Marvel’s Princess Chapter 826: War Act

The armor of the Grisian aircraft was not weak, but it was still seriously injured after being hit hard at such a close distance.

 Natasha carefully looked at the other party’s cab. There was a big hole blown out by an armor-piercing bomb. The interior was filled with flames, and there were some small explosions from time to time.

 “Keep reloading! The enemy is not dead yet!”

 Half a minute later, there was another round of shelling!

 The aftermath of the explosion caused the sea surface to shake violently. The second round of shelling was very effective, and the Grisian aircraft was blown to pieces on the spot.

 Natasha said loudly: “Go forward! Target the signal base station on Saddle Ridge!”

 The battleship USS Missouri began to circle Oahu. Under Natasha’s outstanding leadership, it destroyed three Gris aircraft and bombed three ground signal base stations. Then they The battleship docked on the shore.

 It’s not that they don’t have the strength to continue fighting, it’s that the ship is dead.

 The ammunition on the ship was exhausted, and the temporary supply of shells was simply not enough.

Three out of three battles, at the cost of water in many places on the hull, thick smoke billowing from the ship, and a speed as slow as a snail.

 Veterans and old agents disembarked separately. Natasha caressed the console with some reluctance. It was the first time in her life to command a battleship. It was quite interesting to think about it.

 ”Honey, you did a good job!” Bella leaned against the wall, put her hands in her pockets, and said in a rather enthusiastic tone.

 Natasha rolled her eyes at her: “Are you here early?”

 “Well, I’ve been here a long time ago.”

 ”Then why don’t you come out? Don’t you always want me to keep a low profile and keep a low profile?”

 Bella tilted her head and thought for a while: “Well, an old man saw your situation. He said that you still have a lot of potential that has not been tapped, and thought that I should exercise more to train you.”

 She licked her lips and emphasized the word ‘exercise’.

 The actual situation is that World Tree thinks that she is deliberately suppressing Natasha, which is very easy to cause a backlash of fate. This backlash may be very violent and may not be noticed at all. Bella also thinks that her daughter-in-law should be **** every day. It’s a bit too much to take care of the kids at home, fish, and goof around.

 She is a bit too selfish. Relationships should not be about sacrificing another person or completely changing another person to achieve oneself. She should give Natasha some space to move instead of tying people up at home.

 So she kept hiding in the dark until the cheap daughter-in-law scene was completely over, and then she came out.

 Natasha ignored her invitation to ‘exercise’. She is still fighting a war. Bella just mentioned that. She is not rich in time now.

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 “The old grandfather you are talking about is the one who gave me the spear?”

  “It’s not considered to be given to you. In fact, it’s given to me… If you think of it as a human being, it’s definitely not appropriate for you to think of it as a human being. His life form far exceeds the concept of a human being.”

Bella was chatting with her daughter-in-law, and the troops sent by the US military to support Hawaii finally arrived.

War Machine flew all the way from Los Angeles. He used all his firepower to destroy the metal flywheels that were still raging in the city one by one.

 S.H.I.E.L.D.’s flying mothership took over the mission of the USS Missouri battleship and cooperated with the Pacific Rim Fleet to destroy the remaining two Gris aircraft and blow up the last three ground signal base stations. At this point, NASA experts This lighthouse project that we have worked out is officially over.

 Stark arrived at Saturn a little late. After learning that the vanguard had been wiped out, the Grisians left the solar system without saying a word.

Flying to Saturn is already a desperate effort, and Gaviland’s spaceship is supporting him. The opponent is faster than his armor and faster than Gaviland’s spaceship. Now he can’t catch up.

 That evening, Tony Stark ran to the White House without stopping and attended a closed-door meeting with Benjamin Asher.

 The enemy’s vanguard is fighting so hard. If it is invaded by 1.8 million enemies, won’t the United States be destroyed?

 No matter what, we must find a way.

 ”What should we do now? Mr. Stark, what suggestions do the Avengers have now? I hope you can give me a practical suggestion.”

 Stark looked at the people in the conference room. Black Braised Egg was not there, and Bella was not there. There were no constraints from the two of them, and there were no old-fashioned arguments from Captain America. He was still quite happy to face the inquiry from the President of the United States alone. Excited, besides the excitement, there was also huge pressure. He was not as confident as he would be in the future civil war. He was surrounded by anxiety, uneasiness and hesitation. He was worried that his words would cause extremely serious consequences.

 After repeated deliberation, he made his attitude appear as candid as possible: “Sir, we need to attack! Attack is the best defense. Put the battlefield in the enemy’s home. Only in this way can we protect our people.”

 “What do you mean?” Benjamin Asher asked the other people, including the Vice President, Secretary of State, and Secretary of Defense.

 We are all leaders in all walks of life. Of course they understand the benefits of keeping enemies outside the country, but what about making up their mind? Sorry, that’s your president’s business.

 Several people were silent and did not speak. Old Willy, a ninety-year-old man, opened his mouth several times, but he did not know what he should say.

 Interstellar war! An interstellar war spanning twenty light-years was before Benjamin Asher. The senior officials did not speak, but several staff members looked at him, waiting for him to finally make up his mind.

 ”Since that’s what you all mean, fine! I’ll submit a war bill to Congress!”

 Congress has rarely been efficient. When Oahu was attacked, everyone naturally thought of Pearl Harbor. The big capitalists in the United States couldn’t sit still. Once a war breaks out, all their things will be destroyed. ,war! Must fight! Go to the enemy’s door and fight!

 Most of the Republican congressmen chose to support Benjamin Ashe, and no one from the Democratic side opposed it. The war bill was passed in a solemn atmosphere.

 006 Old comrade can no longer pretend to be sick. Both Stark and Bella asked him to go back to work. When the Brotherhood heard that there was going to be a decisive battle with aliens, their energy level was directly improved by two levels. The rest of the Wuchang The United States has expressed varying degrees of support for the United States to serve as the main force to fight against aliens. In the end, the five countries will jointly send troops. It will not work without alliance, because there are still too few spacecrafts.

 Including the spaceships previously built for various countries, as well as Wieland’s Pioneer and Prometheus, there are only seven spaceships on the Earth side, with a total capacity of about 3,000 people, but after counting Weapons and equipment, transporting up to a thousand soldiers.

 The war bill has only been called for one day, and there is a tendency for it to end in vain.

Tony Stark is very frustrated. His strategy of keeping the enemy outside the country is stuck at the first step. You can’t just conquer a planet with a thousand soldiers, right? All Captain America?

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