Marvel’s Princess Chapter 773: Star-Lord

“Human? How did you get here? Die, human!” Minerva was the first to react. Her injuries that had been accumulated for more than 20 years had been healed by the infusion of a large amount of demon flesh and blood, faster than before. After a lot of fighting, he held a saber and stabbed Bella fiercely.

Bella easily pushed away the saber, raised her palm, and the dense ice froze the Kree people around who were ready to fight her. With the last finger, she pointed at Minerva’s forehead and forcibly read the other party’s memory.

The language, culture, government, laws, history and many folk customs of the Cree people, as well as what Minerva had seen and heard during his years of service, were all browsed through by her with her spiritual mind.

At this point, Bella finally has a general understanding of the Kree Empire, and the mission of this trip to **** has been successfully completed.

She took a second look at Minerva’s inner world. Revenge, pain, blood and boundless killing surrounded the Kree female warrior.

This man is now in a semi-demon state. He can be considered a **** creature and cannot be brought back to Earth.

But it is not without value.

Bella’s voice was like a whisper from the deepest part of a dream, constantly echoing in Minerva’s heart.

“Want revenge? Want to have stronger power? Let go of all your resistance and feel the energy around you with your heart. Think about your hatred, think about what you can never get back… Home…”

Minerva can’t go back! After being mixed with demon blood and suffering a huge defeat on Earth, she will be executed as soon as she returns, and her body will be turned into a prop for experiments and research by Kree scientists.

Her heart was filled with despair.

She didn’t want to die, not at all.

The murmur sounded again: “Let go of your resistance, embrace and use the power of this world, and then rebel against the world! Let **** see the spirit of the Kree, let me see your determination!”

Minerva subconsciously replied: “Me? What should I do? I have exhausted all my strength. If I persist…three more days will be my limit…”

“Be loyal to me, and then… don’t resist, relax, relax, keep your revengeful heart, don’t forget how you feel now.”

Bella has been studying Captain Marvel’s white hole and now has some ideas, but she doesn’t dare to do experiments on the earth rashly. She is worried about blowing up the earth! Or directly connect the white hole to Unicron. Facing an Unicron with infinite energy, Odin can’t defeat him, right?

She can only experiment in **** now. It doesn’t matter if the white hole energy blows up the place anyway.

Bella did not let Minerva connect to the white hole. This Kree woman already had demonic power in her body. If another energy was introduced, the chance of explosion on the spot would be as high as 90%.

Bella introduced her to the power of hell.

She treats hell, which is filled with a lot of chaotic energy, as a white hole space, and uses **** to provide energy for Minerva. If successful, this is a typical example of using **** to fight hell.

Whether it is forced by the situation or due to the flow of the tide, mankind is currently represented by Bella. She joins the angel camp on behalf of mankind and declares war on hell.

Why Lucifer has come and formed an alliance with Lucifer, and Michael has come and formed an alliance with Michael, it is completely deceiving Cassidio. It is just a joke, and there is still a need to have a stance.

Bella is also trying her best to make **** more difficult.

Absorbing magic power from little demons is one way, but now these Kree people who eat demon meat are another way.

A large amount of demonic power was poured into Minerva’s body. Her skin cracked, healed, and cracked again several times. The wings on her back changed directly from prototypes to real flesh wings, and shells also appeared on her arms and cheeks. A rune specially developed for Minerva to control the power of demons.

The entire indoctrination process lasted for nearly thirty seconds. Bella shook her head and loosened her fingers.

The results of the experiment were not satisfactory, and Bella still could not replicate the scene where Captain Marvel was born.

Minerva has been reborn, but her energy may be limited. She is a bit like the absorber created by Loki. She cannot replenish energy from **** all the time and needs to actively absorb it.

This method of active absorption includes but is not limited to devouring flesh and blood, transformation of runes, and infusion of demonic power.

A quarter of an hour later, Bella returned to Earth.

Here, there is a group of Cridare who believe in secret ladies, are good at using the power of demons, possess several spell-like abilities, and are determined to eradicate all demons in hell.

Minerva taught her companions how to obtain power from the gods. They could no longer return home and could only use the name Cridare to commemorate their homeland.

They will organize an army to resist the devil in hell.

Every moment there are intelligent beings falling into **** for various reasons. The chaotic and disordered will of **** loves demons, but it does not want demons to rule hell. If **** is full of demons, then **** will What is the difference between heaven and heaven?

Hell consciousness is willing to accept all intelligent life, the more chaotic the better, Cridare will not be short of soldiers, and their road to battle is still very long.


One month after the Avengers was formed, Bella brought a young man with curly hair to the Avengers Tower.

She is not here to deliver a flower basket, but to talk about a major event that is closely related to the fate of the earth.

The current Avengers team is similar to what she remembered. It still consists of Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, and Hawkeye. At most, Mockingbird replaces Black Widow.

The total number is still six.

Storm refused the invitation on the grounds that the timing was inappropriate. War Machine was still in active service and could not participate in such a semi-official organization.

“Let me guess, are there aliens coming to invade the earth again?” Stark poured the wine on his own and said casually. He looked at the man next to Bella twice: “Don’t tell me that the guy dressed as a hippie next to you is an alien?”

Bella was noncommittal: “I originally made some predictions, but the development of events is indeed worse and faster than expected. With the defeat of the Kree mothership, the earth has entered the conflict between several major cosmic empires. I can see, there are indeed people from space coming to Earth this time.”

Bella introduced the young man next to her: “The person next to me knows the specific situation better. He is Peter Quill, nicknamed Star-Lord. His profession…his profession is an adventurer. He is also from Earth, at least. He’s from half the world, and he came back to Earth specifically to report this.”

Star-Lord was met by Gamora. Their flight paths were almost the same, starting from Shia to the Milky Way. At most, Gamora turned to another direction midway in order to divert the pursuing Nebula. Star-Lord entered the galaxy straight away, and was later met by Wilander’s spaceship. After a few words with Bella, he was brought to the Avengers.

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