Marvel’s Princess Chapter 77: Haunted House

Colleagues at the police station didn’t find anything unusual. Rumors about hauntings in old houses are not new. Some people also say that the White House is haunted. Don’t those politicians break their heads just to live in it?

Three days later in the morning, Charlie once again brought his family of four to negotiate with Dr. Harmon, sign an agreement, and buy!

“…Great, this is really exciting news.” Dr. Harmon looked quite happy, and Mrs. Harmon, who had always been gloomy, also smiled.

The two of them are a traditional American family. Only Dr. Harmon has an income. As a psychiatrist, he is a high-income person. Under normal circumstances, there is no problem in supporting the whole family with his own income.

However, the couple moved from Boston to Los Angeles with their children. They were looking for a house, renovating and buying furniture. With the relationship between the couple completely broken up, the family now has little savings. After the house is sold, the two of them can talk about it. The next thing is, otherwise we will have to waste time on each other in this house.

Dr. Harmon really wanted to sell the house quickly, so he was a little loose on the price. In the end, the transaction price of the house was settled at US$250,000. Notary fees, house inspection fees, house insurance premiums, and complicated house transfer procedures were all included. Leave it to the real estate agent to handle it, so buyers and sellers don’t have to worry too much.

“I never thought we could live in such a big house? Which room do you want?” Natasha asked Bella in a low voice.

Bella rolled her eyes, looked around, and then said in a long voice: “Yes, yes, it’s such a big house… That room on the second floor facing north?”

“No! You have to change. I want that room.”

“Okay, okay, then I want the room where Harmon’s daughter lives now.”

Natasha raised her chin and thought for a moment: “Why haven’t we seen this doctor’s daughter several times? Is it because of a personality disorder? Don’t want to meet strangers?”

Bella looked confident: “Maybe it’s because I’m ugly and afraid to see people? After all, my appearance is so beautiful, it’s understandable that I’m embarrassed by comparison!”

Natasha curled her lips when she heard this. She was really speechless about the fanatical narcissism of Bella, a cheap sister. This problem should be cured when she is young!

The family of four said goodbye and left, waiting for the real estate agent to go through the formalities. The Harmons were also somewhat excited at this time. In any case, the house was sold.

The couple slept in separate rooms, both thinking about their future lives. The house was quiet at night.

The old woman next door slipped into the house through the back door, as if she were walking in her own home, followed the side door of the kitchen, and walked along the stairs into the basement.

Although she applied a lot of cosmetics, her skin was still covered with wrinkles. The gorgeous dress did not enhance her appearance much, but instead looked quite absurd.

The basement was empty, except for her rapid breathing, there was no sound at all.

“How long are you going to hide in hiding? Disaster is coming! Are you already so slow?”

She lowered her voice and said in an annoyed tone.

“You think the threat comes from the detective couple? What does that matter?” Another old woman dressed as a maid came down the stairs. The Harmons knew her existence and always thought she was someone inside the house. maid, but when Charlie and Samantha came, the old maid deliberately avoided them.

The right eye of the old woman dressed as a maid was cloudy and she was already blind.

She sneered: “Isn’t it a good thing to let the police detective couple find my body and expose your crimes back then? Mrs. Constance Langton.”

The old lady Constance was so angry that she sneered with disdain: “Really? You bitch! You are here all because of me! You didn’t stay with your stinking corpse, You can still move around in this house because of me!”

The old maid retaliates unceremoniously: “I would rather die then! I don’t want to end up like this!”

The sound of “dengdengdengdeng” footsteps sounded, and a curly-haired man who looked to be in his twenties took a girl’s hand and walked into the basement together.

The young man had a cynical smile, and the girl next to him looked a little nervous.

Old Mrs. Constance said with great momentum: “My dear son, and the respected Miss Harmon, you are also reading my jokes and think I am funny, right?”

The young man said with a smile: “That’s your trouble. If your crime is discovered, I’m afraid you will be in prison for the rest of your life… Oh, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I forgot At your age, I’m afraid you’ll die in prison in ten years at most. You won’t come back here, and we won’t have to look at your old face anymore… Maybe you can brag about you to your fellow inmates. The scenery when you were young, let’s see if they will take care of you, a big shot!”

The young man emphasized the word ‘big shot’, and his words were full of ridicule.

The old maid also looked on happily, as if old Mrs. Constance’s misfortune was her only pleasure now.

Miss Harmon was a little nervous, and her delicate little face was full of doubts. Although she was thinking hard, she still didn’t quite understand what they meant.

Old lady Constance laughed angrily: “Yes! Yes… I, a big shot, have more knowledge than you country folk! I tell you!”

She pointed at the three ‘people’ in front of her and the empty space in the basement: “And you idiots who think this matter has nothing to do with you! You all listen to me!”

She raised her chin high and straightened her back. Even though her ankles and knees were no longer suitable for wearing high heels, she still wanted to maintain a high profile.

“I am different from you ignorant guys! I have seen some world and some strange people. They have many incredible methods, including killing ghosts! The world calls them psychics!”

Old lady Constance’s eyes widened: “You guys are really unlucky. The eldest daughter of the police detective couple is a psychic! She is also a very powerful psychic! She discovered you, as soon as you entered the door I discovered it! I looked at her expression and she looked at you like she was looking at a toy!”

The originally empty basement slowly became crowded.

Women and children with extensive burns all over their bodies, a luxurious woman wearing exquisite clothes but with a **** hole in the back of her head, a surgeon who was wrapped extremely tightly, and a boy with a baseball bat in his hand and his face covered in blood , a man with a deformed face who could only lie on the ground.

All kinds of strange people appeared in the basement.

Dr. Harmon’s daughter turned pale, as if she couldn’t believe her eyes. Her legs shook, her neck tilted, and she fainted.

Mrs. Constance sneered when she saw this: “My dear son, it seems that your sweetheart still doesn’t know the truth. Didn’t you tell her that she is dead?”

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