrary, many Gris people came out to dance happily. They thought today was a good day, how cool and comfortable it was?

Gliss scientists were shocked and speechless. It is normal for the Eastern Hemisphere to be dark, but it is not normal for the Western Hemisphere to be dark as well! Later, they discovered that the Antarctic and the North Pole also had dark skies. They felt that the scientific theories developed by previous generations of scientists seemed to have been overturned in an instant.

 What is even more exaggerated is that many old people are drowsy in the dark night, and some even say that their relatives who have been dead for many years have been whispering in their ears.

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