Marvel’s Princess Chapter 802: Moon Dragon VS Night Goddess

 “Zap, I’m going to eat you!”

Yuelong’s combat power has been weakened several times, and it can be said to be extremely far away from his peak period. However, his strength can still move sideways in the single universe, from size, strength, spiritual energy, power, life In terms of level, level of evil, and cunning mind, he is much stronger than the Night Goddess in every aspect.

 Bella, who was observing in the dark, felt that if this guy exploded in his prime, his total psychic energy would be no less than the Mind Stone.

 However, battles are not about comparing numerical values. Unless the gap is particularly large, you still have to fight to know.

 The dark-brown psychic flames are centered on the Moon Dragon and are ejected in all directions. The flames are flying all over the sky. There is no order. They burn whatever they see. It seems to be a disorderly attack launched in one breath. It is chaotic and irregular, but if you look carefully Look, you can find a trace of more deadly and destructive energy in the extreme chaos.

 It can be described as something like destruction or annihilation. Things burned by the Moon Dragon’s spiritual flames, whether they are demons with entities or native dream creatures, are completely erased, without molecules or dreams. Fragments, nothing left.

 Bella was surprised, Brother Yuelong is very powerful! She observed and studied Yuelong’s use of pure spiritual energy from a distance. Before, she could only use spiritual energy instead of magic power to shape and construct spell models. It relies on a large amount of spiritual energy to bombard the enemy’s mind. Giving psychic properties and making pure psychic energy burn like fire is a skill she really doesn’t know how to do.

 The more she looks at it, the more rewarding she feels. There is no need for her to imitate Moon Dragon’s flames. The opponent’s flames are a kind of spiritual support, and her inner sea is also a kind of support. She can release the sea water to pierce and impact the enemy, that is The method she came up with was that water is much more tolerant than fire, and she could also add some toxins into it without anyone noticing

 Bella is studying, Moon Dragon is attacking fiercely, and the goddess of the night, Nyx, and her men quickly activate the defense circle of Black Crow Castle, relying on a huge energy shield to resist the black-brown psychic flames.

 The goddess of the night began to counterattack after blocking the first wave of attacks. The thick night turned into thin veils, passing through the gaps in the flames, trying to erode the moon dragon.

 It is not for nothing that she has been entrenched in the Exiled Land for many years. Many of her subordinates are elites. A few enchanted demons saw through the source of Moon Dragon’s ability. With the fierce roar of several enchanted demons, countless demons without their own Consciousness, Boda corpses that had been desecrated by demons through evil means staggered out of Black Crow Castle. They followed one after another, using their bodies to resist the psychic flames.

 One hundred, one thousand, ten thousand! These chaotic and evil undead creatures don’t know what fear is at all, and they are densely packed all over the battlefield.

 Boda zombies are afraid of the sun, but the place of exile is shrouded in darkness all year round. They can move freely here. The crying river composed of resentment and hatred provides these undead creatures with a steady stream of undead power.

 As a price for being afraid of the sun, they have a spell-like ability called death gaze. The creature that is stared at will be transformed into a Boda corpse after one day.

 Human legions will generally retreat when encountering Boda zombies on the battlefield, because the thing’s gaze is very disgusting. It’s okay to crush them in one wave. If they get into a protracted war, more and more of these things will hit them.

 Death gaze is ineffective against Yuelong. The life levels of the two parties are too different. However, there are no absolutes in the world. With thousands of eyes looking straight at him, his confidence is inevitably shaken.

 Speaking of which, he has not fought personally for many years.

 After wavering, there is anger, anger at one’s own cowardice and anger at the enemy’s contempt.

Yuelong saw something familiar in the goddess of the night. He didn’t know that it was the enhancement caused by the Mind Stone. He preconceptionally believed that it was a sign that his father Seth was about to enter the material world. He did not dare to delay. Just afraid of something unexpected happening.

The harassment of countless soldiers made him extremely annoyed. This huge demon dragon raised his hands flat. He combined the psychic flames into a wall of fire and plowed it towards the place where the number of Boda corpses was the largest.

  After pushing back and forth twice, the wall of fire swept across the battlefield. Most of the thousands of Boda zombies were killed, and even a few slow-running Bewitching Demons and Wild War Demons were burned to death.

Yuelong ignored the continuous magic coming from the goddess of the night. He had rich combat experience. At this time, he did not get entangled with the goddess of the night at all. Instead, he wanted to destroy the opponent’s geographical advantage first.

 Moon Dragon roared and rushed towards Black Crow Castle. He put his hands on the magic shield outside the fortress and spit out a large amount of psychic flames from his mouth. In less than two breaths, a huge hole was corroded in the shield. Then he pushed forward with both hands.

 Black Crow Castle is broken into two parts from the middle. This is not a physical cut, but a modification of reality. Moon Dragon also has the ability to modify reality. It can be modified out of thin air. The modification effect is better after contact. .

 Reality modification is similar to telepathy. It is an ability that you must master after reaching a certain level. If you don’t master this ability, you will be embarrassed to say hello to beings of the same level when you go out.

Yuelong’s modification of reality is more domineering. He modified it on the basis of the real dream of the Exile Land. He made the real things more real, but this reality did not conform to the purpose of the dream dimension, so the goddess of the night The towering fortress collapsed.

 Many soldiers dressed in ancient Greek costumes were smashed into pieces by the collapsed rubble. Demons and some beasts with demigod blood were running in panic. The goddess of the night did not even look at it. She cast spells on the moon dragon steadily. She used It is still the traditional way of dealing with dragons in the legal system. The fastest updated computer version::/

 Anchor the space first, then reduce resistance, speed, strength, and throw out weakening spells such as confusion, confusion, and slowdown, and finally secretly poke the ground to suppress the ultimate move.

While the Moon Dragon destroyed her Black Crow Keep, killing the Night petitioners and soldiers, a powerful spell from the Night Goddess was also ready.

 Except for Iron Maidens like Sif, most goddesses are good at using magic.

 The magic of the Goddess of the Night is extremely powerful. There is even a spell of the same name for her in the Book of Darkness, which shows her profound attainments in magic.

  Singing, gestures, and sacrificing ten petitioners in one breath, her spell was successfully cast. With a finger from the right hand, the spell peeled out a dark thing from the moon dragon’s body. The shape could not be seen clearly. It was completely made of An evil creature composed of black sludge.

 This thing has no intelligence, only the instinct of devouring. It originates from the body of the Moon Dragon. It is the product of a dark thought in the heart of the evil creature, the Moon Dragon, that has been shaped and embodied through magic!

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