Marvel’s Princess Chapter 784: Katie’s abilities

 Bella and Natasha were chatting on the bedside while guarding their daughter. After sleeping for twelve hours, little Elsa rubbed her eyes and got up on her own.

 Seeing her daughter get up full of energy, Bella felt even sleepier.

  She tried her best to look energetic and yawned twice. Then she took out a basin of water and said, “Here, give it a try and see how far you can go?”

Little Aisha raised her head and looked at her, not understanding the meaning of her words.

 Natasha also pushed her, meaning that you spoke too vaguely, can this child understand?

Bella was a little troubled, but she thought for a long time and didn’t know what to say. Things that are clear to adults can’t be explained clearly to children. This is also one of the main reasons why Professor Charles’ teaching is difficult. No matter how good the theory is, , it is useless for children not to understand, and adults can only tell it over and over again.

 What makes Bella better than the old bald man is that she can demonstrate it herself, and magic can imitate 99% of supernatural powers.

 With a flick of her finger, the water in the basin defied the gravity of the earth and danced in the air with her finger from bottom to top. Then she flipped her wrist and the water flying into the air quickly froze and finally turned into ice. It became a vivid dragon-shaped ice sculpture.

 This is not even magic to Bella, at most it is a trick.

Little Elsa opened her mouth, her big eyes were full of energy, and she clapped happily. She probably thought her father was performing some kind of show for her.

 When Bella asked her to try it too, the little guy was dumbfounded.

  She muttered, imitating Bella, and danced her fingers in the air, but she was making blind gestures from beginning to end.

  Natasha lay next to Bella’s ear, her voice was very low: “You have made it too complicated, the child will not understand, make it simpler, the simplest kind.”

Bella is really big-headed. She was an adult when she awakened her abilities, and Modo, who was her apprentice, was also an adult. It is very easy to draw inferences from one example to other cases. She really doesn’t know how to teach children, especially two-year-olds. Child.

 After thinking for a long time, she put herself into the perspective of a two-year-old child. This time she abandoned everything fancy and only started from the perspective of fun and simplicity.

 There is no water control or ice making, just put your palm on the basin without moving your palm, and the water in the basin starts to rotate clockwise.

 It turns out that little Elsa can do this.

 However, her power control was very poor. After two turns of a basin of water, half of the basin of water spilled out, and the half of the basin of water basically splashed onto Bella’s face.

 The little guy squatted on the ground, holding his head in his hands, looking like I was wrong and sorry.

 Natasha is definitely not as good as Bella when it comes to guidance and learning of superpowers. At this time, she plays the role of a loving mother. She holds her daughter in her arms for a while to encourage and comfort her. Bella is a strict father, telling her child to take care of her with stern words. Wipe the floor clean and continue practicing.

 Bella and Natasha asked for a long time, but they still couldn’t figure out when little Elsa awakened her superpowers. The child had no idea about these things. She didn’t know the boundaries between superpowers and non-superpowers. Where.

 Many things are completely instinctive.

 “Did I do something wrong?” The little guy’s face was full of anxiety. He didn’t know what his parents meant by making him compete with a basin of water today.

 Even if she is a strict father, Bella will not put psychological pressure on her daughter at this time.

 ”Of course not. This is a good thing. You must have inherited these abilities from me!” Bella said proudly, while Natasha mumbled and said nothing.

Little Elsa clapped her hands happily. Like all children, she adored her parents crazily when she was a child.

 Bella has heard too many flattering words, and beautiful words come out of her mouth. At this time, she rubbed the little guy’s head: “Little Elsa is better than ordinary children, but she must not be arrogant. She must be modest. Humility makes people better.” To make progress, especially you can’t bully other children based on your ability. Of course, your sister-in-law is not a child, but bullying your sister-in-law is not allowed.”

 Little Aisha replied subconsciously: “My sister-in-law also has very strange abilities…”

 She regretted it after saying this. She covered her mouth with both hands and looked around with her big eyes. She looked very funny in spite of her small appearance.

 Bella and Natasha look at each other, huh? It seems like another secret has been discovered!

 They quickly deceived their cheap sister from her parents and tried her in three courts.

 “Tell me, when did you discover you had super powers?”

Facing their sister, the two of them were not as cautious as they were with their daughter. At this time, Bella crossed her legs and asked quite casually.

Little Katie glared at little Elsa, meaning you traitor, you promised to keep it a secret for me!

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 Little Aisha sneered sheepishly, is it her fault? I really didn’t mean to say it!

 Seeing the two older sisters looking at her with scrutinizing eyes, little Katie could only tell the truth: “It must have been last year, when you were fighting once, and I was worried that you two would fight Aisha again, and then… ….Then when I got excited, I passed through the wall as soon as I got excited.”

 Bella and Natasha looked at each other again, did we fight? when?

 The two of them soon realized that they really liked to ‘fight’ after little Elsa went to bed. Could it be that the scene of the ‘fight’ was seen by the cheap sister? It seems that this issue should not be discussed on this occasion!

 Bella coughed and motioned for little Katie to perform on the wall next to her.

  In the end, she is one and a half years older. Her parents have been busy since she was a child. The two sisters manage her like a sheep. They have to take care of their nieces when they have nothing to do. The friends they make are all Internet-addicted girls like Yinglong. Little Katie’s mind is more mature and she has more expectations for superpowers.

 She became interested after learning that Bella was going to teach her some ways to quickly master super powers.

 She stood two meters away from the wall, and little Aisha raised a fist at her, meaning sister-in-law, come on.

 Little Katie jogged for two steps and then bumped into the wall.

 There was a muffled sound of “bang”, and then the cheap sister covered her head with tears in her eyes and kept shouting “ouch” and “ouch”.

Little Elsa couldn’t help but chuckle. Little Katie looked at her fiercely. She hurriedly squatted down again, holding her head in her hands.

Little Katie thought she was too nervous in front of her two sisters, so she tried twice more. The second time she hit the wall, and the third time she finally passed through the wall.

 ”Okay, I understand. The expression of your power is not intuitive, but it is by no means a simple walk through the wall. Don’t practice like this normally, it is too dangerous.” Bella said with a serious face, quite cautiously Instructed little Katie.

 It’s okay for her to watch this wall-walking game from the sidelines. If she wasn’t around, little Katie’s powers would fail at a certain moment when she walked through the wall, and tragedy would immediately occur.

Little Katie’s superpower is not actually about walking through walls, and my daughter’s superpower shouldn’t be simple water control and cooling. They need more training.

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