Marvel’s Princess Chapter 816: Wake up

 It can only be said that Bella got the world tree because she was not greedy, and this branch was too cheap for the world tree. Although it is also the essence, a two-meter-long branch is too high for the root of the tree. For the world tree that is thousands of meters long and countless kilometers long, it is really insignificant, not even a drop in the bucket.

 According to the normal process, Bella did not go through a lot of hardships, did not complete one hundred and eighty epic tasks, did not defeat hundreds of powerful enemies, and could not see the World Tree at all. Bella was taking a trick.

 She came cleverly and her timing was clever.

 How many years has passed since the last time Yggdrasil chatted with someone was in the era of the great boy Odin? The old tree was so suffocated that it was rare for someone to come to chat with him, so he was quite happy. In addition, Bella’s little mouth was very sweet, and Grandpa Tree gave a short cry, and he didn’t want spring water, whether it was the spring water of Nongfu Mountain or the spring water of Nongfu Mountain. She didn’t want any spring water from Baisui Mountain. Yggdrasil didn’t want her to leave empty-handed, so she casually found a branch and gave it to her.

The eternal spear is too powerful to deter the gods, just look at Bella’s hypocrisy. The eternal spear opened a big hole in Kongsu’s heart, and his domineering and cool parents couldn’t even Even if they didn’t dare to let go, they knew how powerful this gun and its owner were to the gods. The gods were confused about the relationship between Bella and Odin, but no one dared to come forward.

 Bella is a fox who pretends to be a tiger. Although she is a fox with two infinite gems, she may not be afraid of a tiger in a fight, but it is better to do less than to do more. She does not want to fight the young one and end up killing the old one. It’s endless, now with the help of Odin’s power to suppress Kongsu’s arrogance, the matter is settled.

  She was able to recover from the previous injury on her palm, mainly because of the Mind Stone. The level of the Infinity Stone is much higher than that of the Eternal Spear. Does Kong Su have the Infinity Stone in his hand now? He has a fart! There is a big hole in your heart that keeps bleeding, what else do you want? There is no hope, prepare for the funeral and wait for death!

 Things always have pros and cons. The symbolic significance of the Eternal Spear has become greater than its practical significance in Asgard. If you hadn’t seen Loki when he was the God King for a few days, would you have wanted to sleep with the spear in your arms? This is a symbol of Asgard’s dominance. Yggdrasil doesn’t care and doesn’t think too much about it. Bella can’t care less.

 Considering several reasons, she left the sharp gun in Natasha’s hands.

Bella’s ability to create artifacts is far inferior to Odin’s. She does not have the characteristic of being sure to hit, and only has the characteristic that bleeding cannot be cured.

When Odin is fighting, if he throws the Eternal Spear, it will definitely hit. After it hits, it will definitely bleed. No matter how powerful the **** is, he will basically die!

 In the hands of Odin, this gun has the effect of being sure to hit and die, but it is not so strong in Bella and the others.

 Injury to an unimportant location, for example, Bella was injured for more than half a year, but she did not die, but it was very troublesome to bleed all the time. Injury to an unimportant location will not lead to death. Injury to an important location is indeed fatal, but at that time What kind of blood do you want? Why don’t you just stab him to death and be done with it?

 Lack of the affix “must hit”, this gun in their hands has the meaning of catching a rat and then feeding the rat poison.

 It cannot be said that it is useless. It is useful in many cases, but it mostly serves as a deterrent.

 Natasha put away her sharpshooter and left the scene with Jazz and the others. The police in Washington had been alerted by the laser cannons and missiles, but it was late at night and the police dispatch was very slow. Even if there were passers-by watching nearby, When you see some battle scenes, just like when Mark Spector was investigating Bella, you will soon forget these scenes.

  The battle actually didn’t take long, and it didn’t take more than five minutes in total. Natasha circled around the area to make sure she didn’t attract anyone’s attention. She adjusted her facial expression and returned to her quiet, unmarried mother self. I went home to make supper for the two little guys.

The psychological treatment effect on Bella’s side is pretty good. In the final analysis, she is still too pretentious, and psychic energy cannot tolerate any pretentiousness. She poured out many words in her heart to the unrelated World Tree. Her Some of the anxiety and impatience gradually calmed down.

 Seeing that World Tree is really boring, she can’t burn bridges. People think she is in trouble and just give her a branch without saying a word. She can’t just say that her mental illness is cured and leave immediately, right?

 【Reading Welfare】Follow the public account [Book Friends Base Camp] and get cash/coins for reading every day!

Bella began to tell the famous **** jokes to Yggdrasil. She told these jokes over and over again many times, and she became extremely proficient.

 There are basically only a few characters who appear in the story, and Hellstorm is the protagonist in most of the stories. Under Bella’s publicity, through the channel of the dream dimension, this young handsome man from **** has a certain level of influence. Everyone knows it, and the multiverse is filled with legends about him.

 Bella spoke vividly: “…It is said that once Hellstorm stood in the Valley of Fire and cursed Lucifer. He called Lucifer an idiot! After that, he was arrested and imprisoned for 22 years and 2 years. It was because he insulted the Demon King of Hell, and those 20 years were because he leaked the secrets of hell! Hahahaha…”

 Originally, Bella was going to joke with Grandpa Yggdrasil for a few more days. Anyway, she had plenty of time and half of the jokes. There was nothing urgent at all at the moment. Chatting and gossiping was a way to relax. But two days later, a dark The crow suddenly flew in front of Bella, forcing her to change her plan.

  “Wuni?” She called the crow’s name, and her reflection was reflected in the crow’s eyes, and he nodded.

 The crow conveyed a simple message to her, then nodded to the World Tree, fluttered its wings, and soon disappeared from Bella’s eyes.

 The message is simple and important.

  Odin, who has been sleeping for more than a year, wakes up!

 ”Grandpa Shu, that cool guy you know asked me to come over, so I’ll leave now. I’ll come and chat with you next time.”

 “Are you really not going to order some spring water?”

 “…I really don’t need it! What I need is peace, not enlightenment such as wisdom and destiny.”

 “Okay, then you go and do your work while I take a nap.”

 Today Frey is still drinking in Mount Olympus, and the Pirate King Nee doesn’t care about anything at all. As a member of Vanaheim and responsible for her appearance, Bella can only go to Asgard on behalf of Vanaheim. Expresses the congratulations of the Divine Court of Vanaheim to the God King of Asgard.

 Although he woke up normally without being disturbed, Odin still looked a little tired. He was wearing a golden helmet and golden armor, standing high on the throne. The first words he spoke were not surprising: “How long have I been asleep? ? Where’s Thor? He hasn’t lifted Thor’s hammer yet?”

Frigga, Bella and Sif looked at each other. They knew that the old man was pretending to be confused, but there was really no way to point it out.

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